Source: San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.self storageAug. 10--RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- The U.S. Forest Service is considering a plan to close the popular Cucamonga Canyon hiking area above Rancho Cucamonga because of low moisture levels in the area and the potential high-fire danger, officials said.The closure, if approved, would only impact federal public land, which includes a popular waterfall area north of the city that is frequented by scores of people during the summer months. Officials said there has never been a Cucamonga Canyon-specific forest closure in memory, save for a time prior to the late 1970s when national forest areas in the region were closed to the public during the dry summer months."We're in the second year of a severe drought so, we have looked at the fire danger levels and yes, we have had discussions with the city of Rancho Cucamonga and we are considering an area closure," said U.S. Forest Service spokesman John Miller.He added, "You do it because the fuel moisture in the area is low and we are receptive to fire. You do it because there's a lot of fire activity in Southern California, which strains the ability of resources. It's all about fire prevention."Rancho Cucamonga Fire District Deputy Chief Mike Costello provided a report on the potential closure at a recent council meeting and said the U.S. Forest Service is close to finishing the federal declaration required for the closure. Local fire and law enforcement officials will be meeting soon to discuss how to enforce such a plan, Costello said."That declaration will obviously enforce the fire severity and the live (fire) potential but it might give us some breathing room as we look at the remainder of this fire se迷你倉son, probably into December for the closure," Costello said.U.S. Forest Service spokesman John Miller said the agency doesn't take such closure decisions lightly because the land is owned by the public at large."It's just another tool we have to use as needed," Miller said. "It's not a decision we take lightly because of the fact that you are restricting public use of public lands."Miller said the only other U.S. Forest Service closures in the region are related to the Mountain and Silver fires in the San Jacinto ranger district in Riverside County."I think the most exciting thing would be if we can get cooperation with our federal forest service to close the canyon and I hope that would not just be for 2013 but going onward into future years when fuel moistures reach a certain level that they give the federal order to give a closure for fire danger," said Mayor Dennis Michael.The canyon, officials said, has become increasingly popular as larger numbers of people are entering the canyon to visit the so-called Sapphire Falls, which has become a popular attraction for area hikers and visitors because of recent social media coverage.Residents say the increased crowds have created issues such as crime, graffiti and vandalism, in the canyon and in neighborhoods in the northwest of town near the public access route into the wilderness area. The city has taken steps to restrict parking for visitors near the access point in an effort to control the numbers of people entering the canyon.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) Visit the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
目前分類:未分類文章 (2998)
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:41
USFS considers closing Cucamonga Canyon hiking area
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:38
楚天都市報訊 □本報記者羅欣 通訊員沈考高校招生錄取漸近尾聲。今年我省共有43.8萬考生參加高考,迷你倉按照約80%的錄取率推算,約有9萬考生將落榜。近日,不少家長致電本報咨詢,孩子錄取無望,不知出路何在。昨日,記者從省教育廳、省教育考試院採訪瞭解到,低分考生仍有高等教育自學考試、成人高等教育、中職教育等多條成才之路可選擇。29所高校辦自考助學班不能上大學的學生,可以通過自學考試取得大學文憑。自考文憑為聯合國教科文組織以及美、英等幾十個國家所承認,還可以作為出國留學的學歷證明,在國外高校學習可免修已取得合格成績的相應課程。取得自考文憑,可報考研究生或公務員。目前自學考試有三類開考形式,即面向社會開考、面向學校開考和麵向系統委托單位開考。面向社會開考形式中,考生是完全自學,不到高校學習。面向學校開考形式中,考生要報考高校自考全日制助學班。今年我省共有35所高校(機構)舉辦全日制助學班,其中普通高等學校29所,民辦非學歷高等教育機構6所。設置了近40個專業,多數是符合市場需求的應用型專業,如電子商務、工程管理、會文件倉、國際貿易、國際旅遊管理等。具備招生資格的學校名單、招生專業已在省教育考試院網站“全日制助學班網絡報名服務平台”(上公佈。去年3萬落榜生讀中職省教育廳中職處相關負責人介紹,近幾年高考落榜生選擇讀中職的比較多,去年大約有近3萬人。學生可以持畢業證到選好的中職學校報名,一般學制一年或兩年。高中生讀中職,只要符合條件,也能享受國家資助金,如高中起點學制兩年,考生在第一年可申請1500元的國家助學金。該負責人說,從目前人力資源市場就業情況看,男生選擇汽修、數控、汽車商務、機電等與製造業緊密相關專業就業較好;女生選擇電子類、旅遊、護理、酒店管理等與現代服務業緊密相關專業就業較好。成人高考下月初報名今年的成人高考下月初�動報名。省教育考試院稱,高考落榜生也可通過成人高考圓大學夢。成人高考實行全國統一考試。考生參加考試達到錄取分數線,通過省招辦被成人高校錄取後,就能獲得入學資格。完成學校教學計劃規定科目的學習後,學生便可以拿到相應的國家認可的專科或本科文憑。成人高考拿文憑幾率比自考高。存倉
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:32
香港文匯報訊(記者 于永傑,迷你倉沙田通訊員 陳宏青、張丹)大批銀髮族選擇到文登養老,除因為沿海地區夏季氣溫涼爽外,當地特有的文化和物產資源亦是重要優勢。文登目前60餘萬總人口中,共有百歲老人56位,是名副其實的「中國長壽之鄉」。另外,文登還特產西洋參、海參、鮑魚等食療珍品;擁有五處溫泉,有悠久的「湯」文化傳統。尤其是文登的聖經山一帶,是道教「全真派」的發祥地,道教長生之術在當地迷你倉價錢綿延不絕的傳統。擬引進微整形技術 文登市旅遊局局長馬金波介紹,文登正在結合溫泉養生、海洋養生、文化養生、醫療養生等「九養」概念。結合道教養生文化,目前文登正在聖經山開發道教養生體驗項目;借助毗鄰韓國的優勢,文登擬引進韓國的微整形技術和專家,建設一處康療美容機構。馬金波表示,目前文登旅遊產業規模在50億元左右,據估算如果將養老、養生產業同旅遊相結合,規模有望增至300億元以上。迷你倉庫
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:31
(吉隆坡10日訊)到了2020年,迷你倉價錢我國的公共交通系統將呈現一個國人“無法想像”的完善水平。陸路公共交通委員會主席丹斯里賽哈密說,在我國具備了完善的公交設備後,該委員會將建議政府實施區域付費(Area Pricing),通過收費機制來紓緩交通擁擠地區的車輛。“不過這個機制當然不是馬上實施,而是要等到我國的公交設備達到非常完善的時候。”賽哈密接受星洲日報專訪時指出,政府目前正專注於整合國內的公交系統,並推展交通引導發展(Transit Oriented Development,TOD)策略。他說,該策略就是把我國的火車站、輕快鐵站及銜接車站的人行道等打造成環境舒適的場所,讓乘客感受到舒適。政府關注公交站銜接性此外,他也強調,公交站之間的銜接也是政府所關注的。“因為完善的公共交通系統並不是從一個車站到另一個車站那麼簡單,而是各類公共交通系統的完整性。”他說,由於我國氣候炎熱,因此該委員會在提昇國內公交系統的同時,也會把車站提昇至多方位的冷氣車站。“我們計劃把各地的車站提昇至像吉隆坡中環廣場(KL Sentral)一樣,乘客可以逛街、用餐等,還有在車站前往另一個公交站的也會提供有蓋的銜接人行道。”提倡“停車轉搭”概念賽哈密指出,為了提倡“停車轉搭”(Park&Ride)的概念,該委員會也將在車站附近興建更多座多層停車場,如此一來,民眾可以不必開車進市區,而只需將車停在停車場再去搭車。此外,他指出,該委員會推出了《國家未來20年的公共交通系統大藍圖》,希望能將我國打造成全球20個適宜居住國家之一,而提昇公交系統是首要部份。他指出,該委員會仍未將該大藍圖呈交給政府,而目前只是將報告放上其官網,以收集人民的回饋。“根據我們擬定的大藍圖,我們希望能在2020年達到全國至少有40%的國人使用公共交通工具。”他也說,為了達到該目標,該委員會也將為國人提供更多選擇,並加強國內公交的鏈接性。“例如在瑞士的日內瓦,當地居民只需用一張卡就可以乘搭所有的公共交通工具,因為當地的公交系統有完善的鏈接性。”賽哈密指出,為了達致國內公交完整性及達致我國成為公交系統完善國,政府應給予該委員會在陸路交通上的絕對負責權力。“就是由我們制定條規,國民就跟隨,這樣我們才能儘早實踐我國成為公交系統完善國。”加強區域性公交計劃他認為,當政府推出一系列改變時,經常都會引起反彈,因此政府必須要有面對這些反彈的準備,且相信人民很快就會適應改變。此外,他說,該委員會也會加強區域性的公交計劃,並會與各州政府合作,包括東馬兩州,推動該委員會的發展計劃。包括探討德士收費提昇德士巴士服務在陸路交通委員會的《迷你倉庫家未來20年的公共交通系統大藍圖》中,該委員會也將提昇德士及巴士服務,包括探討德士收費事項。賽哈密透露,多德士司機服務良好及有禮貌,然而其中也有不照表收費的害群之馬。“為此,我們展開了執法行動,包括裝扮成乘客對付沒有照表收費的德士司機。”他披露,該委員會在幾天的行動中就已對付了約30名德士司機,執法行動將繼續展開。他說,該委員會也將與警方合作,監督及培訓違規的德士司機,同時也將舉辦一些課程以提昇德士司機的素質及相關知識。將統一使用普騰EXORA此外,賽哈密表示,該委員會也將提昇德士領域的整體服務,如改善德士站,及統一我國德士的顏色。“因為有遊客指我國的德士太多顏色,所以我們將會統一使用普騰EXORA。”“旅遊業是我國最主要的收入,因此我們必須友善對待遊客,所以我們一定要有良好的德士服務,把大馬人友善的性格呈現給外國遊客。”他指出,該委員會將針對各公共交通展開問卷調查,並列出及檢視民眾所提出的課題,然後會呈交建議書給政府。交由部長級委會探討政府接受馬新高鐵建議書談及馬新高速快鐵計劃(HSR)的進展,賽哈密指出,該委員會是主要負責探討初步計劃的單位,目前政府已接受了其提呈的建議書,並交由部長級委員會加以探討。“我們(陸路公共交通委員會)利用了2年時間探討這項工程,而今後也會繼續扮演秘書的角色。”他說,馬新雙方目前已同意該計劃,而後續工作也將交由聯合委員會探討相關詳情,如經濟及技術效益。他解釋,馬新高速快鐵分為2個種類,一種是從吉隆坡直通新加坡,另一種則是會在途中的5個火車站停下。5個火車站分別是在森美蘭、馬六甲及柔佛,而每天將有15趟的列車。從隆抵新只需90分鐘賽哈密說,在這項全長350公里的馬新高速高鐵計劃中,乘客只需90分鐘就可從吉隆坡抵達新加坡,並用80分鐘抵達柔佛。“我相信大家(對馬新高速高鐵)都感到興奮,而我們也會探討應採取的商業模式,或將這項工程交給私人界,或採納公共與私人合伙關係(PPP)。”他表示,希望所有細節能儘速完成,並達致雙方的同意,那樣這項工程才能趕在2020年完成。針對高鐵車票的價格,賽哈密披露,該委員會在制訂車票費用時,肯定會將所有因素納入考量中,包括人民的憂慮。詢及民眾擔憂價格高昂,他說:“你不能用19或20世紀的思維,活在21世紀;如果你要享受好的設施,你應願意支付高價格的車票。”確保人民能負擔票價他舉例,他瑞士旅行時,發現當地人民偏向於使用公共交通工具,因為可避開塞車及比較方便,而他們更願意支付高昂的票價。此外,他說,如果人民無法承擔高鐵的票價,仍可選擇其他交通工具。他一再強調,該委員會將確保票價是人民所能負擔的。;儲存
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:29
新銳觀察□浙江 司馬童日前,存倉網絡上爆出一段《麗江景區工作人員群毆女遊客》的視頻,事件系一位女遊客騎馬結束後未按事先約定價格支付費用,與馬場工作人員發生爭執。經警方調解,最終由遊客和旅行社共同賠償景區馬場工作人員5000元。“為什麼被打還要賠錢?”對此,麗江相關部門回應媒體稱,爭執中馬場工作人員楊振面部及身體多處被抓傷,遊客龍小麗無明顯傷痕。(據《春城晚報》8月10日報道)且不說媒體報道除了“官方”及馬場方面的說辭,賠錢走人的遊客一方純屬“無言的背景”。讓人驚詫的是,有圖有動作的視頻爆料已經表明,即便女遊客衝動之下用手亂抓,那也完全是場處於弱勢的吃虧爭執。如此力量懸殊的糾紛“對決”,最終卻被“調解”為遊客和旅行社共同賠償5000元,不是“官景相護”,又當作何解釋?的確,從事後麗江旅遊部門發佈的“管理員受傷”圖片來看,馬場一名孔武有力的自存倉子面部,隱隱有著兩道被抓的指痕。由此而論,調解賠償中所稱的“身體多處被抓傷”,就算不假,大約也是類似的傷情吧。但是,僅僅憑著這些“受傷證據”,就能一邊倒地要求女遊客和旅行社賠償5000元嗎?還有,女遊客的“無明顯傷痕”,又是一種什麼樣的“傷痕”?縱然未見“外傷”,就能成為必須賠償的處理標準?也許是自己也覺得這樣的調解更像逼賠,所以,在當地有關部門主持下,最後達成的“調解協議書”里,除了寫明賠錢的數額,還特別加注了一條:女遊客、旅行社及“受傷男子”三方,均不得再以此事產生任何糾紛。給人的感覺,就好像那些參與群毆的景區工作人員“獲賠”得還不夠滿意,倒是吃了啞巴虧的另兩方撿了“大便宜”。驚聞“群毆女遊客還有錢賠”,豈止是驚在有關部門的“調解”方式和本領如此獨特,更為憂心的是,這樣的“形象廣告”一經傳開,將給某些美麗風景貼上怎樣的“聲譽標簽”。迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 11 Sun 2013 12:19
City readies to improve Highway 178
Source: The Bakersfield CalifornianAug.存倉 10--With the Westside Parkway open for business, city transportation officials are embarking on a $43.5 million, two-year rebuilding of the Morning Drive intersection with Highway 178 in northeast Bakersfield."The idea had always been to continue progressing eastward," said TRIP Program Manager Ted Wright. "(Development) was going humongous out there, and then it slowed down like the rest of the country, but now it's picked up again."Actual work will begin in mid-September with the construction of new on- and off-ramps to the highway at Morning Drive. Highway traffic then will be diverted onto these ramps while the actual freeway portion of the 178 is widened to four lanes and extended two miles eastward to Canteria Drive.Both roadways are one lane in either direction where they cross, approximately one mile past the Fairfax Road exit, where signs currently warn eastbound motorists on Highway 178 that the freeway is ending. Once the project is complete, the freeway will become highway and be reduced back to two lanes, at Canteria Drive.The northern segment of Morning Drive is a two-lane, paved road that dead-ends at Highway 178. During the project, it will be connected to the southern segment of Morning Drive south of 178, and widened to six lanes from Highway 178 north to Auburn Street, and to four lanes from Auburn Street n自存倉rth to Morningstar Avenue.Because the area remains largely undeveloped and roadwork has been planned for more than a decade, the city was able to purchase all the land it needs to expand the highway interchange, and no homes or businesses have had to be torn down.Any improvements to hilly, two-lane Morning Drive would be appreciated, an area coffeehouse barista said."I definitely think so," said Travis Anglim, a barista at Summit Coffee on Auburn Street. "We get a lot of traffic from people coming out from the opposite side, the north side of the freeway. I bet if they opened it up, it would be even better."City officials hope construction crews' hard work will translate into increased development in this part of the northeast -- but the area isn't entirely devoid of investment.Next month, Fresno-based developer G.L. Bruno Associates, which specializes in health care developments, will begin construction of a $150 million medical complex initially planned more than two years ago.It will include a cancer treatment and imaging center, as well as an out-patient surgery facility and medical offices, on 14 acres of land southwest of the Highway 178-Morning Drive intersection.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) Visit The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 13:05
Stacy: Cut bus driver positions, teacher training to restore full-time teachers
Source: Ocala Star-Banner, Fla.迷你倉新蒲崗Aug. 08--School Board member Nancy Stacy wants to forgo filling 10 lead bus driver positions and slice the teacher training budget in lieu of using full-time substitutes in 2013-14.Stacy believes the cuts can generate most of the $1.8 million needed to shift 100 state-certified substitute teaching positions back to full time.The district announced in May that it intended to use full-time substitutes to save money. Full-time subs get paid $100 per day -- roughly half that of a first-year teacher who makes $36,000 annually -- and receive no district-paid health care benefits. These subs must have a bachelor's degree and a state teaching certificate.Because funds are tight, Superintendent of Schools George Tomyn in May announced the layoffs of 261 employees -- including all 160 first-year teachers -- to balance the 2013-14 budget. Even with the downsizing, he is still planning to use $3 million in excess reserve funds to balance the budget.After many retirements and resignations, nearly all of the 160 laid-off teachers were offered full-time jobs. At least 90 agreed to be reinstated full time, while others rejected offers after finding jobs elsewhere.Stacy said the district has lived without lead bus drivers and can wait another year to fill the openings. She also believes the $2.3 million the district budgeted for teacher training is too much."My No. 1 priority is the classroom, not training," Stacy said after Thursday's work session.The district created the 10 new supervisory bus driving positions this year to train new drivers, observe routes, and fill in when desperately needed.Chester Gregory, the district's deputy superintendent of operations, said these drivers are needed for safety since the district transports about 25,000 students daily to and from school. The supervisor can ride on a route with a driver and hopefully avoid an incident similar to the 2012 videotaped bus beating that involved several Liberty Middle School students.The positions will cost the district about $600,000, including salaries and benefits, officials estimated.The district will break down the costs and present the information to the board at the Aug. 22 budget workshop.School Board 迷你倉出租ember Angela Boynton said she didn't agree with cutting bus trainers, stating the cost of them now will save the district in lawsuit costs in the future. Bus safety should be a top priority, she noted.After Stacy questioned teacher training, officials said the state requires the district to provide teachers with "so many" hours of training annually, depending on every teacher's time or service and specialty.Those training sessions, often referred to as in-service training, keeps the teachers up-to-date with ever-changing requirements.Pam Brewer, the district's executive director of K-12 Academic Services, said a part of the training is to also prepare for the new complex state-mandated Common Core State Standards curriculum.Common Core is part of the new national education road map that most states have adopted to replace No Child Left Behind.Common Core, which will be fully implemented statewide in fall 2014, leaves behind -- for the most part -- the curriculum-based Sunshine State Standards to focus on critical thinking through comparison and contrast.The new concept is designed to better prepare students for college, as well as help those students heading directly into the workforce after high school graduation.Brewer said the district needs to be following a different academic path, considering the county has been losing ground on the state on the FCAT. She also said the district must rethink how it teaches its students to keep Marion from sliding even further."Training is a key to that," she said.Stacy said she wanted a breakdown of how much of the training is required by the state and how much is optional. She hopes about half the training funds, or about $1 million, may can be used to upgrade the subs."It may not be the lack of training for the dropping (FCAT) scores," Stacy said after the meeting. "It could be that morale is the reason. Teachers are tired of seeing the district doing these things (like creating full-time subs)."Contact Joe Callahan at 867-4113 or Follow me on Twitter at JoeOcalaNews.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala, Fla.) Visit the Ocala Star-Banner (Ocala, Fla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:56
Creating a master-planned border city
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉庫M.Aug. 09--The border communities of Santa Teresa in New Mexico and San Jeronimo in Mexico could become the first masterplanned, binational city along the U.S.-Mexico border.Gov. Susana Martinez and Chihuahua state Gov. Cesar Duarte are scheduled to announce a new joint initiative today in Santa Teresa that commits both governments to work together on a crossborder master plan to turn the area into an industrial powerhouse capable of propelling the Santa Teresa-San Jeronimo ports of entry into a world-class international trading zone."We want Santa Teresa and San Jeronimo to be the most competitive border zone and the land port of choice for trade in North America, including shipments to and from Asia and Europe," said New Mexico Economic Development Secre- tary Jon Barela.Unlike other twin cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Santa Teresa-San Jeronimo initiative is being planned from the start -- before they emerge as bustling metropolitan centers -- to avoid the chaotic development that has generated intense congestion and industrial and residential sprawl at other border regions, such as El Paso-Juarez."We believe it will be a first-of-its-kind, binational, master-planned community that starts with a clean slate," Barela said. "We'll work with our Mexican partners to align all the infrastructure, highways, utilities, roads and more needed to maximize job creation along the border. It will include green spaces, residential areas and industrial zones without the congestion and transport choke points typical at other places along the border."The initiative aims to build on development momentum already underway at Santa Teresa and San Jeronimo. The two communities, which hug the north and south sides of the border, are booming with trade-related activity connected to Mexico's "maquila" assembly industry.On the New Mexico side, Santa Teresa's two industrial parks are rapidly expanding as supply companies set up shop to provide goods and services to Mexico's maquilas. And, on the Mexican side, Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn has established a huge factory that's now billed as the largest maquila operating in Mexico.Union Pacific Railroad is also building a massive intermodal transshipment terminal and locomotive refueling station next to the Santa Teresa industrial parks that, once operational in 2015, will be the company's largest shipping connection facility along the U.S.-Mexico border.'Stars lined up'Both border communities are still in their infancy, since development there only began after the Santa Teresa Port of Entry opened in 1993. Together, they have a combined 70,000 acres of land available for industrial, commercial and residential development.The land is held by two private companies, Verde Realty on the New Mexico side, and Corporacion Inmobiliaria, owned by Mexican businessman Eloy Vallina, on the other side. The two firms designed a joint master plan this spring.At today's event in Santa Teresa, Martinez and Duarte planned to publicly commit to building out that master plan together as a public-private initiative and to jointly market the industrial zone to companies worldwide.The governments will work to create the needed public infrastructure, such as roads, while working with landowners and local business associations to attract private investment in new industrial operations and residential and commercial development.Jerry Pacheco, a longtime trade consultant and executive director of the International Business Accelerator at Santa Teresa, said public officials and private s儲存ctor leaders on both sides of the border are united around the plan."The beauty of it is the public and private sectors are working together to build a model border city that avoids all the problems with zoning that you see elsewhere," Pacheco said. "It's a chance to do it with everyone on board on both sides."A lot of infrastructure is either already in place or under construction. This year, for example, the New Mexico Legislature appropriated $6 million for new water and wastewater facilities at Santa Teresa."The water supply is now complete and can handle growth projected out a decade," Barela said. "Our roads have been planned to handle traffic out five to 10 years, and we're right now building a new road to link the new Union Pacific facility with Pete Domenici Highway, which connects with the port of entry."On the Mexican side, the government has built a direct road connecting SanJeronimo with Juarez for rapid access to maquilas there. And Corporacion Inmobiliaria recently built a new wastewater treatment plant and other utilities.One of the next, biggest projects is building a long-planned railroad bypass that would skirt Juarez and connect San Jeronimo directly into southern Mexico, plus new lines northward into Santa Teresa. The Mexican government has already done a feasibility study on its side, and New Mexico is now preparing for a study in Santa Teresa."The railroad bypass is one of the top three projects that the Chihuahua state government requested funds for this year from the Mexican federal government," Pacheco said.Still, more modernization is needed on border crossing infrastructure in Santa Teresa and San Jeronimo, said Francisco Uranga, Foxconn corporate vice president and chief business operations officer for Latin America.A lot has been done, such as opening two new commercial and two new passenger crossing lanes this year on the New Mexico side, he said."The most important thing is to make that border crossing more efficient," Uranga said. "If they modernize the port of entry, private investment will come."Infrastructure development could be costly, however."We don't have any hard estimates, but between public and private investment on both sides, it could easily stretch into billions of dollars," Pacheco said.Barela said New Mexico and Chihuahua officials are forming binational committees to work on seven issues: the rail bypass, port of entry, water use, security, energy, logistics and marketing."We're forming the committees and appointing members now," Barela said. "We expect to begin work immediately."Pacheco, who has worked for nearly 20 years to promote the Santa Teresa Port of Entry, said the two state governments are demonstrating an unprecedented level of cooperation."There's never been a binational effort like this that I can remember," Pacheco said. "I've never seen the stars lined up so nicely to get things done."Martinez said the Santa Teresa-San Jeronimo area is "endless.""With this visionary, master-planned community, we will be well-positioned to compete for large, global investments to locate in New Mexico," she said in a statement."This region is strategically located in the central corridor of the NAFTA region, and it's right in the middle of the U.S.-Mexico border between the two major seaports of Houston and Long Beach, making it an attractive location for manufacturers, transportation and logistics companies."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:49
☉記者 覃秘 ○編輯 吳正懿8月6日下午臨時停牌的新海宜今日披露配股融資計劃。值得一提的是,儲存其募資投向包羅了LED、電子商務、移動互聯網手游和4G等多個熱門概念,試圖追趕新經濟的步伐。公司股票12日複牌。根據預案,公司擬向全體股東按照不超過10:3比例配售股份,配股總數量不超過1.32億股,本次配股擬募集資金總額不超過4.8億元,公司控股股東張亦斌和馬玲芝承諾以現金全額認購其可配股份。值得關注的是公司此次募資的投向頗為熱門。一是高效節能半導體照明集成光源項目,計劃投資1.733億元,由公司控股子公司蘇州新納晶負責實施。該項目計劃建立新一代外延片、芯片、封裝生產線,預計形成年產LED外延片50萬片(以2寸外延片折合計算),LED高效照明芯片50億顆,LED COB模組光源5000萬套的生產能力。公司預計達產後年平均利潤(稅後)為4228萬元。第二個募投項目是易思博創新業務支撐平台建設項目,總投資為1.52億元,項目的主要建設內容包括電子商務綜合服務業務和移動互聯網手機遊新蒲崗迷你倉項目,其中手游項目包括手機遊戲孵化器、手機遊戲運營平台以及自主開發手機遊戲等,預期整個項目運營期年平均利潤為3359萬元。公司還計劃投資8480萬元進行4G通信設備生產基地建設,針對上馬的新項目對原有廠房進行工藝環境改進,並購置新型生產、開發和測試設備,開發和生產高附加值的面向4G網絡產品。預期項目達產後年平均利潤為3055萬元。另外,公司還計劃用7006萬元補充流動資金。公告稱,通過前述項目的建設,公司將擴大LED、軟件業務、4G產品的規模,LED、電子商務、移動互聯網手游等將成為公司新的業務增長點。同時將進一步推進公司的戰略發展布局,形成“母公司——通信網絡設備、全資子公司深圳易軟技術——軟件外包、控股子公司新納晶——LED、全資子公司圖像公司——視頻監控”的四輪驅動產業綜合布局。簡單計算可知,前述三個項目的預期年增利潤達到1.06億元,公司2012年全年淨利為1.1億元;今年上半年淨利潤為3961萬元,同比下滑38%。現有主營業務的不景氣,加快了公司調整轉型的步伐。mini storage
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:40
First Coast Happenings
Source: The Florida Times-Union, JacksonvilleAug.self storage 09--SATURDAYBack2School Beach Fest, Sunrise Yoga, 6:45-8:15 a.m., north side of the St. Augustine Pier, 350 Florida A1A Beach Blvd.; Beach Clean-up, noon-5 p.m., with free surf lessons, kid's fun run, a 5K challenge and ocean safety education; music, food and movies, 6-10 p.m., St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340 Florida A1A S. Free. de Pain, 5K, 7 a.m., First Place Sports, 3931 Baymeadows Road; Mile Sizzler, 4:30 p.m., The Jacksonville Landing. Races are part of a series designed to test one's ability to run three different races in a 24 hour period. Fishing Tournament to benefit the Detective Dave White Law Enforcement Scholarship, sunrise-7 p.m., weigh-in 4 p.m., Whitey's Fish Camp, 2032 County Road 220, Orange Park. Includes a silent auction. $50 per boat, five fish limit. Registration (904) 545-4308 or 899-3128.Paint the Paw Prints, 8-11 a.m., meet at the Shipyards, Parking Lot X. Paw Prints run from the base of the Main Street Bridge to EverBank Field. After party at the Shipyards includes food trucks. and Coffee Cruise-in, 9-11 a.m., The Florida Times-Union, 1 Riverside Ave. All makes and models welcome. Group meets the second Saturday of each month. Tournament to support a campaign to cover Africa with 7 million insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria, 9:30 a.m., Jacksonville Beach Pier. $25 per person, $100 for team of four players., or house, presented by the Marines of the Jacksonville Semper Fidelis Society, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Saturdays, 5 Star Vets Center, 40 Acme St. Includes coffee and doughnuts. Donations needed to keep center open. (904) 723-5950 or sale, 9:30 a.m.-noon, Bartram Trail Library, 60 Davis Pond Blvd. Includes DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes and audiobooks. Proceeds to benefit the library programs. (904) 287-4929.Back to School Fest, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Expo Center at the Fairgrounds. Includes free backpacks and school supplies for children 4-18, health and vision screenings, haircuts, entertainment and a fashion show. (904) 443-0750.Back to School Jam and Health Fair, presented by the First Baptist Church of Oakland, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Metropolitan Park, across from EverBank Field. Includes 1,000 backpacks stuffed with school supplies distributed and free physicals and health exams. Open to all students in elementary, middle and high schools, and their parents/guardians. Reservations suggested. (904) 354-5295.Back to School Rally and supply giveaway, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Ribault Senior High School, 3701 Winton Drive. Includes free school supplies and refreshments. (904) 710-4097."Help Us Battle Hunger Classic Car and Craft Show," 10 a.m.-2 p.m., The National Guard Armory, 9902 Normandy Blvd. Includes trophies. Show participants, $20 cars, $15 bikes and golf carts, plus a non-perishable food item. Admission and parking free. (904) 779-0879.Clifford the Big Red Dog, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle. Includes story times and special activities. $10 adults, $8 military, seniors and children 3-12. (904) 396-6674.Riverside Arts Market, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 715 Riverside Ave. Includes arts and crafts, fresh fruits and vegetables and live entertainment. River Stage: Josh Knight, 10:30-11:30 a.m.; Larry Mangum, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.; Lucky Mud, 1:15-2:30 p.m.; Jacob Creel, 2:45-3:30 p.m. Lions Book Club, 10:30 a.m., St. Johns County main library, 1960 N. Ponce De Leon Blvd., St. Augustine. A book by John Jakes will be discussed. (904) 827-6940.Children's Health Month health screenings, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., all Sam's Club locations. Includes a take-home DNA kit, child safety ID kit, dental tablets and screenings."Take it to the Community, Stop the Violence" grand opening, presented by Nehimiah Family Life Center, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, 2036 Silver St. Includes back-to-school supplies, a bounce house, puppet shows, games and refreshments. (904) 733-1382 or 683-0972."The Dixie Swim Club," meal 6:30 p.m., show 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Sundays; meal 11:15 a.m., show 1:15 p.m. Saturdays; meal 12:15 p.m., show 2 p.m. Sundays; Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd. Special show 6 p.m. Aug. 29, featuring "A Decade with Donna" to benefit The Donna Foundation. Show runs through Sept. 15. Tickets start at $38; Aug. 29 show is $75. Reservations, (904) 641-1212 or Water Music Fest, 1-11 p.m., Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, 1050 Florida A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach. All funds go to building freshwater wells in developing countries without access to safe, clean drinking water. Includes a food truck court, farmer's market and a silent auction. $10. (904) 209-0399 or Children, 1-4 p.m., Brooks Family YMCA, 10423 Centurion Parkway N. Program for area parents, professionals and providers of pediatric-related services, and includes educational sessions and speakers. Reservations,, 5-9 p.m., Spring Glen United Methodist Church, 6007 Beach Blvd. Includes food trucks, a free children's area, live music and prizes giveaways. A portion of proceeds to benefit Blessings in a Backpack. (904) 724-2434 or Artwalk, 5:30-8:30 p.m., downtown Fernandina Beach and Amelia Island. Free. (800) 226-3542 or RollerGirls, River City Rat Pack vs. Sintral Florida Derby Demons and First Coast Fatales vs. Duval Derby Dames, 6 p.m., University of North Florida's Arena, 11852 University of North Florida Drive. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Sharks Conference Championship, 7 p.m., Veterans Memorial Arena. $12-$135.50. (904) 621-0700, or"3 Divas and a Guy Named Darryl," hosted by Angela Robinson, 7 p.m., Stage Aurora Performance Hall, 5188 Norwood Ave., inside Gateway Town Center. $20 adults, in advance; $13 students 5-17 and senior 65 and older, in advance. (904) 768-6004, 765-7372 or"The Last Romance," 7:30 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, Limelight Theatre, 11 Old Mission Ave., St. Augustine. $20. (904) 829-5807 or Premiere Elvis Anniversary Bash, 8 p.m., Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St. Stars Mike Albert, Scot Bruce and the Big E Band. $30, $35. (904) 355-2787 or music by Stevie Fingers and Sho Nuf, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 353-1188 or"The Dozen Divas Show," 8 p.m. Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre performing at the Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. $15 adults, $10 students for Sunday only. Reservations, (904) 249-7177 or"Save the St. Johns" River Ferry A1A Bike Ride, to benefit St. Johns Riverkeeper, 9 a.m.-noon, Mellow Mushroom, Jacksonville Beach to the Ferry. $10. Cleanups and International Surfing Day, 1-3 p.m., One Ocean Resort and Spa. Includes prizes. Trash bags and gloves provided. (904) 630-3420 or (856) 912-8117."Bye Bye Birdie," as part of the Summer Movie Classics series, 2 p.m., Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forysth St. The 1963 film stars Janet迷你倉Leigh, Dick Van **** and Ann-Margret. $7.50; movie card $45 (10 admissions). (904) 355-2787 or Evening Series final show, pop-up gallery-style reception, 5-9 p.m., Tapa That, 820 Lomax St., 5 Points. Includes local art, music, door prizes, raffles and tapas. Free, $2 donation for musical guests, Cesar Cardona. (904) 383-5650.MONDAYI Heart Art, Monday-Aug. 26, various YMCA venues. Program is an art supplies drive and free community events. First Coast! Blood Drive, 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Prime Osborn Convention Center, 1000 Water St. The first 40 donors who donate using the automated double-red blood cell collection system get one pair of tickets to the Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Philadelphia Eagles game on Aug. 24. Hall meeting, 6 p.m., Terry Parker High School auditorium, 7301 Parker School Road. Meeting presented by Clay Yarborough, city council vice president, regarding the mayor's proposed 2013-14 city budget. Includes a question/answer period following an overview of the budget. (904) 630-1389 or After Dark, 6 p.m., Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd. Features music and dancing with "Evening of the Big Band" features TBA Big Band, a full 17-piece jazz band. $45, includes dinner. Reservations, (904) 641-1212 or National Convention, presented by the Vietnam Veterans of America, Tuesday through Aug. 17, Hyatt Regency Jacksonville. Includes speakers, informational sessions and an awards banquet. (301) 585-4000, ext. 146.-- Tuesday -- Registration 1:30 p.m.; Wreath-laying, 2:30 p.m., Vietnam Veterans Memorial; Welcome Home Party, 7-11 p.m., with music by The Mystery Band, $5.-- Wednesday -- Registration, 8 a.m.; opening session, 9 a.m.-noon, with keynote speaker David Bonior, former Congressman who spoke at the Founding Convention in 1983; AVVA Luncheon, noon-1:15 p.m., advance tickets required.-- Thursday -- Registration, 8 a.m.; general session, 9-11:45 a.m., with speakers, awards and recognitions.-- Aug. 16 -- POW/MIA Ceremony, 7 a.m.; Women Veterans Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.; 50th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony, 1:30 p.m.-- Aug. 17 -- Legislative Coordinator Breakfast, 7:30 a.m., advance tickets required; general session, 10 a.m.; AVVA Agent Orange Town Hall meeting, 11 a.m.; special presentations, 1-3 p.m., with book signings and autographs; Catholic Mass, 4:30 p.m.; reception, 5:30 p.m.; VVA Awards Banquet, 7 p.m., advance tickets required.Jax Beach Art Walk, 5-9 p.m., First Street North, from Beach Boulevard North to Fifth Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach. Auditions for middle and high school singers, 5:30 p.m., Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum, 829 N. Davis St. Be prepared to sing one stanza of "Life Ev'ry Voice and Sing" and a selection of your choice that shows your vocal range. Event repeats Aug. 20. (904) 632-5555.Jacksonville Suns vs. Birmingham Barons, 7:05 p.m. Tuesday-Aug. 17, Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville. Promotions: Wednesday, Winn-Dixie Great Grocery Giveaway; Thursday, Military Appreciation Night, College Night and Social Media Night; Friday, food drive with Second Harvest Food Bank, blood drive donation, Christmas in August with the Salvation Army and fireworks; Aug. 17, blood drive donation, Christian Yelich replica jersey backpacks and ZOOperstars appearance. $7.50-$22.50. (904) 358-2846 or, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Lane Wiley Senior Citizens Center, 6710 Wiley Road. Features a live 2-piece dance band. $5. (904) 260-8061.WEDNESDAYLittle Learners, 9-11 a.m., Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle. Program for preschool-aged children and their caregivers and includes the Planetarium program "Sesame Street's One World, One Sky." $5 per person, ages 3 and older. (904) 396-6674, ext. 226.Fundraisers to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville, 5-9 p.m. Wednesday, Firehouse Subs, 1949-1 San Marco Blvd.; 5-9 p.m. Sept. 11, Firehouse Subs, 4347 University Blvd. Venues will donate a portion of the evening's proceeds. (904) 280-7960.Music by the Sea Concert Series, 7-9 p.m., St. Augustine Beach Pier Pavilion, 350 Florida A1A Beach Blvd. Features Jimmy Parrish and the Ocean Waves with beach music. Bring a folding chair and cooler. Series continues through Sept. 25. Free; dinner available for $10. (904) 347-8007 or"Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," as part of Movies by the Bay, 8:30 p.m., at the Marina behind the Bayfront Mini Golf, 111 Avenida Menendez. Bring beach chair and blanket. Series concludes Friday. (904) 824-1606 or Dinner Theater, 6:20 p.m., Middleburg-Clay Hill Library, 2245 Aster Ave. Features comedian Carl Hurley on DVD and includes a pizza dinner. Reservations required. (904) 541-5855.Concerts in the Plaza, 7 p.m., Plaza de la Constitucion, 1 King St., across from the Bridge of Lions, St. Augustine. Series continues at 7 p.m. Thursdays, ending at 1 p.m. on Labor Day. Features The Grapes of Roth. Free. (904) 825-1004 or 16Fitness in the Plaza, 11 a.m. Fridays through Oct. 26, Hemming Plaza. Includes two Zumba classes and a nutrition workshop. Program features kid-friendly exercises. Weekly schedule: Gracin, doors open 6 p.m., Mavericks, The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 356-1110 or Concerts, Laser Mania, 7 p.m.; Beatles, 8 p.m.; Led Zeppelin, 9 p.m.; Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon, 10 p.m. Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle. $5 per person, per concert; $1 for laser glasses. (904) 396-6674 or"American Graffiti," as part of Movie Nights in the Gardens, 7:30 p.m., The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, 829 Riverside Ave. Features classic car movies in conjunction with the "Future Retro: The Great Age of the American Automobile" exhibit. $6 members, $10 nonmembers. Registration required. (904) 356-6857 or music by Radio 80, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 353-1188 or"Singing in the Rain," as part of Movies by the Bay, 8:30 p.m., at the Marina behind the Bayfront Mini Golf, 111 Avenida Menendez. Bring beach chair and blanket. (904) 824-1606 or 17Fight For Air Run/Walk to benefit the American Lung Association, 8 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 353-1188 or I.D. Day, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle. A panel of scientists on site to provide information about your find. Museum admission, $10 adults, $8 military, seniors and children 3-12. (904) 396-6674, ext. 226.Live music by Little Green Men, 8 p.m.-1 a.m., The Jacksonville Landing. (904) 353-1188 or 18"Charade," as part of the Summer Movie Classics series, 2 p.m., Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forysth St. The 1963 film stars Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn and Walter Matthau. $7.50; movie card $45 (10 admissions). (904) 355-2787 or to (904) 359-4478 or email Complete listing at To put your event in the free online calendar, go to ___ (c)2013 The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) Visit The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:32
Confusion Over Residence Numbers a Pain for Polk County Officials
Source: The Ledger, Lakeland, Fla.迷你倉沙田Aug. 09--BARTOW -- People don't have a problem finding their way home.The confusion begins when they call 911 and a stranger has to find his way to their home.That's because many home addresses and even some business addresses don't match the computerized mapping system Polk emergency officials use.They're out of sequence, on the wrong side of the road or contain fractional numbers the system can't read.Fixing these addressing errors, which affect services as critical as emergency medical assistance and as mundane as pizza delivery, falls on Polk County's 13-member Emergency 911 staff."We change or assign addresses every day," said Sally Jackson, manager of Polk's E9-1-1 Systems.It's no small task.There are 326,336 buildings in Polk County and more potential address points such as mobile home park lots and apartments, she said.The current system is an improvement over the one public safety employees did use, said Pete McNally, Polk's emergency management coordinator."We had paper maps and we updated them as often as we could," McNally said.He said it would have been worse, but at one time paramedics and firefighters operated from the same ambulance and fire station."They knew those areas pretty well," he said.But a housing boom over the past two decades in the Four Corners area and the creation of hundreds of rural and suburban subdivisions in areas all over Polk County that were once sparsely inhabited requires a better system, county officials said.PROBLEMS WITH OLD SYSTEMThe old addressing system, which was largely handled by postal employees, led to a number of problems, the officials said.There was no uniformity between postal service areas to blend addresses where postal or municipal boundaries met.No street addresses were assigned to customers using post office boxes, leaving those residents to create their own addresses.Sometimes odd-numbered and even-numbered addresses were on the same side of the street instead of being on opposite sides of the street as they're supposed to be.Addresses were assigned only to structures on main roadways but not to structures on short side roads or private roads.There was no system to standardize the naming of roads to prevent duplicated or confusing, similar-sounding road names in the same area of the county.Many mobile home parks were assigned one main street number, but there was no standardized addressing criteria for lots inside the parks.Although Polk emergency officials had been trying to put some order into the county's addressing system as long ago as 2001, the rules were not formalized until the County Commission approved an addressing ordinance in 2004.That ordinance established criteria for the street numbering system and for naming and renaming roads. It also requires street address numbers to be posted in a visible location.The ordinance required only new mobile home and RV subdivisions to adopt the new addressing criteria, but Jackson said she and her staff have tried to work with existing mobile home communities to update their addressing systems.One effort occurred in 2004 in the Cypress Lakes community north of Lakeland.Jackson said she and her staff scheduled community meetings to explain to residents what they were trying to accomplish and how it would help them."We have to go out and talk to people to accomplish this," she said.By the time that was done, 1,602 residences had new addresses."It worked out fine except for some challenges with postal delivery," said Mitch Krach, Cypress Lake's general manager, who said the main office address on U.S. 98 did not change.He said the transition involved changing the names of som迷你倉價錢 streets as well as getting the house numbers in order.Jackson, who said she'd like to work with residents in other parks, said similar efforts occurred at Indian Lake Estates east of Lake Wales and at Grenelefe near Haines City.PROBLEMS ENCOUNTEREDThe changeovers haven't been problem-free.There have been reports of problems with residents in Indian Lakes getting private delivery companies such as UPS and FedEx to accept their new addresses.Developers have complained that Jackson's office has turned into a bottleneck in getting subdivisions platted, which involves assigning addresses to lots."They have no sense of urgency," County Commissioner George Lindsey, a Lakeland builder complained.Despite the thousands of address changes her office has implemented over the years, Jackson said she doesn't recommend changing addresses unless it's necessary.In the case of the most recent change involving 203 addresses along Rifle Range Road in Wahneta, it was necessary.Jackson said the problem was brought to their attention by school officials who use the addressing database for establishing school bus routes, setting school attendance zone boundaries and even keeping track of the locations of registered sexual predators.There were three houses along Rifle Range Road that had the same address, one of which was listed as being in Alturas, another unincorporated community to the south.Although she and her staff react to reports of problems they receive from various agencies, Jackson said one staff member's full-time job is to travel around Polk County checking for problems.Jackson said Polk County makes its database available free to any other private or public userSome address changes occur suddenly and unexpectedly.That happened in 2002, two years before the addressing ordinance was approved, when Polk's Republican County Commission suddenly voted to rename a section of County Road 54 between U.S. 27 and U.S. 17-92 to Ronald Reagan Parkway."That caught us off guard," Jackson said. The decision sent them scrambling to change more than 60 addresses.But readdressing Ronald Reagan Parkway, a 6.5-mile highway that's entirely within unincorporated Polk County, was easier than other tasks Jackson's staff has taken on.In 2001, they set out to readdress U.S. 27, which stretches 48 miles from U.S. 192 to the Highlands County line.That involved dealing with addresses in unincorporated Polk County as well as with addresses in several cities from Frostproof to Davenport.And, it involved changing more than house numbers. Businesses were affected, too."We went to chambers of commerce, community groups and business owners," she said, explaining she likes to work with people as much as possible."We're very sensitive to businesses," she said, explaining the address change for them involves everything from stationery and business director advertisements to replacing large signs.Jackson said she did learn that in some cases the changes helped businesses in the long run. That's because some customers previously had trouble finding them because of the confusing array of addresses along the highway corridor.Polk's McNally said he'd like to see the same changes occur along the State Road 60 and U.S. 17 corridors, too."That would require a lot of manpower," he said.[ Tom Palmer can be reached at or 863-802-7535. Read more views on the environment at and more views on county government at Follow on Twitter @LedgerTom. ]Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) Visit The Ledger (Lakeland, Fla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:16
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- Aug 10 Sat 2013 12:06
Bridgton's Standard Gastropub fills bellies and fuel tanks
Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineAug.存倉 09--BRIDGTON, Maine -- Gas station grub usually isn't a reason to hit the brakes. But this summer, drivers pulling into the Mobil station on Main Street in Bridgton are finding more than warmed-over hot dogs and potato chips to keep them going.Macaroni and cheese served in mason jars, smoked brisket with barbecue coleslaw and chicken wings with curry ketchup are sustaining diners at Standard Gastropub.The month-old eatery run by Bridgton natives William Henry Holmes and Alvah Johnson is giving new meaning to the term road fuel."Customers walk through the door and expect to see racks of potato chips and a cooler full of various soft drinks," said Johnson, a self-trained chef cooking in an open kitchen where cigarettes and scratch tickets were once sold. "They look around in awe, some just turn around and leave, others say, "What is this place?"It's a bar that serves gourmet street food while you fill up your tank.The menu, which changes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, is simple, but the playful space with bright blue picnic tables and a sleek bar feels custom made for Guy Fieri's next road trip for his Food Network show "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.""A big part of the concept is putting on a show," said Holmes, who made sure to keep the cooler, which was formerly stocked with Gatorade and sugary drinks.Now it's filled with craft beer, natural sodas and the full range of ingredients that make up the menu.Johnson, who cooked at Bray's Brewpub in Naples for 10 years, is serving what he calls "gourmet fast food."A 100 percent Kobe beef hot dog ($6.50) with a sour pickle spear and wasabi mayo is a fresh take on the American classic. No mustard or ketchup here.There's a modern spin on the McDonald's Big Mac called the double standard ($9), two natural, black angus beef patties slathered in a house-made special sauce, and New York-style deli sandwiches ($7 to $8.50) topped with inventive coleslaw, such as jalapeno cilantro."Every ingredient I put in my dishes [is] there for a reason," said Johnson, who dissuades customers from ordering as if they are at Burger King.There is no hold the onions and extra cheese, please. "I tell them, that's not the way we do things here," said Johnson, whose innovative combinations are there to enhance flavor. "I really encourage people to try things the way I make it. And they have absolutely loved it."A tiny smoker running 13 hours a day prepares chicken, brisket and pork for succulent sandwiches. For breakfast, Standard aims to bring toast back. House pesto and aged white cheddar served on warm, thick slices of Big Sky Bread washed down 自存倉ith Tandem Coffee beats typical drive-thru fare. And a pour-over coffee bar is in the works.Holmes, inspired by the places he worked in Boston and Cambridge such as Bukowski Tavern and Cambridge, 1, sought to bring an urban aesthetic to Bridgton, a town known more for serenity than culinary delights."People have been waiting for something new and of a better quality," said Holmes, 28. "We've seen a lot of happy faces."Less than a year ago, Holmes saw that the gas station on Main Street was up for sale.He convinced his childhood friend to open a bar that serves great food.The pair was not looking to run a gas station, per se, but the concept clicked and they now serve till midnight every night of the week."The gas pumps have brought us a lot of business. People come in to prepay for their gas and say, 'Wow, what are you doing in here?" said Holmes.Strategically located between North Conway, N.H., and Portland, Standard Gastropub is not as obscure as it sounds."We've got people from Vermont coming through who did not expect this at all, they had no idea we were even here, but once they walked through the door they fell in love with it," said Holmes.And locals are lapping it up."This is the best food in town," said Ali Stanley, 26, raving about a Scotch egg she recently had for breakfast.Her friend, Christine Macdonald, said finding upscale food at a filling station threw her for a loop."I was a little confused. Why is there gas at a restaurant?"The answer: To feed a captive audience."For a restaurant in its startup phase, we needed the pumps," said Holmes, who supervises the gas side of the business."The restaurant industry is looked at as one of the riskiest. People always say, '50 percent of businesses fail, why do you think you are different?' I heard that over the past year, talking to investors."The pumps were their response."This mitigates a lot of that risk," said Holmes, pointing to the gas tanks out front. "It brings our operating capital much lower."And besides sending people off with full tanks and full bellies, they are doing their part to pump up the local economy. So far they have hired 10 employees, all in their 20s, and are looking for more."Since the recession in 2008 there are not a lot of opportunities that are created for you," said Holmes. "You have to get out and do something for yourself."Standard Gastropub is located at 233 Main St., Bridgton. For information, call 647-4100 or visit ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 11:53
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 11:45
入住度假村,迷你倉庫優質的�浴產品絕對可為旅客帶來良好印象,有時更成了該旅程的「獨特氣味」,回港後重用該�浴產品,即讓人回想旅程點滴,在忙碌的生活中喘口氣。當我在度假村內遇上優質�浴產品時,除了把它帶回家,有時也會到度假村紀念品店「入貨」,畢竟「再訪度假村」永遠是個說不準的約定。不過,最近高級度假村Alila宣布為旗下�浴產品品牌Alila Living設網上商店(,大賣其天然有機儲存品,日後在家也可「訂購」峇里島的陽光與海灘。自問也是Alila Living的擁躉之一,最欣賞其產品全部不含防腐劑、十二烷基硫酸鈉(簡稱SLS)、石油化學產品、合成物質和人造色素等,符合現今綠色生活大趨勢,而且產品種類極多,除了洗髮水、護髮素和沐浴露外,也有防蚊霜、防曬霜和清涼臉部噴霧等,當中前三者更分為男士及女士系列,我兩款都用過,發現男士的氣味濃郁,女士的則富清新香茅味,我想我還是喜歡當女士!文:北記新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 11:34
■生活報記者 潘登 盧盈作為南北縱向的南寧地鐵2號線,存倉今年年底即將與1號線同時開工的消息,一直備受市民關注。日前,南寧市民政局已經擬定《南寧市軌道交通2號線沿線車站命名方案》並予以公示,根據該方案,南寧市軌道交通2號線工程(玉洞-西津)全長約21公里,均為地下線;共設車站18座,均為地下站。想知道這些站點都叫啥名,它們周邊又有哪些大單位或代表性建築,是否經過你家門口?看完我們為你製作的這張示意圖,你就明瞭。1、西津村站位於安吉大道與北湖北路延長線路口,周邊有西津村、永寧村、物流公司等。2、安吉客運站位於安吉客運站附近,安吉大道與緯一路(規劃路)路口,周邊主要有安吉客運站、南寧郵件處理中心、屯里村等。3、蘇盧站位於安吉大道與創新路(規劃路)的路口北側,周邊有廣西汽車市場、區交通廳基建管理局、蘇盧村等。4、秀廂站位於友愛路與安吉大道西一里路口,周邊可以服務廣西機電工程學校和南寧三十三中的師生們,以及附近的居民區。5、大樹腳站位於秀廂小學附近友愛路與規劃路的路口。周邊主要有南寧市水利局、秀廂小學、廣西機電工業學校、居民區等。6、友愛站位於明秀路與友愛路路口南側,周邊有明秀綜合市場,友愛小學、格蘭德富大酒店,愛華小學、友愛幼兒園、南寧市青少年活動中心等。7、火車站位於中華路與朝陽路交叉路口處,周邊有銀河大酒店、民航飯店、海格拉斯大酒店、鐵道飯店,以及多層臨街鋪面等。8、朝陽廣場站位於朝陽路與新華街交叉路口的南側,站位西側為自存倉寧百貨大樓南樓、西南商都等商業建築,東側有鑽石廣場、新朝陽商業廣場等商業建築,北側為新華街地下人防工程。9、體育館站位於自治區體育局正門的星光大道上,周邊主要有區體育局、區體育館、南寧市物資局宿舍、江南香格里拉商業廣場等。10、福建園站位於星光大道與福建路的路口,周邊主要有海鮮批發交易市場、江南電影院、南寧市壯寧工業園第一生活區、江南馨園、南寧市群�藝術館等。11、石柱嶺站位於星光大道與亭洪路的路口,周邊主要有區輕工研究院宿舍、南寧糖廠、南寧市公交公司、廣西廣播電視學校、市供電局亭洪路生活區等。12、菠蘿嶺站位於星光大道與石柱嶺二路路口,周邊主要有紅星幼兒園、鳳凰小區、天築麗城小區、石柱嶺綜合市場等。13、江南客運站位於星光大道與長凱路路口,周邊主要有江南客運站、南寧經開區管委會、江嶺醫院、煙墩嶺等。14、五象大道站位於銀海大道與五象大道的路口,周邊主要有鑫利華商廈、大沙田綜合市場、良慶區國家稅務局等。15、大沙田站位於銀海大道與建設路的路口南側,周邊主要有大沙田供電站、鑫金現代城、學校和居民區等。16、石子塘站位於銀海大道與金巷一區一街的路口,周邊主要有金象住宅區、廣西備災中心、水電工程局基礎工程公司等。17、金象站位於銀海花園東側的銀海大道上,周邊主要有金地花園、半山雅居、銀海花園、瑞和花園、英華家園、英華學校等。18、玉洞站位於良慶區銀海大道與鳳凰路路口,周邊主要有廣西蘇式集團、玉洞商貿城、晉英幼兒園、居民區等。迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 11:24
湖北日報訊 圖為:園內建築“氣勢恢宏”。(記者 李溪 實習生 孫洋 攝) 圖為:建築內部均是用于壁葬的空間。 記者 成熔興 實習生 秦曉雯 【網事回放】農村墓地堪比“天壇”昨日,self storage國內一網站曝出一組圖片:一片“紫禁城”模樣的建築群中,兩座高聳的建築狀似北京“天壇”。網友稱,這是武漢市新洲區汪集鎮東邊咀的一塊豪華墓地,依山傍水、氣勢宏偉,“說這只是一個農村的墓地,你能信麼?”【現場探訪】建築面積大過“市民之家”記者驅車80多公里,從武昌趕至汪集街汪集村,老遠就看見“天壇”連同村外安仁湖邊數百畝土地被朱色“宮牆”圍住,牆內仍在施工。工人孫師傅稱,這不是農村私人墓地,而是當地政府引進外地公司興建的經營性公墓,全稱“武漢錦輝天堂文化生態陵園”。網友所稱“天壇”應叫“地宮”,分南北兩座。每座內空高達三四十米,分三層,用于放置骨灰,頂部建築仿自北京“天壇”,用于觀光造景。“地宮”內部被三橫兩縱通道切割成“非字型”:主通道長近千米,四周裝有大理石板;側通道被分為一個個小房間,牆壁上佈滿骨灰格位。南北“地宮”中間有一座“祭祀中心”,另有一座19米高四面觀音像,仿自海南三亞的“南海觀音”。工人們介紹,該項目5年前開工,目前主體工程已完工,迷你倉在裝修和綠化,預計明年完工。該陵園隸屬於武漢錦輝天堂文化生態園有限公司。據公開報道,陵園占地面積400畝,建設面積13萬平方米,比武漢“市民之家”(規劃面積12.3萬平方米)還大,可容納骨灰格位13萬個,總投資8.03億元,因充分利用荒山、垃圾填埋場等荒蕪土地,並全部採用壁葬和樹葬,被媒體稱為全國首個生態陵園。【公司回應】首個生態陵園 旅遊、殯葬兼有如此豪華的公墓,會否出現天價?記者找到錦輝公司,一黃姓工作人員稱,這裡並非單純的公墓,而是以“地上公園、地下陵園”為理念,集旅遊、休閒、觀光、文化、教育祭祀為一體。墓地價格將在建成後由物價部門核定,目前工程尚在建設,價格無從談起,“但我們肯定會以公益性為先。”“山寨”景點能吸引多少遊客?國人生死觀與國外不同,若無名人墓葬,罕有普通公墓成旅遊景點,大手筆的投入,旅遊價值幾何?如果收入不足,會否逼高墓地價格?對於這些問題,該工作人員未予作答,他表示,“公司負責人均在北京開會,可以問新洲區政府。”記者隨後致電該區區委宣傳部,相關負責人稱,此系招商引資項目,具體情況他不清楚,將由汪集街道辦事處統一組織書面回複。記者趕到汪集街道辦,工作人員稱領導不在,拒絕採訪。截至昨晚,記者未收到任何回複。文件倉
- Aug 10 Sat 2013 11:17
幾年前,自存倉臺北姑娘黃良玉跨越臺灣海峽到廣東,本只想進行一次旅遊考察,卻意外收穫一段兩岸婚姻。 2009年,她與在東莞外企工作的河南小夥子任貴生情定終身,婚後定居高雄。前兩天,她帶著3歲多的女兒到廈門參加第五屆海峽論壇時,她告訴記者,一家人未來也許會到大陸發展。 臺灣海峽南口寬約410公里、北口寬約200公里,平均水深約60米,自古便是祖國大陸與臺灣島的天然阻隔。1949年後,台海上空曾一度戰雲密佈,別說通婚,就連人員往來都不可能。 翻過數十載隔絕對峙的哀傷歷史,兩岸關係終於進入和平發展的嶄新時代。最近5年,海空直航架起兩岸同胞絡繹往來的通途,空間意義上的海峽已然可以無比便捷地跨越。更令人欣喜的是,兩岸大交流大合作的格局已經打開,兩岸民眾互動日益頻繁、密切,心理層面上的「海峽正在被彌合。」 從無法寄出的家書到跨越海峽的愛情 窄窄淺淺的海峽,曾經封鎖了兩岸,讓多少骨肉至親咫尺天涯。那個哀傷的歲月�,分隔兩岸的親人、愛人只能在深夜�反復讀著那封寄不出去的家書,暗自低泣到天明。 「臺灣海峽兩邊曾經發生了多少生離死別!如今我想到的卻是兩岸大學生共同創作的一首歌。」國台辦副主任葉克冬在第五屆海峽論壇上動情地念起一段歌詞:「我們的心,從沒有海峽的界線,在同一個天空,有著相同的語言,等待著我們,相聚……」 他說:「這就是現代年輕人對當今臺灣海峽的認識。它就像一道亮麗的風景線,催生兩岸新的親情、友情和愛情。」 1987年兩岸隔絕狀態被打破迄今,已有34萬多對兩岸居民登記結婚,僅2012年在大陸登記的就有約10500對。目前臺灣每9對新人中,就有一對是兩岸聯姻。 俏江南總裁汪小菲與臺灣知名藝人大S,就是其中的一對。在第五屆海峽論壇期間舉辦的第二屆兩岸婚姻家庭論壇上,他與其他160多位兩岸婚姻當事人,講述了自己的情感故事,「分享幸福,為愛加油」。 對於與大S的戀情點滴,汪小菲在演講臺上難得地透露了不少細節。他說,與大S熱戀一個月,自己就按照女方習俗赴台提親。大S年逾九旬的奶奶當年自山東渡海到臺灣,一甲子過去了,奶奶依舊濃厚的鄉音給他留下特別深刻的印象。談到奶奶,汪小菲還秀了一句山東腔。 他坦言,認識大S前對臺灣並不瞭解,但婚後逐漸感受到臺灣人對家庭的注重。被記者問到「臺灣媳婦和大陸婆婆如何相處」的話題時,汪小菲表示,自己的太太和媽媽相處非常融洽。他還說,臺灣的教育很傳統,大S在尊老愛幼方面特別注重細節。 從回不去故園到生活在兩岸 臺灣著名導演侯孝賢在他的自傳性電影作品《童年往事》�,記述了垂老的祖母早已忘記當年是怎麼來的臺灣,以為走路就可以回到廣東老家去。回不去的故園,化不開的鄉愁,是臺灣很長一個時期文藝作品的重要主題。 上世紀八十年代,「我要回家」的呼聲在島內社會中日益高漲,最終促使臺灣當局在1987年開放老兵探親。然而,在2008年5月以前,台海局勢動盪不安,甚至幾度瀕臨危機邊緣。同時,臺灣當局長期採取限制性政策,捆綁兩岸同胞的交流往來。 「我在台中野戰部隊服役,當時營區全部取消休假,我們戴著鋼盔、扛著槍睡覺。」出生在臺灣南投的高嘉駿,對上世紀90年代台海一度緊張的氣氛記憶猶新。 危機解除不久,他跨海到大陸求學,先後在福建中醫學院、北京中醫藥大學獲得學士、碩士、博士學位,並考取執業醫師資格證。2009年,他被福建中醫學院聘用,成為首位被大陸高校錄用為編內大學教師的台生。 「我在福州買房子時,對方驚問‘你是臺灣人怎麼會有公積金?’我說,我還有醫保、社保呢。」高嘉駿說,「民間交流日益活絡,兩岸百姓已經不分彼此。再過10年,等我們的小孩在大陸成為新一代臺灣人時,他們對彼此的融合將迷你倉新蒲崗有感觸。」 2008年5月以來,兩岸關係突飛猛進,投資、求學、探親、旅遊等都實現了雙向化。2012年,兩岸人員往來總量接近800萬人次。 「近年來,兩岸社會交流出現了一些新現象,不斷向雙向化、正常化邁進,也印證了兩岸社會交流交往過程中日益融合的必然趨勢。」廈門大學臺灣研究院副教授石正方說,以前的「兩岸族」多指來大陸的台商、台幹、臺屬,而現在越來越多陸生、陸商、陸眷進入臺灣,成為新的「兩岸族」。 如今,在大陸的居民小區見到一家臺灣人,在臺灣的街頭巷尾偶遇幾位大陸「背包客」,大家都已「見怪不怪」。「我每年多次往返兩岸,是兩岸直航的受益者。」前來參加第五屆海峽論壇的中國國民黨中央評議委員趙怡,因為在上海一所大學兼有教職,幾乎每個月都要來大陸。 他深有感觸地說,兩岸「三通」這一步走了足足六十年,如今更期待兩岸社會「全面對接」,以進一步拉近距離、增進感情、消弭嫌隙、促進融合。 從杳無音信 到「加我微信」 上世紀八九十年代,兩岸尋親節目一度熱播。數十年杳無音信、分隔兩岸的親人們想找到對方實在不易,而兩岸民眾對彼此的現實生活更是知之甚少。 今天,當年因為隔絕而產生的陌生感和距離感,正在消失。更有意思的是,兩岸普通民眾的交流正在當下這個網絡時代悄然發生著變化。 8年前,在廈門參加第六屆兩岸關係論壇的兩岸大學生臨別時互留聯繫方式,本子上記錄的是Email和MSN。而今年,在廈門參加第五屆海峽論壇的許多兩岸民眾一見面,就拿出各自的智能手機:「來,我們搖一搖!」 微信、微博等更加便捷的社交網絡工具,讓兩岸同胞實現即時與零距離的親密互動。在新浪等微博上,時常能看到臺灣「博友」,包括一些知名人士。有的「博友」常常主動為大陸網友解答到臺灣旅行的種種問題,有的則踴躍參與大陸時事的評論。 家在台中的大學生林庭正是個「手機控」,QQ、微信上有一百多個大陸的朋友。「很多都是以前到大陸旅遊時認識的,」林庭正說,「每次在網上聊天,他們都問臺灣哪里好玩,說到台中的話要來看我。」 在臺灣中天電視臺工作的陳雲生不久前建了一個微信群「雲豹大陸團」。每到週六,他就會邀上在臺灣駐點的大陸記者一起登山,行動前用微信「招人」,下山後「曬」上大家沿途拍攝的照片。 「最早是看到湖南衛視的朋友在玩微信的‘搖一搖’,一時興起就加入微信。後來發現真的方便,確實能增進大家的友誼。」他說,「現在在臺灣,用微信的人越來越多了,以前在微信好友中的比例不到十分之一,現在接近五分之一。」 在臺灣駐點的大陸記者曾經幾次用微信搜索「附近的人」,發現在周圍1000米內,平均有大約150人在使用微信。今年5月,微信開通了對臺灣企業的服務,業界推估島內微信用戶數量已達五六百萬。 任教於廈門大學新聞傳播學院的臺灣教師陳經超在開心網、人人網、微博、QQ、微信上都有自己的賬戶,他的網友、粉絲來自海峽兩岸,其中微博賬戶上有8500多人關注他。他說,大陸熱門社交網絡工具受到臺灣民眾的熱捧,是因為兩岸交流日益熱絡。「特別是越來越多的臺灣青年到大陸求學和工作,為了更快適應當地生活,選擇大陸民眾最常用的社交媒介,就顯得至關重要。」 「社交網絡加速拉近了兩岸民眾之間的距離,有助於消除彼此的誤解,增進相互認知和理解,同時也成為合作發展的重要工具。」陳經超說。 「海峽的變遷不僅體現在物理距離的跨越,也在於心理隔膜的消除。一個明顯的感覺是,兩岸同胞對彼此的認識慢慢從懷有敵意、看不順眼,到客觀瞭解、平和作出越來越多的正向評價。當然,海峽的‘消失’是一個漸進、長期的過程,畢竟兩岸的制度、規範、價值觀念等還有不少差異,但我們看到,這種融合在加速推進。」石正方說。 (陳斌華 陳健興╱文)迷你倉出租
- Aug 09 Fri 2013 15:13
本報訊記者王潤珠報道:盡管交通銀行至尊18號理財產品已經到期,自存倉但不少客戶的維權訴求依然懸而未決。日前有投資者向記者透露,若是繼續維權無果,將採用法律途徑起訴交通銀行。派息維權者或起訴交行記者從投資者提供的維權材料獲悉,交通銀行在今年7月9日發佈至尊18號理財產品清算報告,其中指出至尊18—1號產品到期累計淨值為0.8256元,至尊18—2號到期累計淨值為0.8261元。按照產品說明書的約定說明,至尊18—1號于2013年5月19日到期,交通銀行于5月22日按照信托公司出具的5月20日信托計劃淨值0.7847元,向選擇按期終止投資的客戶兌付資金。加上5月17日向客戶分配的資金,至尊18 —1號到期累計淨值為0.8256元。至尊18—2號產品資金兌付情況,與至尊18—1號的產品情況大同小異,至尊18 —2號產品按照信托公司出具的6月13日信托計劃淨值為0.7854元,加上投資水晶光電股票向客戶分配的資金,至尊18—2號到期累計淨值為0.8261元。這兩款理財產品產品不僅給投資者帶來了近18%的本金虧損,更讓投資者不滿的是,投資過程中投資標的私自更改卻沒及時通知投資者。“發行時候說得信心滿滿,可是現實中軟件和硬件條件均不具備,最後才告訴我們平台沒建好。那請問,沒平台為什麼還要出售銀行理財產品?這不是明顯的騙購嗎?這其中到底有沒有貓膩?”來自浙江的投資者郎先生接受《民營經濟報》記者採訪時情緒略顯激動。有投資者向記者提供了《至尊18號理財產品2011年6月份投資報告摘要》,摘要稱:“堅守以軍工、醫藥、消費、高端裝備製造為主要投資方向的投資主陣地,我們對未來業績充滿信心。因此,我們將堅持立足軍工、消費、醫藥、高端裝備製造,精選標的,控制風險,並以客戶利益最大化為己任進行投資。不過,在接下去的幾個季度中的投資報告卻沒有提及相關軍工題材投資產品,直至2012年5月上海六禾投資有限公司才發佈了關於至尊18號產品投資標的未涵蓋中航系的相關說明。這份說明稱:“中航精機及西飛國際因證監會調查內幕交易等原因而拖延至今,中航黑豹則因報價未達成一致,重組計劃終止等,因此最後所投名單中並沒有中航系定向增發標的。”值得注意的是,記者採訪發現,並不是每位投資者都收到了這份更改投資標的說明,有投資者直至產品到期才發現產品投資標的有更改迷你倉新蒲崗武漢的投資者向記者表示,打算再前往交通銀行總行維權,若是最後還沒結果可能會採用起訴的方式解決。條款退管理費是否“理虧心虛”?記者從該理財產品說明書中的條款獲知,該款理財產品收取三項相關費用,其中包括固定管理費的年費率為2.6%,以理財產品成立時規模為基礎,每季度計提一次;托管費的年費率為0.2%,以理財產品成立時規模為基礎,每季度計提一次;浮動業績報酬提成比率為理財產品單位淨值超出1.1元部分的20%。事實上,據銀率網數據顯示,2013年以來發行的理財產品銀行托管費率平均為0.05%,銷售費率平均為0.26%。而這兩項必備的手續費加起來也不過為0.31%,即便最近多家銀行上調銀行理財產品手續費,也少見有超過1%的管理費。武漢的投資者郎先生告訴記者,該理財產品合同中,不論客戶盈利多少,交通銀行和六禾投資都拿定了管理費和托管費等每年高達2.8%的管理費。若虧損,客戶則全部承擔。若盈利,交通銀行則提成1.1淨值外的20%,該項構成了霸王條款。出人意料的是,在至尊18號產品虧損後,交行和六禾投資卻選擇將這部分管理費退還給投資者,事實上這款銀行理財產品的手續費超出2800萬元。記者根據投資者提供的至尊18號理財產品清算報告獲知,在2013年5月17日,交通銀行退還了自產品成立以來收取的投資管理費,總計金額為2136萬元,擔任產品投資顧問的六禾投資則免收了707.8萬元的投資管理費,資金已全部計入信托財產。退還管理費,讓投資者更覺得這是交行和六禾投資公司“理虧心虛”的表現。觀察面臨VIP客戶流失由於至尊系列產品均是面向交行的VIP客戶,因而理財產品的虧損也讓交行面臨著VIP客戶流失。面對本金損失事實,交行選擇再發不保本的“對接產品”賠償 客戶。有投資者告訴記者,有些大客戶得到本金賠償,而另外一些去交行總行投訴的客戶也得到了交行的“對接產品補償”。所謂的對接補償,就是交行表示可以再發預期收益為11%的低風險對接理財產品,不過產品也是不保本不保證收益。事實上,交行不得不面對的是,不少“受傷”的投資者開始對交行失去了信任,對所謂的“低風險”產生懷疑。值得一提的是,維權群中除了有至尊18號產品的投資者外,也有其他至尊系列產品的投資者紛紛“入群”。有至尊15號的投資者甚至爆料,至尊15號產品三年虧損了一半,也沒有退管理費。迷你倉出租
- Aug 09 Fri 2013 14:57
永亨推層遞式定存,中銀下調定存息率 (08:10
永亨銀行(00302)推出層遞式港元定存推廣,迷你倉出租存款期為90天,分首45天、次30天及餘下15天存期,新綜合理財客戶的年利率分別最高為0﹒95、1﹒3及2﹒18厘。 中銀香港(02388)則下調港元定存息5至15點子,其中1000萬以上新資金的6個月定存,年利率為1厘。如為理財戶口的新客戶,以10萬港元新資金造定存,1、3及6個月定存的利率分別為0﹒6、0﹒85及1厘。《香港經濟日報》