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3名中國人在阿富汗遭襲身亡,迷你倉留學生出言不慎被遣返,中國工人在巴基斯坦被劫持,中國遊客在海外被搶目前,在海外的中國人越來越多,他們面臨的風險也越來越大。據統計,2012年中國內地居民出境的人數達到8318萬人次,外交部和駐外使領館平均每天要處理約100件領保案件。面對危險局面,海外中國人如何來保護自身的利益?中國使領館的領保官員是怎樣開展工作的?除了外交,中國要保障海外人員安全,還要做哪些努力?人質解救在阿失蹤人員未找到8月8日,阿富汗首都喀布爾,5名中國公民遇襲,3人在一所公寓樓內遇害,2名男性失蹤。中國駐阿富汗使館龐春雪參贊說,使館9日上午才得知消息,立即�動應急機制,使館馬上派人趕到出事地點瞭解情況,同時與阿富汗政府高層進行交涉,督促其儘快破案,查明真相,緝拿兇手,尋找失蹤人員下落。另一方面,使館要和國內聯繫,匯報情況。當天,使館網站發佈消息,稱使館已與阿外交部、內政部進行交涉。9日,一名失蹤人員脫險。這名成功脫險的中國公民于9日清晨被強行帶到一輛阿富汗人駕駛的車上,並被限制自由。汽車駛離喀布爾途中,他設法掙脫束縛,成功跳車逃離。他到附近美軍基地求救,並得到幫助,後由美方送交我中國駐阿富汗大使館。遇害的3名中國公民為1男2女。2名女性是因前往現場查看情況而不幸遇害。龐春雪參贊16日表示,目前另一名失蹤的中國人仍然沒有找到。領保人員部分領館僅一名領保官阿富汗是高危戰亂國家,安全局勢令人擔憂。目前在阿富汗仍有數百名中國人,主要從事政府援助項目,或者承包工程,也有一些個體的經營商戶從事正常的貿易活動。此次事件並不是塔利班政權倒台後,阿富汗第一起針對中國公民的襲擊事件。2010年1月,兩名中國工程師曾經在阿富汗遭到武裝分子綁架;2004年6月,中鐵14局在阿富汗北部昆都士省的公路建設工地遭恐怖分子襲擊,釀成中國員工11死4傷的慘劇。龐春雪說,在阿富汗,安全是很大的問題,如何保護中資機構和中國公民的安全,是使館的重要工作。中國駐阿富汗使館根據國內的統一部署和要求,對內對外都有詳盡的突發事件應急處置的機制。每當發生這種涉及中國公民的安全事件,使館就會�動應急機制,各部門按部就班地投入工作。平時使館也會不定期地組織形勢通報會,向中資機構發佈安全預警信息,此次阿富汗5名中國人遇襲事件之後,使館再次提醒中資機構和中國公民,採取措施注意自己的安全。“中國駐阿富汗大使館全體工作人員要求24小時開機,而且使館有專門的值班電話。不管什麼時候發生的事件,都會及時處理。”龐春雪說。領保現狀每天處理百起領保案外交部領事司司長黃屏今年2月份與網友進行互動時表示,外交部領事保護工作有海外中國公民和機構安全保護工作的部際聯席會議機制,也已經形成了中央、地方、駐外使領館、企業和公民個人“五位一體”的聯動機制。針對一些特殊的事件,也有一些機制,比如涉漁業糾紛的處理機制、針對綁架案件的處理機制、勞務糾紛的工作機制等。今年3月份外交部披露的數據顯示,2012年中國內地居民出境的人數達到8318 萬人次,境外有中資企業2萬多家。外交部和駐外使領館平均每天要處理約100起領保案件。在這些領保案件中,不乏凶殺、綁架等惡性案件。在2009年解救被塔利班綁架的中國工程師龍曉偉的行動中,中國駐巴基斯坦使館打破了外交傳統,通過多種途徑獲得塔利班發言人的聯繫方式,與綁架人質的塔利班進行了直接電話聯繫,試圖 通過談判說服塔利班釋放人質。領保瑣事人質獲釋後仍需斡旋有時候,即使人質成功獲釋,也會遇到一些繁瑣事。在尼日利亞工作的曹先生回憶了自己親歷的一次中國公民遭綁架的斡旋工作。2010年5月23日,三名中國工程師在尼日利亞被匪徒綁架。隨後,三人獲准向中國駐拉各斯領事館打電話。與領館電話聯繫,成為他們那6天唯一的希望。在總領館的積極斡旋下,三名工程師所在的尼日利亞Nifex公司最終支付贖金,29日三人成功脫險。三名工程師獲救後想第一時間回家,沒想到遇到了強大阻力。由於三人來到尼日利亞工作的時間很短,所在的尼日利亞工廠又支付了贖金,他們不願意讓這三名中國工程師馬上回國,雙方在此問題上僵持不下。為了儘快讓三名工程師回國,使館工作人員6月1日親赴阿比亞州,進行斡旋,曹先生由於工作關係一同前往。經過多個哨卡,走過破爛顛簸的道路,經過幾個小時,幾人終於到達公司所文件倉地。經過中方人員誠懇地勸說後,Nifex公司最終同意三名中國工程師回國探親。延伸閱讀■他山之石1.巧用新媒體很多發達國家已把新媒體媒介當成保護本國公民的重要手段之一。英國外交部嘗試利用手機短信加強海外公民的信息登記;澳大利亞外交部通過“推特”向本國公民發送旅行信息。在美國,政府充分利用官方網站、議會信息系統、網上登記系統、國務院領事綜合數據庫等,加強與本國公民的互動。2.發展私人安保美國本土以外,美國私人安保公司無論從武器裝備還是業務範圍上,都發展成為一種重要的安保力量。據統計,1991年海灣戰爭時,每50名美國軍事人員中有1名來自私人安保公司;到2003年美軍入侵伊拉克時,每10名美國軍事人員中就有1名來自私人安保公司。新華社近日刊文指出,海外中國人遇襲事件頻發,建立中國海外安保公司應該 提上日程。就目前來說,更加有效地利用當地安保資源已是當務之急,特別是對戰 亂和動蕩地區的重大工程項目,急須將安保預算納入工程合同款中。3.出兵解救20 12年1月25日凌晨,美國海軍海豹突擊隊隊員潛入索馬里,打死9個海盜嫌疑人,成功解救美國和丹麥人質各一人。在一些重大時刻,美國會出動軍隊解救僑民。比如,2002年,西非國家科特迪瓦政府軍與政變武裝交戰,百余名美國與歐洲國家的兒童受困戰場,美國出動部隊前往營救。人民網刊文指出,中國一向奉行和平發展戰略,但這並不意味著中國不需要發展軍事力量作為保護海外中國公民的必備手段。建設一支強大的軍事力量將對海盜、劫匪、國際恐怖主義、極端民族主義形成威懾,必要時至少能夠保護本國公民不受傷害和向他國人民提供人道主義救援。2011年3月3日,從利比亞撤離的江西籍工作人員慶祝平安回到家鄉■撤僑海陸空聯合撤離3萬人時間:2011年2月-3月地點:利比亞事件:利比亞局勢緊張,中國�動最大規模撤僑2011年,北非國家利比亞的局勢持續惡化,中國從利比亞大規模撤僑,成為近年來海外領事保護的標誌性事件。12天里,從利比亞撤僑35860人———這是中國有史以來最大的海外撤僑行動,也是中國軍艦首次參與海外撤僑。據報告文學《國家》記載,從2011年2月19日開始,中國駐利比亞大使館向國內發回緊急電文。2月21日午夜,胡錦濤主席和溫家寶總理正式作出從利比亞撤僑的決定,採用的是“國家一級響應”。這是國家最高級別的動員,與應對2008年汶川大地震同等級別。利比亞撤僑,中國調動了182架次中國民航包機、5艘貨輪,動用了4架軍機,租用20余艘次外籍郵輪。外交部領事司副司長郭少春總結稱,利比亞撤僑創下了新中國撤僑歷史上的“四個第一”:第一次採用了海陸空聯動的撤離方式;第一次大規模動用民航飛機,租用外國郵輪和飛機;第一次採用將人員擺渡至第三國再撤回國的方式;第一次使用只有一張紙的中國公民應急旅行證件。自2006年所羅門群島發生騷亂,我國實施撤離公民行動以來,先後12次將近6萬名受困同胞自東帝汶、黎巴嫩、泰國、加蓬、海地、埃及、利比亞、日本等國安全撤回國內。■采金客2012年11月1日,加納庫瑪西,中國采金客在采金工地上手持金塊多部門介入助采金客返鄉時間:2013年3月、6月地點:加納事件:中國采金客在加納頻繁遭遇搶劫在一些領保案件中,領事官員也會碰到中國人觸犯他國法律的情況。今年,加納政法逮捕100多名在加納涉嫌非法采金的中國人。中國政府在3月和6月分別派出工作組赴加納。中國外交部華春瑩表示,由外交部、商務部和公安部組成的聯合工作組抵加後,就維護在加中國采金人員安全與合法權益向加方提出交涉,要求加方文明執法,停止在礦點外抓扣中方人員,制止少數當地人搶劫中方人員行為;處理加當地違法人員,從根本上制止非法采金活動。今年6月28日,中國駐加納使館再次鄭重提醒參與非法采金的在加中國公民認清形勢,勿存僥倖心理,停止非法采金活動,儘快安排回國,避免自身權益遭受損失。一名中國駐非洲某國大使館的工作人員對新京報記者表示,在非洲,也有中國公民觸犯當地法律的領保案件。如果中國人觸犯了當地法律法規,領事官員無法幫助其免責,但是會盡到探視、交涉等義務。在這名官員看來,領事官員24小時開機,經常半夜跑機場。她說:“我聽一名領事官員打趣說過,別人以為外交官是出入高級場合、觥籌交錯無限風光的職業,領事官員卻常和小偷、騙子、罪犯打交道。”存倉

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Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandAug.迷你倉 30--Thais travelling to neighbouring countries will soon be allowed to take with them up to 2 million baht from the current limit of 500,000 baht.The move is aimed at promoting greater use of the Thai currency and boosting border trade.Isara Vongkusolkit, chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC), said the Finance Ministry has already made a proposal to the Bank of Thailand and expects a positive answer soon.Raising the baht ceiling for Thai visitors will help to facilitate and spur cross-border trade now that more than 40 border and temporary checkpoints already use the currency to settle transactions, he said.Mr Isara said Thai border trade can increase substantially if Thailand gets more serious in upgrading existing facilities at Thai checkpoints.Foreign Trade Department statistics show cross-border trade amounted to 911 billion baht last year, up by 2.23% from 2011.Of that total, exports accounted for 557 billion baht, down by 4%, and imports 354 billion, up by 13.9%.First-half cross-border trade rose by a marginal 0.46% year-on year to 457 billion baht, with Malaysia contributing the most at 247 billion or about 54%.Myanmar came second at 95.3 billion baht (20.8%), followed by Laos at 67.3 billion (14.7%) and Cambodia at 46.9 billion (10.3%).Overall, exports from Thailand fetched 280 billion baht during the period, down by 1.46% year-on-year, while imports increased by 3.67% to 177 billion.Thailand enjoyed an overall border trade surplus of 104 billion baht in the first half.The surp自存倉us with Laos totalled 44.3 billion baht in that period, followed by Cambodia (38.3 billion) and Malaysia (37.4 billion), but the country had a trade deficit worth 16.3 billion with Myanmar.Mr Isara said the TCC projects cross-border trade will reach 1 trillion baht for the full year.Thanavath Phonvichai, vice-president for research at the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce's Center for Economic and Business Forecasting, said border trade will account for 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) if it does achieve that target.This would help offset the overall trend of weaker exports this year, he said.Last month, the Bank of Thailand slashed its export growth projection to 4% from 7.5% and lowered its economic growth estimate to 4.2% from 5.1%.Meanwhile, the National Economic and Social Development Board cut its forecast last week for full-year GDP growth to a range of 3.8% to 4.3% from 4.2% to 5.2% projected in May.The government's planning agency also lowered its export growth estimate to 5% from 7.6%, reflecting weak demand abroad.In a related development, TCC members met with Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong recently.Mr Isara said the meeting agreed to establish two ad hoc committees that will include representatives of the Bank of Thailand, the Finance Ministry and the TCC to monitor the exchange rate and curb any adverse impact on Thai exporters.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at .bangkokpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.儲存M.Aug. 29--Jeff Barton visited Albuquerque last week as a favor for a friend. Turns out, he was the one to receive the favor -- a life-changing one. "It's crazy," the 46-year-old Bostonian told the Journal of the reaction to his hole-in-one -- for which he won $1 million -- at Paa-Ko Ridge Golf Club last Thursday."It's taken on a life of its own. It's incredible and exciting for myself, and for the folks who were part of it. To see it go viral on YouTube and become one of the lead stories on Yahoo(.com). I appreciate the kid who captured the moment."That kid is East Mountain High School senior Mitch Lopez, who was shooting video of the event.Using a rental-club 8-iron, Barton lifted the shot from the fairway of the par 3 ninth hole from 150 yards out during Corley's Albuquerque Lincoln Volvo Million Dollar Shootout. It was part of a tournament to raise funds for East Mountain High.His ball hit the front of the green, made a beeline toward the cup and didn't stop until it dropped."I was just thinking, 'OK, you're the last one, come on, hit and we get to go home after working 10 hours,' " said Paa-Ko's first assistant pro, David Muttitt. He had to hang around because the Hole In One International insurance company, which pays the $1 million, requires a PGA member to be at the tee box during such a contest."The first thing I thought (when the shot went in) was, 'Oh, my God. We're going to be here another 2 1/2 hours," Muttitt added with a laugh. "I'm really happy for him, but if he had just missed, we'd all be living our lives as normal right now."Instead, the shot has sent Muttitt and a number of folks scrambling to get affidavits signed, speak to investigators and even "take polygraph tests," he said.Tournament director Missy Bishop said she has 10 days to get all the documents squared away. Assistant tournament director Lori Webster was also required to shoot a video, which must be sent to the insurance company located in Reno, Nev.President Mark Gilmartin said his Hole In One International, formed in 1991, insures "about 15,000" events a year, including field-goal kicking contests, half-court basketball shots and the like.The company pays out hundreds of prizes a year, but this is only "the sixth or seventh time" it's had a $1 million winner. He says it's stil新蒲崗迷你倉 to be determined how Barton will receive the money, which could come in the form of a $50,000 annuity for 20 years or a cash settlement.Barton said he and his wife of seven years, Leah, aren't sure how they will take it, and the experience "still hasn't sunk in."Leah was bathing their kids, 4-year-old Samantha and son Alex -- who turned 2 on Sunday -- when he called.This was the third time Barton attended the event, which his company -- MobilexUSA -- helps sponsor. As part of the package, MobilexUSA (a provider of X-rays and ultrasounds), gets a four-player team in the field.None of the sponsors pays any part of the $1 million prize or the $1,500 insurance policy. The latter was purchased by the tournament.Barton said he chose to play in the event because "I used to work with Peter Nyland, whose kids go to East Mountain High School, and he is on the school's (foundation) board. He moved to Albuquerque (in 2002), and Peter is a wonderful friend."I've participated the last couple of years for him and for the school. It's always an enjoyable experience playing at Paa-Ko Ridge."Webster said the event raised about $35,000 through entry fees ($125 per player) and sponsorships, and was part of a week's festivities that include a gala, auction and raffle. In all, she said the school has raised about $110,000 this year.During the tournament, nine players won entries for the Shootout -- five for the $1 million and four for a chance at a new car. They qualified based on performances in other contests -- longest drive, longest putt, closest to pin, etc.Three contestants in the 130-player field were then chosen in a blind draw -- two to shoot for the car from 140 yards and one for the million from 150 yards. Barton's name was picked for the chance at the $1 million.Only 10 were still around by the time the contest started around 7 p.m. Barton was the last guy to swing -- and then it was time to pop the champagne."We've been saving a magnum more than 14 years for a special occasion," said Nyland, whose sons, P.J. (senior) and Quinter (junior), attend East Mountain. "(Wife) Valerie and I thought this was the right occasion."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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WESTBROOK, Maine, Aug.迷你倉 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Historically considered a southern and south-central U.S. parasite, the lone star tick is creating increasing concerns for pets and people in Raleigh and all of North Carolina. This tick, known for the white, star-like spot on the backs of the female, is an aggressive biter and can transmit diseases such as ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to dogs, cats and people.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGO)"Lone star ticks become more and more widespread every year," said Michael Dryden, DVM, PhD, distinguished professor of veterinary parasitology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine who is considered one of the nation's foremost authorities on ticks that infect dogs and cats.Recent data shows increasing cases of tick-borne diseases like ehrlichiosis in North Carolina. According to IDEXX Laboratories, veterinarians have reported more than twice as many cases of canine ehrlichiosis in North Carolina to date in 2013 (5,229) as they did for the entire years of 2011 and 2012 (1,655). Alarmingly, records show that 1 out of every 16* dogs in North Carolina tests positive for ehrlichiosis.In Wake County, 1 out of every 12* dogs test positive for ehrlichiosis - or 524 so far in 2013 (*as of August 1, 2013). That's a 260 percent increase over the total number of canine ehrlichiosis cases reported during the years 2011 and 2012.Some cases, however, go unreported, and many infected dogs go untested. Taking that into account, the nonprofit Companion Animal Parasite Council estimates these figures represent only about 30 percent of the actual incidence of ehrlichiosis in North Carolina, where people also are at risk.Ehrlichiosis is a blood cell infection that can lead to joint pain and lameness. Canine symptoms may not be obvious and include loss of appetite, lethargy or reluctance to move. If left untreated, the disease could progress to a chronic infection that lasts days, months or even years - often without showing any symptoms."The lone star tick is a very aggressive tick, and it actively seeks out people and pets to feed on," said Michael J. Yabsley, MS, PhD, F.R.E.S. (Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society), associate professor at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. "It's one of the most common ticks that people find on themselves and their dogs, so everyone should take precautions - especially in the new areas of invasion."Parasitologists like Dryden and Yabsley say the reason for the lone star tick expansion, which began about 25 years ago, is multi-faceted and complex, citing such factors a自存倉 milder winters, suburbanization and the proliferation of white-tailed deer and wild turkeys - common hosts for lone star ticks. With deer and turkey populations increasing and spreading and more people moving closer to woodlands and wildlife, conditions are conducive for lone star tick proliferation and interaction with domestic animals and their owners.Ticks, including the lone star, are most active in the spring. It's important, however, to remain vigilant year-round about protecting dogs from ticks. They go dormant during the winter but don't die - even when there's a hard freeze - and they can come out to feed on mild days."By the time you notice ticks on dogs, it's often too late," said Dryden. "All it takes is one bite."Even if pet owners use tick preventives, infections can still occur if owners mistime or forget an application or dose. The two most common pathogens the lone star tick can transmit to both animals and humans are the causative agents of ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). RMSF symptoms include arthritis-like stiffness and neurological problems. If not treated early, both diseases can become chronic and even result in death.While it's difficult to tell if a dog has a tick-borne disease, veterinarians can screen for them. They recommend testing annually for these diseases, which usually can be successfully treated with antibiotics.People who want to learn more about how to protect their families and pets should consult their veterinarians and .DogsAndTicks.com, a helpful website with information about tick-bite prevention and tick diseases - including how prevalent some of them are in their own neighborhoods. Since early diagnosis and treatment are keys to longer and higher-quality lives for dogs, the online resource also teaches people how to recognize difficult-to-distinguish signs of infection, how to properly check for ticks and remove embedded ticks.The veterinarians and veterinary parasitologists who support and develop content for .DogsAndTicks.com are committed to educating pet owners about the prevalence and risks of tick-borne diseases. The website does not endorse any individual product but serves as an informational source, with tools that include interactive prevalence maps for tick-borne diseases based on diagnostic screenings from across the country.IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., is a global market leader in pet healthcare innovation, helping practicing veterinarians around the world advance medical care with a broad range of diagnostic products and services. IDEXX created .DogsAndTicks.com as a resource for pet owners.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGODogsAndTicks.comCONTACT: Marissa Sharkey, marissa@bcsthinktank.comWeb site: .dogsandticks.com/迷你倉新蒲崗

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WESTBROOK, Maine, Aug.迷你倉出租 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Historically considered a southern and south-central U.S. parasite, the lone star tick is progressively expanding northward and eastward and creating new concerns for pets and people in Florida. This tick, known for the white, star-like spot on the backs of the female, is an aggressive biter and can transmit diseases such as ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to dogs, cats and people.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGO)"Lone star ticks become more and more widespread every year," said Michael Dryden, DVM, PhD, distinguished professor of veterinary parasitology at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine who is considered one of the nation's foremost authorities on ticks that infect dogs and cats.Recent data shows increasing cases of tick-borne diseases like ehrlichiosis in Florida. According to IDEXX Laboratories, veterinarians already have reported a 29 percent increase in canine ehrlichiosis in Florida to date in 2013 (554) as they did for the entire years of 2012 and 2011 (429). Records show that 1 out of every 86* dogs in Florida tests positive for ehrlichiosis (*as of August 1, 2013).Some cases, however, go unreported, and many infected dogs go untested. Taking that into account, the nonprofit Companion Animal Parasite Council estimates these figures represent only about 30 percent of the actual incidence of ehrlichiosis in Florida, where people also are at risk.Ehrlichiosis is a blood cell infection that can lead to joint pain and lameness. Canine symptoms may not be obvious and include loss of appetite, lethargy or reluctance to move. If left untreated, the disease could progress to a chronic infection that lasts days, months or even years - often without showing any symptoms."The lone star tick is a very aggressive tick, and it actively seeks out people and pets to feed on," said Michael J. Yabsley, MS, PhD, F.R.E.S. (Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society), associate professor at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. "It's one of the most common ticks that people find on themselves and their dogs, so everyone should take precautions - especially in the new areas of invasion."Parasitologists like Dryden and Yabsley say the reason for the lone star tick expansion, which began about 25 years ago, is multi-faceted and complex, citing such factors as milder winters, suburbanization and the proliferation of white-tailed deer and wild turkeys - common hosts for lone sta迷你倉 ticks. With deer and turkey populations increasing and spreading and more people moving closer to woodlands and wildlife, conditions are conducive for lone star tick proliferation and interaction with domestic animals and their owners.Ticks, including the lone star, are most active in the spring. It's important, however, to remain vigilant year-round about protecting dogs from ticks. They go dormant during the winter but don't die - even when there's a hard freeze - and they can come out to feed on mild days."By the time you notice ticks on dogs, it's often too late," said Dryden. "All it takes is one bite."Even if pet owners use tick preventives, infections can still occur if owners mistime or forget an application or dose. The two most common pathogens the lone star tick can transmit to both animals and humans are the causative agents of ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). RMSF symptoms include arthritis-like stiffness and neurological problems. If not treated early, both diseases can become chronic and even result in death.While it's difficult to tell if a dog has a tick-borne disease, veterinarians can screen for them. They recommend testing annually for these diseases, which usually can be successfully treated with antibiotics.People who want to learn more about how to protect their families and pets should consult their veterinarians and .DogsAndTicks.com, a helpful website with information about tick-bite prevention and tick diseases - including how prevalent some of them are in their own neighborhoods. Since early diagnosis and treatment are keys to longer and higher-quality lives for dogs, the online resource also teaches people how to recognize difficult-to-distinguish signs of infection, how to properly check for ticks and remove embedded ticks.The veterinarians and veterinary parasitologists who support and develop content for .DogsAndTicks.com are committed to educating pet owners about the prevalence and risks of tick-borne diseases. The website does not endorse any individual product but serves as an informational source, with tools that include interactive prevalence maps for tick-borne diseases based on diagnostic screenings from across the country.IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., is a global market leader in pet healthcare innovation, helping practicing veterinarians around the world advance medical care with a broad range of diagnostic products and services. IDEXX created .DogsAndTicks.com as a resource for pet owners.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130618/CG34092LOGODogsAndTicks.comCONTACT: Marissa Sharkey, marissa@bcsthinktank.comWeb site: .dogsandticks.com/儲存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/2013成都購物節進入尾聲,self storage四大主題活動之一的“體驗新二環,購物樂翻天”活動成果豐碩。購物節組委會昨日透露,根據市統計局的最新統計,最近兩個多月時間里,二環路沿線絕大部分商家的銷售額、客流量較去年同期有較為明顯的增長。與此同時,到二環路沿線購物也成為市民消費新選擇。5月底成都市新二環通車,為消費者前往二環商圈購物提供了極大便利。為此,2013成都購物節特別組織二環路沿線15個大型綜合賣場和超市共同推出了形式多樣、市民參與度高的區域專享活動。如伊藤洋華堂和家樂福的一系列主題促銷活動、仁和春天光華店的名品展銷集、錦華和金牛萬達廣場的啤酒美食音樂節等。這些活動的開展,極大地提升了市民到二環路沿線消費的熱情。兩個多月過去了,便捷的交通疊加豐富的活動,“新二環商圈”在購物節的助力下初現雛形。新二環商機大百貨商場銷售額明顯增長市統計局的專題調查表明,新二環為消費者提供極大交通便利的同時,也對消費者的購物場所選擇產生了較大影響。超過50%的消費者已經有通過“雙快”工程前往二環路沿線百貨商場購物的體驗,超過90%的消費者表示,迷你倉購買同類商品或選擇檔次相近的購物場所時,將會更傾向選擇二環路沿線的百貨商場。調查顯示,二環路“雙快”工程投運以來,對成都二環路各大商家產生了明顯的積極帶動作用,二環路沿線絕大部分商家銷售額、客流量較去年同期有較為明顯的增長,其中王府井購物中心的銷售額和客流量同比增幅達到了30.17%和18.77%,仁和春天百貨棕北店和光華店增長10%和12%、成都錦華萬達百貨增長21.3%和27%。仁和春天百貨市場部負責人湯原平介紹,自從新二環通車後,商家的人流量和銷售額得到提升,“預計持續下去將超去年同期業績”。購物節人氣高“新二環商圈”已現雛形“交通對商場的銷售有著非常重要的影響,新二環的通車對沿線商家來說本身就是個重大利好。”市商務局相關負責人表示,伴隨城市規模的擴大,成都商業早已邁出了春熙路、鹽市口等傳統老商圈,不斷到新興居家生活區安營紮寨,二環路沿線早在10年前就開始成為各大賣場的重要據點,在東西南北等各個區域形成了建設路、萬年場、成仁路、雙楠、沙灣會展等多個商業集中點。該負責人還透露,借助這次購物節主題活動經驗,未來有意策劃更多以商圈為載體,點面結合的推廣活動,激發成都商貿業發展的新活力。文件倉

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LONDON, August 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Cox & Kings Picks What Not to Miss in BurmaDemand for holidays to Burma continues to increase, and with new luxury hotels and river cruises launching, this is set to continue.迷你倉 Luxury Burma holidays specialist Cox & Kings [.coxandkings.co.uk/far-east/burma-tours ] reports that Burma remains one of its bestselling destinations.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121120/577576 )Sunrise balloon ride over PaganNo Burma tour would be complete without seeing the myriad pagodas and temples of Pagan and what better way than in a hot air balloon at sunrise. The Pagan Archaeological Zone is one of the country's top attractions, covering an area of 67 sq km. Tea and coffee are served while the crew prepare the balloons and a light champagne breakfast is served on landing. In 2014, balloon rides over Inle Lake will also be available.MoulmeinThe country's third largest city was once a busy seaport and the administrative capital of British Lower Burma known as 'Little England'. Today it is a pleasant and quiet town with a rich history lying off the normal tourist trail. Plenty of colonial-style architecture can still be seen, along with brilliantly coloured mosques, built for Indian immigrant workers decades ago. Moulmein is also home to Burma's first Baptist church.KalawLocated between Mandalay and Inle lake, Kalaw was a popular hill station during the British rule and remains a peaceful place to relax and explore the surrounding countryside. At an altitude of 1,320 metres, temperatures are pleasantly cooler offering wonderful hiking opportunities through rugged mountains and bamboo groves to remote hill tribe villages. Kalaw has a charming and quaint atmosphere created by its unique mix of ethnic tribal minorities, Burmese, Nepalese and Indians.Ngapali BeachBurma's most famous beach, on the shores of the Bay of Bengal, has 3km of palm-fringed white sand. Still maintaining its fishing community, there are charming villages nearby that are waiting to be explored, and almost deserted offshore islands that can be visited. Rumour has it that the beach was named many years ago by a homesick Italian sailor from Napoli.Golden Rock Pagoda, KyaiktiyoAccording to legend, the golden rock is precariously perched on a strand of the Buddha's hair, seemingly defying gravity as it permanently appears to be on the v儲存rge of rolling down the hill. Situated at the top of Mount Kyaiktiyo, it is the third most important Buddhist pilgrimage site in Burma after the Shwedagon Pagoda and the Mahamuni Pagoda. The Golden Rock Pagoda is built on the top of the granite boulder and covered with gold leaves, which are pasted on by the flow of devoted pilgrims. A glimpse of the 'gravity defying' golden rock is believed to be enough of an inspiration to turn anyone to Buddhism.River cruiseLined with ancient palaces and pagodas, the fascinating Irrawaddy river has stirred the imagination of some of the world's greatest writers including George Orwell and Rudyard Kipling. There are a variety of boats that cruise the river, ranging from smaller traditional Burmese boats to the two luxurious Orient-Express boats - the Road to Mandalay and the 25-cabin Orcaella, which launched this summer and sails to the remote villages and ancient monasteries in the north of Burma.Cox & Kings [.coxandkings.co.uk ] arranges escorted and private luxury holidays to more than 100 countries around the world.NOTE TO EDITORSCox & Kings is the world's longest established travel company. Its history stretches back more than 250 years to 1758 when Richard Cox was appointed regimental agent to the Footguards (later the Grenadier Guards). The company's fortunes grew hand in hand with the British empire and by the early 20th century the company was acting as agent and banker throughout the armed forces and as a shipping agent. In 1922 Cox & Co merged with the Henry S King bank, which had strong connections with India. The bank became part of Lloyds and the shipping agency grew separately, evolving into the modern travel company.Today, built on the high quality service and attention to detail established by Richard Cox in the 18th century, the company continues to flourish as an independent tour operator, with operations in London, the US, Japan, Australia and throughout India. Cox & Kings organises escorted small-group tours and private tailor-made travel in the Indian Subcontinent, Latin America, the Middle East, the Far East, Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, and the Caribbean.RESERVATIONS: +44(0)20-7873-5000 / .coxandkings.co.ukPRESS OFFICE: +44(0)20-7808-5694 / katie.parsons@coxandkings.co.ukPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121120/577576Cox & Kings新蒲崗迷你倉

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首次來港推售之多倫多豪宅項目,文件倉將於本周登場,美聯物業(環球)獲加拿大發展商Lanterra Developments委託,為香港及內地代理銷售,具備英國設計特色的豪華住宅項目The Britt,售價由加幣二十餘萬起,於本周六及日舉行展銷會。周六舉行展銷會美聯(環球)市場經理賈建安表示,今次獲得加拿大著名發展商Lanterra Developments委託,在香港及內地代理銷售旗下位於加拿大多倫多市中心的豪華住宅項目The Britt,項目位處多倫多市中心的金融區,毗鄰地標CN Tower及世界著名學府多倫多大學。是次來港推售,單位面積由三百二十五方呎至一千一百九十方呎不等,售價由加幣二十餘萬元起。面積325至1190呎另外,多倫多房地產項目為不少海外投資者理想選擇,不少華人及港人存倉當地相當熟悉,故是次在港推售,希望可給予中港兩地客戶,對加拿大房地產有興趣人士提供選擇。The Britt展銷會於本周六及日假座位於金鐘之酒店舉行。樓高達41層Lanterra Developments乃加拿大著名發展商之一,於區內曾發展多個坐落於大多市之內的地標物業,發展商團隊參考不少英國項目,並由著名設計師精心打造出是次富英國時尚氣派的豪華住宅項目。The Britt位於多倫多市中心,Bay Street與Wellesley Street交界,項目為樓高四十一層的豪華住宅物業,預計合共提供六百九十一個單位,單位面積由三百二十五方呎至一千一百九十方呎。The Britt內備有兩層高的富麗英式酒店式大堂,另外亦備有健身室、室外游泳池、影院及一系列住客設施等,亦提供二十四小時服務等。迷你倉

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 台灣的民營小型旅館秉承了日據時代的日本「民宿」經營方式,迷你倉出租由店主供應賃房服務,又供早午晚三餐及簡單清潔管理務求令住客有賓至如歸的感覺,有到了自己親人處寄住之親切感,對增加地方性民間文化、人文生活文化溝通很有積極作用,對生活文化溝通也極有助力。香港地少人多,已缺乏這種民營住宿條件,有之者也只有變相「民宿」的「�房」。一個三五百呎的單位間為獨立水電廁的一床一櫃最小型單位,近年港九鬧區都多此類「�房」單位,不少外來單身旅客背囊浪徒,都樂於短住,有些單身客貪便宜,一住竟有住上十天半月的,亦由此產生過不少雞鳴狗盜或霧水情緣的故事。 阿杜有位多倫多小姐親戚倪晨曦單身到港做短期導遊工作,如此住入尖沙咀�房半年之久,幾乎嫁了給一個台灣浪遊到港的男生,後來黯迷你倉分手,為香港某新浪潮電影拍為短片。這位倪晨曦美貌氣質佳,由此一部小型實驗電影大受圈中人注意。近日有多家電影公司找她主演大型愛情片,拍得成這也是一部「香港民宿——�房情緣」,亦可能有個新的「香港林青霞」出現。當年林青霞在台北西門町被宋存壽追三條街,追出一個世紀巨星,如今一個倪晨曦又可能是一個廿年後的香港林青霞在尖沙咀出現,以條件論,倪晨曦亦有林青霞驚人美慧艷麗的外在條件,又一顆新星由此誕生絕非奇事。 此倪晨曦在此阿杜褒提過兩三次,唯一原因是一九九二年阿杜做過幾年加拿大移民時她為當年的小鄰居,小時候她爸爸戲呼阿杜是他「契爺」,如今她找到香港來叫阿杜為她的「契爺爺」,一段民宿之緣,阿杜變了星爸星爺爺誼親,自然希望香港影壇也出一顆如此的「民宿明星」也。儲存倉

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 【專訪】澳門廣播電視股份有限公司昨日起推出三項新媒體服務、「澳廣視──資訊APP」「指尖上的澳門旅遊網頁」及「澳廣視──微信(WECHAT)專頁,迷你倉為澳門以至世界各地的公眾帶來更全面的資訊和更豐富的新媒體體驗。 昨日下午,澳廣視在科學館大堂展覽廳舉行「新媒體發佈會」,宣佈及介紹上述三項全新的新媒體服務相關內容。 「澳廣視─資訊APP」將會成為澳門傳統廣播媒介與觀眾間最重要、最優秀的新媒體平台,讓觀眾和用戶透過智能移動裝置,得到更快捷、更簡便、更全面的新聞、資訊及更豐富的用戶體驗。 「資訊APP」備iphone及Android版本免費下載,為手機提供澳廣視電視、電台頻道直播、新聞、精選節目、各類資訊;同時具有特別消息推播、即時表態、投票、社交分享、節目提示等互動功能;還有最大的個性化設置空間,根據自己喜好,編輯菜單、調整設定、揀選觀看三文四語內容。 澳門廣播電視股份有限公司推出《指文件倉上的澳門》旅遊網頁項目,將「旅遊美食」、「文化創意」及「世界歷史遺產」等電視及電台節目,透過新媒體網絡帶給市民及旅客,向世界推廣澳門。 《指尖上的澳門》主題網頁於本月推出,內容豐富,其中重點推介經過精心策劃的「潮遊路線」,五條旅遊路線按主題分為「細聽世遺奏鳴曲」、「發掘開市珍寶」、「細味中西融和」、「探索葡韻風情」、「覓尋悠閒之樂」,路線設計融合了澳門靚景、美食、文創、玩樂等不同元素。 另一重點介紹是與MO Calendar合作的「活動盛事」,集合呈現了本地大大小小的活動資訊,包括澳門的國際級盛事、展覽、比賽、課程、綜藝、演唱會、舞台據等等極具特色、不同規模的活動。 澳廣視登陸亞洲地區最大使用者群體的移動即時通訊軟體──微信公眾平台,開設澳廣視微信專頁。 由澳門網絡傳媒發展有限公司提供技術支援,澳廣視會透過微信專頁,提供各類資訊及節目,繼續服務本澳市民,國內以至世界各地的觀眾。◇存倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉 28--When they're looking for a pizza or a plumber, shopping for bargain deals -- or trying to avoid signing the lease for the apartment from hell, many consumers turn to Yelp for guidance.The search and business rating website is a popular resource for people looking for crowd-sourced information on everything from restaurants and stores to professional services. And it's a place where people can rave about -- or slam -- the businesses they're commenting on.Shopping and dining categories are the largest on Yelp. Dining comments are often written in mouth-watering detail, down to the color and crispness of the vegetables or the server's attitude and efficiency.Business owners can use Yelp, too. By setting up a business account, they can promote themselves to customers, respond to negative reviews and see what's being said about them.PG graphic: Yelp categories, demographics(Click image for larger version)Since Yelp's launch in 2004, it has grown into to an international presence. By the end of last June, 42 million 文件倉eviews had been posted, according to Yelp.Activity is driven by the increase in mobile devices: About 45 percent of all Yelp searches are done on mobile devices.When Yelp Pittsburgh community manager Rachel Carlson came to Pittsburgh in 2011 to promote the site, people who knew what she was talking about were in the minority. That's changed, and Pittsburgh now has a growing and active Yelp community."It's been interesting to see the evolution," she said. "I would say seven out of 10 know about Yelp. Some will have the app already. We don't even have to explain it to them."The Yelp Pittsburgh page mirrors the same popular topics one would find on the Dublin or Sydney Yelp pages, but it also has its local flavor. For example, there are several comments on the dramatic view of Downtown people see when they emerge from the inbound Fort Pitt Tunnel.Adrian McCoy: amccoy@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1865.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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Highest Turnout for Travel in Five Years; Gas Prices TumbleNEW YORK, Aug.儲存倉 28, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An estimated 34.1 million Americans are expected to travel at least 50 miles from home this Labor Day weekend, the highest turn out since 2008, when the recession was at its peak, the American Automobile Association reports. Gas prices are also down, nearly 5 percent, another plus for vacationers. However, for those renting a car, it can be confusing, frustrating and downright daunting. Unfortunately, many consumers do not even think about car rental insurance until they get to the counter, which can result in either wasting money by purchasing unnecessary coverage or having dangerous gaps in coverage, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.).Before renting a car, I.I.I. suggests that you make two phone calls--one to your insurance professional and another to the credit card company you will be using to pay for the rental car.1. Insurance CompanyFind out how much coverage you currently have on your own car. In most cases, whatever coverage and deductibles you have on your own car would apply when you rent a car, providing you are using the car for recreation and not for business. If you have dropped either comprehensive or collision on your own car as a way to reduce costs, you will not be covered if your rental car is stolen or damaged in an accident.Check to see whether your insurance company pays for administrative fees, loss of use or towing charges. Some companies may provide an insurance rider to cover some of these costs, which would make it less expensive than purchasing coverage through the rental car company. Keep in mind, however, that in most states diminished value (the reduction in a vehicle's market value occurring after a vehicle is damaged and then repaired), is not covered by insurers. 2. Credit Card CompanyInsurance benefits offered by credit card companies differ by both the company and/or the bank that issues the card, as well as by the level of credit card used. For instance, a platinum card may offer more insurance coverage than a gold card. Credit cards usually cover only damage to or loss of the rented vehicle, not for other cars, personal belongings or the property of others. You may not have personal liability coverage for bodily injury or death claims. Some credit card companies will provide coverage for towing, but many may not provide for diminished value or administrative fees. Some credit card companies have changed their policies, too, so you may not have as much coverage as you thought. To know exactly what type of insurance you have, call the toll-free number on the back of the card you will be using to rent the car. If you are depending on a credit card for insurance protection, ask the credit card company or bank to send you its coverage information in writing. In most cases, credit card benefits are secondary to either your personal insurance protection or the insurance offered by the rental car company. If you have more than one credit card, consider calling each one to see which offers the best insurance protection.At the Rental Car CounterSince insurance is state regulated, the cost and coverage will vary from state to state. Consumers, however, can generally choose from the following coverages:-- Loss Damage Waiver (LDW)Also referred to as a collision damage waiver outside the U.S., an LDW is not technically an insurance product. LDWs do, however, relieve or "waive" renters of financial responsibility if their rental car is damaged or stolen. In most cases, waivers also provide coverage for "loss of use," in the event the rental car company charges the renter for the time a damaged car cannot be used because it is being fixed. It may also cover towing and administrative fees.Waivers, however, may become void if the accident was caused by speeding, driving on unpaved roads or driving while intoxicated. If you already have comprehensive and collision coverage on your own car, check with your personal auto insurer to make sure you are not duplicating coverage you already have. Should you decid迷你倉價錢 it is necessary, this coverage generally costs between $9 and $19 a day. -- Liability InsuranceBy law, rental companies must provide the state-required amount of liability insurance. Generally, these amounts are low and do not provide much protection. If you have adequate amounts of liability protection on your own car, you may consider forgoing additional liability protection. If you want the supplemental insurance, it will cost between $7 and $14 a day. An umbrella liability policy, however, may be more cost effective. Umbrella liability insurance is so named because it acts like an umbrella, sitting on top of your auto and homeowners (or renters) liability policies to provide extra protection, including accidents, while driving your own car or one that you rent. These policies, usually sold in increments of a million dollars, cost as little as $200 to $300 annually for a million dollars worth of coverage and another $50 to $100 for each additional million. Those who do not own their own car and are frequent car renters, can also consider purchasing a non-owner liability policy. This not only provides liability protection when you rent a car, but also when you borrow someone else's car. -- Personal Accident InsurancePersonal Accident Insurance offers coverage to you and your passengers for medical and ambulance bills for injuries caused in a car crash. If you have adequate health insurance or are covered by personal injury protection under your own car insurance, you may not need this additional insurance. It usually costs about $1 to $5 a day. -- Personal Effects CoveragePersonal Effects Coverage provides insurance protection for the theft of items in your car. If you have a homeowners or renters insurance policy that includes off-premises theft coverage, you are generally covered for theft of your belongings away from home, minus the deductible. If you purchase this coverage through the rental car company, it generally costs between $1 and $4 a day. If you frequently travel with expensive items such as jewelry, cameras, musical equipment or sports equipment, it may be more cost effective to purchase a personal articles floater under your homeowners or renters insurance policy. With such a floater, your valuable items are protected at home as well as while traveling anywhere in the world and the coverage is broader.Other Things to ConsiderStates have minimum age requirements for renting a car, and most major rental car companies refuse to rent a car to someone who is under 21, and in some cases under 25. In addition, some rental car companies now investigate your driving record and/or credit history, so check with the rental car company before picking up the car.In addition, many car rental companies now impose various fees after an accident that you may not be aware of and will be held responsible for. These fees, which can run from several hundred to several thousands of dollars, can include: towing, storage, impound fees, loss of use, diminished value and administrative services. So check with your insurer and credit card company to see which of these fees are covered.I.I.I. has a podcast available that outlines the coverages offered in most rental car policies. Knowing more about these coverages consumers can make smart choices and save money when renting a car.To view or download the podcast, go to iTunes and type "Insurance Information Institute" into the search field, or go to Podcast: Rental Car Insurance on the I.I.I. Web site.The I.I.I.'s free mobile apps can help you create a disaster plan, learn about selecting the right insurance for your needs and budget, and create and maintain a home inventory. Learn more about our suite of apps here.THE I.I.I. IS A NONPROFIT, COMMUNICATIONS ORGANIZATION SUPPORTED BY THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY.Insurance Information Institute, 110 William Street, New York, NY 10038; (212) 346-5500; .iii.org.facebook.com/InsuranceInformationInstitute twitter.com/iiiorg .linkedin.com/company/insurance-information-institute .youtube.com/iiivideo https://plus.google.com/113369356227754162778Insurance Information InstituteWeb site: .iii.org/迷你倉

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  敘利亞戰爭陰霾密布,存倉刺激商品價格走高,環球股市則下挫,國企指數跌穿上升通道或要下試9500點,若然美國攻打敘利亞是拖拖拉拉,會令國指震盪,股民要捱多一段時間。  雖然內地股市昨日低開高收,但全日仍以跌市收場,無助國企指數扭轉跌勢,全日跌223點或2.2%,收報9765點,成交額151億元,只有一成三主板H股逆市上升;而紅籌指數跌89點或2.1%,收4164點,成交額88億元。  盡管敘利亞戰爭對中國經濟影響有限,但過去所見,戰爭如立即爆發,只要規模不致失控,股市所受的影響有限,甚至乎可以重拾升浪;只是戰爭爆發前若是拖拖拉拉,反而會令股市出現不明朗因素,大市會繼續震盪,直至戰爭爆發為止。故國指短期或要在50天平均�(現處於9565點)至100天平均�(現處於10112點)區間上落。短期缺乏刺激因素  只是國指昨日一跌,剛跌穿過去兩個月反彈所形成的上升通道底部(現約9800點),日內如未能重上通道內,筆者擔心缺乏利好消息下,指數會跌穿9500點,並可要下試9000點。因為中資股披露上半年業績已近尾聲,第三季業績要在10中下旬公布,十八大三中全會又延至11月舉行,即9月除了經濟數據外,缺乏一些可以刺激大市上升的因素,故國指有易跌難升的感覺。  不過,筆者仍然認為國指是愈跌愈吸引,即使今年盈利倒退一成,指數今年預測PE仍有8.6倍,若然指數跌至9000點,預測PE更可降至8倍。再加上內地今年年底頗大機會推出QDII2,以及內地經濟放緩走勢迷你倉能結束,對中資股而是利好因素。故此,指數下跌,中資股是值得收集。  至於業績方面,中國通信服務(00552)上半年業績符合預期,其上半年盈利微升2%至12.4億元人民幣(下同),每股盈利0.179元,不派中期息,毛利率15.4%,較去年同期微跌0.1個百分點,業績無驚喜,股價卻出乎意料逆市上升5%,收5.48元。彭博綜合證券商對中通服披露業績前的預測數字,預期中通服今年盈利可升10%至27億元,明年則增長15%至31億元。  中通服主要業務電信基建服務和業務流程外判服務,上半年錄得近一成增長,分別增加至153億和140億元,只是銷售、一般及管理費用增長14%至38億元,最終令盈利輕微增長,盈利率也跌0.3個百分點至3.8%。更重要是上半年自由現金流錄得負20億元,公司解釋負數是應收帳周轉天數上升所致,但逾九成應收帳屬於一年內,當中主要營運商佔70%,故風險較低;只是4G發牌在即,下半年現金流的壓力仍然大。4G為中通服帶來商機  中通服表示4G是商機,但中通服主要收入來源是中國電信集團,佔其比重約41.1%,中移動則佔18.3%。但中國電信(00728)有待開始4G測試,明年才能全面推動4G建設,屆時才利好中通服。然而,筆者擔心是中電信希望採用FDD-LTE制式,以便現有3G可以較順利進入4G,但最終要睇中央如何分配4G牌,若然統一採用TD-LTE制式,則對中通服業績可能帶來不確定因素,故目前宜觀望。  yeesiuman@hket.com自存倉

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ALLEGAN, Mich.迷你倉 and DUBLIN, Aug. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Perrigo Company ("Perrigo") and Elan Corporation, plc. ("Elan") today announced that Perrigo Company Limited ("New Perrigo") has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a registration statement on Form S-4 in connection with Perrigo's proposed acquisition of Elan, which included a joint proxy statement of Elan and Perrigo (the "Form S-4").(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120301/DE62255LOGO)As previously announced on July 29, 2013, Perrigo and Elan have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which New Perrigo will acquire Elan in a stock-and-cash transaction valued at approximately $8.6 billion (the "Acquisition"). The Acquisition will be effected by means of a "scheme of arrangement" under Irish law (the "Scheme" or the "Scheme Circular").The Form S-4 is available on the SEC's EDGAR system, and may be accessed at perrigo.investorroom.com/index.php?o=25&s=127, ir.elan.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=88326&p=irol-sec or .sec.gov.About PerrigoFrom its beginnings as a packager of generic home remedies in 1887, Allegan, Michigan-based Perrigo Company has grown to become a leading global provider of quality, affordable healthcare products. Perrigo develops, manufactures and distributes over-the-counter (OTC) and generic prescription (Rx) pharmaceuticals, infant formulas, nutritional products, animal health, dietary supplements and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The company is the world's largest manufacturer of OTC pharmaceutical products for the store brand market. The company's primary markets and locations of logistics operations have evolved over the years to include the United States, Israel, Mexico, the United Kingdom, India, China and Australia. Visit Perrigo on the Internet at .perrigo.com.About ElanElan is a biotechnology company, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. Elan's ordinary shares are traded on the ISE under ISIN IE0003072950; American Depositary Shares representing ordinary shares of Elan are traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol ELN.For additional information about Elan, please visit Elan's web site at .elan.com.About New PerrigoNew Perrigo is a private limited company incorporated in Ireland solely for the purpose of effecting the transactions contemplated by the transaction agreement dated 29 July 2013 and entered into between Perrigo and Elan for the purpose of effecting the Acquisition (the "Transaction Agreement"). Prior to the effective date of the Scheme (the "Effective Date"), New Perrigo will be converted, pursuant to the Irish Companies Acts 1963-2012, to a public limited company. To date, New Perrigo has not conducted any activities other than those incidental to its formation and the execution of the Transaction Agreement.Conditioned only upon the prior consummation and implementation of the Scheme and the Acquisition, an indirect subsidiary of New Perrigo ("Merger Sub"), will merge with and into Perrigo, as a result of which the separate corporate existence of Merger Sub will cease and Perrigo will continue as the surviving corporation as a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of New Perrigo. At the Effective Date, all Perrigo shares will be cancelled and each Perrigo share will automatically be converted into the right to receive one New Perrigo share and US$0.01 in cash.No Offer or SolicitationThis announcement is not intended to and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction pursuant to the Acquisition or otherwise, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.Important Additional Information Has Been and Will Be Filed with the SECNew Perrigo has filed with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-4 that includes the preliminary Joint Proxy Statement of Elan and Perrigo and that also constitutes a Prospectus of New Perrigo. Elan and Perrigo plan to mail to their respective stockholders or shareholders, as applicable, the definitive Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including the Scheme) in connection with the Acquisition and related transactions. INVESTORS, STOCKHOLDERS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE JOINT PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS (INCLUDING THE SCHEME) AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FILED OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY CONTAIN OR WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ELAN, PERRIGO, NEW PERRIGO, THE ACQUISITION AND RELATED MATTERS. Investors and security holders may obtain free copies of the preliminary Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including the Scheme) and other documents filed with the SEC by Elan, Perrigo and New Perrigo through the website maintained by the SEC at .sec.gov. In addition, copies of the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including the Scheme) and other documents filed with the SEC by Elan will be available free of charge on Elan's internet website at .elan.com or by contacting Elan's Investor Relations Department at +1-800-252-3526 and copies of the Joint Proxy Statement/Prospectus (including the Scheme) and other documents filed with the SEC by New Perrigo and Perrigo will be available free of charge on Perrigo's internet website at .perrigo.com or by contacting Perrigo's Investor Relations Department at +1-269-686-1709.Perrigo and New Perrigo Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsThis announcement includes certain 'forward looking statements' within the meaning of, and subject to the safe harbor created by, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to the business, strategy and plans of each of Perrigo and New Perrigo, their respective expectations relating to the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement and their respective future financial condition and performance, including estimated synergies. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about Perrigo 's, New Perrigo's or their respective managements' beliefs and expectations, are forward looking statements. Words such as 'believes', 'anticipates', 'estimates', 'expects', 'intends', 'aims', 'potential', 'will', 'would', 'could', 'considered', 'likely', 'estimate' and variations of these words and similar future or conditional expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements.Examples of such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about expected benefits and risks associated with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement, projections or expectations of profit attributable to shareholders, including estimated synergies, anticipated provisions or write-downs, economic profit, dividends, capital structure or any other financial items or ratios; statements of plans, objectives or goals of Perrigo, New Perrigo, Elan or the combined business following the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; statements about the future trends in tax or interest rates, liquidity, foreign exchange rates, stock market levels and demographic trends and any impact that those matters may have on Perrigo, New Perrigo, Elan or the combined company following the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; statements concerning any future Irish, UK, US or other economic or regulatory environment or performance; statements about strategic goals, competition, regulation, regulatory approvals, dispositions and consolidation or technological developments in the healthcare and life sciences industry; and statements of assumptions underlying such statements.While Perrigo and New Perrigo believe these expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Perrigo's and New Perrigo's control. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon future circumstances that may or may not occur. Actual results may differ materially from Perrigo's and New Perrigo's current expectations depending upon a number of factors affecting Perrigo's business, New Perrigo's business, Elan's business and risks associated with acquisition transactions. These factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainty associated with financial projections; restructuring in connection with, and successful close of, the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; subsequent integration of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement and the ability to recognize the anticipated synergies and benefits of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; the receipt of required regulatory approvals for the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement (including the approval of antitrust authorities necessary to complete the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement); access to available financing (including financing for the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement) on a timely basis and on reasonable terms; the risks and uncertainties normally incident to the pharmaceutical industry, including product liability claims and the availability of product liability insurance; market acceptance of and continued demand for Perrigo's, New Perrigo's and Elan's products; changes in tax laws or interpretations that could increase Perrigo's or the combined company's consolidated tax liabilities; and such other risks and uncertainties detailed in Perrigo's periodic public filings with the SEC, including but not limited to those discussed under "Risk Factors" in Perrigo's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2012, in Perrigo's subsequent filings with the SEC and in other investor communications of Perrigo or New Perrigo from time to time.The forward-looking statements in this announcement are made only as of the date hereof, and unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, each of Perrigo and New Perrigo disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.Elan Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsThis announcement includes certain 'forward looking statements' with respect to the business, strategy and plans of Elan and its expectations relating to the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement and its future financial condition and performance. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about Elan's or its management's beliefs and expectations, are forward looking statements. Words such as 'believes', 'anticipates', 'estimates', 'expects', 'intends', 'aims', 'potential', 'will', 'would', 'could', 'considered', 'likely', 'estimate' and variations of these words and similar future or conditional expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon future circumstances that may or may not occur.Examples of such forward looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about expected benefits and risks associated with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement, projections or expectations of profit attributable to shareholders, anticipated provisions or write-downs, economic profit, dividends, capital structure or any other financial items or ratios; statements of plans, objectives or goals of Perrigo, New Perrigo, Elan or the combined business following the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; statements about the future trends in tax or interest rates, liquidity, foreign exchange rates, stock market levels and demographic trends and any impact that those matters may have on Perrigo, New Perrigo, Elan or the combined company following the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement; statements concerning any future Irish, UK, US or other economic or regulatory environment or performance; statements about strategic goals, competition, regulation, regulatory approvals, dispositions and consolidation or technological developments in the healthcare and life sciences industry; and statements of assumptions underlying such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in such forward looking statements made by Elan or on its behalf include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions in Ireland, the United States or elsewhere; regulatory scrutiny, legal proceedings or complaints; changes in competition and pricing environments; the inability to hedge certain risks economically; the adequacy o新蒲崗迷你倉 loss reserves; the ability to secure new customers and develop more business from existing customers; the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement not being completed or not being completed as currently envisaged; additional unanticipated costs associated with the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement or the operating of the combined company; or an inability to implement the strategy of the combined company or achieve the benefits of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement set out herein. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from forward looking statements are set out in the most recent annual reports and accounts of Elan, including Elan 's most recent annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2012 and its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K filed with the SEC.Forward-looking statements only speak as of the date on which they are made, and the events discussed in this announcement may not occur. Subject to compliance with applicable law and regulation, Elan disclaims any obligation to update publicly or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.Elan's principal source of revenue may remain a royalty on sales of Tysabri((R)), the potential of Tysabri((R)), which may be severely constrained by increases in the incidence of serious adverse events (including death) associated with Tysabri((R)) (in particular, by increases in the incidence rate for cases of PML), or by competition from existing or new therapies (in particular, oral therapies), and the potential for the successful development and commercialisation of products, whether internally or by acquisition, especially given the separation of the Prothena business which left Elan with no material pre-clinical research programs or capabilities; Elan's ability to maintain sufficient cash, liquid resources, and investments and other assets capable of being monetised to meet its liquidity requirements; the success of Elan's development activities, and R&D activities in which Elan retains an interest, including, in particular, the impact of the announced discontinuation of the development of bapineuzumab intravenous in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease; failure to comply with anti-kickback, bribery and false claims laws in the United States, Europe and elsewhere; difficulties or delays in manufacturing and supply of Tysabri((R)); trade buying patterns; the impact of potential biosimilar competition, the trend towards managed care and health care cost containment, including Medicare and Medicaid; legislation and other developments affecting pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (including, in particular, the dispute in Italy with respect to Tysabri((R)) sales), both domestically and internationally; failure to comply with Elan's payment obligations under Medicaid and other governmental programs; exposure to product liability (including, in particular, with respect to Tysabri((R))) and other types of lawsuits and legal defence costs and the risks of adverse decisions or settlements related to product liability, patent protection, securities class actions, governmental investigations and other legal proceedings; Elan's ability to protect its patents and other intellectual property; claims and concerns that may arise regarding the safety or efficacy of Elan's product candidates; interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and the risk of a partial or total collapse of the euro; governmental laws and regulations affecting domestic and foreign operations, including tax obligations; whether Elan is deemed to be an investment company or a passive foreign investment company; general changes in United States and international generally accepted accounting principles; growth in costs and expenses; and the impact of acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, product withdrawals and other unusual items. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in Elan's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2012, and in its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K filed with the SEC. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.No Profit Forecast/Asset ValuationNo statement in this announcement is intended to constitute a profit forecast or asset valuation for any period, nor should any statements be interpreted to mean that earnings or earnings per share will necessarily be greater or lesser than those for the relevant preceding financial periods for either Perrigo, New Perrigo or Elan, as appropriate.Dealing Disclosure RequirementsUnder the provisions of Rule 8.3 of the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997, Takeover Rules 2007, as amended (the "Takeover Rules"), if any person is, or becomes, "interested" (directly or indirectly) in 1% or more of any class of "relevant securities" of Elan or Perrigo, all "dealings" in any "relevant securities" of Elan or Perrigo (including by means of an option in respect of, or a derivative referenced to, any such "relevant securities") must be publicly disclosed by not later than 3:30 pm (Irish time) on the "business day" following the date of the relevant transaction. This requirement will continue until the date on which the Scheme becomes effective or on which the "offer period" otherwise ends. If two or more persons co-operate on the basis of any agreement, either express or tacit, either oral or written, to acquire an "interest" in "relevant securities" of Elan or Perrigo, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Rules.Under the provisions of Rule 8.1 of the Takeover Rules, all "dealings" in "relevant securities" of Elan by Perrigo or "relevant securities" of Perrigo by Elan, or by any of their respective "associates" must also be disclosed by no later than 12 noon (Irish time) on the "business day" following the date of the relevant transaction.A disclosure table, giving details of the companies in whose "relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed can be found on the Irish Takeover Panel's website at .irishtakeoverpanel.ie."Interests in securities" arise, in summary, when a person has long economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the price of securities. In particular, a person will be treated as having an "interest" by virtue of the ownership or control of securities, or by virtue of any option in respect of, or derivative referenced to, securities.Terms in quotation marks are defined in the Takeover Rules, which can be found on the Irish Takeover Panel's website.If you are in any doubt as to whether or not you are required to disclose a "dealing" under Rule 8 of the Takeover Rules, please consult the Irish Takeover Panel's website at .irishtakeoverpanel.ie or contact the Irish Takeover Panel on telephone number +353-(0)1-678-9020; fax number +353(0)1-678-9289.Financial AdvisersBarclays, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Perrigo and no one else in connection with the matters described herein and will not be responsible to anyone other than Perrigo for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing advice in relation to the matters described in this announcement or any transaction or any other matters referred to herein.Citigroup Global Markets Inc, which is a member of SIPC and is a registered broker-dealer regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Citigroup Global Markets Limited, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority, are acting for Elan and no one else in relation to the matters referred to herein. In connection with such matters, Citigroup Global Markets Inc and Citigroup Global Markets Limited, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents will not regard any other person as their client, nor will they be responsible to anyone other than Elan for providing the protections afforded to their clients or for providing advice in connection with the matters described in this Document or any matter referred to herein.Davy and Davy Corporate Finance each of which are regulated in Ireland by the Central Bank of Ireland, are acting for Elan and no one else in relation to the matters referred to herein. In connection with such matters, Davy and Davy Corporate Finance, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents will not regard any other person as their client, nor will they be responsible to anyone other than Elan for providing the protections afforded to their clients or for providing advice in connection with the matters described in this Document or any matter referred to herein.Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting as financial adviser to Elan and for no one else in relation to the matters referred to herein. In connection with such matters, Morgan Stanley, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents will not regard any other person as their client, nor will they be responsible to anyone other than Elan for providing the protections afforded to their clients or for providing advice in connection with the matters described in this Document or any matter referred to herein.Ondra LLP, which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting for Elan and no one else in relation to the matters referred to herein. In connection with such matters, Ondra LLP, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents will not regard any other person as their client, nor will they be responsible to anyone other than Elan for providing the protections afforded to their clients or for providing advice in connection with the matters described in this Document or any matter referred to herein.Irish Takeover RulesThe Perrigo directors accept responsibility for all the information contained in this announcement other than information relating to the Elan Group, the directors of Elan and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Perrigo directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information in this announcement for which they accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.The Elan directors accept responsibility for all the information contained in this announcement other than information relating to the Perrigo Group, the directors of Perrigo and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Elan directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information in this announcement for which they accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Unless otherwise defined, capitalized terms in this announcement have the meanings given to them in the announcement dated 29 July 2013 made by Perrigo pursuant to Rule 2.5 of the Irish Takeover Rules.GeneralThis summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of this announcement. The release, publication or distribution of this announcement in or into certain jurisdictions may be restricted by the laws of those jurisdictions. Accordingly, copies of this announcement and all other documents relating to the Acquisition are not being, and must not be, released, published, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from any such jurisdiction. Persons receiving such documents (including, without limitation, nominees, trustees and custodians) should observe these restrictions. Failure to do so may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the companies involved in the proposed Acquisition disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violations of any such restrictions by any person.Any response in relation to the Acquisition should be made only on the basis of the information contained in the Scheme Circular or any document by which the Acquisition and the Scheme are made. Elan Shareholders and Perrigo Shareholders are advised to read carefully the formal documentation in relation to the proposed transaction once the Scheme Circular has been dispatched.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120301/DE62255LOGOPerrigo CompanyCONTACT: PERRIGO, Perrigo Investor Relations: Arthur Shannon,+1-269-686-1709, or Bradley Joseph, +1-269-686-3373, ELAN, Elan InvestorRelations: Chris Burns, +1-800-252-3526, David Marshall, +353-1-709-4444,Elan Media Relations: Emer Reynolds, +353-1-709-4022, Jonathan Birt, +44-7860-361746, Jamie Tully, +1-212-687-8080Web site: .perrigo.com/mini storage

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Source: The Lima News, OhioAug.迷你倉 28--WAPAKONETA -- Lori McKean doesn't have to wonder how the pupils at Wapakoneta Middle School felt about federally mandated changes to the lunch menu.She saw a petition that clearly stated the fifth-graders' preferences."We'd put sweet potatoes twice on our weekly rotation menu, and the kids wrote a petition for it," said McKean, the director of child nutrition services for the Wapakoneta City Schools. "They met with me and the principal. The whole fifth grade, every kid in the class, told us what they thought with that petition."There's mixed reaction in the region to the healthier new federal lunch program. Some districts adapted well, with minimal fuss from the young mouths they feed. And others, like in those children in Wapakoneta, bit the hand that fed them when these meals packed with whole grains, fruits and vegetables began last year.Wapakoneta schools lost 10 percent to 15 percent of its total meals served last year, primarily among children who paid cash for the meals. The district also sees a frustrating amount of plate waste, fresh fruit and vegetables literally thrown in the trash by those with discriminating tastes.Federal officials say they don't have exact numbers but have seen isolated reports of schools cutting ties with the $11 billion National School Lunch Program, which reimburses schools for meals served and gives them access to lower-priced food, according to The Associated Press.Not all of the reaction has been negative. Lima City Schools began adjusting its meals three or four years ago, said Carrie Woodruff, food service director for the district. They slimmed down the starches, corn and potatoes, replacing them with beans and fresh vegetables."It's been a good thing, with less carbohydrates and more fruits and vegetables," Woodruff said. "Our kids eat the fresh fruits and vegetables. They must be hungry and enjoying them."Area cafeteria personnel said good products helped make the transition. Some worried about the demand for whole-grain breads."At first the kids weren't crazy about it," said Sarah Neidert, the district cafeteria manager for Kalida Local Schools. "We told them to give it a try. Our kids have really adjusted well to it. Nickles Bakery came out with some great products for the whole-grains that taste almost the same."Sue White, the cafeteria supervisor for Bath schools, said the school saw more pupils packing their lunches than buying them. It's down 100 meals per day in the middle school. Still, most pupils adapted."To be really truthful, the kids did a better job accepting it than I thought they might," she said. "Especially with the whole grains, after they got used to the taste it was fine."Nationally, about 31 million pupils participated in the guidelines that took effect last fall under the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.Some districts decided to drop out after seeing reduced purchases of lunches. Catlin, Ill., saw a drop of $30,000 in sales from the program, leading them to drop out. In儲存倉upstate New York, the Schenectady-area Burnt Hills Ballston Lake system dropped out after ending the year $100,000 in the red, according to the AP.Dr. Janey Thornton, deputy undersecretary for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services, which oversees the program, told the AP she is aware of reports of districts quitting but is still optimistic about the program's long-term prospects."Many of these children have never seen or tasted some of the fruits and vegetables that are being served before, and it takes a while to adapt and learn," she said.The agency had not determined how many districts have dropped out, Thornton said, cautioning that "the numbers that have threatened to drop and the ones that actually have dropped are quite different."The School Nutrition Association found that 1 percent of 521 district nutrition directors surveyed during the summer planned to drop out of the program in the 2013-14 school year and about 3 percent were considering the move.Not every district can afford to quit. The National School Lunch Program provides cash reimbursements for each meal served: about $2.50 to $3 for free and reduced-priced meals and about 30 cents for full-price meals. That takes the option of quitting off the table for schools with large numbers of poor youngsters.Locally, districts weren't ready to jump. Many districts receive too much funding for free and reduced-price lunches, making it a bad decision to leave.Lima schools went the other way, offering free lunches to all learners."A lot of the schools in the area benefit from the program, and the free and reduced lunches are relatively high," Woodruff said. "If you looked in affluent suburbs, such as Mason, Ohio, where people have a lot of higher-paying jobs, you'd see very few free and reduced meals where they might think about it."The new guidelines set limits on calories and salt, phase in more whole grains, and require that fruit and vegetables be served daily. A typical elementary school meal under the program consisted of whole-wheat cheese pizza, baked sweet potato fries, grape tomatoes with low-fat ranch dip, applesauce and 1 percent milk.In December, the Agriculture Department, responding to complaints that children weren't getting enough to eat, relaxed the 2-ounce-per-day limit on grains and meats while keeping the calorie limits. That eased some concerns, especially among high schoolers who were still hungry.Several cafeterias have been surprised at how popular the fresh fruits and vegetables have been. Sweet potatoes might not be a favorite, but they're learning to love legumes, such as beans. They're eating their broccoli in particular."With cooked broccoli, they really do eat it," Neidert said. "At first they didn't but the more we put it out there, the more they're eating it. They really do like the fresh vegetables."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) Visit The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) at .limaohio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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Agricultural Bank of China (1288), China's third-largest state-owned lender, surprised the market with a decreasing bad-loans ratio in the first half, during which it earned 92.self storage4 billion yuan (HK$116 billion), meeting upper estimates. Net profit rose 22 percent from the first six months of 2012. But it slipped 4 percent to 45.3 billion yuan in the April- June period from the previous quarter, though still above expectations. Earnings per share hit 28 fens. No interim dividend was proposed. Total net interest income hit 180 billion yuan in the first six months, up 7.2 percent. But the net interest margin retreated by 11 basis points to 2.74 percent as a result of two central bank interest rate cuts in 2012. The lender, which focuses on rural and underdeveloped regions in the country, said its non-performing loans ratio fell 0.08 percentage point to 1.25 percent as of June 30 from a 迷你倉ear ago. China's western area was a major contributor to AgBank's bad loans, followed by Yangtze River Delta. The lender also had 94.5 billion yuan overdue loans, up 7.5 percent year on year. ``We expect the amount of NPLs to stabilize in the second half and the ratio will go down further,'' said Song Xianping, head of risk management, via a video link from the bank's Beijing headquarters. President Zhang Yun expects China's ongoing interest rate liberalization to hurt the net interest margin. ``We will try to maintain our NIM by reducing costs and adjusting structure,'' he said. Profit growth was expected to slow due to asset quality deterioration and rising funding costs. The capital adequacy ratio declined 0.8 percentage point to 11.81 percent as of June 30. AgBank shares fell 1.5 percent to HK$3.29. The results came out after the market had closed. grace.cao@singtaonewscorp.com 文件倉

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省旅遊發展研究中心將舉辦相關培訓班據國家旅遊局消息,迷你倉新蒲崗2013年度全國中、高級導遊人員等級考試推遲到11月9日進行。考試報名工作截至10月1日。應廣大考生要求,省旅遊發展研究中心擬舉辦中文中級導遊人員等級考試網上考前培訓班。現將有關事項通知如下:培訓方式及報名辦法:培訓班採取網絡報名、網絡繳費、網絡培訓的方式。有意迷你倉出租可登錄w w w .gdta.gov.cn填寫個人報名資料,並通過網絡完成繳費工作。報名成功後憑賬戶和密碼參加網絡培訓學習。費用:中文中級導遊人員等級考試考前培訓班:680元,包括培訓費、網絡服務費、在線模擬考試試題費等。參加人員:2013年度報考中文中級導遊人員等級考試考生。報名學習時間:9月8日-10月30日。迷你倉

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香港文匯報訊(記者 黃嘉銘)樓市在重重辣招加上一手新例包圍下,文件倉交投淡靜,市場關注本地地產商業績會否「插水」。信置(0083)昨公布截至6月底,全年純利達116.87億元,按年升9.5%,扣除投資物業公平值變動,基本純利按年更升達25%至66.36億元。當中物業銷售盈利貢獻45.11億元,按年升49.4%,主要來自在辣招前出售西九龍御金.國�及大埔白石角天賦海灣及玥.天賦海灣等項目入帳,由此亦可反映政府出招前樓市的火熱程度。 信置全年每股基本盈利1.971元,派末期息每股38仙,可以股代息。期內營業額78.19億元,按年下跌6.8%,物業銷售總收入141.28億元,按年上升97%。御金.國�及奧柏.御峰均已售出超過99%住宅單位,白石角的兩個項目玥.天賦海灣及天賦海灣,分別售出超過80%及60%單位。總租金收益上升8.5% 此外,集團去年總租金收益(連同所佔聯營公司),總租金收益上升8.5%至31.85億元,淨租金收益上升9%至27.69億元。主要由於續租租金上升及現有出租物業組合整體出租率上升,整體出租率96存倉,升兩個百分點。 土地儲備方面,至6月底止,集團在香港、內地及新加坡擁有土地儲備應佔總樓面面積約4,010萬平方呎,住宅佔64.1%、商業佔23.8%、工業佔5.3%、停車場佔3.7%,以及酒店佔3.1%。集團擁有現金及銀行存款約119.4億元。扣除貸款總額101.9億元,淨現金17.5億元。 主席黃志祥在業績報告中表示,本港物業市場受到經濟環境,以及房地產相關政策的影響而有變化,管理層已注意市場挑戰及未來不明朗因素,亦會迅速應對,集團的經常性業務包括租務等仍然具彈性。而政府將推出更多土地供私人樓宇發展,集團亦可受惠,會繼續適時購入土地。尖置全年賺60億增11% 系內尖沙咀置業(0247)昨亦公布,全年純利59.77億元,按年升約11%,每股盈利3.837元,派末期息每股38仙,可以股代息,扣除投資物業公平值變動,基本純利34.18億元,按年上升27.3%。另外,信和酒店(1221)全年純利2.4億元,按年增長2.5%,每股盈利25.68仙,派末期息每股4仙, 可以股代息。期內收入3.31億元,按年跌2.3%。迷你倉

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Shanghai stocks yesterday dipped for the first time in three days after a warning of risks in China’s financial system, while concerns over escalating tension in Syria also dampened investor sentiment.新蒲崗迷你倉The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.11 percent to 2,101.3 points.A gauge measuring 21 shares in the banking sector shed 0.44 percent yesterday after Xu Shaoshi, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, warned of risks in the financial system.China faces fiscal challenges, rising potential financial risks and employment pressure in some industries, Xu said yesterday at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the country&rsmini storageuo;s top legislature.The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the nation’s largest bank, fell 0.5 percent to 3.88 yuan (63 US cents).Investors were also dejected by the tumble of global stock markets on concerns the United States will take military action against Syria for using chemical weapons on its people.“The China stock market failed to keep the gains under pressure of global stock markets,” said Jiang Haiyu, an analyst with Lianxun Securities Co.The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell 1.5 percent in Tokyo yesterday, heading for the lowest close since June 27. That followed the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing 1.1 percent to close at a two-month low on Tuesday. self storage

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Source: The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.迷你倉C.Aug. 28--CHAPEL HILL -- UNC coach Larry Fedora spoke one last time today before his team plays at South Carolina tomorrow (6 p.m., ESPN). Here's what he had to say:The obligatory Jadeveon Clowney question:I was thinking we might get through this interview without anybody asking about him. The guy, he's a great player. What do you see? He's a great player. There's no doubt about it. He's 270-something pounds and he runs 4:4 and he likes to play. He's a great player.What do you do? You don't trash your whole offense and change everything just for him. I mean, one, it's impossible to do, and two, it would mean that we didn't have a very sound philosophy to start with and what we are going to do. And we have gelled some things to adjust to hopefully where he is and we know that he's going to play multiple positions so you can't sit there and scheme for one guy.Tight end Jack Tabb is prepared to play at linebacker as well:That's the plan as of tonight. We will see where it goes tomorrow at six, but right now, he's prepared to play at both spots, yes.Well, first of all, he is a tremendous athlete. He was recruited on both sides of the ball in a lot of places. He has got really a lot of football savvy. Maybe he really understands the game, no matter which side you're looking at it from.Jack's one of those guys that he doesn't need a lot of reps. You can kind of tell Jack, he can run it once and then he understands what needs to be done from that point on. So we are very fortunate in that aspect because obviously when you're trying to do both, you're taking fewer reps on both sides of the ball.How the offensive line has progressed:I think we are getting better and better every day, especially for those two young guys. Every day is a new learning experience and something else comes up-- Turner, Bodine and Hurst have done a great job of bringing those young guys along. They are starting to gel. That usually takes that position, that unit takes a little bit longer to get some continuity and to gel.So, you儲存倉know, we just don't have the time to do it. They have got to be there right now and hopefully they will be.Replacing Giovani Bernard:He was a pretty good player. We will miss him, there's no doubt about it. And you're right, we don't look to one guy to replace him. It may be, you know, running back by committee. The key is we just want to match the production or improve it. Whether that's one guy that does it or multiple guys that do it, we don't care how it happens. Morris is going to start the game, he's had a great camp and really has looked good, A.J. Blue will play, Khris Francis will play. But we still expect to get that type of production out of that position.If he feels like he's "carrying the banner" for the ACC vs. the SEC:I don't know if we're carrying-- not by ourselves. You still have Virginia Tech and Alabama, Clemson and Georgia playing. But we are a big part of that, there's no doubt about that. And if we are going to accomplish the things that we want to accomplish as a league, these are the kind of games we have got to play in and these are the kind of games that they have to have success in.You know, would I prefer that it be three or four years into the program and the changes that we get into place? Hey, it is what it is. We are playing in year two, and it's the opening game of college football, and so let's throw it out there and let's roll.Getting national respect:If you want national respect, you've got to beat ranked opponents. So there's no doubt about it. These are games that if you want to gain that national respect, you've got to go out and you've got to perform. This is a performance-based sport, so you've got to go do it, and if you do it, you've got to start gaining that respect.There it is. The next time we talk to Larry Fedora will be in the postgame press conference. Nine months after UNC's 2012 season ended, I can't wait to see a game againCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) Visit The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) at .heraldsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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