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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/gj/2013/10-07/5346756.shtml  中新社巴厘島10月6日電(記者 顧時宏)印尼財務部部長巴斯里6日在APEC工商領導人峰會上說,迷利倉在全球經濟中,包括亞太地區,中國的經濟起著非常大的作用,中國是亞太地區一個重要的貿易伙伴。  巴斯里認為,如果我們談論亞太經合組織(APEC),就必須指出中國是一個非常重要的國家。他說,印尼最大的雙邊貿易額是與中國,至2015年東盟自由貿易區建成時,開展與中國的合作伙伴關係,這對印尼及東盟國家都有利益。  在當天的工商領導人峰會上,來自俄羅斯的企業家奧列格·德里帕斯卡也持和巴斯里有相同的看法。奧列格說,如果中國的經濟穩定,亞洲和太平洋地區將更加自存倉定。  出席APEC首腦會議的與會者一致認為,中國經濟在亞洲和太平洋地區,甚至在世界上都有很大的影響力。  當晚,正在巴厘島出席APEC峰會的印尼總統蘇西洛在和與會工作人員一起用餐後接受中新社記者採訪時稱,中國和印尼之間有很多合作的機會。他說:“我與習近平主席上周舉行會談時,我們雙方進一步提升了兩國關係,並且我們談了很多合作項目,這很有利於我們兩國的合作。我相信印尼與中國的合作還會結出更多碩果!”  據悉,去年中國和印尼雙邊貿易額達662億美元,是2005年的4倍。今年上半年兩國貿易額達到338.4億美元,同比增長4.6%。中國已成為印尼非油氣產品第一大貿易伙伴。去年有60多萬中國內地遊客到印尼旅遊,中國成為印尼最大外國遊客來源國之一。(完)mini storage

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【本報訊】就舊城區供電緊張問題,迷利倉澳電於2011年向政府申請建造8個露天變電站。澳電執行委員會顧問阮毓明表示,位於�仔,路環及司打口的3個變電站已獲批准興建,預計明年初投入使用。阮毓明相信新建成的變電站可協助應付明年夏季用電高峰期的需求。另外,就政府的新電力收費將於年底出台,阮毓明預料A組用戶可有5%的電費減幅,但具體減幅仍需視乎政府的實際批文。澳電於2011年向政府申請建造8個露天變電站,以解決舊城區供電緊張問題。選址康公廟前地(近垃圾房)、河邊新街(近萬事發酒店)、�仔街市背後、�仔松樹尾(停車場)、路環花園圍打纜巷、營地大街、酒潭巷(爛鬼樓)、渡船街休憩區。應付明夏用電量高峰期阮毓明表示,近兩年大家關注舊城區的供電問題,目前舊城區的用電需求及發展較快,包括店舖、食肆用電需求急劇增長。由於舊城自存倉用電緊張,澳電於舊城區供電方面有一定壓力,因此於2011年向政府提出申請增建8個變電站。政府在周邊環境、使用影響、居民感受等多方面考慮後,其中有3個變電站的興建已獲批准。阮毓明透露,3個變電站分別位於�仔,路環及司打口。澳電方面現正安排施工,待收到政府批文後,兩個至3個月內可以建成,明年初投入使用。阮毓明相信新建成的變電站可協助應付明年夏季用電高峰期的需求。澳電冀另5地申請獲批阮毓明稱,由於申請興建變電站涉及很多部門,程序較多,至今仍有5個變電站未獲批興建,他希望政府能明白澳電的供電壓力,期望興建變電站的計劃能加快推出實行。另外,就政府的新電力收費將於年底出台,A組用戶收費相信將會調低。配合新措施,阮毓明預計A組用戶可有5%的電費減幅,但具體減幅仍需視乎政府的實際批文,阮毓明希望措施可於明年可實施。mini storage

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●雖然國家近期推出風電扶持政策,mini storage但呢行仍未真正脫窘,主因係好多風電產能白白浪費,令同行更要鬥平賣電自保,即係步入惡性競爭;若同行唔好好克制,風電業仍好難有好日子過。目前風電行業「棄風限電」問題仍未有效解決,盲目降低風電電價已大大降低風電開發商收益,舊年全國棄風電量約200億度,較前年增加一倍,直接損失超過100億人仔;若要下調風電電價,首先就要解決棄風限電問題。同2009年相比,風電機組價格大降,但唔係依靠技術提升,而係透過生產規模化及激烈價格競爭。2011年後開發商對風電機組質量越來越重視,中國風電設備正向注重質量轉型,但目前睇來轉型仍未完成;而降低電價會減緩質量轉型過程,所以令風電業步入惡性循環。濠賭概念係今年市場焦點●距離年結仲剩番唔夠3個月,但券商仍要繼續玩估數字遊戲,其中以花旗先行,以大好友角色預測未來一年�指目標可升上25,000點,而主題賣點則夠晒特別,就係由長實系掀起�賣產及分拆熱潮!花旗最新呢份報告,調高��指未來12個月目標,由24,000點提高至25,000點,家陣�指水位相當於明年預測市盈率9.7倍,低於歷史平均值12.7倍;並估計第四季投資主題仍係大型綜合企業出售低增長資產,而和黃(0013)及新世界發展(0017)屬兩賣產大熱門。花旗亦睇好澳門博彩股,相信明年仍係熱炒板塊,理由係最快要到2015年中先有新賭場落成,意味賭�供應明年唔會有增長;而珠海橫琴長隆主題公園開幕、及連接澳門交通改善,訪澳旅客量更可望大增,首選新濠博亞(6883)及金沙中國(1928)。其他心水仲有本地地產股,理由係股價對資產淨值折讓平均達36%,高於中線周期折讓幅度,估self storage較收租股吸引,亦可直接受惠一手樓銷情改善,首選新世界、長實(0001)及九倉(0004)。黃金周奢侈品銷情有佳績●近排美股唔係咁掂,港股亦受一定影響,不過相對來講濠賭股則見大強勢,其中一個推動因素就係國慶黃金周,里昂剛剛計好盤數,認為奢侈品股份仍係最大受惠者,同坊間預期真係有出入。里昂特登就黃金周發表一份消費及賭業股報告,從佢間行調查得知,10月黃金周期間雖則本港零售業較往年疲弱,但個別奢侈品牌包括Chanel、Hermes及Prada則繼續交出好成績;澳門方面亦好景,預期10月博彩收入將創320億澳門元紀錄新高,按年增長15%。至於心水股方面,則維持建議增持賭業及奢侈品股份,首選普拉達(1913)、新秀麗(1910)、周大福(1929)、新濠博亞(6883)、美高梅中國(2282)及澳博(0880)等,即管睇下係咪睇中。葛蘭素頭痕同中國談判●英國葛蘭素史克公司自涉嫌從事商業賄賂被調查以來,唔單止面對巨額罰款威脅,仲令銷量大降,據悉最近集團已派特使專誠親赴中國講數,並會以傾唔掂就退出中國為最大籌碼,睇�呢一鋪真係對佢�打擊極深。內地官方雖亦考慮緊將高達200億人仔罰款降低,但點樣減法,相信都會超過葛蘭素係內地�年收入幾倍水平;而對於好多跨國企業來講,若要稱霸全球,就必須做大中國市場,所以今次葛蘭素以退出中國為談判籌碼,相信已係出到最後一招。事實上,葛蘭素呢鋪真係好重創,內地華藥品銷售額�近一季已大降近三成;加上內地製藥行業又�動整改,藥企及醫院都不敢亂咁接洽藥企,醫藥業猶如進入寒冬,而葛蘭素係內地則擁好多工廠及8,000個員工,衝擊咪話唔大。甘聖嘆(本欄逢周一至周五見報)mini storage

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.文件倉 06--Wall Street behemoths have been blamed for a host of misdeeds: gouging credit card users, deceiving mortgage applicants, rigging electricity markets and manipulating interest rates.Add artificially inflating aluminum prices to the list.Complaints from aluminum users about higher prices and lengthy delays in getting the metal from warehouses owned by Goldman Sachs and other bank holding companies have sparked lawsuits as well as a proposed solution from the London Metal Exchange, which regulates the warehouses.Brewing giant MillerCoors, which uses the equivalent of 4,000 jumbo jets worth of aluminum each year to make beer cans, says the warehouses have caused aluminum prices to defy the law of supply and demand. Testifying before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee in July, MillerCoors executive Tim Weiner said aluminum prices remain inflated despite "massive oversupply and record production.""What's supposed to happen under these economic conditions? When supplies rise while demand is flat to down, prices should fall," he testified.Industry officials dispute that claim, calling complaints about delivery delays a red herring. On its website, Alcoa says aluminum prices have fallen 40 percent over the last five years and there is plenty available at mid-2009 prices.The London Metal Exchange is "trying to solve a nonexistent metal availability problem," says Klaus Kleinfeld, chairman and CEO of Alcoa, one of the world's largest aluminum producers.One longtime metals industry analyst disagrees."I believe the complaints of the beverage brewing customers are completely valid," said John Tumazos, a Holmdel, N.J., metals analyst.Warehouses "bring it in, but they don't bring it out," he added.Contracts to purchase aluminum held in warehouses at a specified price at some point in the future are traded on the LME. Aluminum buyers use those futures prices to hedge their risk against sharp movements in prices. Hedge funds and other investors trade the futures contracts, complicating efforts to determine what demand for the metal actually is.When demand for aluminum tumbled during the Great Recession, the LME warehouses became the buyer of last resort. Those purchases have caused aluminum prices to remain higher than they would have been if there were fewer buyers. They have also caused large increases in the amount of aluminum the warehouses are holding.Those weren't the only changes ushered in by the recession. Financial firms and commodities traders began buying warehouses. And record low interest rates provided an opportunity for what analysts say is a risk-free investment being made by investors -- including warehouse operators -- who have no intention of converting the aluminum they own into beverage cans or parts for cars and jet planes.Whether buying from a producer or a warehouse, companies that make things from aluminum pay prices determined on the LME. Users claim those prices have been inflated by what has been happening at the warehouses, including the lengthy delays in getting aluminum out of them and into factories.The price of the aluminum itself has come down, but that is not the only cost aluminum buyers pay. They also pay costs associated with storing the aluminum in the warehouses and delivering it to customers. Those costs have nearly doubled over the last three years for aluminum held in Midwest warehouses, according to Lloyd O'Carroll, a metals analyst with Davenport & Co. in Richmond, Va.Several customers have sued Goldman, accusing the company of hoarding aluminum in its Detroit warehouses in an effort to restrict supply and raise prices. A lawsuit against Goldman and the London Metal Exchange filed in federal court in Detroit in August said the practice generates "hundreds of millions" in storage fees for the Wall Street firm.Critics point out that warehouses move aluminum in存倉o their warehouses faster than they move it out. The lawsuit noted that in the first half of 2011, Goldman's Detroit warehouses took in 364,175 tons of aluminum but only shipped out 171,350 tons.In a statement on its website, Goldman said it does not own the aluminum in its warehouses and that how fast it gets to customers is determined by the people who do. When a lot of owners want to move aluminum out of warehouses at the same time, deliveries are delayed, the firm said.Many of those aluminum owners are not actual aluminum users. They are financial buyers or arbitragers seeking to profit from the difference between current aluminum prices and what prices are expected to be in the future.Here's how the arbitrage works, according to Mr. O'Carroll.Financial buyers borrow money to purchase aluminum at the current price and simultaneously sell a contract to someone who agrees to pay a higher price for it in the future. Since the recession, futures prices have consistently been higher than current market prices. This summer there was a $190 difference between current prices per metric ton and the price of a 15-month futures contract, Mr. O'Carroll said.Arbitragers' borrowing costs are small because of record low interest rates. So are costs for storing the aluminum, since warehouse owners have been discounting storage costs to attract aluminum. Some arbitragers do so much business that they purchase their own warehouses, further reducing storage costs because they are essentially paying rent to themselves, Mr. O'Carroll said.The result is nearly a 9 percent risk-free return, he wrote in a note to clients this summer."It would not be shocking that a market that can be manipulated would be manipulated," he said.John Mothersole, an analyst with IHS Global Insight, an economics consulting firm, said the spread between current and futures prices and low interest rates are "a license to print money" for arbitragers.He said the involvement of banks in the commodities business has kept aluminum prices from falling as much as they would have if the warehouse system did not exist. When demand picks up, prices will not increase as fast as they would have if a ready supply of aluminum were not available in the warehouses, Mr. Mothersole said.That is little comfort to aluminum buyers complaining about the lengthy waits and inflated prices.To address their concerns, the LME is considering a proposal that would require warehouses to move more aluminum out faster. The exchange is expected to act on the measure this month. If approved, it would be implemented in April.But there are doubts about whether the idea will work.Mr. Mothersole said a similar measure enacted last year failed to loosen the flow of metal to customers. Warehouse owners compensated by raising rents and there's nothing to prevent them from doing that again, he said.In its comments to the LME, Alcoa said "fast money investors" who will not actually use the metal are distorting aluminum prices. Alcoa is asking the exchange to increase the transparency of the market by providing more information about the involvement of financial investors in LME futures.Some analysts believe the LME proposal could end up lowering aluminum prices, putting further pressure on producers such as Alcoa, whose stock is down about 9 percent over the past 12 months.Mr. Mothersole said the real culprit is low interest rates. As long as they make the risk-free investment possible, arbitragers will keep buying aluminum and restricting the supply."What makes this profitable is that you can finance the transaction at low interest rates," he said. "Once that changes, this whole thing goes away."Len Boselovic: lboselovic@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1941.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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  秋高氣爽,迷你倉是極佳的旅遊時刻,熬過了長長的火熱炎夏,避過了暑假的黃金旅遊高峰,趁學生與親子活動各歸其位的「閒檔期」,「閒人」正好以低廉價錢,享受高級服務,閒遊一番。  日本紅葉期快到,想像那漫天紅遍的自然盛況,便渴望一睹為快。於是相約三五知己,來幾天京都大阪自由行,憧憬�一班老友置身紅葉天地間,吃喝胡說的聚首情懷,真箇不亦樂乎!  正當你抱�與世無爭的心情,輕鬆灑脫地走進旅行社訂機位酒店之際,誰知你算不如人算,儲存沒有、那沒有,機位緊張,酒店滿額,各大大小小的旅行社異口同聲,秋涼也是旅遊高峰期,皆因是銀髮族群出動的日子!  銀髮旅遊,是近年熱門的品種,其受歡迎程度,與親子旅遊、蜜月旅遊、遊學團等產品不遑多讓,按目標顧客人數,年過50的銀髮人,數量比其他年齡層要多,正所謂「人多勢眾」,是創造巿場商機的重要因素。旅遊業了解銀髮顧客的需要,設計出合適的產品和服務,故能在銀髮市場突圍而出,最早攻佔這大片銀髮藍海。  (本欄逢周一刊登)mini storage

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  《輪證匯萃》澳門昨公布9月博彩收入為289億澳門元,self storage按年增21%但較上月少5﹒8%,消息昨午公布後銀娛(00027)及金沙(01928)皆擴大升幅,惟今早顯著回落,分別跌約4﹒5%及3﹒3%,暫見投資者追入相關認購證及牛證,其中以銀娛相關好倉較受追捧。  如博取銀娛反彈,可留意成交較活躍價外認購證27561,行使價69﹒88元,14年3月到期,實際槓桿5﹒6倍;牛證可留意63375,收回價51﹒27元,14年7月到期,槓桿約8﹒5倍。如看好金沙,可留意輕微價外認購證27068,行使價52﹒93元,14年3月到期,實際槓桿6﹒5倍。 匯豐輪證焦點:     輪╱牛熊證  行使價(元) 收回價(元) 到期   實際槓桿  -------------------迷利倉-----------  銀娛購27561 69﹒88   -   14年3月 5﹒6倍  銀娛牛63375 50﹒27 51﹒27 14年7月 8﹒5倍  銀娛熊63376 61﹒27 60﹒27 14年9月 8﹒5倍  金沙購27068 52﹒93   -   14年3月 6﹒2倍  金沙牛63070 42﹒28 45﹒28 14年7月 6﹒5倍  金沙熊63377 57﹒28 54﹒28 14年5月 4﹒8倍  -------------------------------  《匯豐銀行環球銀行及資本市場部》 * 詳情請登入www﹒warrants﹒hsbc﹒com﹒hk查詢註:本產品並無抵押品,如發行人無力償債或違約,投資者可能無法收回部分或全部應收款項。自存倉

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Source: The Times-News, Twin Falls, IdahoOct.儲存 02--TWIN FALLS -- A Kimberly woman went on several shopping sprees this spring using checks on empty or closed bank accounts, Twin Falls police say.Police accuse Sheryl Ann Sebren, 40, of writing more than $3,000 in bad checks at Twin Falls' Costco Wholesale; hundreds of dollars in bad checks at King's, Fred Meyer and Grocery Outlet; and thousands of dollars at local businesses including fast food chains, court records show.The total? Just more than $10,000.Sebren was arraigned in Twin Falls County Magistrate Court on Monday on 17 counts of writing a check with insufficient funds and one count of grand theft.Sebren has preliminary hearings in her three cases Oct. 11.It all started March 24 when Sebren walked into Grocery Outlet in Twin Falls, filled a cart and wrote a check for $190.47, a police report said. The check was returned for insufficient funds.Three police reports detailed the cases against Sebren:Later on March 24, Sebren spent $100 more at Grocery Outlet, about $55 on gas and cigarettes at Fred Meyer Fuel and about $75 inside Fred Meyer. Those checks, too, were returned.Fred Meyer employees told police Sebren attempted to pass another bad check there for more than $1,000 that day. She had selected two LCD TVs, a Kindle e-reader and a printer, but a cashier declined to take the self storageheck because it was so large.In the next few days, Sebren spent about $900 at King's Discount Store, again paying with checks that were returned.One police report listed 30 checks written to businesses including Big Smoke, Twin Stop, Pizza Hut, Sprint, Domino's Pizza, Mister Burger, Oasis Stop 'N Go, Taco Time, Sizzler and Depot Grill, totaling $1,924.52.On April 15, Sebren went to Costco, paid for a $110 membership with a bad check, then returned three times on the same day to buy a TV, two laptops and a tablet computer, for a total of more than $3,000 in bad checks.The next day, Sebren pawned some of the electronics for less than $300 in cash.Her checking account at Pioneer Federal Credit Union was closed because of a negative balance. On May 2, Sebren opened an account at Bank of America with $100 in cash.During May, Sebren wrote more than $3,000 in bad checks at stores including T-Mobile, CenturyLink, Addison West Restaurant and Norm's Cafe.The Bank of America account was closed once the negative balance reached nearly $3,000.Police reported speaking to Sebren a number of times about the checks, and she admitted to knowing she didn't have enough money in her account.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times-News (Twin Falls, Idaho) Visit The Times-News (Twin Falls, Idaho) at magicvalley.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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渣打銀行推出「高息馬拉松活期存款」戶口,於本月31日前開立及存入10萬元或以上,可獲遞增活期存款年利率。開戶日至11月15日期間,該戶口年息為0.5厘,而11月16日至12月15日,年息將為1厘,而由12月16日至明年1月15日,年息最高為1.8厘。全新客戶可獲最多300元現金獎賞。查詢電話:2282 2313。網站文章:02/10/2013 | 渣打活期存款年息最高1.8厘.am730.com.hk/article-174763迷你倉

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由大新人壽大全力策動、香港青年協會及臻訓中心協辦之首屆「『踏』出未來」計劃於早前在馬灣挪亞方舟圓滿舉行。計劃聚集了50名青協的青少年會員,mini storage透過參與一系列與單車有關之團隊及義工活動,挑戰自己、激發潛能,並共同組裝了30輛新單車,贈送予住在偏遠地區和有單車需要的青少年,以行動傳遞愛心和正能量。「亞洲車神」黃金寶亦有參與是日活動,現身分享他成為非凡運動員的追夢歷程。大新self storage壽行政總裁周詠姬小姐表示:「大新人壽扎根香港二十三年,一直秉持『做好,就係香港精神』的理念,與香港人一同成長。我們確信年輕一代是帶領社會『做好』未來的動力,因此我們希望透過舉辦是次計劃,讓青少年能積極參與的同時也能親身體會到這份理念。此外,希望黃金寶先生的成功歷程可啟發參加者,在往後的日子,更有自信『踏』出來挑戰自己,將這份精神融入生活,感染身邊的人一同做好。」 mini storage

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美國政治爭拗導致政府停止運作,存倉波士頓聯儲銀行行長羅森格倫表示,政府局部停擺可能影響聯儲局對經濟的評估,推延縮減每月850億美元債券購買的決定。分析料聯儲局縮減買債行動可能要推遲至明年。美國政府因為預算爭拗導致被迫停運,波士頓聯儲銀行行長羅森格倫表示,政府局部停擺阻撓聯儲局對經濟作出全面評估,影響到縮減買債決定。羅森格倫周三表示,如果聯儲局統計部門關門,聯儲局較難取得經濟數據。羅森格倫一直支持聯儲局的量化寬鬆措施。他稱,上月聯儲局沒有決定縮減買債,因為經濟增長較預測為低,財務政策對前景構成風險。羅森格倫表示,如果美國財務問題不是太嚴重,而GDP及就業的經濟數據轉強,9月份是適當時機縮減買債,不幸,事實與推測有儲存。聯儲局公開市場委員會上月出乎市場預期,沒有宣布縮減每月850億買債規模,當時美國國會正在為財政問題爭拗不絕,最終美國政府被迫停止運作。羅森格倫表示,聯邦預算削減已經打擊經濟,額外的削減可能造成更大損害。美國政府自1996年以來停擺的第一天,白宮與國會沒有談判,彭博調查顯示,料美國政府局部停擺一周,經濟增長將會減少0.1個百分點。羅森格倫表示,他強烈及明確支持聯儲局沒有縮減買債的決定,聯儲局的行動不是由華爾街的期望來決定,而是要做必須做的事。羅森格倫支持繼續購買債券,因為長期利率上升過急,威脅汽車及房屋市場。現年56歲的羅森格倫於2007年7月擔任波士頓聯儲銀行行長,之前曾經在波士頓聯儲銀行經濟及監管部門任職。self storage

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【陳瑩欣╱台北報導】�豐銀行昨公布《未來的退休生活》調查,迷你倉結果顯示,台灣超過6成的退休人士仍然負擔家庭財務責任,需要資助其他家庭成員;同時有近7成的台灣退休受訪者表示,他們會留遺產給子孫,且平均遺產金額達570萬元,是亞洲區第3高,僅次於薪資水準較高的澳洲和新加坡。 �豐銀行指出,最近一次公告《未來的退休生活》調查,從去年7月至今年4月透過網路訪問集結而成,總共訪查15個國家及地區共1.6萬人。調查同時發現,台灣有66%的退休人士仍然負擔家庭財務責任,需要資助其他家庭成員,比例高於亞洲平均55%,在大中華區中則次於中國的71%。雖然多數人對退休生活的期待是「經常渡假」,不過�豐銀調查發現實際上台灣已退休族群中,有高達41%的民眾說他們無法達成這個心願,因為可支配的錢比原本預見的少,而且還有父母或子女等家庭成員需要照顧,壓縮退休可運用資金的空間。 55~64歲僅13%退休 �豐銀行表示,台灣的受訪者中多數希望自己可以在58歲退休,但在55~64 歲較年長的受訪者族群中,僅有13%的人已經進入半退休狀態,顯示期待與實際情形仍有落差。另外,有8成已退休的受訪者儲存接表示,後悔沒多準備退休金,但同時也有81%退休人員表示他們仍在繼續存錢,退休族儲蓄比例僅次於印度的83%,顯示台灣人熱愛存錢。�豐銀行個人金融暨財富管理事業處資深副總裁莊懷德表示,退休後可能出現收入減少但支出卻增加的狀況,隨著壽命延長以及社會經濟趨勢的變化,人們的實際退休年齡可能要比預期中延後。莊懷德建議,想到達成理想中的退休生活,必須儘早開始規劃退休所需財務,有4個行動方案可達成聰明退休的效果,包括1、不要急著退休;2、不要依賴單一退休收入來源,善用退休金、政府年金及個人投資理財資金;3、退休規劃須考量家庭狀況;4、實際衡量家庭支出。民眾小張表示,薪水沒有增加,很多民眾容易覺得可從上一代繼承的資產應沒有調查報告那麼多,還是提早規劃退休理財比較實在。 投資兼顧保本與流動 中信人壽行政長卓長興表示,退休族手中若小有資產,應該以穩健方式布局,資金的規劃必須兼顧保本與流動性。例如:選擇月退俸的退休族,除預留每月基本生活費外,可定期定額購買投資型商品。至於選擇一次提領退休金的退休族,除了挑選穩健型的理財工具外,建議可以提撥一筆金額投保養老保險,為自己預留晚年生活費。mini storage

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WHILE the costs of financial crises are all too evident in debtor markets, how much do bailouts really cost creditor countries? The question is particularly pertinent in light of the recent German Constitutional Court hearings regarding the legality of the European Central Bank's outright monetary transactions and the renewed concern that Greece may require further financial assistance.mini storageJust as banking crises tend to entail transfers of risk from the private to the public sector, sovereign debt crises involve supranational bodies such as the International Monetary Fund or, in the case of the European debt crisis, the ECB. Attention, though, tends to focus on the headline numbers involved - the money at risk - much more than on the likely, or indeed ultimate, net cost to the provider of financial support.It is instructive to reflect on those net costs in OECD countries and to distinguish between governmental interventions - such as guarantees, equity stakes or nationalisation of institutions - and central bank activity - such as liquidity support, loans or asset purchases - as lenders of last resort.Evidence for government guarantees and equity ownership is mixed, though costs generally prove less onerous than initially feared:During the Nordic banking crisis in the early 1990s, the net cost to Finland was around 9 per cent of its GDP - somewhat less than the 13 per cent gross fiscal cost.The US Treasury's stake in AIG yielded a US$5 billion gain, and its investments in Citigroup and Bank of America a further US$4.5 billion.In the UK, the government's investment in Lloyds Banking Group is now close to breakeven. Th迷你倉 government made a ¢G5 billion (S$10 billion) profit on RBS's participation in the Asset Protection Scheme.By contrast, the record of central banks as a lender of last resort is better, with bailouts typically ending up profitable:The Hong Kong Monetary Authority bought HK$118 billion (S$19 billion) of assets in 1998, including a 10 per cent stake in HSBC. It eventually made a gain of HK$90 billion.The US Treasury's stake in AIG yielded a US$5 billion gain, and its investments in Citigroup and Bank of America a further US$4.5 billion.The Fed's purchase of nearly US$30 billion of Bear Stearns assets in 2008 generated US$6.6 billion. Fed loans to and asset purchases from AIG added US$17.7 billion.The Bank of England's Special Liquidity Scheme generated ¢G2.3 billion. Likewise, the BOE's Asset Purchase Facility, which has accumulated more than ¢G31 billion, is expected to result in net gains in all but one of its published scenarios.The ECB acquired 276 billion euros (S$467 billion) in assets between 2009 and the end of 2011. These programmes should generate a net gain of 70-80 billion euros.Viewed in this light, the lender of last resort plays a critical yet ultimately profitable role in the face of banking or sovereign debt crises. Should Greece require further financial assistance involving public participation for the first time, then at least some of the cost would be made good by the proceeds of the ECB's earlier programmes. If this was better understood, then perhaps the popular opposition to, and the public discourse on, bailouts would be tempered.The writer is Allianz Global Investors' (AllianzGI) Global CIO文件倉

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HOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill.儲存, Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sears Holdings Corporation today announced that its wholly owned subsidiaries Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp. and Kmart Corporation have borrowed $1.0 billion under a new a senior secured term loan facility (the "Incremental Term Loan") under the Company's existing Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as of April 8, 2011 (the "Existing Credit Agreement"). In addition to the Incremental Term Loan, the Existing Credit Agreement continues to provide for a $3.275 billion asset-based revolving credit facility (the "Revolving Facility").The Company can elect for the Incremental Term Loan to bear interest at a rate of LIBOR (subject to a 1.00% floor) plus a margin of 4.50%, or at a "base rate" plus a margin of 3.50%. The Incremental Term Loan is secured by the same collateral as the Revolving Facility on a pari passu basis with the Revolving Facility and guaranteed by the same subsidiaries of the Company that guarantee the Revolving Facility, and matures in June 2018. The Revolving Facility continues to be scheduled to expire on April 8, 2016.The net proceeds of the Incremental Term Loan were used to reduce borrowings under the Revolving Facility, which resulted in borrowings outstanding under the Revolving Facility of approximately $1.0 billion.Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains forward-looking statements about our domestic credit facility. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of our management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those discself storagessed in this release and those discussed in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We intend the forward-looking statements to speak only as of the time made and do not undertake to update or revise them as more information becomes available.About Sears Holdings CorporationSears Holdings Corporation is a leading integrated retailer with almost 2,500 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United States and Canada and the home of SHOP YOUR WAY, a social shopping experience where members have the ability to earn points and receive benefits across a wide variety of physical and digital formats through ShopYourWay.com. Sears Holdings is the leading home appliance retailer as well as a leader in tools, lawn and garden, fitness equipment and automotive repair and maintenance. Key proprietary brands include Kenmore, Craftsman and DieHard, with a broad apparel offering, including such well-known labels as Lands' End, the Kardashian Kollection, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, as well as Sofia by Sofia Vergara and The Country Living Home Collection. We are the nation's largest provider of home services, with more than 14 million service and installation calls made annually, and have a long-established commitment to those who serve in the military through initiatives like the Heroes at Home program. We have been named the 2011 Mobile Retailer of the Year, Recipient of the 2013 ENERGY STAR(R) "Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award" for Product Retailing and Energy Management and one of the Top 20 Best Places to Work for Recent Grads. Sears Holdings Corporation operates through its subsidiaries, including Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Kmart Corporation. For more information, visit Sears Holdings' website at .searsholdings.com. Twitter: @searsholdings || Facebook: .facebook.com/SHCCareers.NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: Sears Holdings Public Relations (847) 286-8371Sears Holdings CorporationWeb site: .searsholdings.com/迷利倉

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【送暖行動】秋去冬來,儲存倉下月7日就是立冬。蘋果日報慈善基金每年冬季都會舉辦送暖行動,透過社福機構派贈物資予弱勢社群,今年基金準備了食物包及手拉車,各社福機構如欲參與,須於本月25日前提出書面申請。記者:陳家偉蘇婆婆(68歲)和丈夫(80歲)同住公屋,她去年獲香港宣教會大興白普理老人中心送贈食物福袋,還記得福袋內有白米、麵、豆豉鯪魚罐頭和豉油,她開心地說:「全部都好�食!」她指夫婦平日靠積蓄維生,十分節儉,而且食量不大,「一支豉油我�都用好耐,起碼兩個月」。她感謝蘋果基金和善長贈送食物福袋,由衷地說:「真係幫輕�我�好多!」《蘋果》撥款逾134萬該中心程序幹事陳姑娘表示,送暖行動中的受惠長者收到物資後都很高興,且非常滿意福袋內的食物款式。中心去年把福袋贈予獨居、雙老同住及殘障的老友記,盼減輕他們的生活負擔,她說:「佢�平日都係靠積蓄(維生),好慳!」蘋果基金去年撥款逾103萬元推行送暖行動,共透過162間社福機構派發食物福袋及暖水壺各8迷你倉最平000個,惠澤1.6萬名基層市民。今年基金再接再厲,撥款逾134萬元購買1.1萬個食物包及1.1萬部手拉車,食物包內有一包1kg茉莉香米、1包梳打餅、2罐豆豉鯪魚、1包5個裝生麵、1盒普洱茶包、1瓶芥花籽油及1瓶生抽豉油,受惠人同時獲贈一部手拉車,可輕鬆地把豐富的食物包帶回家。善長每捐500元便有四人受惠,盼善長多多支持,暖意遍全城。「送暖行動專戶」捐款編號:S0014網上捐款:charity.appledaily.com.hk/donate蘋果日報慈善基金電話:29908688傳真:37112468電郵:charity@adfund.org.hk網址:charity.appledaily.com.hk蘋果基金收捐款戶口�生銀行:368-006565-001�豐銀行:580-198836-001中國銀行:012-898-00067655渣打銀行:447-0-667059-3蘋果日報慈善基金乃根據《稅務條例》第88條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構 迷你倉

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澳門自樓花法及中介法實施以來,self storage住宅交投大減,今年第三季住宅成交量有近一千七百宗,按季減少六成,業界指出,由於新例下,新盤供應即時大減,加上地銀行估價不足,普遍低成交價近一成,導致買家入市成本上升,窒礙買賣。利嘉閣(澳門)董事總經理廖梓嘉表示,經過一段時間適應和調整,市場亦囤積了不少買家,九月初發展商推出信譽.灣畔少量單位,平均呎價為七千元,新樓盤去貨速度合乎理想,帶動整體氣氛,刺激睇樓量及成交量亦同時按月上升兩成,並由用家為主導,不過,基於銀行估價,普遍低市價約一成,令二手買賣所需現金成本相對較高,不少買家因而卻步。根據財政局資料顯示,八月申報印花稅住宅單位為五百三十四宗,其中樓花佔三十一宗,平均實用呎價為八千三百二十八元,現樓佔五百零三宗,平均實用呎價六千二百六十三元,較七月升近百分之二,但較樓花法生效前的五月份數據,申報印花稅住宅單位下跌六成,樓花個案更大跌九成半迷利倉她預測,澳門今年第三季住宅成交數約一千六百八十二宗,較第二季大幅下跌近六成,而由於整體經濟持續向好,市場供應短缺,未來樓價仍有上升空間。中原(澳門)高級區域營業董事張麗華表示,樓花法及中介法實施已有一段日子,市場對新法逐漸消化,個別區份表現突出,東方明珠區內四大主要屋苑成交量皆止跌回升,其中,君悅灣上月錄得多宗成交,平均呎價約七千九百八十五元,按月升約一成。踏入十月份,相信君悅灣價格仍繼續平穩上升,隨�樓市傳統旺季的到來,加上市場對兩大新法已基本消化,預料大市將持續向好。君悅灣將推服務式住宅市場消息指,君悅灣六座服務式住宅「君薈」最快將於第四季推出,是市場上少有配備酒店式家居管理服務的住宅項目,項目合共約三百個單位,全部為五百多呎至一千二百多呎的小型單位,發展商提供級精緻裝修,買家亦可選擇不帶裝修的「清水樓」,意向呎價約一萬二千元,由於市場缺盤,相信推出後將很快被消化。自存倉

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  • Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:56
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 頃接銀行來信,迷你倉最平附上一張全新的晶片提款卡。函內陳述,據香港金融管理局的要求,須全面換掉舊有磁帶卡,令自動櫃員機服務更益安全。往後必預先啟動海外提款功能,方可使用海外的櫃員機服務。徐徐從錢包拿出將被取代的提款卡,未見深刻的傷疤,但風霜痕跡略現。憶及它已為我效勞十多年,深入櫃員機,從沒抱怨,運作至今,終要退休。另,卻沒忘它臉上印有「咭」字這誤用的別字,喜見寄來的新卡,刻著卡片的「卡」,用上正字。昔日手持舊卡,恍若被迫隨身攜帶別字。是次換卡,對我而言,還悄悄把別字更換為正字。 錯寫的別字俯拾皆是,顯見兼易辨的,該擇善固執,勿掉以輕心。遊走網絡,常見一些人士在留言時愛鍵上「人仕」,非一時手誤,或忙中生錯,大概不曉得已錯。「仕」字帶做官之意,若僅是對他人的敬稱,用「士」便最恰當,皆因非所有人均為官。早前,翻閱詩刊,曾瞥見以哈密瓜為題而發表的詩篇,卻寫了「哈蜜瓜」。此瓜以「哈密」為最著名的產地,因而命名,縱哈密瓜多甜美,亦不該錯成「哈蜜瓜」。然而,蜜瓜才是用「蜜」字。 談及吃,近日不得已去到快餐店,不厭其煩排隊等候外賣,取餐回家後,隨意掃視收據,先是眉頭稍皺,後卻不禁會心微笑,竟見「漢堡飽」三字。難道吃完此包必定會「飽」迷你倉可惜漢堡包略細小,吃下不久已煙消於胃部。而我是以八達通卡付款,收據兼且礙眼地淺淺印下「八達通咭」。「咭」這粵語讀音為「吉」的象聲詞,多形容笑聲。在這城市,若拾起數量龐大而誤用了的「咭」字,將重重墜在心湖,腰也會被壓彎。猶幸曾看過某超級市場的單據沒用別字。八達通卡的官方網站,亦懂正字。 此際,舒適地坐在椅子,閉目養神,隨意收聽電台節目。忽然,主持一聲「身同感受」刺進耳內,已非首次,不同頻道與節目主持,均曾錯說此四字詞語。大概主持確有同理心,對身邊或聽眾的事情感到如自身承受,可是「感同身受」才是正確吧! 須臾,電話鈴聲響起,接到八達通顧客服務中心來電。原來該公司翻查資料,得悉我的八達通卡已使用多年,現可給我免費更換新卡。透過話筒與職員核對資料以完成登記程序後,凝視手上這張照片早已褪色的八達通卡,清楚烙下它的出生日期為一九九七年八月三日,至今仍未故障。當時,見證八達通此種快捷的電子繳費系統正式啟用,我該是首批內置晶片八達通卡的申請人,是為了方便乘車往返學校。現舊卡也須被取代。 地球在轉動,世界在變遷,逼迫你去更換東西。縱使不貪新,亦難以留下有經歷或感情的舊物。期盼人們的心房,勿錯掛別字,更換上正字,辨清是非。文:星池儲存

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【路透社聖地牙哥╱亞特蘭大三日電】兩位美聯儲局高層官員周四指出,mini storage美國貨幣政策保持寬鬆態勢以幫助抵消華盛頓政治鬥爭造成的損害。兩位官員對一旦出現債務違約的惡劣後果提出了警告。亞特蘭大聯邦儲備銀行總裁洛克哈特表示,預算之爭產生的令人不安的結果,證明瞭上月美聯儲局出人意外地作出不縮減資產購買規模的決定是正確的。“我認為我們避免了就在演變成目前局勢的前夕縮減刺激舉措的尷尬局面。”達拉斯聯邦儲備銀行總裁費希爾self storage告稱,違約會令金融市場深感不安。“不堪設想的結果將成真,美國‘充分信任和信用’將成為海市蜃樓,而不是公認事實。”三藩市聯邦儲備銀行總裁威廉姆斯(John Williams)表示:“華盛頓決議造成的經濟束縛正迫使美聯儲局有所因應。在議員們增稅並削減政府支出後,今年經濟成長已受到箝制。每次出現阻礙我們的因素時,不論是稅收政策還是支出政策……都意味著我們不得不在更長時間內實施低息。我們必須進行更多積極購買。”mini storage

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FORM 8.文件倉3IRISH TAKEOVER PANELDISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 8.3 OF THE IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL ACT, 1997, TAKEOVER RULES, 2007 (AS AMENDED)DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE1. KEY INFORMATIONName of person dealing (Note 1) HBK Investments L.P. on behalf of itself, its subadvisors and its managed fundsCompany dealt in Elan Corporation PlcClass of relevant security to which the dealings being EUR 0.05 ordinarydisclosed relate (Note 2) shares and ADRsDate of dealing 2nd October 20132. INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS(a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevantsecurity dealt in (Note 3)Class of relevant security: EUR 0.05 ordinary shares and ADRsLong ShortNumber % Number %(1) Relevant security 13,474,528 2.627%(2) Derivatives (otherthan options):(3) Options andagreements to purchase/sell:TOTAL: 13,474,528 2.627%(b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, otherthan the class dealt in (Note 3)Class of relevant security:Interests Short positionsNumber % Number %(1) Relevantsecurity(2) Derivatives(other thanoptions):(3) Options andagreements topurchase/sell:TOTAL:3. DEALINGS (Note 4)(a) Purchases and salesPurchase/sale Number of relevant Price per unit securities (Note 5)Purchase 24,300 US$ 15.6796(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options transactions)Product description Nature of transaction Num存倉er of Price per e.g. CFD (Note 6) relevant unit (Note 5) securities (Note 7)(c) Options transactions in respect of existing relevant securities(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varyingProduct name e.g. Writing, Number of Exercise Type Expiry Option call option selling, securities price e.g. date money purchasing, to which American, paid/ varying option European received etc. relates etc. per unit(ii) ExercisingProduct name Number of Exercise price per e.g. call option securities unit (Note 5)(d) Other dealings (including transactions in respect of new securities.(Note4)Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5)4. OTHER INFORMATIONAgreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivativesFull details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between theperson disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of anyrelevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating tothe voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevantsecurities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. Ifnone, this should be stated.Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YES/NODate of disclosure: 3rd October 2013Contact name: Jon MosleTelephone number: 001 214 758 6153If a connected EFM, name of offeree/ N/Aofferor with which connectedIf a connected EFM, state nature of N/Aconnection (Note 10)XNYS儲存

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