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China’s biggest hypermarket chain Sun Art Retail Group Ltd is taking on Wal-Mart Stores Inc in the booming domestic e-commerce sector as it seeks new ways to maintain its market share in the face of fierce competition.文件倉With promises of farm-fresh produce to a nation obsessed with food safety, online retailers in China have turned grocery shopping into a business with sales valued at 11.5 billion yuan (US$1.88 billion) this year. A rapidly expanding middle class has also propelled the trend.Sun Art’s push into e-commerce comes as competition in the hypermarket sector heats up, with a tie-up between Tesco and China Resources Enterprise announced this month potentially posing a challenge to its lead.Sun Art said it aims to start online shopping and home deliveries to customers in Shanghai in the fourth quarter.“The products that will be available on our online platform will be way more than what we are selling in the stores,” Executive Director Peter Huang told an e存倉rnings briefing yesterday.“We do not aim to compete in pricing or any cash-burning model,” he said after the company reported a 14.8 percent rise in first-half net profit.Sun Art, a joint venture between Taiwan conglomerate Ruentex Group and privately held French retailer Groupe Auchan SA, said it had set up Uitox E-commerce (Shanghai) Co, a joint venture with a local company called Excellent First Ltd, to develop its e-commerce business.“We will also actively explore different business models for e-commerce so as to provide customers with convenient ways in shopping, and to develop future sources of profit for the group,” Sun Art CEO Bruno Mercier said in a statement.China’s online retail market is expected to almost double in the next two years to 1.15 trillion yuan, according to data from consumer research firm Euromonitor.Wal-Mart started selling groceries online in China after buying a stake in leading Chinese e-commerce website Yihaodian in 2011. 自存倉

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漢翔航空工業昨(15)日在2013台北國際航太暨國防工業展覽會,文件倉不僅與台中童綜合醫院簽訂緊急醫療專機長期運送合約,將搶攻醫療專機市場;另也分別與國際商務航空(澳門)公司、灣捷商用飛機公司,及飛行家旅行社,簽訂商務航空合作備忘錄,準備大舉搶攻商務專機及空中導覽市場。目前國內可執行緊急醫療包機業者,包括復興與華信兩家航空公司,其中,復興和國際SOS合作,華信與童綜合醫院合作。至於國內搶攻醫療專機的業者,包括中興航空、飛特立與漢翔等3家業者;漢翔目前擁有一架緊急醫療專機─灣流ASTRA SPX存倉型,為擴大營運,下月還要引進一架灣流ASTRA SPX機型。漢翔總經理徐延年與童綜合醫院長張子明,昨日簽訂緊急醫療專機長期運送合約。漢翔董事長劉介岑說,公司擁有較長航程的商務專機及經驗豐富的飛航組員,這次借重童綜合醫院對國際緊急醫療救援團隊運作的豐富經驗及專屬空用緊急醫療設備,以期合作組成最有效率的緊急醫療救援機制。另漢翔昨也分別與國際商務航空(澳門)公司行政總裁沙華韋、灣捷商用飛機公司亞洲區總裁侯雨辰,及飛行家旅行社等3家業者,簽訂商務航空合作備忘錄,準備大舉搶攻商務專機及空中遊覽市場。自存倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉庫Aug. 15--A boost in shipping totals at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa in July made it the second-busiest month of the year.Cargo moving inbound and outbound through the port that month totaled 275,798 tons, greater than every month except January, which had 307,997 tons.The yearly total for shipping now stands at nearly 1.7 million tons.The July total was boosted by a substantial increase of inbound shipments of steel, with nearly twenty thousand tons arriving on 14 barges.Outbound shipments were lead by wheat, which set a record this year with more than 127,000 tons of wheat moving on 81 barges.The number of workers at the port grew significantly in the last quarter, with a survey showing total employment grew from 3,7儲存3 to 3,923.David Page, chairman of the City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority, said July was a prime example of the flexibility of the port and the diversity of the cargo moving through it."The wide variety of products shipped through this transportation hub lead, each month, to a different yet interesting story, depending on the season and the economy," he said.The total amount of cargo moving through the The McClellan�err Arkansas River Navigation System in July was 1,114,814 tons, with Oklahoma's share at 587,280 tons. Of that, the Tulsa Port of Catoosa had 47 percent flow through it.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/普潤鄉風景。成魚捕撈。    每年桃花盛開時,迷你倉沙田去隆昌縣普潤鄉踏青、垂釣、賞花、拍照……已成為不少城里人的習慣,普潤鄉抓住契機,利用自身優勢,每年都會舉行一屆鄉村旅遊開放月,漸漸成為當地固定的一個節日。  作為讀者票選出來的川南旅遊名鎮,普潤鄉近年來加大了旅遊及配套產業的投資力度,尤其是隆昌縣城到界市高鐵站的快速通道途經普潤鄉,帶來的巨大區位優勢使普潤鄉左右逢源,本屆政府提出圍繞農業現代化和旅遊品牌化,將普潤鄉打造成花漫水鄉、成渝生態綠色驛站、隆昌“後花園”的發展目標。實地探訪 500多畝金銀花芬芳撲鼻  耳聽為虛,眼見為實。日前,華西城市讀本記者實地探訪,來到了普潤鄉。當天上午10點,當邁進張佛村集中種植的金銀花基地時,陣陣花香撲鼻而來。農技中心副主任範駟烈指著山頭一塊地向記者介紹,這裡連片種植有500多畝金銀花,與普潤特有的水資源相得益彰,繪就了一幅遠近聞名的山水畫。除了觀賞外,每年可採摘幹花上萬斤,遊客可在觀賞後帶回作為清熱良品、饋贈佳品。  隨後,記者來到了紅旗水庫普陀村境內,幾棟農家小院在綠樹叢中露出尖尖一角,據悉,普潤鄉依托紅旗水庫周邊環境,要將普陀村打造成一片“普陀園”,遊客可以沖浪、賞花、踏青、吃鄉村風味菜……  記者瞭解到,普潤鄉規劃旅遊產業主要集中在鄉域的西北部地區,涉及到張佛、汪家、普陀和瓦窯這四個村。在現有鄉村旅遊基礎上,發展高效農業、精品農業、生態旅遊為主、文化、商貿為輔的現代化旅遊名鎮。區位優勢 高鐵快速通道穿鎮而過  “其實,普潤鄉相對縣里的其他鄉鎮來說,是一個小鄉鎮。”普潤鄉副鄉長陳明英說,“但成渝客專快速通道的修建給普潤鄉的發展帶來了更強大的動力,我們一定會充分把握好此次契機,讓村民過上和縣城人民一樣的美好生活。”  據悉,成渝客專在隆昌縣界市鎮設站,從隆昌縣城將有一條快速通道直達界市高鐵站,全長約11公里,該快速通道在普潤鄉境內長達5公里,其中僅普潤鄉場鎮就設有2個出口,預計明年年底即可通車,屆時從縣城或高鐵站到普潤鄉均只需 5分鐘。  普潤鄉鄉長李明介紹,從快速通道將修一條長780米、寬24米的道路,直達場鎮,屆時普潤鄉將依托快速通道帶來的區位優勢,大力發展以生態高效農業和休閒觀光農業為主的“通道經濟”。街區美 清瀾生態濕地公園造就宜居環境  因快速通道穿境而過,普潤鄉抓住契機大力推進新型城鎮化,目前在籌建中的普隆路和普熙街投資規模均達到3000萬元以上。  值得一提的是,坐落在場鎮邊的清瀾公園,是依靠田園湖泊打造而成,是川南地區有設計規劃的一個鄉鎮濕地公園。普潤鄉黨委書記許承良說:“清瀾公園與周邊環境相互協調,有機地融為一體,沿濕地公園修建的普熙街和安居小區將尊重原有的自然機理和形態,空間分佈合理,為宜居隆昌、宜居普潤打下了良好基礎。”  據悉,籌建中的清瀾公園景觀設施精益求精,每一座橋、亭、台及其他設施都本著節約、合理、結實耐用的設計理念規劃建造,同時具有典型的川南地域特色和文化特色。文化美 佛教文化提升旅遊內涵  建縣以前,隆昌縣境內早已流傳佛教,對民間思想影響甚大,根據《隆昌縣誌》記載:在普潤鄉境內曾有一座建于元代的普潤寺,故鄉名“普潤”二字即來源於此。通過細細分析普潤鄉境內某些村名、地名,會發現其與佛家語錄有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,如:張佛、印壩、普陀、普光等。  普潤鄉黨委、政府已組織相關部門對各村與佛教相關的民間傳說、歷史典故、文化遺留進行挖掘與整理,豐富旅遊內涵,特別是佛教實體景觀、人文景觀、節慶活動,使各個年齡、階層、喜好的遊客均能在普潤感受到不同的旅遊風情。  現每年春節組織舉行的具有悠久歷史的傳統舞龍表演,用以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除舊佈新迷你倉價錢迎禧接福、祈求豐年,使普潤鄉地方特色的文化活動和民間習俗得到良好的保護和傳承。風景美 走出一條鄉村旅遊發展之路  普潤鄉的田、山、魚塘面積各近30%,是一個名副其實的山水之鄉,有全市遠近聞名的紅旗水庫,風景秀麗、清澈見底,美不勝收,湖中更有天然野生的鯉魚、鯽魚、草魚等,常年來垂釣的愛好者絡繹不絕,是全市出名的好釣場。  除此之外,作為普潤鄉村旅遊的重要組成部分,“詩畫的田園風光”使普潤的鄉村旅遊散發出別樣的魅力,青山環抱、田疇如畫、阡陌交錯……其中,普陀村近300畝的桃花園區,不僅在能夠給當地村民帶來豐收的果實,也成為春季鄉村旅遊的一大亮點。  今年3月12日內江市隆昌縣普潤鄉桃花文化旅遊開放月活動暨第七屆桃花節開幕,累計參觀人數達10萬人以上。這是繼桃花節開辦以來最有規模的一次,標誌著普潤鄉走出了一條集觀光、休閒、垂釣、餐飲為一體的鄉村旅遊發展之路。生態美 成渝兩地新興生態休閒之鄉  因為普潤鄉無大型廠礦和排汙企業,所以全鄉生態環境沒有遭到破壞,空氣質量常年好于全省平均水平,特別是鄉普陀村境內山水組合惟妙惟肖,峰巒疊嶂,藍天白雲、青山綠水,是發展生態旅遊的最佳境地;而且2013年隆昌縣環境監測中心對全鄉水源地水質進行抽樣檢驗,結果表明,水源地水質合格率達到100%。  基於這樣的生態條件,現已在普潤鄉“安家”的有生態療養勝地、桃花園區、漁業公園、生態花卉苗木種植基地,放眼望去,花木漫山遍野,蝶影蹁躚,蔥蔥籠籠,湖水漫延交錯、在峰戀間回疊,波映峰景,情趣盎然,是城市一族近郊旅遊、釋放壓力,調整身心的首選理想之地。發展定位 真正實現“花漫水鄉普潤田園”  說到以後的發展,許承良告訴記者,普潤鄉將圍繞“花漫水鄉、普潤田園”的發展定位,以統籌城鄉為抓手,以業主引進和項目推動為動力,實施“三步走”戰略。  第一步:到2014年,待快速通道建成時,“一心兩園兩環一通道”的基礎建設和產業發展框架基本形成,並初見成效;第二步:到2017年,旅遊小鎮初具規模,農家樂等休閒觀光旅遊產業發展成效顯著,兩環兩園一通道產業發展帶形成規模。第三步:精品農業、高效農業、生態旅遊發展不斷完善,教育、科技、文化衛生等社會事業會面進步,發展成為全省聞名的集文化、生態、商貿于一體,經濟、文化、社會、生態全面協調可持續發展的現代化旅遊名鎮,真正實現“花漫水鄉普潤田園”。鄉鎮簡介  普潤鄉位於內江市隆昌縣城北部,東鄰石碾鎮、周興鎮,西瀕紅旗水庫並與迎祥鎮交界,南與金鵝鎮接壤,北抵界市鎮,距隆昌縣城7km。當前,全鄉17個村(社區)已村村通水泥路、社社通油路,是名副其實的全市“公路之鄉”。  全鄉已形成“稻、魚、果、桑、畜”的農業生產格局,以高山村和陳東村為主的魚苗繁育基地達500畝,淨水養魚和稻田養魚面積3500畝,種植經濟林果木5000畝。其中紅旗水庫果木園區面積達2000畝,主要品種有早熟水蜜桃、黑寶石李子、枇杷、檸檬等優質水果,為“四川省生態文明鄉鎮”、“全市整體推進社會主義新農村示範鄉鎮”、“全市社會管理創新試點鄉鎮”、“全市村村通水泥路(柏油)示範鄉鎮”、“內江市農村實用人才示範鄉鎮”、“內江市創先爭優活動先進基層黨組織”、“市級最佳文明單位”。  近年來,鄉黨委、政府緊緊抓住新一輪城鄉規劃的機遇、隆昌成渝客專快速連接通道穿境而過的契機,主動融入隆昌全域新城建設,建成隆昌北部片區重要組團,隆昌主城重點衛星集鎮,“花漫水鄉”的二級生態、旅遊、商貿型鄉鎮。確定了“一心、兩園、兩環、一通道”的空間布局定位,緊扣“生產發展,生活寬裕,鄉風文明,村容整潔,管理民主”主題,狠抓“6+2”工作重點,搶抓機遇、攻堅破難、扎實苦幹,推動全鄉經濟社會又好又快發展。  陳明英 萬林 華西城市讀本記者 羅尹 攝影報道迷你倉庫

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 15--Child-abuse cases have nearly tripled in Chester County since 2006, officials said Wednesday, and the District Attorney's Office is asking the county to hire a detective specifically to deal with the increased caseload.Although they won't put together the 2014 budget until the end of this year, the county commissioners said Wednesday that they supported the proposal."This is a concern. We want to get out ahead of letting this fester and do what we can to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable citizens," Commissioner Terrence Farrell said.The last six years have seen a dramatic increase in reports of child abuse in the county, officials said. In 2006, county detectives fielded 121 reports of child abuse; by 2012, that number had jumped to 331. This year's reports are on track to continue the trend, Prosecutor Thomas P. Hogan said.It's unclear how many of those cases were prosecuted. County detectives investigate each report of child abuse regardless -- and the increased workload has put a strain on the department, officials said.Hogan said the increase in cases does not necessarily mean more people are abusing children. It may mean more people are reporting suspected instances of abuse.He said that with the attention to scandals involving former Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky and Catholic clergy, "people are becoming 迷你倉出租ore sensitized to reporting child abuse. People are understanding they're not alone in the world."If the position is approved, the new detective would have a base salary around $78,000, and with benefits, the cost to the county would be about $100,000.The District Attorney's Office has two detectives investigating reports of child abuse; if a new detective is hired, one would return to the office's major-case squad, lessening the workload on that department."We're already eyeballing a crop of already-trained forensic interviewers," Hogan said.Hogan said he met with each commissioner individually to discuss the proposal.The county commissioners said they were motivated by several child-abuse cases that have made headlines in recent months, including a Chester County prison lieutenant who allegedly abused seven children in his care."People are reading these stories in the newspaper," County Commissioner Ryan Costello said. "Every week we hear of something horrific."Hogan said he would not ask for any other increases in his office's 2014 budget and will otherwise "try to come in under budget" by December.In general, county departments have been encouraged to cut 2 percent from their budgets each year, and the county has been under a hiring freeze since 2008.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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By Fan Feifei fanfeifei@chinadaily.迷你倉新蒲崗com.cnA special seat for breast-feeding mothers has been added to a No 906 bus in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, and more are expected on other buses and routes.The “breast-feeding seat”, has a curtain mothers can draw around them to breastfeed in privacy.“We set up this special nursing seat considering the inconvenience and embarrassment mothers may feel when they need to feed babies on a bus. This proposal was put forward by one of our bus drivers,” said Yang Chaoqun, publicity director of the Third Company of Zhengzhou Bus Communication Corporation.Yang added there are six companies under the Zhengzhou Bus Communication Corporation and it has more than 6,000 buses. The Third Company has about 1,000 buses. “We want to make the No 906 bus our pilot project and collect responses from passengers. We plan to further expand the practice to more buses,” Yang said.The No 906 bus services 36 stops and takes nearly 2 hours from end to end. However, because the bus passes through the bustling downtown district of Zhengzhou where traffic jams often occur, it can take about five hours to make a round trip.Cheng Yanhong, 44, the driver who suggested the idea, said she saw a mother holding a child aged 4 to 5 months on her bus while the child cried loudly, but the mother seemed too embarrassed to feed her child.Cheng said the seat is very simple and was converted from a reserved seat for the迷你倉出租elderly, disabled and pregnant into a private room using a curtain and shelf.Gao Xin, 30, a mother of a 4-month-old baby, said, “I think it is very necessary, as mothers like me are often embarrassed to breast-feed their child though the child is very hungry. The curtain can solve the problem.”Gao added there is only one seat on each bus and feared some mothers might need to feed their child while someone not feeding is using it.Jiang Yongping, a researcher from the Women’s Studies Institute of China, said setting up such seats is very considerate.“Mothers have to feed their babies every 2 to 4 hours, but if they are on the bus a long time, it is necessary for the bus to provide a quiet, safe and private space for them,” she said.Jiang praised the bus company for coming up with the idea and providing quality service to its customers, adding it also encouraged breast-feeding.However, Sun Xiaomei, a professor of women’s studies at China Women’s University, doubted the utility rate of such seats and thought them unnecessary for short journeys.She said it would be more convenient to set up breast-feeding rooms at railway stations, airports and big supermarkets.Qi Xin in Zhengzhoucontributed to this story.We set up this special nursing seat considering the inconvenience and embarrassment mothers may feel when they need to feed babies on a bus.”Yang ChaoqunPublicity director of the Third Company of Zhengzhou Bus Communication Corporation儲存倉

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  • Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:35
  • 臺灣

太陽劇團「OVO蟲林森巴」即將在年底前來台演出,迷你倉價錢戶外裝置的巨蛋LED燈昨天(14日)落腳太平洋SOGO復興館,SOGO董事長黃晴雯受邀啟動LED裝置,太陽劇團的3位成員親臨現場即興表演精采舞碼,吸引不少路人駐足欣賞。位於雙捷運人潮不斷的太平洋SOGO復興館門口,昨日出現一顆巨蛋,迎著正中午的豔陽,閃閃發亮。這顆巨蛋是聯合報系主辦太陽劇團「OVO蟲林森巴」的戶外裝置LED燈,「OVO 葡萄牙語即是「蛋」的意思,正式啟動第一波早鳥票的售票造勢。昨日三位太陽劇團的舞者在街頭即興演出,在胖胖蟑螂的小提迷你倉庫樂聲中,一對黑白蜘蛛以柔軟身段表演超高難度的舞蹈,猶如練就一身軟骨功的蜘蛛精,吸引不少行經路人駐足欣賞,贏得如雷掌聲。黃晴雯從舞者的手中接下象徵希望的「OVO」巨蛋,她指出,遠東集團已是第三度贊助「太陽劇團」。太陽劇團「OVO蟲林森巴」11月19日至明年1月5日在台北南港展覽館旁的巨型帳篷演出,即日起至9月15日刷遠東銀行信用卡或遠東集團貴賓,可享八五折優惠,即起在SOGO百貨購物的消費者,憑發票可免費兌換早鳥票的購票序號,同享八五折優惠。購票請上兩廳院售票系統或洽:(02)8643-3955。儲存

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李清宇沿北海路從山東濰坊市駛向濱海開發區,迷你倉庫路旁有一個碩大的廣告牌:濰坊的浦東,中國的迪拜!濰坊當地人更願意相信濱海就像青島的黃島。有人說,十年前的黃島不就是濱海現在這個樣子嗎?十年後濱海肯定會繁榮起來。濱海開發區正站在債務的土堆上,踮起腳尖眺望10年以後。債務率急劇攀升國家收緊地方政府平台公司貸款渠道以後,作為濰坊市濱海開發區唯一的政府融資平台——濰坊濱海投資發展有限公司(下稱濱海投資)就很難從銀行拿到貸款了。2011年以後濱海投資不得不改換身份以其他方式尋求融資。知情人告訴記者:“恰巧我認識的人中,一個負責借,一個負責貸,我一聽說他們肯接受15%的利息,就知道濱海投資的資金鏈非常緊張了。”他說的是2012年濱海投資以信托方式融資5億元的情況。2011年,山東省銀行系統曾做過一個摸底調查,該次調查顯示,2005年8月成立的濱海投資負債額居濰坊44家政府融資平台第二位。《2012年濰坊濱海投資發展有限公司債券募集說明書》顯示,至2011年底,該公司負債總額為67.42億元。而在銀行貸款無望後,濱海投資通過信托、發企業債等方式繼續融資。濱海投資2012年總結提到,濱海投資從政府平台性公司轉為一般企業後,信托業務開展的障礙已經消除,曾經與中融國際信托、工商銀行合作,完成2億元信托並到位。而今年4月,國家發改委也下發文件正式批准濱海投資發行12億元企業債券(簡稱“13濰濱投債”)。濱海投資辦公室在此批復後表示,“我區下一步還將根據需要,陸續發行第二期、第三期企業債券,籌集更多的項目資金。”據熟悉該公司的人士表示,濱海投資融資成本近年急劇升高,有個別信托產品綜合成本達14%-15%。而2012年濱海投資負債增加約22億元(12億元企業債加兩期各5億元信托產品),當前負債保守約為90億元。那麼濱海投資的債務率有多高?根據濱海開發區管委會公佈的數據,2012年開發區地方財政收入16.3118億元,GDP為180.2億元。由於濱海投資的股權基本是國有,以此推算,濱海開發區的負債率為49.94%,債務率551.75%。山東財經大學經濟研究中心主任、博士生導師陳華介紹說,負債率指標主要反映地方經濟總規模對政府債務的承載能力及地方政府的風險程度,指標值越大,說明風險越高。他舉例介紹,國外地方政府舉債的指標,美國規定負債率警戒線在13%-16%之間;加拿大規定負債率不得超過25%。債務率則反映地方政府通過動用當期財政收入滿足償債需求的能力,該指標是對地方政府債務總餘額的控制。國外的指標大多在100%左右,發達國家如美國規定在90%-120%,新興國家指標放的寬一些,巴西規定在200%以下。對照上述指標可以看出,濱海開發區負債率超標一倍,而債務率超過警戒線5倍還多。產業結構單一濱海投資的財務狀況暫時未看到明顯改善的趨勢。像國內絕大多數開發區或新城建設一樣,濰坊濱海開發區的運作模式是,通過政府融資平台也就是濱海投資以貸款等方式融資,同時公司被賦予一級土地開發商的資格,政府則通過回購土地使公司償還貸款同時獲得發展資金。截至2011年,濱海投資192億元資產中土地及地產存貨達150億元。濱海投資的另一塊主營收入則是基礎設施建設。開發區內的道路橋樑建設、綠化及河道整治等工程在完工後由政府加價5%-15%買單。從濱海投資公開的數據可以看出,在其兩項主營業務中依賴土地獲得的收益逐年減少,依賴政府補貼的收入在逐年增加。200儲存年土地整理後政府回購獲得的收益是28.6億元,到2011年已銳減到14.2億元;而基礎設施建設的收入卻從2009年的7.3億元上升到11.7億元。另外,濱海投資以河道治理和汙水處理方式獲得政府財政補貼4.02億元。公司營收由2009年的35.87億元下降到2011年的26.22億元,淨收入到2011年為5.61億元。財務數據顯示,這一年“籌資資金淨流量”為-10.84億元,表明公司在經歷大規模借貸之後開始迎來還本付息的高潮。作為濱海投資最後一道保護堤的開發區財政情況並不樂觀。一是代表土地財政的基金收入快速下降,基金收入從2009年的79.67億元下降到2011年的45.56億元;二是一般財政收入雖然在逐年增加,比如一般財政收入從2009年的9.31億元,增長到2011年的14.18億元, 但仔細分析卻發現危機暗藏。主要問題在於,新上項目尚未形成有效拉動。中海油石化鹽化一體化項目是濱海開發區精心培育的大型項目,但據山東海化集團介紹,在去年虧損6億元之後,中海油已宣佈暫停石化一體化項目,原因是“盈利前景不明確”,抽調的各分公司人員撤回原單位。另一個大型石化項目——弘潤石化,在建設完工後遲遲無法投產。開發區同時培育的電動汽車項目、新能源項目,要麼投產後尚未形成規模效應,要麼至今停留在圖紙階段。時至今日,濰坊濱海開發區經濟結構依然過於單一——汙染嚴重的化工行業仍是開發區的主導行業。今年1-4月,31戶彙編化工行業企業,累計營業收入、實現利稅絕對數額均占全部彙編企業八成以上。產業結構的失衡,對單一行業和企業集團的高度依賴,大大降低了開發區對經濟風險的抵禦能力,不確定性因素增多。開發區的胃口並非全是壞消息。濱海的出租車司機告訴本報記者,今年外地來的客人增多了,新開的工廠也比去年多,出租車生意明顯比去年好。濰坊濱海有一個相當宏偉的規劃。2012年年底,濱海開發區編制了最新一版的《濰坊濱海海洋經濟新區發展規劃》,規劃面積達677 平方公里。新規劃計劃建設“一城五園”。其中一城分四個功能區,包括6平方公里的商務區“太陽城”;50平方公里容納50座院校擁有50萬師生的職業教育“希望城”;34平方公里宜居的“幸福城”;60平方公里旅遊度假“歡樂海”。這“一城”沿白浪河依次排開,南北相距達25公里之遙。這一版規劃與此前的規劃相比有三個特點。一是增加了大學城內容,二是更重視對白浪河兩岸房地產的開發,三是在產業園規劃中增加了海洋裝備和海洋化工等“藍色”內容。開發區更多的著力點放在了前兩項上。開發區今年的工作重點是白浪河治理。此舉可謂一舉兩得,一方面加快園區內基礎設施建設,另一方面也為大學城和房地產的開發儲備土地。2013年初,濱海投資發行8年期12億元企業債,其中9億元募集資金投向白浪河兩岸的整治。濱海開發區也開始引進新的投資方式。5月20日,上市公司棕櫚園林發佈公告,與另一家上市公司鐵漢生態作為合同的主辦人和總承包人,共同簽訂一項BT項目合同,“濰坊濱海經濟技術開發區中央商務區景觀BT工程(一期)施工”,合同工程投資額概算為7.76億元,建設工期約為36個月。採訪期間,從央子鎮到濱海開發區管委會所在的中央商務區,綿延十余公里的河道東側,推土機已在河道中距岸邊縱深約2公里處建起一道縱壩以填埋土石方。而在馬路東側,已經完成綠化的中央商務區,精緻秀美的街道景色如置身園林之中。除了一排拔草的婦女外,寬闊的街道上空無一人。新蒲崗迷你倉

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■交通銀行金融研究中心2013年下半年中國宏觀經濟金融指標預測 經濟指標 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013F GDP(%):實際 9.6 9.2 10.4 9.2 7.8 7.5 CPI(%) 5.9 -0.7 3.3 5.4 2.6 2.6 PPI(%) 6.9 -5.4 5.5 6 -1.7 -2 城鎮固定資產投資(%) 26.1 30.5 24.5 23.8 20.6 20.4 社會消費品零售總額(%) 21.6 15.5 18.4 17.1 14.3 14.1 工業增加值(%) 12.9 11 15.7 13.9 10 9.4 出口額(%) 17.2 -16.0 31.3 20.3 7.9 8 進口額(%) 18.5 -11.2 38.7 24.9 4.3 7 貿易順差(億美元) 2955 1961 1831 1551 2311 2400 M1(%) 9.1 32.4 21.2 7.9 6.5 9 M2(%) 17.8 27.7 19.7 13.6 13.8 13-14 新增貸款(萬億元人民幣) 4.91 9.59 7.95 7.47 8.2 8.5-9 人民幣貸款餘額(%) 18.8 30 19.9 15.8 15 13.5 利率(一年期存款利率) 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.5 3 3 人民幣/美元 6.83 6.82 6.62 6.30 6.29 6.20 第一看點:內生動力不足 經濟下行承壓一、內外需求疲弱與結構性原因致經濟增速放緩今年二季度經濟增速相比一季度繼續放緩,迷你倉出租主要是由於短期內外需求疲弱、經濟結構性問題阻礙及中長期潛在經濟增長率放緩等三方面原因所致。1、內外需求疲弱是二季度經濟增速放緩的主要原因一是出口在政策“擠水分”的作用下,二季度同比增速出現了明顯的回調。二是製造業不景氣,固定資產投資增速持續放緩。三是工業生產和需求不旺,工業領域有通縮風險。四是用電量及鐵路貨運等反映實體經濟活力的數據表現疲弱。2、經濟的結構性失衡成為當前經濟增速回升的障礙首先,在獲得金融支持方面,房地產與融資平台對實體經濟產生“擠出效應”,今年一季度多增的社會融資主要流向房地產和地方融資平台。通過計算發現,一季度房地產和地方融資平台共獲得的融資同比多增達1.3萬億左右。在一季度比較實的社會融資同比多增部分中,有七成多流向了房地產和地方融資平台(二季度這一格局並未發生根本性改變)。這種金融資源配置的不平衡又帶來另一種結果,那就是雖然貨幣條件較為寬鬆,但全社會的實際融資成本卻很高。其次,房地產與融資平台的問題也制約了宏觀調控政策的空間,使逆周期調控政策出台面臨兩難。雖然目前經濟增長乏力,但由於房地產和融資平台的問題,逆周期的調控政策很難出台,特別是貨幣政策難以放鬆。因為目前全社會的實際融資成本偏高,即使小幅降息也並不能真正降低實際融資成本,反而會刺激房地產的投資性需求。而且在目前中國M2總量已經超過百萬億,地方融資平台信貸超過10萬億的背景下,貨幣政策再進一步放鬆的話,可能放大過去累積的信用擴張的問題,加劇出現財政金融風險的可能。3、經濟潛在增長率已經處於下行階段,這是當前增速持續回落的深層次原因據測算,在“十一五”時期,經濟潛在增長率大概是10.5%,實際增長率也是兩位數。而“十二五”時期潛在增長率將降到7.5%左右。目前經濟增速持續放緩而就業並沒有顯著惡化也從一個側面證明:當前的經濟增長率可能就是接近潛在增長率水平的增長。經濟潛在增長率下降是一個自然的過程,我們應當正視這一轉折的到來,不能沿用原來經濟高速增長時期的思路來調控經濟。二、總需求難以有效恢複,經濟增速仍有下行壓力依靠經濟內生增長動力難以有效扭轉當前經濟總需求不足的趨勢,預計下半年經濟增長仍有下行壓力。一是出口需求在外部弱複蘇內部擠水分的環境下,難以保持兩位數以上增長。首先,近年來,在美國經濟增速整體回暖背景下,美國進口增速卻是持續下行的。受此影響,我們看到近年來美國GDP同比增速與中國對美出口增速的走勢也出現背離,美國GDP增速與中國向美出口的增速之間的相關性正在減弱。其次,就中國最重要的貿易伙伴之一——歐盟而言,受困于“缺乏統一財權安排”的財稅制度以及“統一匯率”制約歐元貶值空間的現實政策掣肘下,為推動整體經濟的複蘇進程,歐央行繼續實施“零利率”貨幣寬鬆刺激政策的難度正日漸加大。在未來歐元區很可能採取緊縮進口的結構性再平衡調整計劃的政策取向下,中歐雙邊貿易大幅反彈的概率也不大。最後,從中國外貿的環境來看,外部貿易保護主義壓力、國內勞動力及環境成本上升、人民幣匯率的持續升值以及政策加大對虛假貿易的查處力度等因素,使出口持續高增長可能性並不大。預計2013年我國出口增速可能維持在8%左右。二是固定資產投資雖能在房地產和基建投資支撐下維持較快增長,但製造業投資增速持續下滑將制約其向上的空間。雖然擔心房地產泡沫及地方債務風險問題,但考慮到經濟下行的壓力較大,再進一步收緊房地產與融資平台政策並不合理,加上前期大量資金流入,預計年內房地產及基礎設施投資方面仍可能保持較高增速。但製造業投資受企業盈利持續放緩的影響可能仍將低位運行。特別是PPI持續負增長,工業品價格低迷及產能過剩等因素將繼續抑制企業再庫存的意願,使得企業補庫存的周期一再推遲,存貨投資放緩也將影響投資整體增速。當然,為保證完成全年經濟增速目標,下半年政府在穩定投資方面仍有可能有所動作,上半年由於政府換屆,發改委審批項目較少,下半年項目審批可能會加快,而未來鐵路投資、棚戶區改造、城市基礎設施建設、節能環保、能源、內河航運等領域將成為投資的重點。綜合以上因素,預計2013年固定資產投資增速約為20.4%左右,略低於去年。三是居民收入增速放緩將拉低全年消費增速。2013年上半年消費表現總體穩定,下半年消費增長面臨的有利因素有:第一,上半年我國社會消費品零售總額同比名義增長12.7%,增速比一季度加快0.3個百分點,扣除價格因素實際增長11.4%,增速比一季度回升0.6個百分點,顯示中國消費具有明顯的剛性。第二,今年以來我國房地產市場交易比較活躍,將帶動下半年住房相關的家電、家具與建築裝潢材料等的消費增長。第三,下半年政府可能出台一些促進消費的政策,包括促進信息消費、光伏消費等。另外國家發改委近期發起的對進口奶粉、醫藥等行業的反壟斷調查等也可能會帶來相關產品價格的下調,從而刺激相關產品的消費需求。與此同時,下半年我國消費增長仍面臨一些不確定因素:第一,上半年我國城市居民收入的實際增速開始回落,上半年其實際增速只有6.5%,又開始低於GDP增速,可能會對下半年消費產生抑制作用。第二,今年上半年以來國內資本市場持續低迷,負的財富效應也對消費產生不利影響。第三,近期國內有較多城市為治理交通擁堵及城市環境汙染,開始對汽車採取限購和限行等措施,可能對下半年汽車銷量有負面作用。綜合預計,2013年社會消費品零售總額名義增速約為14.1%,實際增速約為11.9%左右,均略低於去年。由於下半年三大需求都有繼續放緩的可能,經濟增速仍有下行的壓力。但短期看,一系列因素可能使經濟增長不會出現“斷崖式”下降。首先,經濟運行很可能已經接近其潛在增長水平,未來現實增長不大可能持續大幅下挫。與2009年初2000萬農民返鄉相比,目前就業狀況較為平穩,這也是實體經濟運行相對平穩的一方面寫照。其次,三駕馬車中消費增速總體穩定,二季度實際增速相比一季度明顯回升,顯示國內消費需求增長仍有較大潛力。最後,近期政府提出要保證全年經濟增長率、就業水平等不滑出“下限”。綜上,預計2013年三、四季度經濟增速分別為7.4%、7.2%,全年經濟增速仍有可能維持在7.5%左右,出現“硬著陸”的可能性很小。第二看點:物價漲幅受限 同比小幅上升一、下半年物價大幅上漲概率較低1、總需求弱勢下物價難以大幅上漲根據我們對三、四季度GDP增速的估計結果,採用HP濾波法估算我國產出缺口:2012年至今年上半年季度缺口均為負值,盡管下半年將轉正,但仍接近零值,總需求持續弱勢,預計物價水平難以大幅上漲。2、物價不具備大幅上漲的貨幣環境2013上半年經濟增長持續下行,但貨幣政策並未因此而轉向寬鬆;新增外匯占款在經歷一季度大幅增長之後,二季度規模開始明顯回落;前四個月市場流動性略松、但年中呈現較緊的局面。近期政府重申維持穩健的貨幣政策基調,未來市場流動性大幅寬鬆的可能性不大,因此,短期未來物價水平不具有大幅上漲的貨幣條件。3、國際大宗商品價格震蕩下行,輸入通脹可能性較低歷史數據顯示,布倫特原油期貨價格與國內燃料動力類工業生產購進價格指數、石油和天然氣開采業PPI以及車用燃料CPI的相關性較高,國際油價變動對國內以上相關價格的影響滯後約1-3個月。上半年國際油價同比漲幅為負,預計下半年還將持續,因而短期內PPI同比迅速回升的可能性不大。二、全年CPI和PPI同比繼續分化1、下半年CPI翹尾因素可能被新漲價因素抵補下半年CPI翹尾因素約為0.89%,較上半年略低0.3個百分點左右;從趨勢來看,2013年CPI翹尾因素呈現中間高兩頭低的形態,最高點為6月份的1.8%。考慮到歷史CPI新漲價因素基本在下半年呈上升趨勢、較上半年高1個百分點左右,並且根據以上對四種主要價格因素溫和上升的分析,初步判斷,2013年下半年物價漲幅壓力相對年初而言略大。2、下半年CPI和PPI同比或分別小幅上升至2.8%和-1.7%左右根據以上定性分析調試物價漲幅的模擬和預測模型,結果顯示,2013年下半年CPI同比漲幅在2.8%左右,並呈緩慢上行態勢,全年約2.6%。採用類似方法對PPI同比進行數值模擬和預測,結果顯示2013年下半年PPI同比同樣將略有上行,但由負轉正的可能性較小,約為-1.7%,預計全年在-2%左右。CPI和PPI同比繼續分化。第三看點:房價漲幅趨緩 政策長短結合一、政策注重長短結合,長效機制提上日程1、下半年房價調控加碼可能性較小中長期來看,決定房價上升動力的關鍵取決于市場供需結構,在供求失衡狀況得到實質扭轉以前,房價上漲壓力猶存。下半年,決策層將更注重長短期政策結合,�動房產稅擴容等長效政策的制定和落實。而由於長效機制的建立和發揮效能還需要一段相對較長的時期,在此之前行政手段仍將占主導地位,暫無放鬆可能,調控方式將以部分房價上漲較快的城市落實現有政策為主。2、房產稅漸行漸近,擴圍在即房產稅作為一項調節樓市要素配置的長效機制,其作用性質決定了擴圍並不會使房價應聲而落。從目前情況看,下半年擴圍對象將集中在少數前期房價儲存倉漲過快的城市,試點徵收方法仍將以增量征稅為主,或涉及少量存量。3、探索土地改革,增加供給在新型城鎮化的大框架下,土地改革作為配套政策將被越來越多地考慮和提及。若農村土地流轉通暢,將提高農村土地利用效率,有助于緩解城市用地緊張問題,抑制新城區房價,同時也將有力地推進城鎮化進程,擴大城市外延。近年來,重慶、天津、廣東等地都在積極探索改革農村集體土地流轉方式,若此過程推進較快,會在下半年一定程度上影響地價。二、供求失衡矛盾仍存,房價向上趨勢未改1、投資將保持增長,開發企業資金面向好房地產投資的強勁增長與開發商資金面的全面好轉有關。1-6月,房地產開發企業到位資金57225億元,同比增長32.1%,明顯高于2011年以來的增速,這得益于量價齊升的良好銷售局面及融資成本下降。投資增速通常落後成交指標變化一個季度至半年,今年以來銷售面積和銷售額同比增速較去年大幅提升,預計將在下半年投資增速上有所反映。同時,隨著信托融資成本下降,開發企業資金面轉好的趨勢將延續,大型房企仍具備繼續在一二線城市布局的實力。這將使得下半年土地市場持續火熱,特別是重點城市優質地塊仍將是開發企業追逐的熱點。2、成交將在高位平穩增長下半年,成交量將在高位平穩增長。在供給端,開發商推盤力度下半年通常大於上半年,房地產投資和開工等供給先行指標也顯示未來供給增速處於穩定回升通道中,下降的行業庫存將相應有所升高。在需求端,首次置業及改善性需求依然旺盛,調控下房價依然堅挺的局面更增強了市場對房價上漲的一致預期,置業者追漲和恐慌心理加劇。隨著調控政策效力減弱,被壓制觀望的需求將擇機入市。總體來看,下半年成交仍將處於高位,銷售指標增速將較上半年平穩。3、房價向上依舊,但漲幅將小于上半年下半年房價總體依舊向上,但漲幅較上半年平穩。首先,集聚能力較強的一線和重點二線城市,其房價上行壓力處於全國前列。第二,開發企業資金較為充裕,進行降價促銷的動力不足,部分開發商利用預售監管推遲開盤以觀望或待漲。第三,土地市場的持續火熱終將傳導至商品房市場,未來房價將面臨更大的上漲壓力。但未來市場中也存在著一定的影響房價下行的因素,如國際資本回流美國的動力增強,我國面臨資本外流壓力;中央要求金融業加大對實體經濟服務力度;銀行在存貸比約束下存在貸款收緊壓力等。第四看點:信貸增速放緩 貨幣投放略降一、經濟增長疲弱政策維持穩健,信貸增速進一步放緩1、固定資產投資將基本平穩,對信貸增長構成支撐據測算,新開工項目計劃投資增速變化領先信貸增速變化大約1-2個月。照此推算,上半年新開工項目計劃投資金額的同比回落,將拖累基建行業下半年的信貸需求。在未考慮顯著外生政策變量的條件下,預期三四季度GDP實際增速有較大概率出現進一步下滑。為守住“下限”,不排除第三季度政府推出溫和刺激政策的可能性,這可能在一定程度上促進投資增長,帶動信貸需求。2、製造業信貸需求缺乏動力信貸投放的主要行業——製造業,經營前景仍不會有顯著改觀,其信貸需求可能進一步放緩。製造業庫存狀況自年初以來遲遲未進入補庫存過程。總的來說,製造業經營狀況變差將很大程度上限制企業的產能擴張和投資,最終表現為信貸需求收縮。3、住戶中長期消費信貸四季度可能回落下半年房地產市場將總體保持穩定格局,形成“量縮價穩”的態勢,特別是受基數效應影響,房地產銷售量下降可能性較大,同比增速或放緩至25%-30%。對於商品房銷售市場,由於房價上漲趨於平緩及成交量有所下降,住戶中長期消費貸款增速將在第四季度出現下滑。4、貨幣政策保持穩健,存款壓力限制信貸投放下半年,貨幣政策大幅放鬆和出現大規模外生性信貸需求的可能性都不大,銀行業在存貸兩端都將面臨挑戰。在穩健、中性的貨幣政策下,預計存款準備金率不會大幅下調,基準利率將保持基本穩定,銀行總體信貸環境仍不會明顯寬鬆。受限于吸存能力,下半年銀行信貸投放能力依然不強。5、企業貸款占比逐步下降,中長期貸款占比繼續上升下半年,部分項目加快審批會對企業中長期貸款構成一定支撐。但更為重要的是,預計銀行在存款壓力下,仍會通過壓縮短期票據融資來避免貸款增長過快和存貸比超標,從而企業貸款中中長期貸款占比將繼續上升。6、新增貸款在社會融資規模中的比重將有所上升下半年信托項目審核、國資委、銀監會對央企、銀行重點行業融資的嚴格要求都不會放鬆,信托貸款、委托貸款、承兌匯票等融資難有擴大,而銀行貸款將保持平穩增長,占比將有所提高。預計全年社會融資總規模將達到17-18萬億,較2012年15.8萬億的規模增加約11.0%。二、新增外匯占款將減少,貨幣供應增速下降下半年,貸款增速將有所放緩,外匯占款增量下降繼續對貨幣增長構成限制,但企業債券融資規模擴大和非存款類金融機構存款快增有利於貨幣擴張。綜合考慮各方面因素,預計2013年末,M2和M1分別同比增長13-14% 和9%左右。1、下半年新增外匯占款將明顯減少下半年,由於熱點領域融資需求需求和能力減弱、境內人民幣利率水平進一步回落、人民幣升值預期放緩、海外經濟有所好轉、美國超寬貨幣政策的逐步退出預期,以及外管局對虛假貿易的嚴格管理,每月新增外匯占款將明顯減少,全年新增外匯占款1.8萬億左右。2、財政存款同比減少形成對M2的正效應根據全年財政收入增速7%左右和財政支出增速13.5%左右以及新增國債規模約5500億元的判斷,預計2013年全年財政存款約有1萬億的下降。綜合以上三個核心驅動因素,取近三年數據進行參數估計,測算出2012年新增M2約為12.6萬億元,餘額同比增長約13%。應該指出,在短期存款增量中,可能包含了銀行為完成時點考核目標、達成合規的存貸比要求,短期吸收的虛增存款。在當前吸收存款難度加大的背景下,銀行往往採取短期同業市場拆借、爭取企業財務公司短期存款和以貸吸存的方式增加考核點存款基數,這部分存款在名義上會推高M2在年底的增速,但其穩定性比較差。綜述,今年M2增速可能在13%-14%。3、M1增速下滑,M2和M1“正剪刀差”持續下半年,預計宏觀經濟運行將總體平穩,但小幅下滑。在潛在增速下降環境中,企業經濟活躍程度將有所下降,貨幣沉澱現象將持續。預計M2和M1的“正剪刀差”將有所擴大。在貨幣市場,流動性相較上半年也將略有緊張。第五看點:貨幣政策穩健 定向調節靈活一、下半年貨幣政策維持穩健基調,更加注重針對性和靈活性1、貨幣政策需要在穩增長和防風險之間取得平衡下半年,通貨膨脹基本不是問題,而結構調整又是長期工程,需要認真規劃、穩妥推進,因而當前宏觀調控的重點是平衡好穩增長和防風險之間的關係。預計下半年的貨幣政策將呈現以下三個特點。一是實際政策操作仍是中性,以預調微調為主,利率和準備金率的使用仍然較為謹慎,除非有異常衝擊發生,大幅調整的可能性不大;二是公開市場操作仍將作為主要的政策工具來使用,用以靈活調節流動性,但在外匯占款增量顯著下降的情況下,下半年公開市場操作將以淨投放為主;三是再貸款、再貼現、SLO和SLF、定向央票等針對性強的定向調節工具的使用頻率會明顯提高,以提高流動性調節的靈活性和針對性,增強資金流入實體經濟的引導作用。2、存款準備金率保持基本穩定或小幅下調在政策穩健的總體基調下,年內準備金率將保持基本穩定,大幅調整的可能性不大,但也不排除適度下調1-2次、每次0.5個百分點的可能。下半年,預計外匯占款增量難以維持上半年的快增態勢,從而出現顯著下降。加之下半年公開市場到期資金量有所減少,存款準備金率有適度小幅下調的可能,以緩解因外匯占款增量下降帶來的流動性壓力。但基於以下兩方面原因,大幅下調的可能性不大:一是因為2012年下半年的實際政策操作情況已經證明,通過加大逆回購等公開市場操作工具足以應付外匯占款增速放緩的影響,保持流動性的合理和適度。二是資金在行業間的分佈存在結構性差異,準備金率下調這種“一刀切”式做法對解決結構性問題的效果並不顯著。3、存貸款基準利率保持穩定從穩增長的角度來看,的確有降息的壓力。但微幅降息對促進經濟增長效果有限,卻可能導致房價反彈,不利於房地產市場的健康發展。當前社會融資成本較高主要是因為房地產和地方政府融資平台從信托、委托貸款等渠道融得的資金成本較高,這也導致了銀行貸款加權平均利率難以明顯下降。鑒於這些領域已經獲得大量資金、負債率上升,下半年這些領域進一步融資的需求和能力都會有所下降,加之對資金套利的監管加強,預計信托、委托貸款等非信貸融資規模難以大幅增加,相應利率也會有所降低,進而會帶動總體社會融資成本的下降。總之,降息的必要性下降。盡管今年全年物價漲幅不高,全年CPI漲幅可能在2.6%左右,但目前一年期存款基準利率為3%,降息的空間並不大且不利於通脹預期的管理。資本外逃的風險也不可不防。盡管基準利率變化對資本流動的影響並不顯著,但在資本流向已經發生改變、中外利差可能趨於收窄的情況下,基準利率下調可能會加劇這一趨勢。而在物價運行處在上漲周期的前半段、總體依然較為溫和、可控的情況下,也尚未到運用加息手段來抑制通脹的地步。4、公開市場操作將以淨投放為主與上半年相比,下半年公開市場操作將會有以下幾方面的變化。一是在操作方向上,為對沖外匯占款增量顯著下降對國內流動性的影響,預計公開市場操作將會加大資金投放力度,以淨投放為主;二是在具體工具的選擇上,鑒於下半年公開市場到期資金不多,逆回購可能重�,並保持較大規模;三是公開市場短期流動性調節工具(SLO)的使用頻率會有所提高,定向央票也可能再次發行,以增強流動性調節的針對性。5、再貼現等定向調節工具可能頻繁使用目前再貼現的利率是2.25%,相對較低,這對對引導資金流向特定領域、降低實體經濟融資成本會有顯著效果。人民銀行已經明確表示,將繼續發揮再貼現對符合宏觀審慎要求的金融機構提供流動性支持、引導信貸資金流向、促進信貸結構調整的積極作用,支持金融機構擴大對小微企業和“三農”等薄弱環節的信貸投放。未來再貼現、再貸款、SLF、差別存款準備金率工具的使用頻率將會提高,並作為引導金融機構“盤活存量,用好增量”的主要工具。同時繼續通過窗口指導、發行小微專項金融債等鼓勵金融機構加強對小微企業金融支持。二、利率市場化改革將進一步推進具體來看,在經濟下行壓力較大的情況下,為促進企業融資成本下降,7月20日央行已經完全放開貸款利率下限。存款方面,預計會按照“先長期、大額,後短期、小額”的步驟漸次放開,大額長期存款利率的市場化會加快推進。此外,相關配套改革將會提上日程,存款保險制度有望擇機推出;允許銀行發行大額可轉讓存單也可能會有所突破;並簡化存貸款利率的期限結構,取消一年期以上存貸款期限的基準利率。迷你倉沙田

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KANSAS CITY, Mo.存倉, Aug. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Earlier this year, Pioneer Services was selected as having the best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for companies with less than 5,000 employees in PR Daily's CSR Awards. The company has been recognized by PR Daily once again, selected as having one of the best CSR programs in the nation regardless of company size in the 2013 PR Daily Awards. Other recipients included the Men's Warehouse and Walmart Mexico and Central America.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110223/CG52713LOGO)Pioneer Services does a number of things to give back to the military communities it serves. This includes in-kind support in its local offices, cash donations throughout the year, and the company's award-winning paid volunteer time off (VTO) program that provides more than 4,500 hours of VTO annually."We have made giving back a lot easier by making it part of our corporate culture," said Pioneer Services President Joe Freeman. "Part of that includes having team members take ownership of the program so they have a vested stake in its success. They have done a tremendous job, as awards like this show, and have come up with unique ways to give back to military families."This is the third award the company has received for its CSR program in the past 14 months. The company also received a 2012 PR Daily CSR Award and 2012 American Business Award (call自存倉d a "Stevie").Pioneer Services, the military division of MidCountry Bank, provides financial services and award-winning education to members of the Armed Forces. For more than 25 years, Pioneer Services has been a leader in military lending, offering military loans, retail lending, VA loans, Certificates of Deposit, savings accounts, and award-winning financial education programs through a network of offices and on the Internet. Pioneer Services is proud to support military families and communities through a variety of partnerships, programs, and sponsorships.For more information, visit PioneerMilitaryLoans.com. For information about our parent company, visit MidCountryFinancial.com.Contact:Scott CahillPublic Relations, Pioneer Servicesmedia@pioneerservices.comph: 816-756-2020fax: 816-561-9333(C)2013 Pioneer Services. All loan applications are confidential and subject to our credit policies. If you are approved for additional funds, we will consolidate any existing loan balance together with the additional funds so that you will only have one loan. The loan origination fee is calculated as a percentage of your loan amount. No official U.S. military endorsement is implied. MidCountry Bank is a member FDIC.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110223/CG52713LOGOPioneer Services, a Division of MidCountry BankWeb site: .PioneerServices.com/PioneerMilitaryLoans.com/MidCountryFinancial.com/迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonAug.自存倉 14--A FALL in the inflation rate yesterday was a ray of sunshine for households ? and it was thanks, in part, to the washout summer of 2012.The Consumer Prices Index (CPI), the main inflation measure, fell from 2.9pc in the year to June to 2.8pc in the year to July, while the more traditional Retail Prices Index showed a drop from 3.3pc to 3.1pc.Clothing and footwear prices were a key contributor to the fall in the CPI. 'This is essentially a story about 2012,' said Richard Campbell of the Office for National Statistics.'The very wet weather last year meant that discounting started early, so many of the price falls happened before July. This year was more normal, with summer sales in July.'July saw clothing and footwear prices fall by 3.2pc compared with June, against just 2.6pc in July last year.Other factors behind the drop in the CPI were lower air fares and falls in prices of recreation and cultural products.Campbell said he was wary of suggesting the Olympic Games had affected these last two categories, adding: 'We produce UK figures and not figures relating only to London.'And he warned that, while the slowdown in the CPI was welcome, 'prices are still going up more than earnings, and that means people are feeling the pinch'.The Bank 迷你倉新蒲崗f England has forecast that inflation will remain above the Government's 2pc target for the rest of this year.Campbell said that half of current CPI inflation was accounted for by three types of prices ? food, housing costs, such as utility bills, and transport expenditure on cars, train fares and plane tickets.But there was bad news for the manufacturing industry, whose fuel and raw materials costs rose by 5pc in the year to July, up from 4pc in the year to June.Prices charged by manufacturers on goods as they leave the factory gate rose by 2.1pc in the year to July, from 2pc in the year to June.A GLOOMY outlook for exports was published today by accountant EY, formerly Ernst & Young. An in-depth study of international trade data shows British exports growing at just 0.3pc year on year from 2012 to 2017, far behind the annual 1pc forecast European average and 2.3pc forecast for Germany.Mark Gregory, chief economist at EY, said: 'Our analysis suggests UK goods exporters are lagging behind the wider UK recovery.'We are seeing a decline in demand from our traditional large trading partners for UK goods to 2017.'Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Group dressed in T-shirts with characters for ‘Harbin Railway Bureau’ found on Beijing streetA group of at least 10 people drank pesticide on a street in Beijing in what appeared to be a suicide pact on Tuesday morning, but it was unclear whether anyone died, local media reported.self storageThe incident occurred near the Beijing West Railway Station – a major transport hub in the capital – and some of the participants wore white T-shirts with red Chinese characters that said “Harbin Railway Bureau”, the Beijing Youth Daily reported.A witness was quoted as saying people were spotted lying in the street, surrounded by vomit and tissues. “They didn’t speak and it seemed like they might have been unconscious,” the passer-by told the newspaper.The Beijing News reported online the group had been petitioning the China Railway Corporation prior to drinking the pesticide, but it was unclear what their concerns were. The report was later removed from the site.Police cars and ambulances soon arrived at the scene, and the 10 were taken to two nearby hospitals, according to the Youth Daily. Their 迷你倉onditions were not known, and a staff member at Fuxing Hospital said only some patients had been admitted after taking pesticide.Photos posted online on Tuesday showed police officers guarding a triage room at Fuxing Hospital, and several people wearing the same white T-shirts were photographed sitting or lying on beds in a hospital corridor.A representative for the Harbin Railway Bureau in Heilongjiang province said he was unaware of the incident. Beijing’s Public Security Bureau did not respond to an interview request.The incident occurred close to the headquarters of China Railway. The building formally housed the Ministry of Railways, a once super ministry that oversaw the mainland’s railway network, and its more than two million employees.In March, the Ministry of Railways was dismantled and its duties were absorbed by the Ministry of Transport, State Railways Administration and China Railway. The restructuring led to fears over job cuts, but former railways minister Sheng Guangzu , who is now the general manager of China Railway, said in March there would be no layoffs.文件倉

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Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.迷你倉價錢Aug. 14--TAMPA -- Tampa code violators could find themselves facing a judge instead of the city's Code Enforcement Board starting in September.The chief judge for Hillsborough County Circuit Court has created two courts specifically to hear city ordinance violations.One will handle violations punishable by jail time, a list that includes Notice to Appear citations issued to the city's habitual housing code violators.The other will handle civil infractions, such as noise violations and open-container citations. Housing code violators are also often ticketed as civil offenses."The special municipal dockets are a common sense solution that will hopefully expedite how quickly the court can process code enforcement and aggressive panhandling, among other issues," Mayor Bob Buckhorn said in a written statement announcing the new courts.The new courts were cr迷你倉庫ated in the midst of Buckhorn's month-long code enforcement sweep in several parts of town notorious for poorly kept housing. That sweep is in its final week.City officials said the new courts will streamline code enforcement by providing code officers and the Tampa Police Department a designated location for their hearings and judges trained to hear municipal code violations.Before the municipal courts were set up, city ordinance violations went to the same dockets with criminal misdemeanor offenses and could be heard by any of six different judges.The first code court cases will start Sept. 11 for those punishable by jail time. Civil cases will start Oct. 3.kwiatrowski@tampatrib.com(813) 259-7871Twitter: @kwiatrowskiTBOCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at .tampatrib.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Ambassador to Myanmar Yang Houlan says momentum is still good to complete the Myitsone dam, called off after local protestsBeijing is seeking to restart construction of the stalled Myitsone dam on the Irrawaddy river, a Myanmese newspaper quoted ambassador Yang Houlan as saying.存倉But China would only proceed with government permission and the consent of the nation’s people, Yang told The Irrawaddy in an exclusive interview published on Tuesday.President Thein Sein suspended work on the dam in 2011, citing the “people’s will” following widespread protests domestically and globally.The US$3 billion project by the China Power Investment (CPI) would have been Myanmar’s largest dam by far, flooding an area the size of Singapore to provide power mostly to cities in Yunnan province. As many as 10,000 ethnic Kachins in the country’s restive northeast could be displaced.In Tuesday’s interview, Yang said the suspension had not harmed ties with Myanmar and “the momentum is still good.”The ambassador said that without more power, improving Myanmar’s agriculture and industry would be impossible.“If you want to develop the industrial sector, then power supply is a basic need,” Yang was quoted as saying. “Without electricity, how can you develop industry?“China’s view is that we hope we can revive the project. But of course, we respect the Myanmar government’s decision and we also respect the people’s views.”Yang’s announcement comes after an apparent charm offensive by Beijing targeting the Myanmese public.Experts said Yang’s cautious optimism about restarting the自存倉dam project may be at least partially inspired by the China-Myanmar gas pipeline which began operations two weeks ago.Yang’s predecessor, Li Junhua , reportedly also advocated restarting construction of the dam last year but was quickly met with local opposition.“Why should the Irrawaddy-Myitsone dam project be built to provide 90 per cent of the power generated to China, while the people of Burma must bear all the social and environmental costs?” the Burma Rivers Network, a non-governmental organisation, wrote in an open letter to Li in December.According to The Irrawaddy, renewed activity has been reported at the construction site. Local media have reported that CPI told villagers that work had been suspended only for Thein Sein’s tenure and that construction might resume in 2015.“The dam has been suspended, not stopped – whatever that means,” said Bernt Berger, head of the Asia programme at the Institute for Security and Development Policy.Berger said there were widespread reports from locals that Chinese corporations were engaged in gold mining around Myitsone.“I don’t think the Chinese government fully understands what happens in Kachin. This is no longer about resettlement and compensation but about self-determination and being part of the political process,” Berger said. “Kachin wants to have a say in the dialogue about these big projects.”Berger said projects such as the dam were central in dialogue between Kachin rebels and the government. “My assessment is that the civilian government will not consider resuming construction at the moment.”迷你倉新蒲崗

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Productivity, competitiveness can be improved with a more fluid, community-based approachJAMES, a project manager, starts his day from one of the desks in the office solving client-related issues that have cropped up overnight.文件倉 An hour later, he is at a management meeting pinning down budgets for the coming quarter. After lunch at a nearby coffeehouse, he heads to a client meeting a few blocks down the road to secure the client's approval for new initiatives.In the late afternoon, he is back at the office working in one of the informal meeting areas located throughout his office, engaged in a fruitful brainstorm session with fellow colleagues. By the end of the day, he has settled down at another desk completing a 10-page sustainability report on his company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices.In one day, James passed just a couple of hours at a desk, and spent the rest of his time in other parts of the office. This is a typical work day of an employee from a company that has recognised the benefits of facilitating office-based smart agile working environments.As we thrive in the knowledge economy, greater emphasis is placed on human capital, knowledge sharing and networks of relationships, rather than physical office space. Employees tend to have a number of tailored working modes during the typical work day, some of which are not well suited to the traditional office environment. The phrase "desk-bound" is set to become obsolete in an era where globalisation and seismic shifts in work practices are tearing down the walls of the traditional office building.Agile working is catching on as companies all over the world are embracing increasingly flexible ways of working. According to the Virtual and flexible work environments on the rise report conducted by KPMG, 66 per cent of Singapore respondents said that flexi-time arrangements and alternatives to physical office premises such as hot-desking are becoming increasingly common.The transition towards this trend is a result of work becoming more collaborative and fluid as organisations' overall success depends on a community-based mind-set. Flexible working is not just a matter of moving around some furniture, but changing the working culture and designing spaces that foster employee productivity in the office. The physical office space therefore needs to evolve to better equip employees with an environment that drives efficiency and encourages collaboration.The benefits of flexible working conditions are distinct and measurable. In a recent BT study of desk utilisation, we found that desks are used, on average, just 50-60 per cent of the working day. By introducing agility into the equation, personal desk allocation can, and therefore physical workspace, be reduced. BT's experience with such large-scale agile work programmes has d存倉monstrated that efficiency savings are typically more than 10 per cent and can exceed 20 per cent in some cases.Dutch insurance company Interpolis found that after redesigning their workspace to support flexible working, productivity has increased by 20 per cent, sick leave has dropped from 9 per cent to 2.5 per cent and 51 per cent of working areas have been freed up.BT is a firm believer in the benefits of offering flexible working atmospheres for our employees and customers globally. Of BT's 94,000 employees, 65,000 or about 70 per cent across all employee functions and management levels work flexibly in some way, and this includes office-based flexible working. This community-based office culture that BT has cultivated is aimed at delivering significant benefits in terms of collaboration, efficiency and productivity.Flexible working can take on many forms in the workplace. The working environment can be made more agile by reducing desk allocation and providing alternative work spaces such as hot-desking, drop-in areas, team zones and informal working spaces.This year, BT Southeast Asia (BT SEA) successfully made the transition to a new way of working at its new office in Changi, where 650 people share 440 desk spaces. All employees are equipped with technology and connectivity that enables them to work anywhere, inside and out of the office. With this new approach, the company is seeing an increase in productivity and a step change in the collaboration between teams resulting in a better customer service. Each employee has specific preferences for his work space. BT SEA's new office is designed to support and encourage different work styles. For example, collaboration is much easier with more than 30 meeting rooms, nine video conferencing suites, and facilities such as a centralised booking system.Organisations looking to introduce flexible working practices can adopt technological solutions to facilitate the shift towards agility.Undoubtedly, new attitudes and technologies are changing business paradigms, and the agile organisation will be an inevitable result of the transition towards a more fluid approach to work. Relying on 20th century models to run 21st century businesses will not work for much longer and businesses are increasingly realising that agility is a means of sharpening their competitive edge and increasing employee productivity.Knowledge creation and sharing combined with mass collaboration can deliver higher company gains. A flexible work environment contributes towards cultivating these desired traits in an organisation. It is therefore increasingly vital for companies to adapt to these work shifts by becoming more "agile" and embracing flexible working environments.The writer is Managing Director for British Telecom's South East Asian (SEA) operations, based in Singapore自存倉

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TORONTO, Aug.迷你倉庫 14, 2013 /CNW/ - Marathon Gold Corporation (MOZ-TSX) ("Marathon") announced today its unaudited financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013.Highlights:-- At June 30, 2013, Marathon held $1.9 million in cash and working capital. -- Marathon's 10,000 meter winter drilling program at the Valentine Lake project was completed in late March and incorporated into a revised mineral resource estimate for the Leprechaun Gold Deposit. In the underground portion of the resource, measured and indicated grade increased to 4.17 g/t from 2.75 g/t in the previous resource released in October 2012, while the inferred grade increased to 6.13 g/t from 2.6 g/t. In the open-pit portion of the resource, measured and indicated contained gold increased by 97,000 ounces or 17.3% compared to the previous resource, with little change in grade. -- The winter drilling program also drove an initial resource estimate for Valentine East Hill. This shallow open pit resource, the first resource away from the Leprechaun Gold Deposit, represented a discovery cost of approximately $8 per ounce. -- The work program at Valentine Lake is focused a technical study of the structural geology of the property to prioritize future drilling targets. -- During the period, Marathon acquired effective control of Golden Chest LLC, the owner of the Golden Chest Mine property, and now controls 52.2% of the project.Operating results:Marathon's results of operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013 and 2012 are summarized below.Three months ended Six months ended June 30 June 302013 2012 2013 2012$ $ $ $Expenses:Exploration expenses 16,692 349,404 17,969 351,476General and administrative 336,685 376,397 882,900 737,113 expensesInterest income (8,500) (19,570) (19,892) (33,154)Unrealized loss on warrant 519 23,987 3,208 82,750 derivative investmentsForeign exchange loss 515 1,101 568 816Loss before taxes 345,911 731,319 884,753 1,139,001Income taxes (15,284) (376,986) (75,502) (1,006,574)Loss for the period 330,627 354,333 809,251 132,427This press release should be read in conjunction with Marathon's condensed interim consolidated financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013 and the related Management's Discussion and Analysis, both of which are available on .sedar.com.About the Valentine Lake ProjectMarathon Gold Corporation is the 100% owner of the Valentine Lake Project. The Leprechaun Gold Deposit is situated at the south-western end of the Valentine Lake Project, and the Valentine East Gold Zone is located 17 kilometers along strike running in a north-easterly direction.? The J. Frank Zone, which currently extends over an area in excess of 1.4 kilometers in length and 250 meters in width, is located up to 0.5 kilometers southwest along strike from the current Resource boundary of the Leprechaun Gold Deposit. These gold occurrences form part of a 23 kilometer long, highly prospective gold-bearing mineralized corridor focused along the Valentine Lake thrust fault.Valentine Lake Property Des儲存riptionThe Valentine Lake property has two well defined gold deposits with NI 43-101 complaint resources: the Leprechaun Gold Deposit and Valentine East Hill Deposit. The Leprechaun Gold Deposit has a NI 43-101 compliant Measured Open Pit and Underground Resource. The Open Pit Resource is Measured 3.5 million tonnes @ 2.8 g/t Au containing 247,000 oz Au and Indicated?6.2 million tonnes @ 2.07 g/t Au containing 412,000 oz Au and Inferred 1.2 million tonnes @ 1.82 g/t Au containing 71,000 oz Au. The Underground Resource is Measured 108,000 tonnes @ 4.83 g/t Au containing 17,000 oz Au and Indicated 764,000 tonnes @ 4.05 g/t Au containing 100,000 oz Au and Inferred 349,000 tonnes @ 6.13 g/t Au containing 69,000 oz Au. The Leprechaun Gold Deposit is open at depth and along strike. The Valentine East Hill has a NI 43-101 complaint Indicated Resource of 761,000 tonnes @ 1.67 g/t Au containing 41,000 oz; Inferred: 199,000 tonnes @ 1.47 g/t Au containing 9,000 oz.About Marathon Gold CorporationMarathon Gold Corporation is a North American gold resource development company, with projects located in the mining friendly province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the prolific Coeur d'Alene Mining District of Idaho and the historic gold rich Greenhorn District of Oregon, USA.? Marathon has a project pipeline consisting of early stage exploration to advanced resource development projects. Marathon is continually evaluating new gold resource development projects of merit that are located within the Americas.? Marathon's focused and low-cost approach to exploration and resource development has an established record of delivering rapid growth.? For more information visit: .marathon-gold.com.CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATIONExcept for statements of historical fact relating to Marathon Gold Corporation, certain information contained herein constitutes "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, or include words such as "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "believes", "considers", "intends", "targets", or negative versions thereof and other similar expressions, or future or conditional verbs such as "may", "will", "should", "would" and "could". We provide forward-looking statements for the purpose of conveying information about our current expectations and plans relating to the future and readers are cautioned that such statements may not be appropriate for other purposes.? By its nature, this information is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to those identified and reported in Marathon Gold Corporation's public filings, which may be accessed at .sedar.com.? Other than as specifically required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, whether as a result of new information, future events or results otherwise.??Marathon Gold CorporationCONTACT: Marathon Gold CorporationJim KirkeChief Financial Officer(416) 987-0710新蒲崗迷你倉

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