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- Oct 15 Tue 2013 09:10
Lithia will soon have neighbors at The Commons
Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.迷你倉Oct. 14--Lithia Motors headquarters has stood as the only citadel of business around the two parks that make up The Commons in downtown Medford for the past year.That will change soon with the opening of SkyOak Wealth Management, which is in the process of converting a former Southern Oregon University building into offices, seminar rooms and even a living space for out-of-town clients."The timing was great for us," said Jennifer Davis, president of the company. "We took a little chance."She said she wasn't sure that the second park would be built, but looking out the window she can see that the park is almost finished.Her husband and business partner, Derek, said, "It's turning out to be a great location."The couple's financial service business has offices in Shady Cove, Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford that will be consolidated at the 9,600-square foot Mary Phipps building at 229 Bartlett St., built in 1955.They bought the building, which was a former dormitory for women until 1984, for $284,000 in May from SOU. They will spend $300,000 renovating the two-story brick structure with views of Roxy Anne and Lithia's headquarters.A large seminar room downstairs even has a fireplace.SkyOak has already leased out 10 office spaces in the upstairs.They will also be looking out at the renovation of the Monarch building to the north. The project should be completed by December.Derek Davis said he will have a front row seat to the Christmas tree lighting ceremony that will be held in the park as well as the candy cane hunt. The activities in the park will also appeal to tenants as well."We wanted to create Class 'A' executive offices," he said.Lithia is remodeling the Monarch hoping to get a brew pub or some other kind of business inside.Both the Monarch and Mary Phipps buildings will receive facade improvement grants from tmini storagee Medford Urban Renewal Agency.The Monarch building, with its distinctive Streamline Moderne style of architecture, has curved features including a curved window. Built in 1947, the "Leever Motor Company" building became Medford's first Dodge dealer. In the 1970s, the building became the Monarch Seed and Feed store.Workers will restore the original lines of the building.On the west side of the building, workers have reopened windows and doors that were blocked to allow more access to the second park in The Commons.A metal roof that obscured some of the curved features has been torn off. The interior is being gutted."The expectation is it would be cool to have a restaurant out there," said George Kramer, a historic preservation consultant who is called in for advice on remodeling old buildings. Kramer said he hasn't heard whether a specific tenant has been found for the building.Eric Iversen, project manager for Lithia, said the Monarch will be seismically upgraded with major improvements on the exterior.The interior is being gutted, essentially leaving an open floor plan that will be modified depending on the tenant's needs.Iversen said he didn't know the full cost for remodeling the building yet, though Lithia did receive an $80,000 MURA grant. "We will match that and then some," Iversen said.SkyOak's move into The Commons is part of a trend of businesses that are moving into downtown Medford since the Lithia headquarters was opened..A major office complex is taking shape at the corner of Main and Fir streets that will house Pacific Retirement Services, Rogue Disposal and Recycling and Procare Software.Jackson County is building a health services complex at West Eighth and Grape streets.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at .mailtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 09:03
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:55
9月NB族群營收月成長21%,儲存倉主要成長動能來自於和碩,單月營收月成長75%,不過,法人機構認為,展望10月前景,雖微軟將推出Windows8.1,但帶動NB銷售效應還有待觀察。在品牌廠方面,雙A中9月營收一增一減,法人預期華碩第3季營收成長主要來自平板電腦成長帶動。法人機構指出,9月NB的5大代工廠,合計NB出貨量1,325萬台,月成長12.3%,除NB 出貨成長外,平板電腦受惠於Amazon訂單所挹注。另外,國內兩大NB品牌廠9月營收一增一減,迷你倉最平�9月營收較上月減7%,表現低於預期;華碩9月營收則是月增2.9%,表現優於預期,華碩第3季合併營收季增19.2%,主要來自平板電腦出貨大幅成長所貢獻。同時,展望10月業績前景,雖預期Apple將再推出新款iPad 與iPad mini,且微軟將推出Windows8.1,不過,法人機構預期對NB市場成長動能挹注有限,預估10月族群營收雖將月成長2.4%,但若不含鴻海則衰退5.2%,第4季預估族群營收將季成長17%,可是若不計入鴻海,則將季衰退約3%。迷你倉
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:47
自由神像重開 遊客Happy
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:40
儲存 香港文匯報訊(記者 朱世強 蘭州報道)記者14日從甘肅省敦煌市民族宗教局獲悉,總投資1.5億元人民幣、佔地300畝的敦煌雷音寺經過三年大規模升級改造後,日前首次面向遊客開放。由於莫高窟不允許遊客燒香,此次「升級」後的雷音寺將成為敦煌境內規模最大、最重要的佛教活動場所。 雷音寺位於古絲綢之路的重鎮敦煌,自古就是東西交通的樞紐和中西文化的交匯處。竺法護、法顯、鳩摩羅什、玄奘等高僧大德都曾在這裡留下蹤跡。 敦煌近年以莫高窟172窟經變壁畫的建築結構為藍圖,對雷音寺重新進行整體規劃,改擴建完成大光明殿、南北兩座配殿及四大菩薩殿建設,並新建了停車場、遊客服務中心、陳列館等基礎設施。mini storage
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:32
他的裝備●一把口琴●2萬元人民幣●荷花池批發來的首飾●裝了兩個背包他的行程●耗時9個月●走過8個國家●行程跨越1/4個地球●欲經非洲去新西蘭在斯里蘭卡喝正宗的錫蘭紅茶;在印度加爾各答殘障之家當義工;在老撾、伊朗、土耳其擺地攤,迷你倉遇到過成都老鄉,也遇到過外國城管……“小蟲”在網上“紅了”。背著“地攤”去旅行,是“小蟲”——電子科大畢業的研究生宋文強送給自己的27歲生日禮物。這些天,他正沿地中海沙灘紮營,觀海聽濤。今年1月23日,他做了一直想做的一件事——從成都出發,開始了一場說走就走的環球旅行。出發一路賣首飾荷花池里打批發第一單生意在老撾開張與花甲客帶著電飯鍋走世界、沙發客邊打工邊環球旅行不同,宋文強的“招式”有些“獨特”。除了隨身攜帶兩萬元旅費,出發前,他在荷花池花2000元人民幣批發了一堆手工編制的民族風格手鏈、項鏈、戒指,整整裝滿兩個背包。“我想過背一些熊貓公仔出去,但公仔體積太大了。”對於批發首飾的初衷,宋文強說,“這一路肯定是要搭車、借宿的,主要想把首飾送給幫助過我的人,也能順便擺個攤賺點‘盤纏’,結交更多外國朋友。”在老撾琅勃拉邦,宋文強環球旅行的第一站,他擺地攤的第一單生意開張。“一位當地婦女買走三條項鏈,雖然只有5萬kip(即老撾貨幣基普,約合人民幣40元),但我終於真正意義上賺到錢了。”宋文強說起“生意經”,“這些首飾在土耳其最好賣,一個5里拉(約合人民幣15元錢),他們搶著要,一天擺兩個小時,收入一百多塊錢。”僅在土耳其,宋文強就賣掉了700多元人民幣的首飾,除去旅費還賺了50元人民幣。截至目前,他已經“消滅”了一半的首飾,賺回了2000元人民幣的“成本價”。遭遇生意曾遇阻格魯吉亞被貼封條伊斯坦布爾遇“城管”沿途擺地攤,宋文強遇到了不少“意外”。經過格魯吉亞時,宋文強被當地海關當成是偷渡貨物的,要征稅300美元。經過漫長的檢查,當地海關把宋文強的“地攤貨”貼上封條才放他走。“在伊斯坦布爾,我遇到城管了!”宋文強說,他在土耳其的伊斯坦布爾塔克西姆廣場旁的步行街上,擺出地攤才賣出4里拉(約合人民幣12元),面前突然出現了一輛四輪貨車,4個身穿深藍色制服的大漢直接把他的地攤四角一卷,準備收繳。宋文強一下慌了神,“伊斯坦布爾的城管如此厲害?!”他趕緊抓住自己的地攤貨不讓他們收走,“在這裡我不怕,我是外國人,他們要是敢動我一根毫毛絕對是外交事件!”感動免費搭車路時常會儲存倉上好心人有司機請吃還包住旅途中,除了泰國-印度-斯里蘭卡-伊朗坐了三次飛機,宋文強有2/3的路程是依靠搭車。不過,搭車之旅還得碰運氣。因為語言不通,有時會搭錯車,有時一等幾個小時也沒有一輛車。但他時常會遇到好心人,不僅免費載他上路,還請他吃飯,提供住宿。“好心司機為我節省了不少‘盤纏’”,但他也“搭過一輛拉滿風乾牛糞的拖拉機,和牛糞坐在一起,被風乾的牛糞吹了一臉。”“在土耳其,有個司機聽說我是中國人,別提有多激動了,他右手五指併攏向上,不住的揮舞,這是土耳其日常手勢表示很好的意思。”宋文強說,“我只好跟著揮舞,Turkey,good(土耳其,好)。”下車時,司機大叔送他一根香蕉,“這玩意在土耳其可是進口貨,12塊錢一公斤。”關注邊走邊簽証沿地中海沙灘紮營“在路上”戰勝“孤獨感”“土耳其的簽証是最順利的,當天遞簽,當天出簽,簽証材料10分鐘搞定。”因為不同國家的簽証問題,宋文強沿途耽擱了不少行程。在泰國,去印度的簽証遲遲辦不下來,讓他損失了在印度旅行的半個月時間。在亞美尼亞時,他一個月的花費不過150美金(約合人民幣917元),卻因保加利亞使館拒簽,多花費了60歐(約合人民幣497元)。為了節約旅費,清真寺、山上的長椅都是他睡覺的地方。“有時候我也在問自己,其實不用這麼‘苦逼’的,我想了想,答案可能就是‘習慣了’。”宋文強說,最近他正沿著地中海各個沙灘紮營,過著觀海聽濤的日子。宋文強並不是沒有想過在中途掉頭,“當帶出來的衣服爛的爛,丟的丟,現在只剩一件襯衫還能見人,身上也只剩3000元了。有幾個瞬間,我特別想回成都。”他說,9月30日,曾查過回成都的機票,最終因為票價太貴,還是決定繼續在國外當“流浪漢”。○記者手記宋文強說,接下來他還要去黎巴嫩、約旦、以色列、埃及到摩洛哥,然後到非洲東部,再南下到好望角,整個旅行最終目的地是新西蘭,那裡可以申請打工旅行簽証,更長久地深入旅行目的地。“人生要有一場說走就走的旅行。”這是不少人掛在嘴上的話,但只有極少部分的人能夠做到。27歲的年紀,不少人已成家生子,而宋文強背著“地攤”在路上,用自己的雙腳去領略這個世界的風景。我不知道他還會走多遠,但至少,他出發了。宋文強還說,雖然歸期未定,但成都是他的“大本營”,他會回來安家的。我們也祝願他,在經歷了“說走就走的旅行”後,邂逅一場“轟轟烈烈的愛情”。成都晚報記者 林姝霏 實習生 王博圖由受訪者提供迷你倉最平
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:23
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/●電腦型中國體育彩票全國聯銷“排列3和排列5”第13280期排列3中獎號碼:575,迷你倉全國中獎注數3937注,單注獎金1000元;排列5中獎號碼:57508,全國中獎注數43注,單注獎金10萬元。●“超級大樂透”電腦體育彩票13120期開獎結果:06+14+15+22+26 03+11,一等獎0注,每注獎額0元,一等獎(追加)0注,每注獎額0元;二等獎13注,每注獎額413988元,二等獎(追加)3注,每注獎額248392元。●中國電腦型福利彩票雲貴川聯銷“天天樂”(22選5)第20儲存倉3280期開獎結果:08、06、07、13、18。一等獎1注,單注獎金45479元。●中國電腦型福利彩票全國聯銷“3D”第2013280期開獎結果:194,單選,9104注,單注獎金1000元,組選3,0注,單注獎金320元,組選6,29813注,單注獎金160元。●中國電腦型福利彩票全國聯銷“七樂彩”第2013120期開獎結果:基本號碼:04、01、13、09、27、19、16,特別號碼:08。特別獎0注,單注獎金0元。一等獎0注,單注獎金0元。二等獎13注,單注獎金22522元。獎池累計金額2049580元。(備注:以上信息以開獎現場公證後的結果為準)迷你倉最平
- Oct 15 Tue 2013 08:13
Choice Hotels to Report 3rd Quarter 2013 Earnings on October 24, 2013
ROCKVILLE, Md.迷你倉, Oct. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Choice Hotels International, Inc. today announced that it will report its third quarter 2013 results on Thursday, October 24, 2013 before the market opens. The company will hold a conference call to discuss its third quarter 2013 earnings on Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. Mr. Stephen P. Joyce, Choice Hotels' president and chief executive officer, and Mr. David White, chief financial officer, will discuss the company's performance.The dial-in number for the teleconference is 800-901-5213 and the access code is 73582897. International callers should dial 617-786-2962 and enter access code 73582897. A live webcast will be available on the company's website, choicehotels.com, and can be accessed via the Investor Info link.The call will be recorded and available for replay beginning at 1:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, October 24, 2013 by calling 888-286-8010 and entering access code 43130503. International callers may access the replay by dialing 617-801-6888 and entering access code 43130503. The replay will be available through Thursday, October 31, 2013. In addition, the call will be archived and available on choicehotels.com via the Investor Info link.About Choice HotelsChoice Hotels International, Inc. franchises more than 6,200 hotels, representing more than 500,000 rooms, in the United States and more than 30 other countries and territories. As of June 30, 2013, 365 hotels, representing mself storagere than 29,000 rooms, were under construction, awaiting conversion or approved for development in the United States. Additionally, 83 hotels, representing approximately 7,200 rooms, were under construction, awaiting conversion or approved for development in more than 15 other countries and territories. The company's Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria Suites, MainStay Suites, Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, Econo Lodge and Rodeway Inn brands, as well as its Ascend Hotel Collection membership program, serve guests worldwide. All hotels are independently owned and operated.Choice Hotels International offers the Choice Privileges(R) rewards program. With more than 18 million members worldwide, it is one of the fastest growing hotel loyalty programs in the travel industry.Additional corporate information can be found on the Choice Hotels International, Inc. web site, which may be accessed at .choicehotels.com.Choice Hotels, Choice Hotels International, Choice Privileges, Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria Suites, MainStay Suites, Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, Econo Lodge, Rodeway Inn and Ascend Hotel Collection are proprietary trademarks and service marks of Choice Hotels International, Inc.(C) 2013 Choice Hotels International, Inc. All rights reserved.Choice Hotels International, Inc.CONTACT: Scott Carman, Tel: (301) 592-6361, scott_carman@choicehotels.comWeb site: .choicehotels.com/迷利倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:44
Top engineers draw huge salaries in Silicon Valley
Among Twitter Inc’s highest-paid executives, Christopher Fry’s name stands out.self storage The senior vice president of engineering raked in US$10.3 million last year, just behind Twitter Chief Executive Dick Costolo’s US$11.5 million, according to Twitter’s IPO documents. That is more than the paychecks of executives such as Chief Technology Officer Adam Messinger, Chief Financial Officer Mike Gupta and Chief Operating Officer Ali Rowghani. Welcome to Silicon Valley, where a shortage of top engineering talent amid an explosion of venture capital-backed start-ups is inflating paychecks. “The number of A-players in Silicon Valley hasn’t grown,” said Iain Grant, a recruiter at Riviera Partners, which specializes in placing engineers at venture-capital backed start-ups. “But the demand for them has gone through the roof.” Stories abound about the lengths to which employers will go to attract engineering talent — in addition to the free cafeterias, laundry services and shuttle buses that the Googles and Facebooks of the world are already famous for. One start-up offered a coveted engineer a year’s lease on a Tesla sedan, which costs in the neighborhood of US$1,000 a month, said venture capitalist Venky Ganesan. He declined to identify the company, which his firm has invested in. At Hotel Tonight, which offers a mobile app for last-minute hotel bookings, CEO Sam Shank described staging the office to appear extra lively for a prospective hire. He roped in two employees for a game of ping-pong and positioned another group right by the bar. It worked: the recruit signed on and built a key piece of the company’s software. In 迷利倉ry’s case, his compensation came mostly in the form of stock awards, valued last year at US$10.1 million, according to Twitter’s IPO documents registered with securities regulators. He drew a salary of US$145,513 and a bonus of US$100,000. Some might call that underpaid. Facebook Inc’s VP of engineering, Mike Schroepfer, took in US$24.4 million in stock awards the year before the social network’s 2012 initial public offering. He also drew a salary of US$270,833 and a bonus of US$140,344. But Facebook that year posted revenue of US$3.71 billion, 10 times more than Twitter’s US$317 million. Grant said more than three-quarters of candidates who took VP of engineering roles at his client companies over the last two years drew total cash compensation in excess of US$250,000. Many also received equity grants totaling 1 to 2 percent of the company, the recruiter added. The hot demand for engineers is driven in part by a growing number of start-ups, venture capitalists say. Some 242 Bay Area companies received early-stage funding — known as a seed round — in the first half of this year, according to consultancy CB Insights. That is more than the number for all of 2010. Another factor is the rising complexity of technology. Many in Silicon Valley like to discuss the lore of the “10x” engineer, who is a person so talented that he or she does the work of 10 merely competent engineers. “Having 10x engineers at the top is the only way to recruit other 10x engineers,” said Aileen Lee, founder of Cowboy Ventures, an early-stage venture fund. Former colleagues said Fry, who joined Twitter earlier this year, fits the bill. 自存倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:36
南方日報訊 (記者/馬喜生 通訊員/楊凝希 陳紅)昨日是少先隊建隊64周年紀念日。巧的是,迷你倉最近《2013年廣州少先隊員媒介素養調研報告》正式出爐,調查顯示廣州兒童微信擁有率為55.1%,73.8%的孩子每天使用QQ進行交流,36.9%的孩子認為自己上網瞭解的知識比爸爸媽媽多,這讓不少家長驚呼,原本對10歲孩子的擔心如今提前到了2歲。本次調研對象為小學1年級至6年級的少年兒童,在廣州市12個區15所學校展開,共發放問卷3770份,回收有效問卷3036份。手機平板電腦成兒童新寵手機和平板電腦成為兒童新寵。調查數據顯示,在廣州市兒童家庭中,普及率最高的是手機(98.30%),其次是電視機(97.90%),然後是電腦(96%)。而且,很多媒介都不是單一出現的。其中,91.5%的家庭擁有至少兩部手機,50.3%的家庭擁有兩份或以上報紙,49.4%的家庭擁有至少兩台電腦。現在的媒介產品越來越豐富,調查顯示,廣州兒童使用頻率最高的媒介為課外書(95.40%),其次是電視機(94.40%),然後是電腦(86.20%),第四是手機(76.30%)。同時我們也注意到,這四種媒介的使用率都是較高的,達到七成以上。在媒介使用偏好方面,男生更偏愛電子產品,調查中所涉及到的電視機、電腦、手機、平板電腦,其百分比都比女生高;而女生則更偏愛紙質媒介,包括課外書和報紙。七成孩子每天玩網游比起家長們熟知的“看小人書”、“過家家”等活動,現在孩子的娛樂方式逐漸趨向“屏幕化”。調查顯示,有高達94.8%的孩子接觸過網絡遊戲,其中73.99%的孩儲存每天玩網絡遊戲。在深度訪談中,有不少家長表示,孩子一坐在電腦面前,只要能上網,他們馬上就會登錄各種不同的兒童“網游”的頁面,輸入自己的賬號,接著忘我地“闖關”。調研還顯示,63.70%的孩子將QQ作為第一通訊工具,73.8%的孩子每天使用QQ交流,61.2%的孩子使用QQ空間作為發聲主要渠道。微信也逐漸成為孩子喜歡的交流通訊方式。廣州市兒童微信擁有率為55.1%,其中37.7%的孩子會使用微信聯絡親朋好友。另外,有58.1%的兒童擁有微博,並且這一比例隨著年齡的增長而升高。借助微博、微信這些新興社交媒體,“00後”從小就是“小記者”、“小主編”,他們不但是媒介的接受者和使用者,還成為積極的傳播和溝通者,這對他們未來的社會政治參與方式將產生重大影響。調研顯示,大部分孩子是通過網絡遊戲認識網友的。有57.5%的兒童有網友,其中24.2%的兒童擁有1—5個網友,18.8% 的兒童擁有21個或以上的網友。逾八成家長不反對孩子上網調查顯示,只有24.4%的孩子認為爸媽贊同自己上網,58.2%的孩子認為父母對自己上網持中立態度。同時,有29.9%孩子認為自己的家長反對自己玩遊戲,理由是擔心孩子會成癮,尤其是男孩子。另外,有25.3%的孩子認為老師反對自己上網,只有18.9%的孩子認為老師讚成他上網。對於新媒體知識,有46.2%的孩子認為爸爸媽媽比自己懂得多,36.9%的孩子認為自己比爸爸媽媽懂得多。據介紹,通過與去年的研究發現,廣州市兒童上網設備由電腦向移動終端轉移,廣州市兒童網絡應用的重點正在從娛樂轉向娛樂與社交並重。mini storage
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:30
國務院扶貧辦將深入推進扶貧開發體制改革據新華社電 國務院扶貧辦副主任鄭文凱12日說,自存倉新十年《扶貧開發綱要》頒佈實施以來,全國扶貧開發工作取得良好開局。下一步,我們將深入推進扶貧開發機制體制改革。在此間召開的全國老促會宣傳工作暨《中國老區建設》創刊二十周年紀念大會上,鄭文凱說,我們將深入推進扶貧開發機制體制改革,重點協調推進村級道路暢通、飲水安全、危房改造、電網改造、特色產業增收、教育扶貧、文化扶貧、衛生計生、鄉村旅遊扶貧、貧困村信息化等重點工作。截至9月底我國實有企業1469.31萬戶據新華社電 截至今年9月底,全國實有企業1469.31萬戶,比上年同期增長9.42%,註冊資本(金)93萬億元,同比增長16.18%。國家工商行政管理總局12日公佈的統計數據顯示,今年以來,全國企業實有戶數持續增長,註冊資本(金)增長較快;企業在東、西部地區發展較快,所占比重有所擴大,在第三產業所占比重進一步擴大。我國成為全球郵輪經濟新增長極據新華社電 世界郵輪旅遊源於美國,而其最新增長極在中國,郵輪旅遊正成為中美旅遊合作全新領域。中國國際旅行社總社總裁于寧寧12日在接受記者專訪時說,交通運輸協會的數據顯示,我國港口接待郵輪次數從2006年的115艘次變為2012年的2迷你倉5艘次,增幅148%;乘坐郵輪出入境人數則從2006年的16萬人激增到2012年的66萬。今年1至6月,全國港口接待郵輪236艘次,同比2012年又激增了117%。另據測算,2020年郵輪經濟對我國經濟的貢獻將達到510億元,成為我國航運業和旅遊業的新經濟增長點。2014年小麥最低收購價格每斤將漲6分錢據新華社電 記者13日從國家發展和改革委員會獲悉,為保護農民種糧積極性,促進糧食生產發展,國家繼續在小麥主產區實行最低收購價政策,並適當提高2014年最低收購價水平。2014年生產的小麥(三等)最低收購價提高到每50公斤118元,比2013年提高6元。據發展改革委介紹,國家每年綜合考慮糧食成本收益、供求情況、市場價格、宏觀調控等因素,確定小麥、稻穀各品種最低收購價格水平,並于作物播種前向社會發佈,引導農民種植,促進糧食生產。新糧上市後,農民隨行就市出售糧食。當主產區市場價格下跌較多、低於最低收購價時,國家指定企業(中儲糧公司)按照最低收購價格入市收購,引導市場糧價合理回升。部分寶馬汽車將被召回據新華社電 因發動機缸蓋中進氣凸輪軸存在設計缺陷,華晨寶馬汽車有限公司、寶馬(中國)汽車貿易有限公司決定自2014年2月17日起,召回部分缺陷汽車,共計25254輛。mini storage
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:25
曹晟源旅遊市場持續興旺,迷你倉最平使得機票業務成為各家競相爭奪的領域,類似攜程等模式的在線旅遊OTA(Online Travel Agency)如雨後春筍般在國內出現,運用各自的資源在市場中分一杯羹。但是,隨著傭金的下降、傳統機票代理商的轉型,以及航空公司直銷力度的加強,這些OTA企業的生存空間正在被逐步擠壓。同時,淘寶旅遊和去哪兒網的異軍突起,也使目前OTA的機票銷售競爭更顯白熱化。傭金下調,市場縮水對採取傭金制的OTA企業而言,其機票代理業務的生存空間正在隨著時間的推移而逐步縮小。根據勁旅咨詢研究預測,到2015年,中國機票市場分銷比重將由2012年的81%下降到71%。在航空公司削減代理費和大舉開展直銷的雙重壓力下,傳統分銷商通過搭售附加產品和分銷國際機票來提升盈利能力。事實正是如此。藝龍旅行網(NASDAQ: LONG) 2013年第二季度的財報顯示,藝龍機票預訂量同比增長28%,但每張機票的傭金減少了7%。同樣的情況,攜程網機票預訂營業收入同比增長29%,但每張機票的收入卻下降6%。受航空公司調降機票傭金率、市場競爭加劇等因素的影響,攜程的機票平均傭金收益此前一直處於下降趨勢。而今年以來攜程、藝龍等展開的大規模訂票返現活動,也進一步拉低了平均傭金。傭金下調之後的影響下,傳統的機票代理公司開始向電子商務轉型。“傳統的機票代理商們受到了來自網絡的衝擊,包括我們在內,行業里不少機票代理都開始尋求電子商務的轉型。”一家規模較大的機票代理公司的相關負責人吳先生向本報記者表示。吳先生所在的機票代理公司正在大刀闊斧地進行改革,此前,該公司通過互聯網平台銷售出去的機票只占到公司業務的10%左右,而吳先生估算,到今年年底,這個比例很有可能達到60%左右。但是吳先生的公司仍不想放棄傳統的機票代理模式。“雖然現在網絡購票十分方便快捷,但是如果價格相差不大,不少旅客還是願意在實體店或是此前買過機票的機票代理處購買,畢竟要來得放心一些,”他說。攪局者淘寶等早前,面對攜程的傭金模式,有航空公司人士甚至笑稱是在為攜程打工。但隨著多家航空公司在淘寶開設旗艦店,以及去哪兒等直銷平台的漸漸崛起,攜程、藝龍、芒果網這種傭金制OTA們開始如坐針氈。“隨著同業直銷渠道的增加,傭金模式將不再具有可持續性。”吳先生指出。淘寶採用直銷平台的方式,讓航空公司或是機票代理以網店形式銷售機票,這讓很多航空公司更願意通過淘寶的渠道低價直銷,避免傭金流失,而淘寶則借此增加流量和支付寶黏性。商業模式相對獨特的還有去哪兒網,與傳統OTA不同,去哪兒迷你倉不依靠收取傭金獲得收入,而是按照點擊收費。這也是去哪兒網獲得競爭優勢的最大原因。中國旅遊研究院副研究員楊彥鋒認為,國內在線機票市場趨於成熟,產品的標準化讓機票分銷更加簡便,在線機票代理商的迅速增長,使得消費者更傾向使用垂直搜索引擎來篩選信息。驢媽媽旅遊網介入機票預定業務的時間並不長,但是其CEO高宏久卻已深知業內的各種複雜情況。在他看來,OTA們做機票代理很有可能出現各種不規範的行為,每年也都會有人因為機票違規事件被逐出航空公司或是機票代理行業。“我們並不是直接參與到機票的代理環節,驢媽媽是將網站上的購票系統直接接入到中航信的抓取系統上。”高宏久強調到,“這種無縫的對接,就能避免一些操作空間的存在。”移動市場帶來曙光?種種競爭壓力下,傳統機票分銷商將重新奪回份額的希望鎖定在移動市場上。以國內OTA巨頭攜程為例,其堅持了十年之久的“鼠標+水泥”策略,在發展前期給公司帶來不錯的增速,但這背後伴隨著線下推廣團隊的日益臃腫,使其早期的核心優勢逐步淪為雞肋。梁建章重回攜程後,操刀無線戰略,將各部門資源向無線事業傾斜。今年四月,攜程發佈“拇指+水泥”移動戰略,並于近期提出“無線應用,旅遊為先”的概念,指出移動互聯網將以在線旅遊企業為領頭羊,實現從OTA向MTA(mobile travel agency)的轉變。攜程最新一期的財報顯示,2013年二季度,攜程淨利同比增長76%,營業利潤達到1.96億元。這其中,移動端的布局為公司收入做出了較大的貢獻。據瞭解,雖然攜程機票預訂的主要盈利模式,仍採用電商的傭金模式,但截至第二季度,攜程機票預訂業務的無線訂單比重已接近15%。對於目前行業內較為混亂的競爭環境,攜程方面在接受記者採訪時指出:“我們在推行機票返現,增強價格競爭力的同時,也堅持了我們可靠服務的標準,由於攜程是在線旅行的領頭羊,我們會以身作則維持機票業務的健康發展。”在攜程看來,對目前從事機票業務的OTA來說,中國在線旅行市場和無線應用的發展速度都在不斷地超越大家的預期,進入一個高速發展的階段。主要的問題在於以價格戰獲取市場份額的方式,可能降低行業的服務質量。此外,有業內人士表示,包括攜程等在線旅遊企業在轉向移動端的同時,也正在失去對酒店、機票等旅遊資源供應商的控制力。攜程對此說法並不太認同:“攜程通過開放平台的概念,將�多供應商融入一站式服務平台,提供最豐富的產品和最優質的服務,這更促進了我們‘攜程旅行’客戶端的發展。也因此,從交易規模來講,目前通過無線平台預訂的日交易額峰值已經突破5000萬元。”儲存
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:24
南市文化巡禮 重現陳永華歷史足跡
【本報記者黃緒勳台南報導】由台南市政府觀光旅遊局指導,self storage台江國家公園管理處及台南市鳳凰城文史協會共同主辦,官田慈聖宮協辦的「2013年諮議參軍陳永華380年誕辰紀念文化巡禮」13日由公園路兵配廠集合出發,活動就要帶領大家去認識與陳永華有關的歷史足跡,瞭解陳永華諮議參軍對台灣教育文化與產業的貢獻。 台南市政府觀光旅遊局陳宏田專員表示,三百多年前的台南由荷治進入明鄭時期,國姓爺在與荷蘭人議合後不久就過世了,其子鄭經繼位,當時經營台灣的政策,大多是陳永華策畫主導,想認識台灣歷史、認識台南文化,就應該先知道陳永華。 陳宏田表示,此次文化巡禮首站將到台南公園,相傳1674年時陳永華在此成立了「天地會」。第二迷利倉到開基永華宮,永華宮主祀廣澤尊王,據傳宮內「鎮殿老太王」,係由陳永華自福建省南安縣鳳山寺恭迎而來。再來第三站是全台首學,由陳永華倡建,首創於1665年,當時稱為【先師廟】。中餐將到素有菱角故鄉的官田區,在主祀神農大帝的慈聖宮享用,官田區為陳永華「寓兵於農」政策下,其一族拓墾之地,慈聖宮則為供奉陳永華自故鄉福建同安恭迎來的神農大帝所創建,二樓並有諮議參軍陳永華暨八田與一博士伉儷的紀念室。 下午第一站為六甲區有三百多年歷史的古剎赤山龍湖巖,相傳為陳永華所建。再來到柳營區果毅後原是陳永華埋葬之處,明永曆34年(1680)陳永華過世,與夫人合葬於天興州赤山堡大潭山(今柳營區果毅裡),清朝領台後,歸葬福建同安。自存倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:15
書名:草草貓事作者:草日出版:三聯書店(香港)有限公司《草草貓事》是一部輕鬆詼諧、適合各年齡層讀者的三格╱四格漫畫。主要人物有宅男漫畫家阿三,self storage他野蠻又可愛的太太茵茵、怕老婆的岳父、惡死的岳母,還有寵物貓漢堡包和小肥等。故事內容大多圍繞香港人的生活點滴,題材非常廣泛,由熱門的手機遊戲和電影、愛貓人的趣事,到夫妻相處的苦與樂、與外母相處的「驚險刺激」都有。兩貓有時粉墨登場,扮「蔡san」、扮「滔滔」,令人忍俊不禁。書中亦包含作者對時事、環保等議題的看法,以活潑有趣的漫畫引起讀者思考。書名:富足:解決人類生存難題的重大科技創新作者:Peter H. Diamandis、Steven Kotler(陳森╱譯)出版:商周出版想像二、三十年後:連水藻也能生產石油;高科技淨水器解決全球水資源匱乏問題;生物培養技術餵飽未來九十億人口;只要手機在手,幾分鐘就能得到血液檢驗結果;普及的線上教學讓老師轉而扮演輔導角色……不斷更新的科技,使人類過上富足的生活。該書作者為科技公司創業家兼慈善家Diamandis,及科學作家Kotler,書中除了網羅最新科技資訊,更指出科技慈善家、DIY 創新人士、竄起中的數十億人是促成富足的三大主力。兩位作者以樂觀態度看待人類的發展,為當今瀰漫的悲觀氛圍注入強心針mini storage書名:失落的優雅作者:阮義忠出版:中國華僑出版社二十世紀七八十年代,攝影家阮義忠在台灣各處行腳,拍下了許多百姓日常生活的動人瞬間。《失落的優雅》收錄其中八十一幅照片,並首次講述每一幀照片背後的故事,呈現了從鄉村社會向工商社會轉變時的台灣。阮義忠在台灣鄉村長大,少時不能理解父輩的艱辛,一心想逃離鄉村。長成後回顧,卻正是這些最貼近土地的人事與鄉情支撐�他,在不確定的世界邁出每一步。《失落的優雅》中所記錄的台灣鄉野風景與人情,在如今已成為渺不可尋的古風,正是在這些影像和文字背後,我們發現久已失落的樸素和優雅。書名:民主的奇跡:美國憲法制定的127天作者:Catherine Drinker Bowen(鄭明萱╱譯)出版:新星出版社一七八七年夏,美國費城。一場原本只為修補舊條例而召開的聯邦大會,結果演變成要制定一部聞所未聞的憲法。五十五位代表,平均年齡不到四十三歲,來自十二個立場各異的州,代表不同的利益群體,激辯四個多月,有人出言威脅,有人離場抗議,連主席華盛頓都寫道: 「我真懊悔跟這檔子事沾上關係。」而正是在幾近絕望的氣氛裡,會議締造出一部著名的政治文獻─美國憲法。這部憲法,孕育了當今世上最富強的國家。這奇跡如何誕生?《民主的奇跡:美國憲法制定的127 天》帶你重返會場,一探究竟。迷你倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:06
Schedule for Golden Week raises eyebrows
Many complain of trai c jams, overcrowding during holidays By SUN XIAOCHEN sunxiaochen@chinadaily.儲存com.cn Zhang Ji usually plays bad- minton with his colleagues on Saturdays at the Beijing University of Technology sta- dium.But not this week, because they have to work according to a revised holiday schedule.“h is Saturday has become a working day because of the week-long National Day holi- day,” said Zhang, who works for a State-owned oil com- pany.Zhang is not the only one annoyed about the Golden Week arrangement that means people have to work extra weekends in exchange for the seven-day break.Under this year’s schedule, i ve Saturdays and seven Sun- days have become working days to accommodate longer holidays.An online survey by the China National Tourism Administration found that nearly 60 percent of the people interviewed said they would like to see the National Day Golden Week abolished, citing trai c jams and overcrowding during the holiday.Cai Jiming, a professor at Tsinghua University and the head of a research group on holidays, supports abolishing the current arrangement.“It has broken people’s dai- ly routine on a weekly basis,”Cai said. “It also violates the public’s legal right to work only five days a week. The current practice does not give you extra days of . It just puts separate days of together to make for mini storageonger holidays.”Nearly 40 percent of those surveyed said they wanted the Golden Week to remain, as it provides people with a rare long break for them to travel with their families.“I wouldn’t have the chance to take my children and parents sightseeing if it were not for this long holi- day,” said Lu Xi, a civil ser- vant who took her parents to Hong Kong during the National Day holiday week.h e China Tourism Acad- emy says the number of tour- ist trips during the October Golden Week reached 430 million, up 18 percent com- pared with the same period in 2012.Huge numbers of tourists have placed a heavy strain on roads, scenic spots and hotels.However, some experts suggest keeping the Golden Week, citing the lack of a l ex- ible holiday system.“I don’t think cancel- ing the current seven-day arrangement will help. It’sthe shortage of holidays that has forced the public to trav- el at the same time,” Zhang Hui, professor of tourism management at Beijing Jiao- tong University, told China Daily on Friday.With a seven-day break around the May Day holiday scrapped in 2008, Zhang said paid annual leave is one of the answers to the Golden Week chaos, but it hasn’t been wide- ly established so far.“With a l exible paid annu- al leave system in place, peo- ple could arrange their own travel plans without l ocking together.”SEE “HOLIDAYS” PAGE 4self storage
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 12:01
mini storage 【商業消息】中國電信(澳門)有限公司宣佈,將於十月廿五日推出全球最超前的智能手機iPhone 5s,以及史上最多色彩的iPhone 5c。即將推出預先登記,有興趣者可留意中國電信(澳門)網頁(.chinatelecom.com.mo)。想獲得更多iPhone資訊,可瀏覽蘋果網頁(.apple.com/iphone)。中國電信已於日前在其社交網站Facebook公佈將於十月廿五日推出iPhone 5s 及5c。有中國電信(澳門)的“粉絲”發現,中國電信的iPhone有別於大陸中國電信的iPhone,又不同於澳門其他電訊商的iPhone,但類似美國V版的iPhone。迷你倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 11:58
mini storage 手機影像《對角線》出版本報訊 (記者吳越)四川美術出版社近日推出“中國第一部手機影像日誌”《對角線》,作者張新波曾是一位資深媒體人,在《對角線》中收錄了他在北京和上海兩地之間多次“對角線”往返途中用手機攝影記錄的影像與情緒。self storage
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 11:50
What's next for Bakersfield Blaze ballclub, owners
Source: The Bakersfield CalifornianOct.存倉 13--A new stadium for the Bakersfield Blaze was dealt a staggering -- if not fatal -- blow last week. But the Blaze will remain in Bakersfield and continue playing at ancient Sam Lynn Ballpark, at least for the short term.Plenty of questions remain: Can the new stadium plans be resurrected? Who will own the Blaze this time next month? Will the Blaze be here for the long haul?Right now, those questions cannot be answered.But the Blaze is assured of playing in Bakersfield at least next season and likely longer for the simple fact that there's no California city with a suitable stadium in place where the franchise can relocate to.In order for Bakersfield to lose the Blaze, another community must step up and build a facility that meets minor league stadium requirements.Sam Lynn Ballpark has been used by Bakersfield's California League franchise since 1941. It fails to meet minimum requirements established by Minor League Baseball.In 2013, the Blaze averaged a Cal League-low 805 fans per game, according to figures provided by the team to Minor League Baseball. That is the second-fewest among the 60 full-season (140-game schedule) Class A teams in the United States. Only the Dunedin (Fla.) Blue Jays of the Florida State League averaged fewer fans (768).Blaze attendance was even lower the previous two seasons: an average of 572 in 2011 and 637 in 2012.When Bakersfield businessmen Gene Voiland and Chad Hathaway purchased the Blaze from Indiana businessman D.G. Elmore before the 2012 season, they said a new stadium was essential for the financial success of the franchise.New stadiums generate increased attendance, which generates more ticket sales, advertising revenue and concession profits. And major league teams want the best possible facilities for their farm clubs to enhance player development.As California League President Charlie Blaney noted last week, the playing field has changed for prospective California communities thinking about building new stadiums.In the early 1990s, the Cal League welcomed new ballparks in the Southern California communities of Rancho Cucamonga, Lake Elsinore, Adelanto (home of the High Desert Mavericks) and Lancaster. Since then, new or drastically refurbished stadiums were built in existing Cal League cities like Modesto, Visalia and Stockton."But all of those facilities were built with redevelopment agency monies, which our governor and legislature, in their great wisdom, has killed," Blaney said. "Which means there is no public money available for new facilities like this. The only way to get it done is through private financing."Last Monday, Voiland and Hathaway said they had been able to raise only $18 million of the $30 million needed for a 3,500-seat, privately financed new stadium."We fell substantially short of the goal required to build a stadium that would be successful," they said in a statement. "A new stadium appears to be very unlikely."Blaney said he isn't ready to give up on Bakersfield's new stadium hopes."There's still a possibility," Blaney said. "The patient is on life support, but the patient is not dead yet. ..."Gene and Chad have done a wonderful job raising $18 million. They just need a few other people to step up to the plate."Will Blaze ownership change?When Voiland and Hathaway purchased the Blaze from Elmore, a clause was written into the sale agreement that Elmore would have the option of buying the team back if no stadium plans were in place by the end of this month.In an email to The Californian on Monday, Elmore said he hadn't made a decision on whether to exercise that option.On Friday, Elmore said in an email: "I am working on some things and will be better able to respond next week."All Voiland and Hathaway can do is wait."It's not my call. It's entirely his call," Voiland said of the possibility of Elmore buying the team back. "I have been in touch with him. Obviously we're talking to him. I have no feel yet on what he's thinking."Should Elmore decline the buyback option and the team is retained by Voiland and Hathaway, they will evaluate its next step, Voiland said.Voiland and Hathaway could continue operating the team, which Voiland said has lost money both seasons since they assumed control.They could try to find a buyer for the franchise. Less likely but certainly an option would be walking away from the team. The Cal League presumably would then assume control of the team's day-to-day operations.That's not unprecedented. The Cal League operated the team for almost two years before Elmore purchased it in 2006."I'm going to let it sit for a few days. I'll have more of a feel for it then," Voiland said. "We'd have to take a real hard look at it. It's a very different arrangement than we planned for if we end up with the team."That's because a new stadium was central to the motivation to buy the team in the first place."(The franchise) doesn't have value without a stadium," Voiland said. "We are really hindered by the fact that we don't have a stadium that儲存can attract enough people to make it a success. ..."Having a first-class stadium and first-class program that attracts a lot of people -- that was our whole goal. We bought this strictly with the idea we would build a new stadium."Scaled-down stadium ruled outVoiland said using the $18 million that's been raised to build a smaller facility with fewer amenities is not an option."We don't think we can do that and be able to make it so people would come out," Voiland said. "We looked at building a substantially more inexpensive stadium but then you'll lose amenities such as group areas and other items, things that make it attractive for entertainment purposes."The (stadiums) that do things for families and multiple things other than baseball do really well. It's a different world than it was. You have to have those things. You almost have to build it for half the people who don't want to watch the game."In preparation for what Voiland and Hathaway hoped would be a new stadium in place by the 2014 or 2015 season, additional employees were hired for the last two seasons. Voiland said ownership also contributed about $800,000 to improve Sam Lynn and make it more fan-friendly."We did a lot of things behind the scenes," Voiland said. "We tried to put on a good show. The people who went had a good time. We did a lot to make the experience better. ..."Chad and I really worked hard to do it and we're very disappointed that it hasn't happened. And now it doesn't look like it will happen."Carolina League in Blaze future?If hopes for a new stadium are completely dead and the Blaze had to relocate with no California city available, the most likely landing spot is the Carolina League, like the Cal League a Class A-Advanced league.But any switching of leagues would require two teams from the Cal League to move. And for that to happen, two expansion cities with suitable stadiums must surface in the Carolina League.The Cal League has 10 members and the Carolina League has eight. Professional baseball would not allow one team to move to another league without a second team also moving because leagues must have an even number of teams, according to Rick Smith, who served as Bakersfield's assistant general manager for three years and as the team's general manager for 11 years between 1982 and 1996."It would be a nightmare for scheduling," Smith said of nine-team leagues. "Farm directors want their players playing every day and their starting pitchers throwing every five days. (Nine-team leagues) won't happen."In the summer of 2008, Minor League Baseball examined the possibility of moving High Desert, which also has stadium issues, and Bakersfield to the Carolina League for the 2010 season. But the recession and lack of adequate stadiums in potential Carolina League expansion cities ultimately ended that possibility. Minor League Baseball President Pat O'Conner said in February 2009 that franchise movement talks had ended."The entire focus since that time has been getting a new stadium for Bakersfield," Blaney said. "There has been no discussion to move any Cal League teams to the Carolina League."Carolina League President John Hopkins said any movement of Cal League teams to his league must originate with the Cal League.Departure threatened beforeThe threat of Bakersfield losing its professional baseball franchise has been ongoing since the 1970s.Bakersfield did lose its Cal League team after the 1975 season when the parent Los Angeles Dodgers left Bakersfield for Lodi and the league dropped from eight to six teams.From 1976 to 1981, Bakersfield had the independent Bakersfield Outlaws in the 1978 and '79 seasons but no team the other four years.Bakersfield returned to the Cal League in 1982 as an expansion team when the league went from eight to 10 teams. The Seattle Mariners hooked up with Bakersfield for two seasons, then the L.A. Dodgers added Bakersfield as an affiliate from 1984 to 1994.In 1993, then-Cal League President Joe Gagliardi told The Californian that Bakersfield would lose its pro team if a new stadium wasn't built or at least planned to be built by 1995.The league had reaped the benefit of the slew of new stadiums that were built around that time and Gagliardi expected the trend to continue.But no other city was willing to build a ballpark, so Bakersfield's franchise remained in place.Gagliardi was reminded of his 1993 comment a few years later and could only smile. "Sometimes things change," he said.Former Bakersfield general manager Jack Patton, whose father, Lowell, owned the team from 1984 to 2004, said he, his father and then-GM Rick Smith approached the Kern County Board of Supervisors about funding a new stadium after the 1985 season. They asked for $3.5 million."If we had gotten the $3.5 million back then, I'll bet the Dodgers would still be here," Patton said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) Visit The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) at .bakersfield.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 14 Mon 2013 11:43
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- Oct 14 Mon 2013 11:38
網絡經濟已經成為下沙的藍海。你知道嗎,self storage去年雙十一,下沙的電子商務企業向全國各地寄出了100萬個包裹。 昨天,在城建文化中心,由白楊街道牽頭組織的東部灣電子商務協會舉行成立儀式,這裡的電子商務企業從此有了娘家。 剛成立的電子商務協會有14家會員單位,包括立酷派服飾、網創、網倉、錢城國際等多家電子商務企業,涉及服裝、飲食、化妝品等多個行業。 白陽街道經發科負責人表示,下沙的網絡經濟仍然處於發展起步階段,需要採取措施大力培育,才能更好地促進網絡經濟的健康發展迷利倉他們還將鼓勵協會進行經驗交流、推廣不同模式網絡交易的成功經驗,促進網商橫向聯合、優勢互補。“我們希望網商協會能在未來起到引導、規範、幫扶的功能,幫助網商共同克服電子商務發展中存在的一些問題,給網商發展指明方向,少走些彎路。” 網倉的市場總監佟春光表示,網商協會成立後,會員企業之間可以整合資源,改變過去單打獨鬥不利狀況。優可公司的負責人何志勇是首屆電子商務協會的會長。他說,接下來協會將不間斷地進行分享和培訓,幫助會員企業,讓會員真正受益。 本報記者 屠雁飛自存倉