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- Aug 18 Sun 2013 10:58
OPEN DATA聯盟21日成立
因應政府所推動「OPEN DATA開放資料」已經有不少資訊服務商、軟體公司及學術機構躍躍欲試,迷你倉新蒲崗為了在政府及產業界之間搭起橋樑,台北市電腦公會將於周三(21日)促成OPEN DATA聯盟的成立。目前表態要加入OPEN DATA聯盟的企業及機構,多達150家,其中知名企業如IBM、微軟、精誠資訊等均會加入,而迷你倉出租他,像是天氣風險顧問公司、傑威工坊、風翔行動科技等也是成員之一。OPEN DATA聯盟第一屆會長彭啟明曾是知名氣象主播,為天氣風險顧問公司創辦人。該聯盟成立目的是希望代表業界,向政府提出OPEN DATA的方向和需求。並且將連續舉辦13場說明會,從食、衣、住、行、育、樂等不同的層面探討,邀集政府相關部門與會。儲存倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 13:50
內地寬郵輪團 利啟德成母港
國家旅遊局宣布,自存倉容許內地旅客參加指定旅行社郵輪團,在本港上船、到台灣後繼續乘郵輪前往日本或韓國觀光;本港業界歡迎,認為有助啟德郵輪碼頭成為郵輪母港。 旅遊界立法會議員認為,新安排對華南地區高消費旅客最具吸引力;有郵輪公司預計,明年十一黃金周可以推出相關的產品。 國家旅遊局昨日宣布「乘郵輪從港台赴日本或韓國旅遊組團」通知,新指引規定,內地旅客參與指定經營大陸居民赴台旅遊業務的旅行社的旅遊團、整團往返,便可在香港上船、到台灣後繼續乘郵輪前往日本或韓國觀光。百人整團往返 統一管理護照 指引規定內地客須持有往來台灣通行證及內地護照,領隊應同時持有赴台旅遊領隊證和出境旅遊領隊證,在港台期間,領隊應統一管理團隊遊客護照;原則上每個省、每航次人數不得少於100人。 香港旅遊業議會主席胡兆英解釋,國家旅遊局是次解決了內地人前往台灣必須「點去點回」的簽證問題,讓他們不必返回出發點,可直接由台灣去第二個地方:「對內地旅客來說方便了許多,是一個大賣點,亦間接幫助了香港成為郵輪母港!」 將於10至11月會有3艘郵輪經港的皇家加勒比國際遊輪港澳區代表林樹德表示,已計劃增加航班,但因船期日數會拉長,需詳細研究,他坦言措施令郵輪日後以香港作為母港機會增加,正研究航�,包括由香港出發,經台灣、沖繩、福崗、日本本島再回上海,料最快明年十一國慶推。料明年十一黃金迷你倉新蒲崗 推新航� 旅遊界立法會議員姚思榮認為,新安排對華南地區的高消費旅客最具吸引力:「香港對內地旅客尤其廣州、深圳等的吸引力已日漸下降,正需要有新元素刺激,只要產品夠新鮮、價錢吸引,內地旅客會接受!」他預料業界最快明年下半年推團,料每年來港內地郵輪團旅客較現時多一萬人次。 他指出,要吸引郵輪公司以香港為母港,要有穩定客源:「單靠本地市場,不足3年就會飽和,到時內地市場剛好成熟,可以接力。」他表示,本港去年有逾50萬內地旅客在港乘郵輪出發,當中逾兩成是高消費長途郵輪客。 旅發局主席林建岳認為,措施可增加郵輪旅遊對地旅客的吸引力、提升本港競爭力,旅發局稍後會向內地旅行社跟進,鼓勵業界盡快開拓相關郵輪產品,之後會聯同郵輪業界在內地推廣,他期望未來與更多鄰近港口緊密合作,共同推動區內郵輪旅遊發展,並吸引更多國際郵輪公司開發包含香港的航�。旅發局:夥業界到內地推廣 旅遊事務署發言人表示,新措施可讓郵輪公司為內地旅客提供更多元化的航�,吸引他們到港參加郵輪航程,有助爭取郵輪公司派駐更多船隻到香港及亞太區,促進國家及香港郵輪經濟產業發展。 港府與內地去年簽署(CEPA 9),當中包括允許內地旅行團乘坐郵輪從香港到台灣後,繼續乘坐該郵輪前往日本或韓國旅遊再返回內地。有關安排一直沒有下文,直到啟德郵碼頭啟用,問題又再度提起,國家旅遊局日前終於「一錘定音」。迷你倉出租
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 13:48
【本報訊】國家旅遊局宣佈,迷你倉新蒲崗放寬內地旅客在本港坐郵輪到台灣的限制,容許內地旅客可一程多站繼續乘坐同一郵輪到日本或韓國旅遊,然後才返回內地。旅遊業預計新措施將吸引更多郵輪以香港為母港,有助提升郵輪碼頭的客量及競爭力。每航次不少於100人國家旅遊局昨就內地旅行團乘郵輪從香港到台灣後,繼續乘坐該郵輪前往日本或韓國旅遊的安排,發出通知,規定必須由指定經營赴台旅遊業務的旅行社辦理,旅客採取團隊旅遊形式,整團往返。每團統一報請國家旅遊局批准,原則上每省每航次人數不得少於100人。而在香港、台灣期間,領隊應統一管理團隊遊客迷你倉出租照。旅發局主席林建岳表示,措施可增加郵輪旅遊對內地旅客的吸引力,有助提升香港在郵輪旅遊的競爭力。旅發局稍後會向內地旅行社跟進,鼓勵業界盡快開拓相關的郵輪產品。旅發局期望香港未來能夠與更多鄰近的港口緊密合作,共同推動區內郵輪旅遊發展,並吸引更多國際郵輪公司開發包含香港的航線,鞏固香港亞洲郵輪樞紐的地位。旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中表示,新措施將為本港郵輪帶來龐大的內地客源,有助吸引國際郵輪公司以香港為母港,開辦更多航線。麗星郵輪歡迎新安排,讓業界可以了解其中的證件要求和規則,麗星郵輪將研究和評估開展該類航線的可能性。 儲存倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 13:32
Don’t miss out stock exchange drivers in typhoon guidelinesOur piece yesterday on typhoon signal No8 has attracted some interest.迷你倉新蒲崗 Richard Witts writes with a tale from the 1970s.Among his various roles in the finance industry was a spell as the secretary and general manager of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the days when the city was blessed with four exchanges.He writes to say that financial secretary Philip Haddon-Cave was attempting to force the four exchanges to amalgamate and the first very small step in that direction was the formation in July 1974 of the Hong Kong Federation of Stock Exchanges.“I was appointed the Hon Sec. It really did not do anything much in part because we did not agree on very much.” One of the few things it managed to agree on was regulations for when the stock exchanges should close and reopen upon the approach and retreat of typhoons. “My proposal was in part to avoid every member of the HKSE phoning me as to when the market would reopen at the first hint that signals may be lowered.”So Witts duly drew up the guidelines, which were readily accepted by the federation’s council with one amendment. The time gap he had proposed between the lowering of signals and the beginning of trading was lengthened by one hour. This was to allow time for brokers’ drivers to get from their no-doubt-humble dwellings to their masters’ abodes to collect them.Travel newsOnline travel magazine Smart Travel Asia has concluded its Best in Travel Poll 2013. The respondents earned an average of US$156,307 per year, and 70 per cent were based in Asia and 15 per cent in both Europe and North America.Top holiday destinations, with 2012 rankings in brackets, were Bangkok (5), Bali (1) and Phuket (2). Hong Kong was ranked fifth this year and third in 2012. Top cities for business were Hong Kong (1), Singapore (2), Kuala Lumpur (3) and Seoul (3).Emirates (3) and Singapore Airlines (1) were both the top airlines, followed by Cathay Pacific Airways (2), while Air Asia (1) took the top spot in the budget sector, followed by Jetstar Asia (2) and Indigo (6). Top airports were Singapore (1迷你倉出租, Hong Kong (2), Incheon (4) and Kuala Lumpur (3). Samui was ranked 10th, just below London’s Heathrow.Top hotel brands were Shangri-La, Four Seasons, Grand Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental and Peninsula. Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong (3) ranked first in the business hotels segment, followed by Island Shangri-La Hong Kong (3), Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong (2) and The Fullerton Hotel Singapore (1).Shock call: more ethics in financeIt will come as no great surprise to learn that investors worldwide have little trust in the investment profession. A study by the CFA Institute and Edelman found that just 53 per cent of investors in the United States, Britain, Hong Kong, Canada and Australia trusted investment firms to do what was right. Retail investors are less trusting of the industry (51 per cent) than their institutional counterparts (61 per cent), and investors in the US (44 per cent) and Britain (39 per cent) are less trusting than those in Hong Kong (68 per cent).However, this mistrust does not translate to the capital markets with nearly three in four investors optimistic about obtaining fair returns from the markets.“Investors … want a culture shift – a renewed focus on ethical behaviour. Individual investment managers must be transparent, demonstrate integrity and communicate clearly to strengthen client relationships and preserve trust in the industry and the markets at large,” said Kurt Schacht, managing director of standards and financial market integrity at the CFA Institute.Lai See believes the prospects of striking a match on a bar of soap are brighter than expecting an ethical resurgence in the finance industry.Leaning on womenSheryl Sandberg’s Lean In Foundation has been a source of outrage on Facebook, of which she ironically is chief operating officer. The reason is that the foundation, which Sandberg set up to encourage women to pursue leadership roles, has advertised on the site for an intern to work part-time, but to commit to a regular schedule of work until the end of the year, and the role is unpaid. This is precisely the sort of exploitation women should not be subject to.儲存倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:59
記者于泳本報北京8月16日訊 記者于泳報道:由北京蟹島集團承辦的“2013北京國際啤酒節”近日在北京蟹島生態度假村舉行。據瞭解,新蒲崗迷你倉啤酒節期間將同期舉辦中國國際露營旅遊休閒裝備與房車博覽會、第四屆中國越野車及改裝車大會等一系列活動,日可接待遊客3000人次。近年來,北京蟹島集團通過下屬的北京蟹島會展中心,連續舉辦了北京國際動漫節、北京國際啤酒節等多項會展活動,吸引了北京及周邊省市居民前來參觀遊覽,形成了集遊覽、節慶、會展為一體的旅遊開發模式。
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:57
Kepler is gone, but its trove of data keeps search alive
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:57
Time for sun to really set on British empire
After the Spanish government fully compensates ethnic-Anglo and British-national residents of Gibraltar for their property if they wish to relocate, Britain should completely relinquish its imperialist history.迷你倉新蒲崗It should return those lands it took as part of its empire, which are not part of the UK, including the Falklands, thousands of miles away from the country.As for the referendums favouring British ow迷你倉出租ership (others would call it a derelict occupation), it’s all too easy to populate mostly desolate, foreign lands. Then, over very many years of procreation, Whitehall can have the British nationalist descendants vote in favour of the status quo.How many bloody wars will have to be fought over British ownership of populated lands so very far from home?Frank G. Sterle Jnr, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada儲存倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:55
【本報訊】國家旅遊局宣布「關於乘郵輪從港台赴日本或韓國旅遊組團事項的通知」,mini storage容許內地旅客以旅行團方式到香港後,可以乘坐郵輪到台灣,再轉往日本或韓國旅遊。香港旅發局對新措施表示歡迎,相信可增加郵輪旅遊對內地旅客的吸引力。
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:52
獻演逾卅精彩節目 耀眼巨星相繼亮相 澳樂新樂季明起售票
【本報消息】文化局訊:文化局澳門樂團經過十年建設和發展,文件倉再次迎來嶄新樂季。多位國際級演奏家矚目登場,繼續為觀�送上高質素的音樂演出。全新樂季將於九月十四日開始,由當今出色的炫技鋼琴家及李斯特的權威演奏者希普林 · 卡薩利斯揭開序幕。新樂季將獻演超過三十套精彩節目,門票明(十八)日起於澳門售票網發售。卡薩利斯享譽樂壇被譽為“鍵盤上的音響大師”的希普林 · 卡薩利斯將擔任九月十四日開幕音樂會“朝聖 · 貝多芬”的表演嘉賓,為樂季打響頭炮。卡薩利斯在西方樂壇享譽已久,無論技藝、資歷或藝術成就,均深受矚目。獲紐約時報讚賞為“超凡的技巧和強烈的個性,希普林鮮明的音樂風格使他遠遠超越同時代的各種鋼琴學派”。卡薩利斯在四十多年的演奏生涯中囊括了十六個重量級鋼琴比賽的大獎,包括柴可夫斯基國際鋼琴比賽、比利時伊利莎白女王國際鋼琴比賽等。音樂會上,他將聯同呂嘉領軍的澳門樂團,演奏貝多芬最具創作潛力、具代表性的《C小調第三鋼琴協奏曲》。名家亮相,陸續有來。瑞典年輕存倉揮家丹尼爾 · 巴蘭多夫、當今中國領軍級青年鋼琴家宋思衡、中國小提琴傳奇人物呂思青及柴可夫斯基鋼琴大賽金獎巴瑞 · 道格拉斯等,將呈獻貝多芬、柴可夫斯基、拉赫曼尼諾夫等名曲。為了進一步向本地市民及樂迷推廣歌劇藝術,樂團將首次呈獻史特拉汶斯基的著名室內歌劇《士兵的故事》,更會演奏不同的歌劇序曲及舞劇組曲。崗頂劇院室內樂音樂會已成樂季另一選擇,本樂季室內樂系列構思新穎,觀�可以欣賞樂師們的藝術造詣。社區推廣音樂藝術今年是威爾第誕辰二百周年,樂團將在十月舉辦的第二十七屆澳門國際音樂節參演威爾第經典四幕歌劇《阿依達》,並另外與韓國室內樂團攜手合作帶來理查德 · 施特勞斯偉大的交響詩傑作《英雄生涯》音樂會。新樂季其他品牌系列還包括玫瑰堂音樂會、教育系列音樂會、世遺音樂會及關愛音樂會等,樂團將透過多元化音樂活動,走進社區推廣音樂藝術。新樂季各場演出門票明日起於澳門售票網發售,購票熱線二八五五 · 五五五五。節目詳情可瀏覽樂團網頁.icm.gov.mo/om。自存倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:43
入夜,金門博狀元餅 比賽開跑
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:13
Youth games set an example of frugality
By TANG ZHE in Nanjing and ZHENG XIN in BeijingThe organizers of the 2nd Asian Youth Games, which opened on Friday at the Nanjing Olympic Center Stadium, hope to set an example of frugality to young people in accordance with the recent call from leaders to cut back on extravagant spending.mini storageUnlike the magnificent and star-studded ceremonies of most international sports events, the games invited young people to participate to highlight the event as a festival for younger generations, according to Yang Weize, executive chairman of the organizing committee.It’s also lighter on the budget, he added.According to Yang, the cost of the opening and closing ceremonies is only one-tenth of the cost of sports events of the same size.“The (international sports event) ceremonies normally involve more than 10,000 performers, but we only have about a thousand, composed mostly of young people instead of stars,” he said.The decision reflected the event’s main goal of holding a thrifty event in accordance with the country’s new leadership’s appeal to cut back on extravagance.The total budget of the Nanjing Asian Youth Games will be less than 1 billion yuan ($163 million), and ideally under 700 million yuan if possible, Yang said.Instead of building new facilities, the city is using previously built stadiums.Only one new rugby stadium, which will open to the public after the games, was built for the Asian Youth Games.The other 26 stadiums required minor renovations.According to Cheng Yuan, a publicity officer of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Park, more than two-thirds of the new stadium’s seating, about 6,000 seats, are rented, and only about 3,000 are fixed for future use.“This has saved more than 20 million yuan,” she said.In addition to the rugby stadium, the park wiself storagel house three more newly constructed venues to be ready for the Youth Olympic Games to be hosted in Nanjing in 2014.Most of the stadiums’ facilities will be temporary and movable, a decision that greatly reduces the cost of the games, according to Cheng.Since the park will become a fitness center for residents after the games, installing brand new facilities would have been a waste of money, she said.Considering the high energy and resource consumption of some large-scale stadiums, many of these venues are equipped with energy-saving features, including an external sunshade and water source heat pump, according to the organizer.To save on air-conditioning costs, staff at the handball stadium at the Nanjing University of Technology are using an alternative method for keeping the temperature cool. They use a box filled with ice to absorb the heat.“The competition temperature of handball is required to be 24 C,” said Leng Qingfeng, manager of the stadium’s service team.“It could have cost us 800,000 yuan if we installed more air conditioners, but by using the ice cubes we can save 600,000 yuan.”In addition to the facilities, organizers have also reduced costs by cutting redundant jobs.Most of the staff are multi-tasking and many bring their own computers to work, said Cheng.“We insist on spending every cent to its value in preparation for the games, and we hope, apart from experiencing the sport, that young people will learn the value of being thrifty,” Yang said.The event will close on Aug 24. More than 2,600 athletes from 45 countries and regions will compete in 118 events in 16 sports. Staff serving the games will continue to work for the Youth Olympic Games next year.Contact the writer at tangzhe@chinadaily.com.cn and zhengxin@chinadaily.com.cn迷你倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:11
Seeking talent solutions
Top names in HR gather to brainstorm talent-management issues at CEB-SHL conference.迷你倉沙田 Reports by Rex AguadoIt was a formidable gathering of minds to crack the current China conundrum: how do you attract and keep the best talent on the mainland, amid a highly competitive domestic market and an unsettled global economy?The CEB-SHL LINK Greater China Conference 2013 apparently achieved what it sought to do – allow the participants to learn, interact, network and know. This year’s theme – “Big Data in a Nutshell: Integrated Talent Management Solution in Greater China” – was as timely as one could hope for, given the rapid evolution of the mainland human-resources scene.The event also included a presentation by CEB-SHL executives, led by Robert Morgan, CEB general manager and president and CEO of SHL, on the story behind the 2012 acquisition by CEB of SHL.Mike Tims, president for Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa at SHL, talked about “People Intelligence and Business Results in the New Work Environment”.Other presenters were: Eugene Burke, chief science and analytics officer at SHL; Stuart Hedley, field enablement director for Asia-Pacific at SHL; and Brad Adams, head of HR research and product management for Asia at CEB.Completing the CEB-SHL contingent were: Anthony Parslow, executive director for growth acceleration and commercial operations at SHL; Chris Frost, managing director at SHL Hong Kong; Christy Forest, executive director for Asia-Pacific at CEB; and Fu Quan, managing director of SHL China.Guest speakers included leading HR practitioners from organisations such as Boral Group, Fonterra, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, ICBC, Anheuser-Busch InBev Brewing Group China, Novartis, Kimberly-Clark China, C&A and Kellogg’s.Arguably, Morgan captured the conference’s main thrust, which was diagnosed in Burke’s comprehensive presentation: “There’s a lot of data around, but not a lot of tools to analyse that data.”Other speakers took turns highlighting the fact that most comp迷你倉價錢nies in China have been diligently collecting information about their talent pools, as well as chunks of the national job market, but that very few have been able to make sense of the raw information they have gathered.What can be gleaned from the unprocessed information gathered by both SHL and other talent analytics organisations was amply summar-ised by SHL China managing director Fu. “There are a lot of differences between China and the world as far as HR practices are concerned,” he said. “For example, in China, companies are more focused on retention and performance management.”Fu cited sectors such as retail, pharmaceuticals and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). “The rise of the middle class has fuelled growth, so hiring is up. But the talent retention rate is also high – with some FMCG companies reporting almost 100 per cent retention rates. So the challenge is talent assessment, as many companies in China are less focused on formal appraisal and talent data analysis.”Fu also cited the case of the financial sector, where commercial banks are transforming themselves into universal banks.Tims sees this phenomenon as part of a global problem, where companies are forced to achieve more with the same or less resources.“About 98 per cent of the members of CEB-SHL say they had gone through significant change over the past few years,” he said. “In China and the rest of Asia, companies have become more dispersed geographically, with a more matrixed structure.”Over and above these HR issues is, of course, the matter of leadership, the topic covered by Hedley and Adams.This issue was further teased out in a subsequent Classified Post interview with SHL’s Frost, who offers some hope in the form of talent analytics. “Big data in HR will follow the way companies are now doing financial and sales analytics,” she says. “We see a convergence between the building of … the recruitment pipeline and talent measurement. Talent assessment will come to the rescue of businesses facing a multitude of challenges.”迷你倉庫
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:08
Blue-chip baubles
More than just head-turning fashion statements, the value of fine jewellery tends to hold its own for generations.迷你倉庫 By May YipWHEN it comes to luxury splurges, women the world over often gravitate towards stylish head turners like the status bag. But sometimes such swish purchases come with equally staggering price tags, which could incite moments of headline-making blunders.Just earlier this week, Oprah Winfrey revealed during a TV interview that when she had asked to see a US$38,000 Tom Ford handbag at a boutique in Zurich, she was told by the sales assistant she probably couldn't afford it. Later, the media maven tweeted, "Turns out the store clerk did me a favour. Just found out that bag was $38,000. She was right I was not going to buy it."But unlike big ticket buys such as bags commanding five-figure prices, outr?m heels, fabulous cocktail dresses or designer costume accessories, which often depreciate in value, fine jewellery qualifies as a true investment buy that even intelligent shoppers like Winfrey would appreciate."The notion of investing in jewellery has been something we heard about more and more in the past five to six years, after the recession in Europe and the US," said Nicolas Bos, president and CEO of Van Cleef & Arpels. "That dimension, which has always been strong with jewellery, has really reappeared. It's the pleasure of wearing a piece, the pleasure of gifting, coupled with the value of the jewel which is retained over time."When it comes to seeking coveted additions to their wardrobes, many shoppers also find it easier to justify the price tag on classic bling rather than seasonal accessories."I think investing in fine jewellery is a savvier splurge," said homemaker Leslie Hewlett, who considers a reversible necklace with diamonds on one side and sapphires on the other by homegrown jeweller Simone Ng as her most valuable piece. "Shoes and handbags tend to be trendy, while jewellery is timeless. Fine jewellery can be passed down to future generations while shoes and handbags end up in thrift shops."Indeed, diamonds - as well as other precious stones and metals - are a girl's best friend more than ever before. Back in April, auction house Christie's sold a 34.65-carat pink diamond - about the size of a thumbnail - for US$39.3 million. It actually exceeded the price fetched for a prized artwork, Andy Warhol's Four Marilyns, which sold for US$38.3 million in May."Everybody knows that stones hold value as an investment in the long term," said Yvon Neo, director of a travel and property company who enjoys collecting jewellery. "To me, buying fine jewellery is a smart investment, just like land in Singapore, which is getting harder to get nowadays anyway."After all, jewellery serves as a creative and mobile alternative to other diversified assets. One could hardly walk around with bullion or a pop art canvas hanging around one's neck. But bling serves as wearable investments that could be flaunted, stored or even toted with ease."We've had some interesting discussions with customers relating dramatic family histories, which involved having to escape from something bad and realising that jewellery is something you can grab and take with you," said Mr Bos. "Jewellery isn't going to be outdated in the following month or year. It holds its value."Want to learn how to capitalise on your latest fashion acquisition? Here are expert tips on picking out jewellery that shines in more ways than one:Pretty and prizedWhile investors (the majority of jewellery investors are, interestingly enough, men) may be sourcing diamonds and coloured gems as pure investments, specialists advise collectors to pick pieces that rank high on both aesthetics and value. "The most important thing is to buy what you like," said curator of Bulgari's Corporate Historical Archives Amanda Triossi, who is also a jewellery historian and former head of the Sotheby's jewellery department. "Jewels are created to be worn and enjoyed."And as much as jewellery purchases are almost always emotionally charged, often to mark special occasions, Singapore-based private jeweller Simone Ng echoes the belief that consumers should consider the quality and design of a creation before swiping that credit card."Often, a valuable gemstone isn't complemented with a good design; and if the design is not good, it will not bring out the best in the gemstone," said Ms Ng, executive creat儲存ve director of seven-year-old label Simone Jewels."This is why in every piece that I design, I try to merge a rare gemstone with a one of a kind design, ensuring it is very wearable. I often advise my customers to enjoy wearing the jewellery instead of just keeping it in the safebox. It wouldn't be an ideal piece of jewellery if one cannot enjoy both the investment and aesthetic aspects of it."Quality controlTake time to learn about stones or even a period of jewellery that you like. Consider taking a short course in, say gemology. Otherwise, go with a trusted jeweller with a flawless reputation. "If you are not a gemologist, you have to rely on the advice of experts because you will not be in the position to detect if the materials used in a piece are genuine or not," said Ms Triossi. "You can get the feel of an item's value with a bit of market research. Even if you were to buy a pair of shoes or a new property, you would look at similar products across the board."Buying from established, preferably historical jewellery houses provide a degree of assurance. Otherwise, be sure to consult close relatives or friends for recommendations of reliable jewellers. "The biggest advantage of going to a personal jeweller would be the time, attention and commitment given to every detail the customer desires," said Ms Ng, who has a HRD Antwerp Certified Diamond Grader diploma."This includes educating the customer on how to identify a good stone; styling tips on what design suits them and how to wear them; understanding their lifestyle and purpose of piece and of course customised budgeting. Also, as we don't have heavy retail overheads, there is no additional cost factored into our pricing."As Ms Triossi added: "As with any other investment, I can't expect to buy stones and immediately make a profit, so it is better to buy something you like of great quality. At least you get enjoyment from the piece."Signature styleDuring a retrospective of Bulgari's most memorable designs held at its Takashimaya Shopping Centre store in July, Ms Triossi waxed lyrical about a sapphire and diamond sautoir that Richard Burton had bought for Elizabeth Taylor for her 40th birthday. Although the 52.7-carat sapphire design was bought for US$5.9 million at a Christie's auction of the movie star's jewels, as compared to another Bulgari highlight - a $6.1 million platinum necklace that Burton had presented to Taylor upon their marriage, which comprises 16 Colombian emeralds totalling 60.5 carats, the curator explained how the sautoir is more representative of the house's style. "It's a quintessential Bulgari piece, this sautoir, with its rounded, symmetrical magnificence. Because in the 60s, Bulgari came into its own in terms of design. It was using soft cabochons, for example, not angular stones."Similarly, when buying from a jewellery house or investing in estate or vintage pieces, select designs that are representative of the marque or period. "If it's an iconic design, it's like an important painting," said Mr Bos. "That's the trend you can see on the market - a demand for signature pieces that don't need a logo to be very recognisable."When it comes to Van Cleef & Arpels jewellery, Mr Bos recommends pieces that employ the Mystery Setting technique - whereby stones are set without visible prongs; the Zip Necklace and creations with butterfly, bird or ballerina motifs.The rarer the betterAs a general rule, rare baubles tend to gain more value over time. "For better value, always go for a stone that is more rare, of a better quality and in a better colour - rather than just size," said Ms Ng. "For example, a one carat fancy light pink diamond may cost as much as a 0.30-carat fancy vivid pink diamond. Although many may be tempted to buy the bigger stone, in this case, the 0.30-carat holds better value due to its rarity in colour."While bigger diamonds seem to have been selling better than, say, flawless ones, in most parts of the world, most specialists agree that any kind of stand-out piece - whether in terms of design, heritage or intrinsic value of the materials, makes for a sensible buy."It's also true for artworks, when you see a great disconnect with an exceptional piece and everything else," said Mr Bos. "Anything average doesn't hold its value, so you want exceptional stones, or signed jewellery. And also make sure that what you've got is the real thing."btnews@sph.com.sg新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 17 Sat 2013 12:03
Performance alone won't win trust: study
pub_date:Investors worldwide believe there is much that can be done to restore trust in investment professionSingaporeIF you are an investment manager, you may do well in building trust with your client as he or she is likely to value ethical behaviour and transparency more than the performance of the investments.self storageA CFA Institute/Edelman Investor Trust study shows that investors worldwide have little trust in the investment profession and believe there is much that can be done to restore trust.According to the study, just 53 per cent of investors in the US, the UK, Hong Kong, Canada and Australia trust investment firms to do what is right. Retail investors appear to be less trusting of the industry, as only 51 per cent of them indicated so, compared with 61 per cent of their institutional counterparts.Geographically, investment managers in the West appear to have a greater trust deficit with clients than their colleagues in the Eastern hemisphere. Only 44 per cent in the US and 39 per cent in the UK trust their investment managers to do what is right as compared to 68 per cent in Hong Kong."This survey sends a clear message. Trust is absolutely critical to the future of finance, and it is up to all of us to help shape a more trustworthy financial system," said John Rogers, president and CEO of the CFA Institute."Investors believe the professionals they work with have been the most effective in earning their trust. This represents a significant opportunity for investment professionals and firms to actively build a culture where ethical practices are valued as highly as investment performance."This lack of trust in the investment industry does not translate to the capital markets. Nearly three-in-four investors report that they are optimistic about their ability to earn a fair return in capital markets. Yet intensity of that confidence is low, as just 19 per cent of investors "strongly agree" that they have a fair opportunity.However, before investment managers can claim victory for investors' trust in the capital markets, their joy may be short-lived. Just over half of investors, at 55 per cent, note that investment managers they work with have been the most effective in enhancing their trust in the capital markets.There is, however, a greater role for governments to play whe迷你倉 it comes to increasing investors' confidence in the capital markets. The survey reveals that 38 per cent and 35 per cent of investors respectively believe that national regulators and global regulators have been the most effective in enhancing their trust in the capital markets.Investors do expect governments to help build trust in capital markets as 52 per cent point to national and global regulators as having the greatest opportunity to effect change and enhance trust moving forward, far more than individual investment management professionals, at 28 per cent, and investment management firms at 13 per cent."When people lost trust in business during the financial crisis, they turned to government. And when they lost trust in government, they turned to individuals," said Ben Boyd, global chair of Edelman's corporate practice. "Through our 13 years of studying trust through the Edelman Trust Barometer, we have increasingly seen an emphasis placed on individuals to behave in ways that build trust and protect reputation. As this study shows, this holds true for the investment management industry as well."The study also reveals that putting investors' interests first is critical. Investors report that trusting an investment manager to act in their best interest is the single most important factor in making a hiring decision. Achieving high returns was cited only half as often, and fee amounts/structure only a fifth as much.Investors also indicate that behaviour-related attributes - including transparent and open business practices, responsible actions to address an issue or crisis and ethical business practices - are more important to trust-building than performance-related attributes such as delivering consistent financial returns and offering high-quality products or services."By focusing only on performance-centric standards, the industry is missing opportunities to build trust," said Kurt Schacht, CFA, managing director, Standards and Financial Market Integrity at CFA Institute. "Investors indicate in this study that they want a culture shift - a renewed focus on ethical behaviour. Individual investment managers must be transparent, demonstrate integrity, and communicate clearly to strengthen client relationships and preserve trust in the industry and the markets at large."文件倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 13:00
強鄉富民 描繪和諧發展新畫卷
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/李渡鄉獅牌新村一角。 李渡鄉美麗“微田園”。 李渡鄉過境公路沿途風貌塑造示範帶一角。渠縣李渡鄉黨委書記陳健。 渠縣李渡鄉因“李白入川、宕渠擺渡”而得名,文件倉位於渠縣東南方,渠江之濱,距縣城7公里,河岸線長達22公里,幅員面積55平方公里,其中耕地面積3萬畝,總人口5萬人。由原李渡、金鑼、新和三鄉合併而成,屬於丘陵地帶,亞熱帶氣候,是“9?18”特大洪災的極重災區。 出渠縣城,沿望石路向南,一個坐落在渠江河畔的秀麗鄉鎮??李渡鄉就會出現在你的眼前。平坦整潔的鄉村公路,造型別致的農民新居,產銷兩旺的工業企業,生機盎然的花木基地……勾勒出一幅強鄉富民、和諧發展的新畫卷。書記寄語 圍繞建成全省非地震災區災後重建示範鄉這一目標,立足從根本上解決年年水患問題,突出“新村帶產業、產業促新村、產村相融互動”,共築老百姓“美麗新村家園夢,特色產業致富夢”! ??渠縣李渡鄉黨委書記 陳健曾經洪水重災區如今廢墟建家園 十里荷塘、千畝果園,美麗新村點綴其間。人在景中,房在園中,村在綠中……近日,在渠縣李渡鄉獅牌新村,幾對新人結伴從渠縣城里而來,在此拍婚紗照。他們身後,一幢幢青瓦白牆的“別墅”掩映在綠樹花叢中,美得讓人不敢相信這是農村。影樓攝影師說,這個村子的風景已譽滿渠縣。 自2011年“9?18”特大洪災過後,李渡鄉按照全縣統籌規劃,按照“農民集中居住、產業連片發展、設施配套完善、公共服務健全、社會管理到位”的思路,規劃建設災後新村綜合體。 “獅牌村位於李渡鄉南部,望石公路旁,距渠城14公里,轄區7個村民小組,920戶3800余人,幅員3.8平方公里。”李渡鄉黨委書記陳健說,建設中實行科學編制新村規劃,聘請西南建築設計研究院和重慶大學規劃設計院的專家高起點編制規劃,充分尊重獅牌村的地域文化特點,因山就勢,顯山露水,錯落有致,達到“布局合理、特色鮮明、一次規劃、分佈實施”,體現了“山水田園一幅畫、城鎮村落一體化”的規劃設計理念。 李渡鄉獅牌村在重建中,除了建設以新生產方式和新生活方式為內容的川東特色新居,該村還全面調整、配建了新型產業和新型業態,生豬養殖基地、成片推進蔬果等因地制宜、適銷對路農畜產業與新村綜合體互融、互帶發展。尤其是按新村綜合體標準規劃建設的水、電、氣、路、通訊基礎設施,便民服務超市、合作醫療點、體閑健身廣場等公共服務設施。重建後的獅牌村,既生態宜居,又方便從業,被群�譽為“幸福田園新村”。 “你看,我們住的是田園小區的新房子,公路修到家門口,自來水、天然氣、有線電視等全部牽進屋裡頭,生活好安逸!”獅牌村村民孫華成笑著說。該村的新農村建設在選址和戶型設計上充分聽取村民意見,確保村民完全滿意。 �所周知的李渡鄉,在人們的眼裡再也不是曾經年年遭遇洪水災害的鄉鎮,而是一個充滿活力與朝氣的“風景區”。據瞭解,在災後恢複重建中,渠縣按照“規劃先行、集中安置、存倉設新村”的災後重建原則,統籌配置城鄉建設用地資源,在該鄉規劃了2個新農村綜合體和6個新村聚居點。圍繞新村育產業創新模式惹人愛 “我們按照全縣“34567”產村一體及農業現代化示範工程建設意見要求,堅持圍繞幸福新村,打造一體三翼一核心,促進農民增收。”陳健介紹,突出新村帶產業、產業促新村、產村相融互動,舉全鄉之力,匯全民之智,務實推進產村一體化及現代農業發展。 李渡鄉結合各村地形地貌和民風民俗,因地制宜調整產業結構,提出打造“一體三翼一核心”新格局。“一體”即渠縣望石路(李渡段)2000畝紅心 g溪蜜柚主體示範帶;“三翼”即:圍繞獅牌新村,發展觀賞性花卉苗木300畝、水產養殖300畝和10萬頭仔豬養殖基地1個;依托新渡新村,發展避汛時令蔬菜400畝、花卉苗木500畝;緊扣新和村風貌示範帶,發展設施農業300畝。“一核心”即依托豐富的鹽鹵資源,全面打造10平方公里的渠縣鹽化工產業園區,共築百姓“致富夢”。 目前,李渡鄉獅牌村10萬頭仔豬養殖項目工程竣工。這個由華西希望集團投資2億元的項目,經過設備調試和消殺處理後將正式投產,屆時可帶動當地100多名村民就業,助農增收1000多萬元。“住上了好房子,又好掙票子,這樣的產村一體建設,讓我們生活很踏實。”當地村民喜上眉梢。 李渡鄉在建設機制上也不斷創新,推廣“龍頭企業+專合組織+基地+農戶”的經營模式,創新利益分配機制。支持農民興辦專業合作社,鼓勵農民按照市場經濟的需求,在政府的引導下,逐步邁向農村專業合作社的發展道路。 “新村建設和主導產業連片發展,讓我們既可以在家搞產業,又可以為其他業主打工,每天的收入不低於80元。”在獅牌村村民陳林的眼裡,新村建設為農民搭建了致富之路。鎖定目標不放鬆建設幸福新李渡 李渡鄉人傑地靈,水陸交通便捷,水電通訊暢快,鹽鹵資源豐富,可持續發展的前景十分廣闊,投資興業環境十分寬鬆。 “李渡鄉始終堅持以‘1234’發展思路,全面推進經濟社會跨越發展。”陳健說,“一個主題”是指:弘揚渠縣精神、建設幸福李渡;“兩大載體”是指:持續推進城鄉環境綜合治理及重拳治理鄉村幹部“走讀”;“三大重點”是指:積極推進化工專業園區建設、全面推進基礎設施建設及強力推進新村聚居點建設;“四大目標”是指:打造全省統籌城鄉發展示範鄉、全省產村一體示範鄉、全省新農村暨民俗文化基地以及渠縣生豬養殖基地。 說到李渡鄉未來的發展,陳健告訴記者,“李渡鄉已初步形成了以生豬養殖、花卉苗木、優質水果、無公害蔬菜為特色的四大支柱產業,並取得了可喜的成績。在未來的發展中,希望在縣委、縣政府的堅強領導下,加快產業結構調整步伐,實施多點多極支撐戰略,重點推進以鹽鹵資源為主的渠縣鹽化工專業園區建設,積極發展以災後新村為主的鄉村旅遊,加快建設以獅牌村10萬頭仔豬養殖為主的特色產業,塑造成天更藍、水更綠、人更文明、生活更美好、社會更和諧的繁榮景象,這就是李渡鄉的夢。” 華西城市讀本記者 黃晶 圖由李渡鄉提供自存倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 12:51
Plenty maw
Exhibitors, still recovering from 2011 tsunami, seek to dispel food safety misconceptionsA visitor shovels a load of fish maw for HK$1 at the Food Expo which opened yesterday at the Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai.新蒲崗迷你倉 Exhibitor On Kee Dry Seafood company set up the fish maw “mmini storageuntain” and charges the first 10 visitors HK$1 each to take home a shovelful of the delicacy. Japanese companies have turned up in force at the expo as the country tries to promote businesses that are still hurting from the 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Photo: David Wongself storage
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 12:51
Mobile Boarding Passes Land at Akron-Canton Airport
Available when flying US Airways, Delta Air Lines and United AirlinesGREEN, Ohio, Aug.文件倉 15, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Traveling from Akron-Canton Airport (CAK) just got even easier! Now you can use your favorite mobile device to display your boarding pass at check-in, at our TSA security checkpoint and to board your flight. Participating airlines include US Airways, Delta and United. That's right! You won't need to keep track of your printed boarding pass any longer. Simply show your electronic boarding pass to simplify your CAK travel experience."Travel preparation is quickly going mobile," said Rick McQueen, President & CEO. "We are delighted that most of our air carriers are offering mobile boarding technology to our Customers. It makes flying from CAK even more enjoyable."Learn more about how to get your mobile boarding pass aboard your favorite airline:US Airways Delta United AirlinesCAK Customers flying AirTran or Southwest Airlines(R) also can expect mobile boarding passes, as a future benefit of the integration of the two carrier存倉. While you are on your smartphone, don't forget to visit our mobile website at akroncantonairport.com. Check for real-time arrivals and departures, parking rates and deals on food/drink while preparing for your flight.About Akron-Canton Airport What makes Akron-Canton Airport a better way to go? It is all about low fares and a relaxing experience. Our low airfares have saved travelers in Northeast Ohio $958 million in the last 16 years. CAK's airfares are the 15(th) average lowest in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The airport is also making significant progress on CAK 2018, the airport's 10-year, $110-million capital improvement plan. 2013 projects included the dedication of a new aircraft rescue and firefighting & maintenance facility. Keep up to date on all things CAK at akroncantonairport.com. Share your thoughts and CAK travel stories with us at Facebook.com/akroncantonairport or Twitter.com/CAKairport. Akron-Canton Airport, a better way to go(R).Akron-Canton AirportWeb site: .akroncantonairport.com/自存倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 12:48
發揚“三敢”精神 加力提速建設美好高縣
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/俯瞰高縣縣城。 縣計生服務站免費為孕前夫婦進行健康檢查。縣城一隅。 自開展“敢於擔當、敢於碰硬、敢於創新”的“三敢”活動以來,迷你倉沙田通過活動真正觸及幹部隊伍靈魂,進而推動作風轉變,促進全縣各方面工作持續取得新的成效。在近日召開的“敢於擔當、敢於碰硬、敢於創新”大討論活動工作推進會上,高縣縣委書記張世煒表示,要在“用心”上下功夫,在“認真”上見成效,以高度的政治責任感和創新的工作舉措,深入開展好第三階段和第四階段工作,把大討論浪潮掀得更高,把發展的幹勁鼓得更足,為加力提速建設美好高縣、與全市同步全面建成小康社會作出新貢獻。 日前,記者走訪高縣城鄉,見到了“三敢”活動開展以後發生的巨大變化。鄉村旅遊 富民產業越做越大 “我們的村公路連通了林湖社區後,村里也發展起花卉產業,群�又多了一個增收項目。”可久鎮永和村黨支部書記費永祿對記者說。 “我們社區的公路沒有斷頭路,和雲南省的鄉村連接後,林湖的花卉基地擴展到了雲南的兩個村。”羅場鎮林湖社區黨支部書記邱天炳說。 “村公路四通八達了,我們村發展起鄉村旅遊業,大家都有信心把大屋村打造成高縣北部、宜賓中心城區近郊生態觀光第一村。”大窩鎮大屋村黨支部書記馬六生說。 這是近日記者在高縣可久鎮、羅場鎮、大窩鎮幾個地處偏僻位置的村、社區採訪時瞭解到的情況。當地村幹部們紛紛表示,自從開展“三敢”活動以來,村里的斷頭路沒了、村道暢通了,群�不僅改善了生產生活條件,還做大了富民產業。 高縣可久鎮永和村轄8個村民小組,有335戶1434人,幅員面積有6平方公里。近幾年來,隨著村組公路的暢通,林竹產業、茶葉產業得到成片成片的發展。“我們村的人小車就買了十多輛,兩輪摩托車有200多輛。”村支書費永祿說。“特別是斷頭路打通和林湖社區連接後,村民到林湖社區參觀學習後,也發展起花卉產業,去年,該村人均純收入達到8100元。”村主任唐友發對記者說。 而以花卉、套種藤梨為主要產業的羅場鎮的林湖社區轄3個村民小組,有165戶621人,幅員面積有6平方公里。該社區毗鄰雲南省鹽津縣興隆鎮興隆村、保寧村。“我們社區內的產業環線路建成後,花卉種植戶每年要節約人工費10多萬元。”社區黨支部書記邱天炳告訴記者,社區的水泥路和興隆鎮的油路連接後,打破了該社區產業發展受可利用的土地不足限制的瓶頸,花卉基地很快擴展到了興隆鎮的興隆村、保寧村。“下一步,我們也要學習雲南的做法,發展盆花,打造花卉產業的精品,實現花卉產業從進入工程到進入家庭。”邱天炳說。 茶葉產業較大的大窩鎮大屋村轄7個村民小組,有415戶1577人,幅員面積有5.6平方公里。“這幾年,村組幹道、連戶路得建設,促進了我們村黃梔子、茶葉等產業的規模發展,去年全村人均純收入達到5800多元。”村支書記馬六生告訴記者,村內村外的交通暢通了,該村在加快建設生態種植園區、特色畜禽生態養殖園區、科技示範園區建設的同時,除扶持村民新建農家樂4處外,還引進業主準備建一次能接待1000人的農家樂兩處,發展好休閒度假園區。民生優先 保證縣城供水安全 “保質量、保進度、保安全”,八月的盛夏驕陽似火,在位於高縣文江鎮東山村口組的縣城市供水淨水廠施工現場,記者看到,大紅的標語下,幾十名施工人員在高溫下緊張忙碌著。 由於原水廠工藝落後制水能力弱、管網漏損嚴重等因素的疊加,城市供水供需矛盾日益突出,缺迷你倉價錢或停水現象經常發生。新建城市供水工程,用上安全、充足的城市供水,成為10萬縣城居民的熱望。“必須徹底解決縣城供水問題,力爭2013年底實現目標!”在縣第十三次黨代會上,高縣縣委書記張世煒代表“四大班子”向全縣人民鄭重承諾,吹響了縣城供水工程的戰鬥號角。 庚即,一份“從惠澤水庫引水入縣城的建議”被確定下來,水源保護、引水工程、淨水廠和城市供水管網改造等四項子工程的方案被提上了縣委、縣政府的重要議事日程,納入了政府工作報告。按照規劃,縣城市供水工程總投資1.2億元,含惠澤水庫水源地保護、原水引水工程、淨水廠和城市供水管網改造四項子工程。縣城供水工程採取上級補助和縣財政自籌相結合的籌資方式。 目前,正在施工的淨水廠完成投資3400萬元,已完成綜合辦公樓、配電間、加藥間、汙泥脫水間主體及外裝飾,汙泥濃縮池、回收池、反衝洗池主體及防滲漏處理。飲用水源惠澤水庫水體保護工程和引水網管建設已正式�動,縣城供水工程建成後,將徹底解決高縣10萬城市居民的飲水問題。“五個加強”:助推免費孕前優生健康檢查 今年來,高縣提出“五個加強”:加強組織領導、加強資金投入、加強宣傳引導、加強培訓指導、加強考核評估。通過“五個加強”有力地推動了免費孕前優生健康檢查項目工作的全面開展。 據介紹,在助推免費孕前優生方面,高縣由縣政府牽頭,成立領導機構,建立孕前優生健康檢查項目工作聯席會議制度,及時研究協調和解決工作中出現的問題。各鄉鎮、縣級有關部門成立相應組織,縣人口計生局負責統籌、組織、實施、協調、督查和考核評估。按照《國家免費孕前優生健康檢查項目試點工作技術服務規範》的要求,投入資金,升級改造縣計生服務站檢驗室,採購儀器設備,保障免費孕前優生健康檢查項目的正常工作經費。 同時,高縣充分發揮人口計生系統網絡優勢,利用各級服務機構定期舉辦優生知識講座,播放孕前準備教育專題片,宣傳免費孕前優生健康檢查項目的意義,在婚姻登記處設立優生優育咨詢點,安排專人咨詢服務,在鄉鎮、村設立有關遺傳優生、新婚健康、孕前保健等知識的宣傳櫥窗、專欄、展板;利用網絡、電視、廣播等方式進行多渠道、全方位宣傳,提高群�對出生缺陷預防重要性的認識,營造全社會重視和關注孕前優生的氛圍。縣人口計生局印製免費孕前優生健康檢查項目宣傳折頁5萬份、宣傳小冊子2萬份等各類宣傳品,發放到計劃懷孕育齡婦女家中。 免費孕前優生健康檢查工作上,高縣還根據工作需要,及時引進2名檢驗和一名影像專業人員,充實計生技術隊伍,聘請縣級醫療單位3名專家擔任免費孕前優生健康檢查項目風險評估小組成員。積極組織檢驗、醫務人員、信息人員參加各級組織的培訓學習、交流,外出參觀學習先進經驗。對工作人員進行了崗前培訓,講解優生知識、操作規範等業務知識,全面提高技術服務人員的整體素質和技術服務能力。各鄉鎮還利用人口學校,對新婚計劃懷孕夫婦進行培訓,重點講解優生優育知識和檢查注意事項。 據瞭解,為確保免費孕前健康檢查項目工作,高縣還根據免費孕前健康檢查項目工作程序按照縣、鄉、村三級進行細化、量化,明確具體標準和任務,定崗定責,落實到人。層層簽訂目標責任書,同時還把免費孕前優生健康檢查項目工作納入各級人口計生目標管理責任制考核,切實加強監督檢查,確保項目工作順利實施。截至目前,高縣全縣免費孕前優生健康檢查項目各項工作正在有序推進,已經檢查1360對,占任務的94%。 嚴小軍 陳豔 蔣華明 華西城市讀本記者劉希蒂 攝影報道迷你倉庫
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 12:48
Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global Markets
NEW YORK, Aug.迷你倉庫 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global Markets.reportlinker.com/p0591405/Endoscopy-Devices-Applications-and-Global-Markets.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=General_Medicine_and_Specialty_MedicineThis report provides:- An overview of the global market for endoscopy services and equipment by product, company, and geography.- Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2009 to 2012, estimates for 2013, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2018.- Reviews of endoscope products by their various applications and trends in innovation and sales.- Examination of the competitive environment, with a special focus on how developing products and technologies are influencing the current standard of patient care.- Information for business planners, acquisitions specialists, licensing strategists, product managers, market research analysts, investors, investor consultants and anyone interested in the Endoscopy market.STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVESThis report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global market for endoscopy services and equipment. The report will review global markets for endoscope products by their various applications and will forecast trends in innovation and sales in these markets through the year 2018. A range of information will be discussed, including detailed analyses of emerging markets in India and Asia, new products pipelines and new applications for endoscopic technology, and overall industry trends. This information will allow the reader to evaluate and quantify the current market size for specific endoscopic technologies within the overall growing biomedical/pharmaceutical technology market. Forecasts and trends have been developed from a variety of data, including industry sources, company publications, industry benchmarks, and other data sources. Major endoscopy applications, technologies, geographies, and factors influencing the demand for endoscopy services and products will be discussed.REASONS FOR DOING THE STUDYThe overall medical device market is very large; endoscopy is a significant component of that market. For companies with an effective strategy, market opportunity awaits. However, the ability to develop an effective strategy begins where opportunity exists and ends with effective execution and capturing profit from the opportunity.The endoscopy market is positioned for significant growth in the next five years. This is due, in part, to new applications for the technology, as well as new innovations in the technology itself. The other major factor that will contribute to this growth is the recognition of this technology in emerging markets like Japan and Vietnam. Continued worldwide growth is expected in other geographic areas due to a growing middle class in countries such as India, China, Brazil and Russia.This report addresses critically important topics for analyzing a changing market dynamic, emerging players and technologies, strategies for accessing these emerging markets, and specific disease segments and geographies in order to allow allocation of resources and make effective decisions.SCOPE OF REPORTCurrent and projected endoscopy revenue forecasts during the forecast period (2013 to 2018) are discussed. Endoscopy devices require U.S. Food and Drug Administration FDA premarket manufacturing notification (PMN) approval, European Union Medical Device Directive European Conformity (CE Mark) approval, or similar approvals in other countries. Regulation on endoscopic devices is rigid in terms of proving proof of product safety and efficacy before sale to the medical community. Due to the timing of the release of this report, the figures for 2013 are estimated, except where actual results have been reported.The report includes analysis of the leading competitors, as well as emerging companies in the current worldwide endoscopy market. Profiles of the manufacturers of the leading products are analyzed, their specific product strategies are outlined, and their pipeline of products is discussed. This report looks at companies poised to introduce new products during the forecast period and discusses how these products may change the face of the competitive environment. This competitive environment is examined with special focus on how developing products and technologies are influencing the current standard of patient care. Detailed profiles of the current market leaders and emerging companies are discussed in detail.Market figures are based on revenues at the manufacturers' level and are projected in 2012-dollar value. Inflation is not calculated in the projection figures.Trends are assessed based on a number of parameters, including projected sales for existing products, new product introductions, expanded indications for existing products, and finally, for projected changes in the prevalence, diagnosis, and scripting rates for certain diseases.Included in this report are forecasts by product, disease category, and by company for the period from 2013 through 2018. The report is arranged to provide an overview of the endoscopy market by product, company and geography. Forecasts are broken down by geographic region or by country. The worldwide market is analyzed and data provided for each disease sub-segment.Sales figures are reported in U.S. dollars and in each case reflect currency fluctuations within the performance of revenue change. Revenue figures do not account for variation in local currencies.All market share data presented is on a global basis unless specifically noted.INTENDED AUDIENCEThis report is an invaluable tool for business planners, acquisitions specialists, licensing strategists, product managers, market research analysts, investors, investor consultants and anyone interested in the Endoscopy market, its products, its industry participants, and its future.The importance of identifying overall market trends, product opportunities, emerging geographies, merger and acquisition (M&A) opportunities, and insights that provide guidance for sales growth or defensive moves cannot be overstated for a variety of constituents, including:Established companies in the industry shall benefit from the contents, including corporate strategy, sales and marketing, business development, and research and development.Emerging companies in this medical device segment must understand specific opportunities for out-licensing, originating from the elements of differentiation of their product or technology as compared to leading, competitive, and emerging therapies. As well, market forecasts can support investment, provided a thorough and detailed substantiation is provided for the market forecast, as is found in this study.Investment firms evaluating candidates for venture capital or hedged investments will gain insights as to the opportunity and risks that are being encountered in the industry in a product and company specific analysis.Equity analysts are provided with detailed forecasts for the next five years, substantiated by quantitative analysis that can support further analysis to product and company forecasts over the short and long run.METHODOLOGY AND INFORMATION SOURCESIn-depth interviews were conducted with leading experts in the field who are executives in companies, industry analysts, and leading medical practitioners in the field.The overall endoscopy sector is comprised of a variety of fast-growing and independent segments. For completeness, the current and forecasted markets are comprised of the total market opportunity for each respective segment. Within each subsection, there is a detailed forecast for each driving mechanism or relevant area of growth.Information to prepare this report was obtained from participating and emerging companies in the endoscopy area, the American Urological Association; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Arthroscopy Association of North America; American Society of Gastroenterology; and American Academy of Otolaryngology. Information also came from articles published in medical journals such as the The Journal of Endoscopy, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy, Digestive Endoscopy, Circulation, Lancet, and others. Other information originated from the World Health Organization and other government agencies, literature searches, annual reports, 10Ks, and others. Population estimates are based on those reported by the international database of the U.S. Census Bureau.Current and historical revenue figures for individual products have been sourced from company disclosures that exist in the public domain or from government sources.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 2STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2REASONS FOR DOING THE STUDY 2SCOPE OF REPORT 2INTENDED AUDIENCE 3METHODOLOGY AND INFORMATION SOURCES 4ANALYST'S CREDENTIALS 4RELATED REPORTS 4BCC ONLINE SERVICES 5DISCLAIMER 5CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY 7SUMMARY TABLE TOTAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET, BY SEGMENT, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 7SUMMARY FIGURE TOTAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET, BY SEGMENT, 2009-2018 ($MILLIONS) 7CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW 10TABLE 1 GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY REVENUES OF LEADING COMPANIES, THROUGH2012 ($ MILLIONS) 11ENDOSCOPY TRENDS AND FORECAST 11THE ENDOSCOPE AND ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES 12THE ENDOSCOPE 12THE ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURE 13MAJOR COMPANIES IN THE ENDOSCOPY MARKET 14TABLE 2 LEADING PLAYERS IN VARIOUS ENDOSCOPY SEGMENTS 15DRIVERS AND RESISTORS FOR THE ENDOSCOPY MARKET 16DRIVERS 16RESISTORS 17REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS 17PHYSICIAN PAYMENTS SUNSHINE ACT 18INCREASING INFLUENCE OF GROUP PURCHASING ORGANIZATIONS (GPOS) 19COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH (CER) 20MEDICAL DEVICE EXCISE TAX 20CHAPTER 4 MEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF ENDOSCOPY 22UROLOGY ENDOSCOPY 22TABLE 3 KIDNEY DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 22TABLE 4 URETER DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 22TABLE 5 BLADDER DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23TABLE 6 PROSTATE DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23TABLE 7 URETHRA DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23NEPHROSCOPY 23CYSTOSCOPY 24RESECTOSCOPY 24UROLOGY ENDOSCOPY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 25INSTRUMENTS AND TYPES 25MARKET SIZE FOR UROLOGICAL DEVICES 25TABLE 8 MARKET SIZE FOR UROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPE DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 25MAJOR PLAYERS IN UROLOGY ENDOSCOPY MARKET 25LAPAROSCOPY 26STOMACH RESTRICTIVE PROCEDURES 26Lap Band 26Vertical-banded Gastroplasty 27CHOLECYSTECTOMY 27APPENDECTOMY 27HERNIA REPAIR 27TABLE 9 PENETRATION OF LAPAROSCOPY IN COMMON SURGICAL PROCEDURES INT儲存E U.S., 2012 (NUMBER/%) 28HAND-ASSISTED LAPAROSCOPY 28TABLE 10 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE MUCOSAL ABLATION THERAPY DEVICES 30LAPAROSCOPY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 30MARKET SIZE FOR LAPAROSCOPY DEVICES 31TABLE 11 MARKET SIZE FOR LAPAROSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 31MAJOR PLAYERS IN LAPAROSCOPY MARKET 31GI ENDOSCOPY 31UPPER GI ENDOSCOPY 31DOUBLE-BALLOON ENDOSCOPY 32VIDEO CAPSULE ENDOSCOPY 33LOWER GI ENDOSCOPY 33ENDOSCOPIC MUCOSAL RESECTION (EMR) 34TABLE 12 KEY DEVICE TYPE FOR EMR PROCEDURE 35ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND SURGERY (EUS) 35TABLE 13 KEY DEVICE CATEGORIES FOR ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND 36ENDOSCOPIC SNAKE DEVICES 37HIGH-DEFINITION SCOPES AND NARROW BAND IMAGING 38CHROMOENDOSCOPY 38TABLE 14 CLASSIFICATION OF STAINS USED IN CHROMOENDOSCOPY 39TABLE 15 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SPRAY CATHETERS 40GI ENDOSCOPY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 40MARKET SIZE FOR OF GI ENDOSCOPY DEVICES 41TABLE 16 MARKET SIZE FOR OF GI ENDOSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 41MAJOR PLAYERS IN GI ENDOSCOPY MARKET 41ARTHROSCOPY 41KNEE ARTHROSCOPY 42Types of Knee Injury 43Annual Volume of Knee Surgeries in the U.S. 43Arthroscopic Surgery for Acute Knee Injuries 44TABLE 17 KNEE LIGAMENT DAMAGE AND SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS 44Pain Management with Lavage and Debridement 45ARTHROSCOPIC SHOULDER SURGERY 45TABLE 18 PROCEDURES ROUTINELY EMPLOYED IN ARTHROSCOPIC ROTATOR CUFFSURGERY 46ADDITIONAL JOINTS WHERE ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY IS EMPLOYED 46WRIST ARTHROSCOPY 47TABLE 19 COMMON CONDITIONS REQUIRING ARTHROSCOPIC WRIST SURGERY 47ANKLE ARTHROSCOPY 48ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY OF THE ELBOW 49TABLE 20 SOME COMMON ELBOW DIAGNOSES REVEALED BY ARTHROSCOPICINVESTIGATION 49ARTHROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF THE HIP 50FEMORO-ACETABULAR IMPINGEMENT AND HIP MOBILITY 50ARTHROSCOPY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 51MARKET SIZE FOR OF ARTHROSCOPY ENDOSCOPY DEVICES 51TABLE 21 MARKET SIZE FOR OF ARTHROSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 51MAJOR PLAYERS IN ARTHROSCOPY MARKET 51ENT ENDOSCOPY AND BRONCHOSCOPY 51ENT ENDOSCOPY 51NASAL SINOSCOPY 52TRANSNASAL RESECTION OF BRAIN-BASED CANCERS 52PEDICLED NASOSEPTAL FLAP PROTOCOL 53THROAT ENDOSCOPY 54Laryngoscopy 54Bronchoscopy 55Bronchoscope 55Thoracoscopy 55ENT AND BRONCHOSCOPY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 56MARKET SIZE FOR ENT AND BRONCHOSCOPY DEVICES 56TABLE 22 MARKET SIZE FOR ENT AND BRONCHOSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018($ MILLIONS) 56MAJOR PLAYERS IN ENT AND BRONCHOSCOPY MARKET 57GYNECOLOGY ENDOSCOPY 57DIAGNOSTIC LAPAROSCOPY 57TUBAL STERILIZATION 57LYSIS OF ADHESION 58TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOSIS 58TREATMENT OF ECTOPIC PREGNANCY 58OVARIAN CYSTECTOMY 58HYSTERECTOMY 59ONCOLOGIC PROCEDURES 59GYNECOLOGY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 59MARKET SIZE FOR GYNECOLOGY DEVICES 60TABLE 23 MARKET SIZE FOR GYNECOLOGY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 60MAJOR PLAYERS IN GYNECOLOGY MARKET 60NEUROLOGY ENDOSCOPY 60HYDROCEPHALUS 61COLLOID CYST REMOVAL 61ARACHNOID CYST FENESTRATION 61NEUROCYSTICERCOSIS 62THORACIC AND LUMBAR DISC REMOVAL 62Lumbar Disc 62Thoracic Disc 63Minimally Invasive Sympathotomy 63Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathotomy 64Upper Limb Sympathetic-mediated Pain 64ENDOSCOPE-ASSISTED SURGERIES 65NEUROLOGY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND ACCESSORIES 65MARKET SIZE FOR NEUROLOGY DEVICES 65TABLE 24 MARKET SIZE FOR NEUROLOGY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 65MAJOR PLAYERS IN THE NEUROLOGY MARKET 66CHAPTER 5 GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET 68SUMMARY 68TABLE 25 TOTAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET, BY SEGMENT, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 68INTRODUCTION 68TABLE 26 GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF ENDOSCOPY REVENUE, 2011-2012 ($MILLIONS) 69INDIA 69CHINA 69JAPAN 70OVERALL ENDOSCOPY MARKET 70DRIVER OF ENDOSCOPY MARKET 71RESISTORS TO ENDOSCOPY MARKET 71MARKET SEGMENTS 72ENDOSCOPES 72Rigid Endoscopes 72Flexible Endoscopes 72ENDOSCOPIC ACCESSORIES 73VISUALIZATION EQUIPMENT 73ENDOSCOPY EQUIPMENT SERVICING 74CHAPTER 6 ADVANCES IN ENDOSCOPE TECHNOLOGY 76NARROW BAND IMAGING (NBI) 76HIGH-DEFINITION IMAGING AND HD TV 76THIRD EYE RETROSCOPE 76DOUBLE-BALLOON ENDOSCOPY DEVICE 76PILLCAM 77PICTURE ARCHIVING AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (PACS) 77NOTES 77ROBOT-ASSISTED ENDOSCOPY 78CHAPTER 7 ENDOSCOPY CLINICAL TRIALS WORLDWIDE 81CLINICAL TRIALS 81TABLE 27 ENDOSCOPY CLINICAL TRIALS WORLDWIDE 81CHAPTER 8 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS 99ACQUISITIONS 99TABLE 28 ACQUISITIONS IN THE GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY DEVICE MARKET, 2007-2012($ MILLIONS) 99PARTNERSHIPS 102TABLE 29 PARTNERSHIPS IN THE GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY DEVICE MARKET,2007-2012 102CHAPTER 9 COMPANY PROFILES OF MAJOR ENDOSCOPY MANUFACTURERS 107BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION 107FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 107TABLE 30 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($MILLIONS) 107KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 108TABLE 31 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 108GROWTH STRATEGIES 109SWOT ANALYSIS 109TABLE 32 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC SWOT ANALYSIS 109COVIDIEN 109FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 110TABLE 33 COVIDIEN REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 110KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 110TABLE 34 COVIDIEN PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 110GROWTH STRATEGIES 111SWOT ANALYSIS 112TABLE 35 COVIDIEN SWOT ANALYSIS 112GIVEN IMAGING LTD. 112FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 113TABLE 36 GIVEN IMAGING REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 113GROWTH STRATEGIES 113SWOT ANALYSIS 113TABLE 37 GIVEN IMAGING SWOT ANALYSIS 113JOHNSON & JOHNSON--ETHICON ENDO SURGERY (EES) 114FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 114TABLE 38 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY DEVICES REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH2012 ($ MILLIONS) 114KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 114TABLE 39 ETHICON ENDO SURGERY PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 115GROWTH STRATEGY 115SWOT ANALYSIS 116TABLE 40 ETHICON ENDO SURGERY SWOT ANALYSIS 116KARL STORZ GMBH & CO. KG 116FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 117TABLE 41 KARL STORZ REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 117KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 117TABLE 42 KARL STORZ PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 117GROWTH STRATEGIES 118SWOT ANALYSIS 118TABLE 43 KARL STORZ SWOT ANALYSIS 118OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS 119FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 119TABLE 44 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH20121 ($ MILLIONS) 119KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 119TABLE 45 OLYMPUS PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 120GROWTH STRATEGIES 120SWOT ANALYSIS 120TABLE 46 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS SWOT ANALYSIS 120SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. 121FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 121TABLE 47 SMITH & NEPHEW REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($MILLIONS) 121KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 122TABLE 48 SMITH & NEPHEW PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 122GROWTH STRATEGIES 122SWOT ANALYSIS 122TABLE 49 SMITH & NEPHEW SWOT ANALYSIS 122STRYKER 123FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 124TABLE 50 STRYKER REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 124KEY SEGMENTS AND PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 124TABLE 51 STRYKER PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 124GROWTH STRATEGIES 125SWOT ANALYSIS 127TABLE 52 STRYKER SWOT ANALYSIS 127HLC093B - Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global MarketsCopyright (C) BCC Research, Wellesley MA USA, Website: .bccresearch.comLIST OF TABLESTABLE HEADING PAGE NO.SUMMARY TABLE TOTAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET, BY SEGMENT, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 7TABLE 1 GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY REVENUES OF LEADING COMPANIES, THROUGH 2012($ MILLIONS) 11TABLE 2 LEADING PLAYERS IN VARIOUS ENDOSCOPY SEGMENTS 15TABLE 3 KIDNEY DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 22TABLE 4 URETER DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 22TABLE 5 BLADDER DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23TABLE 6 PROSTATE DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23TABLE 7 URETHRA DISEASES COMMONLY MANAGED BY ENDOSCOPY 23TABLE 8 MARKET SIZE FOR UROLOGICAL ENDOSCOPE DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 25TABLE 9 PENETRATION OF LAPAROSCOPY IN COMMON SURGICAL PROCEDURES INTHE U.S., 2012 (NUMBER/%) 28TABLE 10 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE MUCOSAL ABLATION THERAPY DEVICES 30TABLE 11 MARKET SIZE FOR LAPAROSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 31TABLE 12 KEY DEVICE TYPE FOR EMR PROCEDURE 35TABLE 13 KEY DEVICE CATEGORIES FOR ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND 36TABLE 14 CLASSIFICATION OF STAINS USED IN CHROMOENDOSCOPY 39TABLE 15 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SPRAY CATHETERS 40TABLE 16 MARKET SIZE FOR OF GI ENDOSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 41TABLE 17 KNEE LIGAMENT DAMAGE AND SURGICAL REQUIREMENTS 44TABLE 18 PROCEDURES ROUTINELY EMPLOYED IN ARTHROSCOPIC ROTATOR CUFFSURGERY 46TABLE 19 COMMON CONDITIONS REQUIRING ARTHROSCOPIC WRIST SURGERY 47TABLE 20 SOME COMMON ELBOW DIAGNOSES REVEALED BY ARTHROSCOPICINVESTIGATION 49TABLE 21 MARKET SIZE FOR OF ARTHROSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 51TABLE 22 MARKET SIZE FOR ENT AND BRONCHOSCOPY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($MILLIONS) 56TABLE 23 MARKET SIZE FOR GYNECOLOGY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 60TABLE 24 MARKET SIZE FOR NEUROLOGY DEVICES, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 65TABLE 25 TOTAL ENDOSCOPY MARKET, BY SEGMENT, THROUGH 2018 ($ MILLIONS) 68TABLE 26 GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF ENDOSCOPY REVENUE, 2011-2012 ($ MILLIONS) 69TABLE 27 ENDOSCOPY CLINICAL TRIALS WORLDWIDE 81TABLE 28 ACQUISITIONS IN THE GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY DEVICE MARKET, 2007-2012($ MILLIONS) 99TABLE 29 PARTNERSHIPS IN THE GLOBAL ENDOSCOPY DEVICE MARKET, 2007-2012 102TABLE 30 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($MILLIONS) 107TABLE 31 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 108TABLE 32 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC SWOT ANALYSIS 109TABLE 33 COVIDIEN REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 110TABLE 34 COVIDIEN PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 110TABLE 35 COVIDIEN SWOT ANALYSIS 112TABLE 36 GIVEN IMAGING REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 113TABLE 37 GIVEN IMAGING SWOT ANALYSIS 113HLC093B - Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global MarketsCopyright (C) BCC Research, Wellesley MA USA, Website: .bccresearch.comTABLE HEADING PAGE NO.TABLE 38 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY DEVICES REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH2012 ($ MILLIONS) 114TABLE 39 ETHICON ENDO SURGERY PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 115TABLE 40 ETHICON ENDO SURGERY SWOT ANALYSIS 116TABLE 41 KARL STORZ REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 117TABLE 42 KARL STORZ PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 117TABLE 43 KARL STORZ SWOT ANALYSIS 118TABLE 44 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 20121($ MILLIONS) 119TABLE 45 OLYMPUS PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 120TABLE 46 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS SWOT ANALYSIS 120TABLE 47 SMITH & NEPHEW REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 121TABLE 48 SMITH & NEPHEW PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 122TABLE 49 SMITH & NEPHEW SWOT ANALYSIS 122TABLE 50 STRYKER REVENUE PERFORMANCE, THROUGH 2012 ($ MILLIONS) 124TABLE 51 STRYKER PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 124TABLE 52 STRYKER SWOT ANALYSIS 127HLC093B - Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global MarketsCopyright (C)To order this report:General_Medicine_and_Specialty_Medicine Industry: Endoscopy Devices: Applications and Global MarketsContact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US:(339) 368 6001 Intl:+1 339 368 6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 12:34
南方日報訊 (記者/周東輝 通訊員/溫桂英 鄭斯敏 豐志毅)兩年星級評定一次農家樂,迷你倉庫三年內建成6個旅遊驛站,昨日,記者從清新區旅遊局獲悉,清新出台了《關於旅遊驛站規劃建設的意見》以及《關於發展農家樂旅遊的意見》,圍繞建“中國休閒養生及生態旅遊名城”的目標,清新把做強“農家樂”鄉村旅遊、做活“自駕游”休閒旅遊作為重要舉措,從機制、資金、稅費、規劃等諸多方面給予農家樂和旅遊驛站全面支持和引導。今年首評星級農家樂《發展農家樂旅遊的意見》指出,清新重點培育三大農家樂類型:一是依托鄉間田野風光,打造以農業風貌觀光區以及田園風情休閒的農家樂,如田園牧歌、清羨園、溫泉山莊等;二是在歷史文化、民俗風情突出、特色鮮明的村莊,培育特色民俗的農家樂,如龍頸鳳塱古村落,重點保護古村落、古民居,將當地特色民俗文化融于建設之中;三是主要交通主幹線沿線、區位位置優越、通達性好的村莊培育農家樂,主要在清西旅遊沿線,以特色飲食為切入點發展農家樂。據瞭解,清新將今年11月份左右開展首次星級農家樂評定,同時以後將兩年開展一次星級農家樂評定,讓農家樂成為旅遊的名片。在投入方面,清新財政獎勵的力度非常大。其中設立農家樂發展專項資金100萬元。對儲存建投資規模達到1000萬元或以上的農家樂項目按實際投資額的2%給予獎勵,用于項目基礎設施建設;對被評為清新區5星級、4星級、3星級的農家樂分別給予5萬元、4萬元、3萬元的一次性獎勵;對其所在鎮場分別給予該鎮(場)2萬元、1.5萬元、1萬元的獎勵。對獲得國家級工農業旅遊示範點稱號或鄉村旅遊示範點稱號的一次性給予10萬元獎勵;對獲得省級工農業旅遊示範點或鄉村旅遊示範點稱號的一次性給予5萬元獎勵。3年建成6大旅遊驛站按照《關於旅遊驛站規劃建設的意見》,清新將在中心城區規劃建設金五菱旅遊驛站、觀景台驛站;在清四公路沿線規劃建設太平石桐驛站;在清連高速公路沿線規劃建設古龍峽驛站、鳳塱驛站、浸潭驛站,6個驛站建設將全部在2015年前全部完工。在《意見》中,清新對驛站建設提出非常細緻的要求,“設計元素多元一體:每個旅遊驛站及其標識系統的設計,充分採用當地特色文化與當地生態旅遊元素,形成具有獨特風格的標誌性工程項目。”記者瞭解到,為了推動驛站建設,清新區根據驛站實際投入的資金分別給予財政補貼,對按照規劃建設,經驗收符合旅遊驛站標準的一次性補貼10萬元,對投入1000萬以上給予實際投入資金2%的補貼,最高補貼不超過30萬元。新蒲崗迷你倉