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- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:50
聲稱無簽證 疑另有內情
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:43
滇辦茶莊起家 涉足旅業地產
墜機失蹤的「柏聯集團」總裁郝琳,迷你倉原是內地雲南經營茶莊的商人,但生意越做越大,終成為內地一個涉足高檔茶葉、文化旅遊產業、百貨公司和房地產的跨行業品牌,他其後再與家人移居香港。根據公司註冊處資料,現年46歲的郝琳在香港以個人名義開設2間公司,其中一間「柏聯國際有限公司」(Pakluen International Limited),登記地址在中環德輔道中141號中保集團大廈24樓,但傳媒登門發現上址是一家會計師事務所,按門鈴亦無人應。開發景點享譽內地「第一魅力名鎮」根據「柏聯集團」的網頁介紹,現是雲南政協的郝琳,1995年與妻劉湘雲在雲南成立「�聯集團」,夫婦分別擔任mini storage裁及董事長,集團初期經營茶莊生意,及後再染指旅遊及房地產,在雲南及四川等地發展精品旅遊,包括投資酒店及SAP溫泉項目等。2001年又與馬來西亞金獅集團合組公司,進軍百貨行業。同時,柏聯集團又投資開發雲南和順古鎮,保育古鎮內多個古蹟,並打造成旅遊景點,獲內地「第一魅力名鎮」的稱譽,此外集團又主張走高檔次路線,他們在陽宗海的溫泉區開業初期,門票更是標榜全國最貴。是次郝琳衝出亞洲,到法國收購「大河酒莊」,便是計劃將酒莊發展成高檔品酒品茶中心,詎料最終與12歲兒子一起墮機失蹤,生死未卜。至於逃過大難的郝琳妻子劉湘雲,則曾獲選中國旅遊業十大品牌官。 ■香港文匯報 記者 杜法祖self storage
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:36
Ballooning sheriff's costs shock smaller Weber cities
Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahDec.迷利倉 21--OGDEN -- Rising rates have roused rumblings among several of the eight cities that contract with the Weber County Sheriff's Office for law enforcement services."It's our biggest issue out here," said Hooper Mayor Korry Green.An estimated 7,722 people reside in Hooper, a largely agricultural community that encompasses 27 square miles of ground. In 2012, the city paid $279,867 for law enforcement. That figure jumped to $350,000 this year, and the proposed rate for the coming fiscal year (2014-15) climbs to $456,035."Moving to $350,000 stretched our budget to the max. I don't know where we can find another $100,000," Green said, noting that city officials have begun exploring alternatives."In theory, they're providing us a full-time police officer around the clock. Maybe we could contract for half an officer, or maybe we could do our own police force."West Haven, with an estimated population of 11,069, now logs the most service calls among the contract cities -- fueled to some extent by two full interchanges for Interstate 15.West Haven's law enforcement costs increased 89 percent -- from $354,000 to $670,000 -- over the past three contract years.Outgoing West Haven Mayor Brian Melaney, who did not seek re-election in November, said the city explored other options last year before accepting the $670,000 contract.Now officials brace for another bump in 2014, to $886,460, a 150 percent increase over four years."They've explained their method of assessing those costs, so we know the reason why," said incoming Mayor Sharon Bolos. "But there is some concern because we have to figure out where the money comes from."West Haven enjoys a robust commercial hub, is debt-free, operates without a city manager and does not levy a property tax, Melaney said.Sheriff Terry Thompson said the county's general fund had been subsidizing law enforcement service to the contract cities for quite some time. That subsidy meant that Weber County taxpayers residing in cities with their own police departments were essentially paying twice, he said."It's taken a lot of years to get worse, and we're trying to fix it in a short time," Thompson said. "At some point, you've got to pull the Band-Aid off."When Thompson took office in January 2011, he set out to revamp the system."The rates had been arbitrary in the past," said Chief Deputy Klint Anderson. "Now they're based on a hybrid formula of population and numbers of calls."In addition to raising contract rates, Anderson said they also trimmed expenses so the county could lower its property tax rate and in hopes that would offset any tax increases the contract cities would have to impose.Thirteen positions were eliminated through attrition, cutting $1 million in personnel costs and trimming the sheriff's law enforcement division to 74 full-time employees.The state average for police coverage is 1.5 officers per 1,000 people, Thompson said, and his law enforcement division now operates with 1.33 officers per 1,000.When next 迷你倉ear's rates kick in, Thompson believes, the contract cities will finally be covering their own costs. But those rates are subject to negotiation as smaller communities wrestle with how to fund their rising public safety needs.In tiny Uintah, where an estimated 1,334 people reside and as few as 420 homes provide property tax, incoming Mayor Lawrence Flitton voiced his concern."We are a very small city and don't have much tax base from businesses," he said. "They have put us in a bind, and we have not been able to work effectively because of their contract."Two years ago, Uintah paid $68,267 for the sheriff's services. That cost rose to $105,336 this year and is expected to increase to $113,990 in 2014.In August, Uintah city officials trimmed their own pay and cut back on maintenance for the community's iconic mountainside "U" to avoid raising taxes to fund public safety.Farr West -- population 6,122 -- had to bite the bullet and hike taxes 166 percent this year to fund increased law enforcement costs, along with a new pedestrian bridge over 2700 North to serve junior high students.Two years ago, the city paid $270,122 for sheriff's services; that cost rose to $333,000 in 2013. Next year, it climbs to $433,813.Sticker shock over the 61 percent bump led Mayor Lee Dickemore to float the idea of creating a metro police department with neighboring communities."It's just in the talking stages," Dickemore said."Personally, I don't have problems with the sheriff, but the prices have escalated."Nearby Marriott-Slaterville, a city of 1,727 residents, is also exploring its options, having seen rates jump from $190,927 in fiscal year 2011-12 to a proposed $243,968 for 2014-15."The council is concerned about escalating costs of law enforcement," City Administrator Bill Morris said, noting that officials had conversed with Farr West about ways to address their mutual dilemma.Alternatives include forming their own police departments, joining with nearby cities or asking the sheriff's office for lower service levels.Like West Haven, Marriott-Slaterville does not levy a property tax.One city, Washington Terrace, saw its contract costs decrease under the new system.It will be paying $749,815 for fiscal year 2014-15."We were already paying the amount that was in line with population and call volume," said City Manager Tom Hanson, "so we ended up with a little bit of a reduction."Anderson touts the sheriff's costs as cheaper per capita than any other police agency and said the department works hard to give each community a tailored menu of service. But Thompson said he has been urging cities not to take the department's word for it."We've encouraged them to do their homework, go through the process and check all the options out there."Contact reporter Cathy McKitrick at 801-625-4214 or cmckitrick@standard.net. Follow her on Twitter at @catmck.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:28
Ayala High father: 'Never any harassment' of cross-country coach
Source: San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.mini storageDec. 21--Chino Hills -- The Ayala High father blamed for driving off a veteran cross country coach denies ever bullying or harassing her."I made zero demands of anybody," Jason Tullai said Thursday. "There was never any harassment of her or her staff whatsoever."Dawn Staab, who had coached cross country for the high school for 16 years, bringing home 11 league titles and taking either the boys' or girls' teams to the state championships eight times, announced her decision at the end of the season. Her two assistant coaches quit as well.Staab said school administrators did not help her or the coaching staff in the face of bullying, harassment and stalking by the parent, which Tullai vehemently denies."I didn't do any inappropriate behavior to anyone at any time," he said.Tullai's daughter Sydney, a sophomore at Ayala, has competed in national championships in track and set the world record time for an 11-year-old running the mile."I had been warned about this parent for five years before he came into this program," Staab said Thursday. "I choose to be neutral with everyone and start fresh."But as a freshman runner at Ayala High, Sydney hit the wall, burning out after a five-year running career."She's seeing her running career plateau," Tullai said, "which is frustrating for her."That's when the trouble began, he said: Tullai reached out to Staab, wanting to discuss Sydney's training regimen, but said he was ignored and he eventually went to the school's athletic director for help.Staab said Tullai was a demanding parent, constantly wanting her to adjust the team's training regimen."He was just 'no, she needs to do this, she needs to do that,'" she said. "It was every day, he had a breakthrough idea. ... I was just getting these emails that were 10 pages long, once a week."According to Tullai, he sent Staab 54 emails in a 12-month period, he said. In that same period, he said, Staab sent him (typically on mass emails to other parents) 406 emails, including seven in one day. He averaged one phone call to Staab a month, he said, many of them simple calls about where a meet or practice was occurring, or letting her know when he was running late."It was an everyday thing all through track and then all through the summer," Staab said.But this fall, things deteriorated further.Tullai pulled up alongside the team as they were running back during practice, he said. He and Sydney were late for a flight to visit his alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, and he called for his daughter to get in the car so they could get to the airport.Staab remembers it differently."One day, he got so angry and he was asking everyone 'Where's Sydney?'" she said Thursday.And that was the day she'd had enough, she said: "Everybody was really shaken up. I went in to my athletic director and said, 'This is crazy, something has to change.'"Under California law, as a coach, Staab is required to report suspected child abuse to the police. Soon, Tullai found himself and his daughter being interviewed by 儲存olice doing a welfare check on his family.Things just got more contentious between the father and the coach after that."He just got more irritated by the minute and demanded meetings every single day," Staab said. "I had 120 kids on the team at that point and he wanted to have meetings every single day."Tullai had a complicated divorce from Sydney's mother, he said, and his part-time custody makes it impossible for his daughter to participate on a club cross country team, rather than the high school team."You can't be a half-time runner," he said.But that messy divorce is also why he can't have bullied Staab, he said: The stakes are too high if he ever steps over the line."I'm the last guy, because I went through child custody (battles), to bully anybody," he said.Tullai denies he stalked anyone involved with the team. With three kids in different schools and different activities, he often finds himself driving back and forth through Chino Hills, he said, crossing paths with the members of the cross country team who are running along the city's streets."You can't avoid that," he said. "That's not stalking."Staab said school officials ignored her pleas for help and told her to call 911 if she was approached by Tullai or felt threatened in any way. She asked for the written complaints she'd previously filed against him so she could turn them over to the police. Administrators no longer had the complaints, she said, and Staab and her assistant coaches were on their own."Suddenly, we were the pariah on campus, because they didn't know what to do and didn't have a plan," she said.At the end of the season pizza party for the team, Staab announced she would be stepping down at the end of the season, citing her relationship with an unnamed parent and the district's lack of help in dealing with him. Although Tullai wasn't named, he said his daughter called him in tears, asking to be picked up as soon as possible, as everyone believed Staab was talking about him and were blaming them for Staab's decision to step down.Tullai denied doing anything wrong."There was never any loud talking with her or the staff," he said. "No aggressive, threatening conversations -- zero."A job listing for a new cross country coach at Ayala High will be posted "early in the new year," according to Chino Valley Unified spokeswoman Julie Gobin on Thursday.Staab has no intention of returning to the role, she said."I don't leave just to be asked back. I'm not coming back," she said.But that doesn't preclude her moving her program to another high school: Staab said she's been approached by several other schools."I just want to take a step back and think about what it is (I want) and where I'm going from here," she said.Tullai hopes the school and cross country team can start over."I'm hoping for all the best, for the kids, for my daughter," he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) Visit the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) at .sbsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:22
據新華社北京12月21日電 國家食品藥品監管總局網站21日消息,mini storage針對部分地區奶源緊張、奶價上漲可能造成質量安全問題的風險隱患,國務院食品安全委員會辦公室要求乳製品骨幹企業帶頭維護市場秩序,保障“兩節”市場乳製品質量安全。國務院食安辦要求,乳製品生產企業要切實履行質量安全首負責任,加強奶源基地建設,嚴格生鮮乳入廠檢驗,嚴禁採購非法經營的生鮮乳,堅決抵制哄搶奶源,真正從源頭上保障乳製品質量安全。同時,進一步完善質量管理制度,嚴格質量過程控制,加強誠信自律,履行社會責任,切實保障乳製品質量安全。同時,各地食品安全辦要綜合施策,迷你倉出抓好五項工作:一是完善生鮮乳質量安全追溯和不合格生鮮乳主動報告、無害化處理等制度,切實抓好奶源管理。二是加大對重點品種、重點企業和重點區域的檢查力度,創新監管方式,採取不發通知、不打招呼、不聽匯報、不用陪同和接待、直奔企業、直插現場的“四不兩直”方法,加大對乳製品企業的監督檢查。三是加強乳製品生產企業分類管理,對風險等級高的企業加大檢查力度和抽檢頻次。四是強化乳製品抽檢工作,及時公佈監督抽檢結果。五是嚴格排查生鮮乳收購、運輸和乳製品生產、銷售等各環節隱患,加強與公安部門協作配合,對“奶霸”擾亂奶源市場行為,堅決予以嚴厲打擊。文件倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:23
成渝直飛澳洲航線“聯姻” 打造西部赴澳最佳通道
昨日,迷你倉將軍澳川航開通重慶直飛悉尼航線。該條直飛澳洲航線,將與成都直飛墨爾本航線一起,改變以往赴澳洲借道“北上廣”的局面,從而打造中國西部地區最佳赴澳通道。同時,為了方便成渝兩地旅客享受到最佳赴澳通道,川航恢複開通了成都至重慶航線,每周往返各兩班,單程機票票價為50元。據瞭解,川航昨日開通的該條航線,結束了西部地區飛悉尼借道“北上廣”的歷史。重慶至悉尼航線每周二、五各一班,首航航班採用空客A330機型執飛。航班北京時間01:05從重慶起飛,當地時間14:00抵達悉尼,全程約11個小時。航線將使往返兩地旅客無須在國內外其他城市中轉,最大程度節約旅客的時間和費用,當地時間14:00抵達悉尼後,旅客當天便可進行商旅活動。今年2月底,川航率先開通了成都至墨爾本國際航線。川航有關負責人稱,由於成渝之間往來便利,成都至墨爾本航線與重慶至悉尼航線將形成互補,旅客可以選擇任意一條航線進出澳大利亞。川航將發揮自身在西部地區的航線網絡優勢,帶動四迷你倉尖沙咀、重慶、雲南、貴州、陝西、西藏等地區的赴澳商旅市場,將成都至墨爾本、重慶至悉尼兩條航線打造成為西部地區飛往澳大利亞的最佳通道。為了方便成渝兩地旅客選擇乘坐成都至墨爾本、重慶至悉尼航線,享受到赴澳的快捷通道,川航于本月19日恢複開通了成都至重慶的航線。這是成渝航線停航4年後再次複航。早在幾年前,成渝動車介入兩地之間的客運交通市場後,兩個多小時的動車交通時間和較低的動車票價,逐漸使成渝兩地空中航線失去競爭優勢。在成渝動車和成渝大巴車的兩重衝擊下,成渝航班客源上座率一天比一天低,成渝兩地空中航線于2009年11月正式停航。恢複開行的成渝航線,每周一、四各往返一趟,由空客A330執飛,與飛悉尼的客機為同一客機,該航班實際上是與飛悉尼的航班套飛。22:10從成都起飛,當天23:05抵達重慶;返程,早上6:45從重慶起飛,7:35飛抵成都。單程飛行時間不足1個小時。成渝航線的單程票價(不含稅費)僅為50元。蔡超 高昂 本報記者 楊富mini storage
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:18
省17億成本 券商指妙�
【拆局】李澤楷斥189億元收購CSL,mini storage證券界認為不算十分便宜,但交易除可令他即時擁有逾100MHz的頻譜外,更可省回明年競投頻譜的資金,及消除2016年向政府交還頻譜的不明朗因素,在商業角度看是妙�。「同政府打官司都慳埋」港府明年擬向每電訊商收回10MHz的3G頻譜重新拍賣,由於富可敵國的紅色資本中移動早表態有意競投,香港電訊要投得頻譜成本肯定不輕;再者公司另外20MHz的頻譜亦需於2016年續牌,最高成本達17.2億元。self storage業界人士形容,香港電訊透過收購CSL,以一個可以計算的成本,大幅增加頻譜資源,絕對值得,「做生意最忌計唔到數,?家佢(李澤楷)連同政府打官司�錢都慳埋」。由於少了一個對手,仍然「在場」的四大電訊商都是贏家,要數輸家應該就是澳洲電訊商Telstra(見圖),當年公司收購CSL後大幅減值,即使Telstra昨表示今次出售錄得6億澳元盈利(約41.43億港元),但有關盈利只屬非現金性收入,公司在港多年,最終歸於平淡撤離。《蘋果》記者迷你倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:10
《蘋果》抽驗後勁溪魚 重金屬未超標 專家仍呼籲暫勿食用
【吳慧芬、陳宏瑞╱高雄報導】日月光K7廠污染後勁溪風暴未歇,迷你倉消費者對後勁溪沿岸的農產品及下游、出海口一帶魚穫都抱持疑慮,《蘋果》本月12日分別從魚市場、出海口及附近魚塭採集4條魚送驗,結果顯示,部分魚種檢出微量的汞、鉛等重金屬,不過都在安全食用範圍內。但毒物科醫師認為,此次送驗的都屬小型魚,體內本來就比較不易殘留重金屬,在日月光污染風暴未解除前,民眾最好仍暫勿食用鄰近後勁溪出海口的魚。 送驗的魚都是來自後勁溪流域附近,一條從蚵仔寮漁港購得的鐵甲魚,是在援中港近海捕獲;另外有虱目魚和烏仔魚各一條,是從後勁溪出海口附近的釣客取得;一條鱸魚則是從典寶溪旁一處魚塭的養殖戶現撈取得。 4條都含微量鎳 《蘋果》本月12日將上述四款魚送至台灣檢驗科技公司(SGS)化驗,結果顯示鐵甲魚迷你倉樂器微量的汞,虱目魚與鱸魚含微量的鉛,但含量均在衛生署訂定的《水產動物類衛生標準》規定範圍內。不過,四條魚都有驗出微量的鎳,與環保局查獲日月光K7廠違法排放廢水所含的重金屬相同。但目前《水產動物類衛生標準》對鎳並無訂定國家標準。林口長庚醫院臨床毒物科主治醫師顏宗海指出,一般來說,小型魚因為食物鏈與壽命較短等因素,本來就比較不容易殘留重金屬。顏宗海建議,在日月光污染風暴疑雲未消除前,後勁溪出海口附近的魚,民眾應暫勿食用。 灌溉前先驗水質 高雄市環保局曾經在本周一公布後勁溪下游農地的銅、鋅重金屬檢測值,結果顯示,達到監測標準。農業局副局長柯尚余表示,會加強監測該區域農地,但因尚未達到需管制的停耕標準,下個月展開的一期稻作仍會如期進行,但在引用後勁溪水灌溉前,會先進行水質的重金屬檢測。迷你倉西貢
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:02
都會輕休旅 外型前衛 在福特KUGA上市後,迷利倉在台灣上市10多年的Escape功成身退。不過,KUGA挾著EcoBoost節能引擎及許多先進科技配備,在售價上遠高於Escape,為在「負擔得起」的SUV市場區塊裡有施力點,於是有了EcoSport的新選擇,雖然是從印度進口,但福特六和強調組裝品質都依外銷歐美的規格標準進行,與印度本土市場有所不同。 全新EcoSport雖然在價位上頂替Escape的位置,但光從外型及尺寸就可清楚看出2款車的不同定位。EcoSport秉持著福特Kinetic 2.0設計概念,以都會時尚為出發點,前衛外型就是要吸引路人及鄰車目光,像是車頭那極為誇張的八角式樣水箱護罩,有如豐脣的美女,車尾掛著如今SUV車款已極少強調的備胎,似乎正提醒路人EcoSport的休旅車格,就像是背著越野行囊的都會小車,模樣極度高調。 小巧靈活 安全不馬虎 在先前福特發發布的EcoSport訊息裡總提到是搭載1.0升EcoBoost引擎的小型都會休旅車,不過引進台灣的車款並不是搭載這款經典引擎,因為此款車型只有手排版本,不適合台灣市場,引進的是搭載1.5 升TiVCT雙可變汽門正時引擎。 EcoSport搭載的1.5升引擎有112匹馬力及14.27公斤米的扭力,搭配PowerShift雙離合器6速自手排系統,平均油耗可達每公升14.9公里,充分發揮小車的經濟特性。光看數字就感覺出不是太猛爆的動力,在都會中行駛感受接近一般中小型房車,不以爆發力見長,小巧靈活的車身搭配重新調校的Fiesta B2E底盤與電子動力輔助轉向系統,低速操控性佳,在巷弄間行駛更如魚得水,加上車身較高,駕著EcoSport有著比一般房車更高的視野,都會各轉角的驚喜都充分映入眼簾。 儘管定位為都會輕休旅,但也別因此小看EcoSport,在PowerShift 6速自手排變速箱的加持下還是能發揮足夠的駕馭樂趣,車身擁有20分離地高度、涉水深度可達55公分,離開迷你倉會區來場輕越野,還是有讓人讚許的表現。 此外,福特不因車小就犧牲安全配備,高硬度複合式硼鋼車身及標配6具SRS安全氣囊,展現福特對安全的堅持,其他如ESP電子車身動態穩定系統、TCS循跡控制系統可幫助駕駛者在緊急狀況下穩定控制車輛;ABS防鎖死煞車系統、EBD電子煞車力道分配與EBA煞車力道輔助系統則提升車輛於濕滑路面的制動力。值得一提的是,小車中少見的HSA鈄坡起步輔助也在EcoSport的安全配備中,在上、下坡路段起步時,能自動保持制動達3秒鐘,有效提高安全性。 聲控操作 收納一把罩 一進入EcoSport車室就有總似曾相識的感覺,中控台的造型與按鍵陳設都有福特的一貫風格,在所試駕的都會尊貴版本中還配備了與微軟合作的SYNC中文娛樂通訊整合系統,一方面可透過藍牙、USB及Aux-in等方式與各種播放設備連結,也可同步手機裡的通訊錄以免持方式撥打電話,當然也少不了用聲控方式操作各種功能,科技味相當濃。 雖然定位在都會小車,但EcoSport都會尊貴版的頂級備配確實不少,像是KeyLess車門啟閉系統、電子恆溫空調、方向盤音響控制鍵與定速巡航控制、自動防眩車內後視鏡及雨滴感應式雨刷都不缺。至於在滿足休旅需求部分,一方面在車內提供多達20處的置物空間,相當討好女性車主;另一方面後座椅6/4分離、可調椅背座椅設計,創造極富彈性的後行李廂空間運用,在一輛小車上最多可把後行李廂容量從原本的346公升擴大至705公升,增添EcoSport不少魅力。 Ford EcoSport 車款都會時尚型都會尊貴型 引擎1.5升16V TiVCT自然進氣雙可變汽門正時汽油引擎 動力輸出值112ps/6300rpm 14.27kg-m/4400rpm 變速箱PowerShift 雙離合器6速自手排 尺寸諸元4241(長)X1765(寬)X1658(高) 軸距2521mm 售價69.9萬元74.9萬元 製表╱史榮恩 資料來源福特六和▉聯合報自存倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:56
魔童大挪「移」港視翻生 變身流動電視 七一開台
失落免費電視牌照後,儲存有魔童之稱的香港電視主席王維基昨日宣布,以一億四千二百多萬元收購中移動子公司股權後,正式轉而發展流動電視及網上電視,只要在智能手機、平板電腦加上接收器,便可收看港視三至五條頻道,明年七月正式開台搞免費電視,包括廿四小時新聞台。王維基直言沒有與中方及任何港府官員接觸,將會雙�發展網上及流動電視,料廣告收益足以維持經營,並重聘早前被遣散的三百二十人,未來兩年續增聘一千人。王維基以一億四千二百二十萬元,全部收購中移動全資擁有的子公司CMHKCL股權,透過內部資源支付公司股權連同所擁有的流動電視頻譜。重出江湖的王維基,昨在法律顧問及財務總裁黃雅麗陪同下召開記者 會。王維基指,將利用收購得到的流動電視頻譜推流動電視服務,以及利用Over-The-Top(OTT)發展網上電視,可收看港視直播及點播節目。1.4億收購中移動子公司他指,市民只須花一百至八百元購買一個接收器,接駁到智能手機、平板電腦、手提電腦、汽車流動電視,甚至家中智能電視便可收看。他將推三至五條直播頻道,包括廿四小時新聞台及綜藝劇集頻道,餘下三條仍在構思,但本已有外購劇,仍考慮會否播放,部分會收費,水平仍未構思,他表示會進軍內地及國際市場。同時,他於未來數月會重聘在十月時遣散的三百二十名員工歸隊,重新展開製作,預計明年七月開台正式「出街」。今次花一億四千多萬元收購外,早前已動用二億元購入將軍澳工業地,未來數月將投資數迷你倉元建大樓及錄影廠,明年開拍一�劇集,至一六年投產二�劇集,每天會有六小時綜藝及資訊性節目播放。王:收購無接觸中聯辦經歷過免費電視牌照風波後,王維基指,今次收購並無接觸過中聯辦、內地、港府官員去進行,今次是純商業決定,與政治無關,他早年初已開始斟洽收購,更直言日後新聞台自主,不會被「河蟹」。他強調,現仍有超過二十一億元資金可用,流動電視花費不多,今次亦不是中移動蝕讓,十五年牌照期是由一○年起,現尚餘十一年八個月多時間可用,至二○二五年八月底結束,亦不受《廣播條例》規管,只受一般法例及流動電視守則規管,顯得較彈性靈活。曾揚言對網上電視興趣不大的王維基指,只做網絡電視廣告收益不足,但流動電視將有很好收益,且使用大氣電波可供質素高及穩定服務,又認為流動電視發展機會大。而且不受光纖限制,亦免卻因司法覆核引起不穩定疑慮,令團隊可專心一致製作節目。但王維基強調,不會放棄爭取免費電視及司法覆核,並將很快會提出。不放棄免費電視覆核他指,爭取一個有自由、有自主電視台,較爭取一個免費電視台更為逼切,他會就無�申請香港電視作專利提出反對,下周亦會為所推的流動電視及網上電視,構思推出一個名字。通訊局發言人回應指,已收到中移動通知,將持有的傳送者牌照,構成《電訊條例》7P條的傳送者轉變,當局未來兩周會展開調查,若構成大幅削減電訊市場競爭效果,是多於公眾利益,通訊局可指示持牌人採取行動消除或防止有關後果。記者 :張一華儲存倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:49
耳機實用又夠體面,迷你倉樂器係不俗的聖誕禮品之選。奧地利耳機品牌AKG剛巧推出多款耳機,當中有Sell靚聲的鑑聽級型號、流動通訊耳機,以及主打繽紛色彩的糖果系列,代言人Choco就每位都搵到心水耳機。鑑聽級別 K712 Pro、K612 Pro對音質有要求,又多在家聽音樂,開放式耳機K712 Pro、K612 Pro就合用。當中定位較高的K712 Pro用上橙色支架及彈性的真皮頭帶,適合不同的頭形,配合柔軟的絲絨耳墊,佩戴得貼服舒適。為了減低聲音的失真問題,K712 Pro用上釹磁鐵系統,又用上雙振膜設計和音圈扁線繞線技術,令高頻細膩清晰,低頻也夠震撼。耳機具105dB靈敏度及62Ω阻抗,適合聽Rock或Pop Music,而且採用Mini XLR插頭,用家可替換及升級線材。至於K612 Pro無論阻抗、靈敏度、低頻皆僅次於K712 Pro,兩者外形和用料極為相似迷你倉西貢但就不能換線,勝在售價平一半有多,送畀人都�Budget。便攜通訊 K545、K452如慣用手機聽歌的話,通訊耳機K545就合用,它內置50mm單元,阻抗為32Ω,手機不駁耳擴都相當易推。此外備有單控式和iPhone專用的三鍵式線控兩組線材替換,足以對應市面上的智能手機;耳殼用上轉軸設計,能夠扭轉耳殼,方便收藏,更提供黑、白、黑配橙、黑配綠四色選擇。同廠尚有對應Android系統的K452便攜式耳機,它內置40mm單元,低頻表現醇厚,並有藍色和白色兩款。奪目糖果 K430、K420AKG尚有色彩繽紛且經濟實惠的K430和K420,兩款耳機都用上轉軸設計以便收藏,又有多色選擇,當中K430就有八種顏色之多,包括銀、白、淺藍、藍、橙、紫、紅及青綠;音色方面,高中音明亮,低音亦見澎湃。至於有六色選擇的K420用上半開放式設計,能拓闊空間感。查詢:2737 7688迷你倉將軍澳
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:42
Vivo PC 輕觸滑鼠遙控影音
隨�平板、筆電等普及,mini storage桌面電腦市場愈見萎縮,連晶片商Intel都改推更小巧、可掛於屏幕背部的NUC(Next Unit of Computing)機仔。售價:$3,499起(a)有見及此,ASUS設計出VivoPC迷你電腦反擊,仲加埋隻VivoMouse觸控滑鼠,讓用家一捽一掃,遙控電腦上網、睇片甚至輸入文字,打造數碼家居就係咁簡單。數碼家居升級選擇 VivoPC雖然挾�新「細」代電腦之名抵港,可是其設計始終離不開Nettop或NUC影子,直至配搭新款VivoMouse觸控滑鼠,才打造出完整數碼家居方案。先說VivoPC設計,其厚度僅56.2mm,擺放在客廳或睡房相當慳位,內置Intel Celeron 1007U雙核心處理器,雖然效能只屬入門級數,但配以4GB RAM,足夠用來上網或文書之用。若嫌規格唔夠強,仲可升級至Core i5-3210M或Core i3-3110M型號,甚至能打開頂蓋自行更換記憶體和硬碟,用來睇片穩定流暢。VivoMouse多功能控制而新機的最大賣點VivoMouse,可說將Touchpad功能融入滑鼠之中,藉�各種手勢操控電腦,好像沿Touchpad邊緣順時針滑動即可向上捲動頁面,從右邊往內拉便可開啟《Windows 8》工作列。兩隻手指一拉即能縮放和轉動圖像,猶如使用智能手機一樣。而三隻手指的應用更為廣泛,當同時輕觸Touchpad會啟動虛擬鍵盤,這時便可用滑鼠輸入文字。打完字將三隻手指向下滑動即能返回主頁,向上拉會開啟工作管理員,向左或右便可切換至不同程式,遙控上網、玩facebook輕而易舉。手機App同步如覺得觸控滑鼠都未夠喉,用家還可透過iOS或Android智能裝置下載《Wi-Fi Go! Remote》App,將VivoPC畫面直接於手機同步顯示,在家中任何地方都可遙控電腦,甚至即時傳送檔案,免除駁線的麻煩。而DLNA媒體中心功能,還可將流動裝置中的多媒體檔案進行儲存流播放,配合自家SonicMaster音效技術,打造個人影音中心。規格表處理器:Intel Celeron 1007U 1.5GHz雙核心記憶體:4GB硬碟:500GB對外連接: USB 3.0、HDMI、802.11ac作業系統:Windows 8體積:190×190×56.2mm重量:1.2kg「智」夾迷你電腦 屏幕推介VivoPC雖然有外形又有內涵,但總要有個芒先可發揮其作用,以下便介紹3款供不同人士選擇!VSD241 玩埋AndroidViewSonic VSD241加入24吋輕觸式屏幕,接駁VivoPC後隨即變成巨型觸控電腦,不但支援1,920×1,080解像度,顯示屏更植入Tegra 3四核心處理器,預載Android 4.2作業系統,可玩盡Google Play應用程式。擴充方面,內置HDMI、VGA等插口,還具備200萬像素前置鏡頭,方便隨時作視像通訊。體積:610×480×75 mm重量:7.2kgQ2963PM 21:9「睇」驗有新機串流睇片,當然要有靚芒配合,AOC 29吋闊屏Q2963PM,擁有2,560×1,080解像度,帶來極高視覺享受。而其21:9超闊比例更合乎電影畫面,睇片時便可飛走黑邊。介面則有齊DisplayPort、HDMI和DVI等,同時駁埋遊戲機都冇問題。體積:714×388×214mm重量:6.9kg27MS73D電視顯示屏如各位想睇埋電視的話,LG 27MS73D是另一好選擇,27吋顯示屏內置TV Tuner功能,一開機就睇到精彩節目,加上擁有1,920×1,080解像度及250cd/m2亮度,擺�睡房最為適合。連接方面則支援MHL功能,方便直駁對應的智能手機播片。體積:641.2×391×83.5mm重量:4.84kg撰文:蘇雋達 攝影:胡振文、梁偉德查詢電話:(a)3582 4738、(b)3690 1398、(c)2743 4848、(d)3543 7777迷你倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:36
2014年又就快到,自存倉要日日對住狼英政府的確悶爆,想明年過得更加精采,綜合方方面面的意見,以下十個是我們提議2014年必去的旅遊景點,重中之重就是帶埋一丟爆紅的神獸路姆西(又名路福西)暢遊世界各地,勢要將代表香港精神的路姆西,丟得更加遠。路姆西成名之路 路姆西其實是IKEA一隻豺狼毛公仔,原名「Lufsig」,是「毛公仔助學行動」一員,公仔靈感來自《小紅帽》童話,將��及小紅帽吃掉的豺狼。 大陸的IKEA將Lufsig音譯「路姆西」,似粵語粗口 。12月7日,社民連成員曾浚瑛及陳德章把「路姆西」掉向出席地區論壇的梁振英,結果公仔一擲成名,在全港更被搶購一空。及後大陸IKEA急急補鑊,將路姆西改名為路福西。 1. 帶路姆西上太空 路姆西一係唔去,一去就要衝出地球,在太空無重狀態下,唔使掟已經識飛。路姆西最好由香港人帶上太空。唔係講笑,明年真有咱們香港人上太空,他就是「鞋王」鄧劍群幼子鄧偉賢喇!「我都會帶樣�上太空,拎返香港做慈善拍賣。(考唔考慮帶路姆西去?)帶佢去會好難做生意!你不如問下黎智英,有無興趣帶《壹週刊》同《蘋果日報》上太空啦!」原本幫Daddy打理家族生意的Alex(鄧的洋名),今年中識了在荷蘭搞太空旅遊的SXC(Space Expedition Corporation)行政總裁Michiel Mol,決定唔做鞋,轉做太空旅遊生意,投資8位數字,做SXC亞洲區代理,自己更行先死先上太空,暫定明年第三季試航。「年輕人(他38歲,已婚,育兩子兩女)要勇往直前,最緊要行先,死唔死唔重要,最緊要榮耀地死。」為了上太空,他已經去了荷蘭SXC模擬駕駛艙,感受上落太空時的4G引力(G Force)。「就好似賽車壓背的感覺,有3、4個人壓住你頭頂和膊頭咁。」 太空5分鐘 Alex話,整個太空旅程由香港來往委內瑞拉的庫拉索島太空站基地要6日,乘太空船5分鐘就可由地面上升到103公里,到達地球和太空的分界卡門線,停留5至6分鐘,感受無重狀態,慢慢返回地面。成個行程約1小時,睇到三分一個地球(中南美洲)。無聽錯呀得5分鐘!「上多幾分鐘對體格要求又高好多,就算上去一個鐘,睇到的都是一樣,左邊黑漆漆右邊是地球,又唔係太空人要上去搞人造�星!」Alex隻太空船只載一個客人和機師,所以客人會做埋副機師。「好似Cool魔咁幫手望下掣。現在已有一男一女的CEO報名,因為私隱不能透露太多。」 始終是新,好多客人擔心安全問題。「驚好似電影《引力邊緣》咁返唔到地球,但放心我們會有太空衣保護,有咩事都有氧氣提供!」歷年好多太空騙案,今年初「火星一號」的移民計劃有8萬人報名,註冊公司地址竟是民居;90年代也有3間公司搞太空旅遊都失敗,怎說服客人不是另一個騙案?「我們的太空船已經ready,又請�全球第二位上月球的太空人Buzz Aldrin 助陣,無呃你。」他希望首航還有更多中國人參與,參加者只要年滿18歲以上,無心臟病無懷孕或幽閉恐懼症,而最最最緊要係要有錢,因為成個太空套餐盛惠$168萬(註一)。Alex唔會帶路姆西,建議各方籌旗俾《忽周》記者,集腋成裘,本人定當帶神獸衝出地球,為各位完成任務。 註一:超豪$168萬太空體驗包括:1. 入住一晚香港半島酒店,然後坐勞斯萊斯來往香港機場;2. 乘私人飛機往返香港及加勒比海庫拉索島太空站,4晚當地5星酒店;3. 乘太空船太空漫遊,成個行程約1小時。(另有平民價$78萬套餐,要自行去當地) 2. 齊齊追蹤北極熊 成日俾人掟,路姆西跟同樣面對生活困境的北極熊,迷你倉謂同病相憐,好應該互相問候下。據年中去過北極的旅遊達人曾劍華說,北極熊因地球暖化,冰川融化,依家企都無碇企,要游水去好遠地方覓食。除了去搵北極熊,美國太空總署亦指,現在是太陽活動循環的高峰期,從現在到明年四月,將是近半世紀觀賞北極光的最佳時機,咁有紀念價值的時刻,又點可以無路姆西份呢? 3. 巴西丟盡路姆西 《Lonely Planet》剛選了巴西是2014年最佳旅遊國家,因為世界盃明年6月12日就在巴西揭幕,帶路姆西去睇波,定必high爆!不過,上屆有辦世界盃旅行團的康泰都話未知�到幾多張門票,暫時未有出團資料,其他旅行社亦未必搞世界盃團,弊!《忽周》建議各位提早2月中出發,踢路姆西去巴西,在一年一度的巴西嘉年華「舉西」起舞,又或留待世界盃時,球迷睇得激動,都可以丟出去洩憤! 4. 去馬拉大戰Angry Birds 以前香港是四小龍之首,依家馬來西亞都爬過我�頭,成為全亞洲唯一入選《Lonely Planet》2014年十大最佳旅遊國家,馬來西亞新景點如全東南亞最大雀鳥園,Legoland和Hello Kitty Land等相繼落成。明年5月還有個室內Angry Birds主題樂園,約佔地26,000平方呎,香港都唔知幾時先有路姆西主題樂園,輸晒! 5. 到荷蘭賀國王節 荷蘭每年4月30日就是女王節,但以後歷史要改寫!唔係有人搞革命,係去年女王Queen Beatrix退位俾長子亞歷山大後,女王節以後將變成國王節,日子就訂在國王生日4月27日。每年女王節,荷蘭都變成橙海,人民會�橙色衫出街慶祝,當日在跳蚤市場擺賣更唔使申請和交稅,大家在街上賣路姆西都唔怕俾差人圍! 6. 坐港鐵去中聯辦 你未必有錢帶路姆西出埠,但做人最緊要係有心,在香港丟亦得。像明年港鐵的西港島線將會通車,由上環貫通西營盤,大學至堅尼地城,最正是西營盤站的奇靈里出口,行幾分鐘就可以到我們最愛的中聯辦,以後到那�BBQ就唔使由維園行去咁辛苦!除了中聯辦,據港鐵土木工程師靚仔Joe(黃覺明)所講,今次三個站各有特色,好似西營盤站會好有藝術氣質,因為擺放好多本地藝術家的作品;而大學站深70米,由12部𨋢接駁山頂到山腳,最高有35層樓高,是全港最深的洞穴式車站,做埋防空洞都得;堅尼地城站則重視環境保護,像科士街那幅樹牆會保留唔拆,他日帶西西來玩亦不錯。 7. 當路姆西遇上樹熊 講開熊,大家定會懷念路姆西的舊友Dream Bear。Dream Bear呢年少露面,不過明年想探Bear,你可以去海洋公園。此Bear不同彼Bear,是cute好多的Koala Bear樹熊。南澳洲政府明後年會送8隻維多利亞省樹熊來香港,由南半球移民來北半球唔係講笑,海洋公園當然要起間豪宅招呼貴賓啦!不過,海洋公園話樹熊館還在建設中,現階段可提供的資料唔多。只知樹熊最鍾意夾住棵尤加利樹,所以樹熊館內會種滿尤加利樹,還在廣州設立種植場,以滿足一隻樹熊一生要食一千棵尤加利樹的需要。 8,9,10. 全球高潮在中環 你無睇錯,最後三個景點都在中環。政改若傾唔掂數,佔中行動明年7月就揭幕,解放軍會否解放中環,都是未知之數,唯一肯定是呢單新聞一定蜚聲國際!作為香港人,無理由唔掉路姆西賀一賀!與此同時,中環新海濱明年會建維港摩天輪,佔中佔得累可以坐下,又或行上荷李活道的三級歷史建築物——已婚警察宿舍,事關那�改為創意中心,新名叫「PMQ元創方」,明年初免費開放,中心設有地下展示廊,重現前中央書院地基遺蹟,俾路姆西提升文化素質都好。mini storage
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:29
The Porsche 918 Spyder delivers speed once never believed possible in a road carIt is difficult at first to describe the Porsche 918 Spyder, the most recent in a long and illustrious line of supercars to come from the fevered minds at Zuffenhausen.mini storageFor one thing, its plug-in hybrid drivetrain is mind-bendingly complex, to say nothing of the colossal 887bhp it can produce.Despite that, it has a CO2 emission figure of just 72g/km and it consumes only 3 litres of fuel per 100km (better than the hybrid Toyota Prius' 3.9 litres/100km), primarily because it can run for 30km on electric power alone.Then, there is its price tag. At €768,026 (S$1.3 million), it is nearly four times as expensive as a 911 Turbo S, which already costs around $1 million here.Most importantly, Porsche cars of the forseeable future will surely look to the 918 for cues, in terms of engineering and styling.To be sure, "the future of the sports car", as it is touted, is searingly quick. Nothing quite prepares you for the combined 887bhp it packs from its two electric motors (one at each axle) and a 4.6-litre V8 lifted almost wholesale from the Porsche RS Spyder racecar.Zero to 100kmh takes a scant 2.6 seconds, and in 7.3 seconds, it would have reached 200kmh from a standstill.If you were expecting a car like that to be quite a handful, then you would be quite mistaken. In spite of its monstrous power, the 918 is surprisingly easy to drive quickly, and curiously undramatic in the way it delivers its extreme performance. Brake late and marvel at how the carbon-ceramic brakes shed speed, steer the 918 via the uncannily accurate helm and, finally, gawp in amazement at the traction the car manages to gain as you fire out of the corner.All the while, the 918 feels positively nailed to the tarmac, with the biggest surprise being not so much its pace but its mid-c迷你倉rner grip. Never have I driven a car with this much poise and composure, a sensation we would imagine is akin to driving a full-blown racecar.The reason for all that intuitiveness is a fiendishly complex drivetrain, something that project leader Frank Walliser and his team worked on for nearly all of the 918's three-year development cycle.Indeed, fine-tuning work was still being done up to the last minute, with the latest iteration of the software rolled out just a week before I drove the car.According to Dr Walliser, the programming for the 918's powertrain software requires about 40,000 data labels, nearly three times that in a regular car.Part of the reason for that complexity is that the electric motor in the front axle works autonomously, with the coordination between that and the electric motor/combustion engine in the rear controlled purely by electronics.Couple that with how the 918 has active aerodynamics that can be altered for maximum downforce or minimum drag, plus torque vectoring that can send power to an individual wheel, and you have what is arguably the most complex supercar on sale today.It could also be the quickest - the 918 currently holds the lap record of 6 minutes 57 seconds on the fearsome 20km Nurburgring racetrack, a place that Dr Walliser says is where the true measure of a sports car's worth is gauged. It beat the previous record by 14 seconds, clocking a sub-seven-minute timing that was once considered impossible in a road car.What is also impossible: driving a 918 here. Not one of the 918 units to be built in a limited-production run will be produced in right-hand-drive form.This is a pity, because Porsche has built a car that, three decades from now, we will still look back on in absolute awe.stlife@sph.com.sgThe writer is associate editor of Torque, a motoring monthly published by SPH Magazines.文件倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:23
Petrotech Oil and Gas Inc. Enters Into Agreement for Distribution of Biodegradable Products in Texas
BEDFORD, Texas, December 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --PetroTech Oil and Gas Inc.文件倉 (the "Company" or Petrotech") today announced that they are entering into an agreement with DSS Oil Services Inc. to distribute their new biodegradable products in Texas. Petrotech will be setting up a subsidiary company and structure to accommodate the addition of their added business."DSS has given us the opportunity to not only utilize their new innovations in biodegradable products with our own work, but hey have given us the opportunity to become distributors as well, and an opportunity to participate in the growth of their company," said Eddie Schilb president of Petrotech Oil and Gas. "This gives us the ability to be ahead of any other company by being able to provide environmentally safe biodegradable products with our own use and another means of increasing other areas of revenue. We will providing more information on this new development as we progress," he added.About DSS Oil Services:Dolezal-Southward Oil Services USA, LLC has been started by Cameron Dolezal and Dean Southward, the 2 senior principals of the Company. Cameron and Dean have petroleum engineering backgrounds and have successfully implemented and run more than $30 billion of projects for Marathon Oil and Devon Energy together with the successful completion of more than 700 wells.The Company was formed as a Services company for hydraulic fracturing to be run by experienced field engineers and to market and develop green non-toxic and superior performing chemicals for drilling and completions to the oil and gas industry.DS Oil Services has been working with AI Sealing, an existing chemical company within this area in the development of these non-toxic chemicals for the oil and gas industry. AI Sealing had approximately$28 million in sales in 2012 and increasing sales this year with existing oil customers, including Baker Hughes and C&J Well Services.DS Oil Services and AI Sealing agreed to form a new company together, DS Oil Supply with each company owning 50% of the new company and having Exclusive rights to sell the 200+ proprietary formulas owned by AI Sealing together with new products being developed.In addition to already having the best performing Biocide in the oil and gas market which is also non-toxic, DS has recently developed and introduced a new "food grade" fracking gel which is a significant improvement over anything on the market. It is food grade, performs better, and is priced much less than any other gel on the market. In addition, they have also just introduced the first non-toxic and non-corrosive friction-reducer on the market, something that everyone in the business thought would be impossible. This friction reducer performs better than anything else available and it is non-toxic.Cameron and his associates have put their focus over the recent months and their immediate focus into finishing the development and testing of these chemicals and getting them into the market. They are also finishing the planning and preparation for the expanded manufacturing. The company now has 2 locations in Houston and can handle the anticipated 4 million gallons per month with no problem together with built in expansion above this.These chemicals have all gone through third party testing and have been tested and approved by the customers in their own labs as well. These chemicals have been confirmed to significantly outperform the other chemicals on the market, they are all non-toxic, and our pricing is up to 50% less than the other inferior and toxic chemicals on the market. For example, our customers, including majors have been paying $23 to $26 per gallon for biocide whereas ours is $12.5 per gallon and our biocide outperforms everything else on the market.The fact that our chemicals are all non-toxic, perform better, and save these companies money puts us into a very good position. The non-toxicity solves all kinds of life/safety issues for the workers that may have contact with toxic chemicals and also avoids issues with shipping of toxic materials including special permits that are required. Many of the larger companies are "unbundling" their chemical purchasing and starting to control the purchasing process rather than individual service companies. This is very positive for us.We have been approved by and are processing procurement requests with Shell, Conoco Phillips, Weatheford, Exxon-XTO, Chevron, IOC, CUDD, Archer, Schlumberger, and many others, and are continuing to sell to Baker Hughes etc.There were mo存倉e than 47,000 wells drilled last year and this was only inside the U.S.; each of these wells requires the purchase of $150,000 up to $500,000 of chemicals, making this an extremely large market. The International market is also expanding quickly as shale areas around the world are starting to be exploited.About PetroTech:PetroTech Oil and Gas, Inc. uses multiple patent technologies for Enhanced Oil Recovery and in some cases will use their new pumping system co developed by PetroTech. We will use this patented technology with other proven technologies currently used in the industry to drill, complete equip new drill wells and older wells with secondary production opportunities. Throughout the United States there are primary depleted oil reservoirs representing billions of barrels of oil that lend themselves to the use and exploitation of Enhanced Oil Recovery and PetroTech Oil and Gas, Inc.'s proven patented technology. Without EOR technology, these reservoirs will produce only about 20% of their Original Oil in Place. Gas injection EOR is a proven method that has been in use over the last 50 years in the oil fields of West Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Wyoming and Oklahoma. Starting in the late 1990's we started researching various EOR methods and sources of gases and mixtures of gases to find an alternative gas to pure CO2 for EOR. In doing so, we found that a N2-CO2 mixture was 2-3 times more efficient than CO2 in the recovery of stranded oil. Recently we have been introduced to a patented exhaust unit that was more efficient than regular CO2. A new prototype of that equipment was then built for injection purposes; and is in the process of being further developed for commercial use.We have analyzed the different types of oil producing reservoirs in most of the major geological basins in the United States and have determined that the use of our process and method will enhance the recovery of stranded oil reserves in these areas that otherwise may never be produced. The pinnacle reefs, other reefs in Texas make excellent reservoirs for EOR because they are compact, have consistent reservoir properties, thick pay columns, and are overlain by an impermeable cap seal. However other formations have responded favorably as well. These reservoirs represent over 300 million barrels of recoverable stranded oil using our patented method and technology. CO2 floods have been successful on the reefs in the US with rates as high as 1000 BOPD. Our process will have a major impact on the recovery of stranded oil in U.S. basins. This statement is based on the fact that we have an unlimited source of gas and we do not need an expensive infrastructure to transport the gas, plus the fact that it is proven that a mixture of CO2 and N2 is more efficient than CO2 in some trials.The cost and recovery of a project will be dependent on size of structure and depth; the cost will range depending on type of formation and type of treatment design. Hopefully, per project we will capture an additional 20% to 40% of oil in place. Attempting to do this in a period of 5 years as opposed to the original 20% of oil that has already been produced; which may have taken ten to twenty years. Each successful project is estimated to have a six to twelve month payout.For more information please go to our websites, which can be found at: petrotechog.comCertain information discussed in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements within the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the federal securities laws. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions at the time made, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to unpredictable and unanticipated risks, trends and uncertainties such as the Company's inability to accurately forecast its operating results; the Company's potential inability to achieve profitability or generate positive cash flow; the availability of financing; and other risks associated with the Company's business. The Company assumes no obligation to update or supplement forward-looking statements that become untrue because of subsequent events.Website: .petrotechog.com Phone: +1-888-568-7111 Email: info@petrotechog.comInvestor Relations Gabriel Rodriguez E Relations Group +1-888-261-6537PetroTech Oil and Gas Inc.儲存
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:17
(馬六甲20日訊)大馬旅遊局主席拿督斯里黃燕燕醫生指出,迷你倉將軍澳旅遊業于去年為我國帶來600億令吉收入,食物方面便占了90億令吉,即16%,旅遊部因此非常重視我國的美食領域。她表示,我國于去年吸引了2500萬人次的遊客前來旅遊,為大馬帶來可觀的收入,希望今年能夠達到2800萬人次的目標,並放遠2020年吸引3600萬人次。“希望除了景點之外,本地美食也能具備讓遊客舊地重游的魅力。”黃燕燕昨晚在馬六甲拉也新牛頓小販中心出席“一個大馬·食全食美”街頭美食節迷你倉尖沙咀,這麼說。《印象-馬六甲》將登場她補充,馬六甲貴為旅遊州,每逢周末便會出現龐大的車流量,而明年的到甲州的遊客將會持續增加,尤其中國鐵三角所主導的《印象-馬六甲》即將在馬六甲隆重登場。昨晚出席活動的嘉賓包括馬六甲州首席部長代表拿督卡查里副州行政議員、馬六甲旅遊局總監傑菲里、馬六甲販商聯合會會長黃樹黨等。卡查里在會上也呼籲販商注重食物的美味之餘,也應該保持食物的衛生以及價格的合理。卡查里也讚揚連續5年舉辦的街頭美食節讓更多遊客認識當地美食,非常有意義。mini storage
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:10
“節儉風”吹“瘦”年會 北京酒店大打團購牌
中新網北京12月21日電 (記者 尹力)歲末將至,文件倉往年這個時段,北京各大酒店都會迎來年會預訂的高峰,一些高端會所甚至“一日難求”。今年,隨著中央出台厲行節約措施,北京多家酒店的年會預訂量大幅下降,年會“瘦身”成了新時尚:場所從豪華酒店變為簡樸的單位內部會議室,菜品由昂貴海鮮變身實惠家常菜,外請演員捧場改為員工自娛自樂…… 中新社記者日前採訪北京多家星級酒店、年會策劃公司相關負責人,他們多對今年的年會市場“一聲嘆息”,表示接到的年會訂單相較往年大幅減少?。採訪中,有負責人稱,往年企業“不差錢”,年會花費數十萬是常見,不少企業還請來明星助陣。“今年即使已經預訂酒店的企業,也很難出現大場面”。一家策劃公司的負責人表示,年會經濟已形同“雞肋”,公司已將業務重點轉到品牌策劃以及個人婚慶策劃等方向。 據瞭解,北京多家政府部門、科研機構、高校等事業單位今年都取消了各種類型的年終總結會、座談會、聯歡會。許多國資背景的企業,即便辦年會,也多選擇縮減開支,下調餐費標準,取消娛樂項目並縮短會期。? 某企業公關部負責人表示,為答謝客戶和開拓業務,年會是不能免的,但預算相較去年有所降低。?一經營多年的餐飲業者透露,一些公司的“尾牙”宴席照擺,但菜品明顯下降,“原汁鮑魚”改“水煮魚”,“蒜蓉粉絲扇貝”改“鐵板牛仔骨”,再難見到滿桌的存倉鮮盛宴。? 在一家國有大型企業工作的王先生告訴記者,往年單位年會都開個兩三天,偶爾會選擇到郊區泡溫泉、滑雪、KTV唱歌,也可能發放一些超市購物卡。今年估計是集中到單位會議室開個茶話會,“每人帶個菜,中午吃‘百家飯'”。 在“節儉消費”的風尚下,不少高檔酒店及高消費娛樂場所調整營業思路,“放下身段”走起“親民”路線,以定制化產品拓展本地高收入消費者,開發婚宴、生日宴等大�餐飲市場,同時通過降價、團購等促銷方式攬客“過冬”。 北京近郊的度假村或酒店,往年都是企業單位舉辦年會的首選之地,提前預訂還不一定能排上檔期,今年這些地方卻人氣大減。在知名團購網站上,不難發現拉菲特城堡酒店、九華山莊等北京知名度假酒店的名字,不少溫泉度假村的打折幅度達到3至4折,受到不少網友青睞。其中,拉菲特城堡酒店推出低至2折的雙人平日套餐,人均花費不足230元人民幣,上線後銷出近300份。 在北京一家事業單位工作的付小姐坦言,今年單位取消了例行的酒店年會,她第一次“自掏腰包”,和好友一起團購了溫泉度假村套票,“價錢挺實惠的,年底正好和朋友聚聚”。 有酒店負責人表示,雖然公款消費大幅減少,但北京本地的自費消費市場仍然非常強勁,高收入人群追求提升生活質量,其消費水平也在穩步上升。酒店只要堅持優質服務,打出品牌效應,同樣可以招徠穩定客源。(完)儲存
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:03
《地方掃描》信義線優惠到23日 想體驗要快
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 12:56
NFC樂活服務 前進南港智慧園區
資策會昨(20)日宣布結合中華電信、南港軟體工業園區、悠遊卡公司、雄獅旅行社、福容大飯店、全家便利商店、京老滿餐飲公司、高樂餐飲事業公司、黑松公司等業者共同推展「智慧園區NFC樂活應用服務」。捷正服務管理公司更以物業平台結合NFC技術,自存倉與中華電信合作開發園區專屬樂活應用APP,第一階段於園區門禁、消費以及樂活資訊感應下載等試行創新應用。資策會表示,全球資通訊產業環境變化快速,台灣產業結構面臨加速升級轉型挑戰。為此,政府擬定「三業四化」產業發展政策迷你倉智慧手持裝置產業列為第二階段四項亮點產業之一。這次是以NFC智慧手機結合南港軟體工業園區樂活應用,提供園區進駐戶及南港地區居民體驗智慧手持裝置創新服務,希望藉此加速智慧手持終端開發,帶動創新服務商轉契機。2013是台灣行動支付商轉啟動年,公平會元月通過TSM(信託服務管理平台)設立、5月金管會同意以空中下載(OTA)方式辦理手機信用卡業務後,中華電信隨即率先?用國內首張空中下載(OTA)NFC信用卡,並於7月啟用全國首創空中下載NFC手機交通票證卡。mini storage
- Dec 20 Fri 2013 10:21
全國版) - (“郵儲銀行杯”廣東省創業創富大賽今日決賽 15強選手今日巔峰對決,7大評委坐鎮指點迷津
歷經半年,迷你倉將軍澳廣東省人力資源和社會保障廳、中國人民銀行廣州分行、中國銀行業監督管理委員會廣東監管局、中國郵政儲蓄銀行廣東省分行、南方報業傳媒集團聯合主辦的“郵儲銀行杯”2013年廣東省創業創富大賽總決賽將在今日隆重開賽。15位進入決賽的選手將齊聚羊城,一場有關創業的唇槍舌劍將上演巔峰對決。為了最後挑選出最佳的創業計劃和創業者,本屆創業大賽特別邀請了7位評委坐鎮2013創富大賽總決賽現場,他們中有來自白手起家的成功企業家、擁有資深管理經驗的職業經理人、具有商業敏感嗅覺的創投人士,還有學院派的專家學者。他們帶著火眼金睛,帶著對創業的豐富經驗和真知灼見坐鎮決賽現場。15強同台競技爭奪創富桂冠經過報名、海選、晉級賽、複賽的大浪淘沙後,“郵儲銀行杯”廣東省創業創富大賽的15強選手已經從1.6萬報名項目中脫穎而出,將在今日迎來最後的對決。據主辦方介紹,今年創富大賽收到企業及個人報名供16608份,再創歷史新高,進入決賽的選手正是憑借自己出色的創業創富夢想與案例,從廣東省各地市的�多選手中脫穎而出。南都記者從決賽名單看到,成功獲得全省總決賽通行證的十五個項目既有傳統的農業、製造業、醫藥行業,又有新興的電子商務、自動化、環保節能行業。組委會透露,根據創業創富大賽的賽制規則,總決賽將繼續採用“V CR展示+演講+點評互動”形式,選手在規定時間內向評委展示企業項目的創新性、成長性、市場競爭力、帶動就業情況、融資需求及其他亮點,角逐豐厚的大賽獎勵。據悉,本屆總決賽獎項設置上有所創新,創富組、創業組、創意組三大組別各設金獎1名、銀獎2名、銅獎2名。另外,增設“環保低碳特別獎”、“三農項目特別獎”、“就業貢獻特別獎”、“最佳商業模式獎”、“最具成長性獎”、“巾幗創業特別獎”等單項大獎。所有參賽選手均有機會獲得郵儲銀行提供的最高2000萬元的融資支持。“在總決賽賽場上,傳統行業與新興行業的最優秀創業者將上演精彩的巔峰對決,相信選手在充分的備戰之後會有更出彩的表現。”大賽組委會成員表示。“伯樂團”陣容豪華,現場指點迷津千里馬還需伯樂。在今天的巔峰對決中,創富大賽桂冠將鹿死誰手需要看評委團的意見。南都記者獲悉,本屆創業大賽特邀7位外部評委擔任選手創富夢想的評測師。從評委名單看,可謂陣容強大豪華。他們中有來自白手起家的成功企業家———壹號土豬聯合創始人黎小兵、盛成公司董事長楊剛;也有擁有資深管理經驗的職業經理人———國內最大的真彩文具集團C E O、暨大廣州校友會理事長朱獻文博士,還有來具有商業敏感嗅覺的創投人士———原ID G資本合伙人、現高榕資本合伙人高翔、達晨創業投資有限公司主管合伙人傅忠宏,此外,還有高校具有豐富理論研究的“學院派”學者———華南理工大學風投研究中心副主任邵希娟教授,和資深財經媒體人、南方都市報財經新聞部主任謝豔霞。據悉,上述7位評委今日將分別從企業經營、營銷、社會價值,以及參賽選手現場表現等各方面考核參賽項目。而在這個過程中,他們還帶來他們的經驗為選手傳道授業,點亮創業明燈。評委團部分名單傅仲宏(忠紅)達晨創業投資有限公司合伙人,曾在政府行業管理部門任職,擔任過多家大型投資機構的投資部門負責人及科技企業高管。主導投資了幾十個優質項目,所投資的一批企業已經在國內外資本市場成功上市,在高科技、新服務、文化等領域具有豐富的投資及管理經驗。擔任上海湖南商會副會長、上海企業聯合會理事、上海股權投資協會理事,當選2012年度“最受創業者尊敬的十大V C投資人”。公司主要業績:達晨創投成立于2000年4月,管理了10多只基金,在全國20多個城市設立了分支機構,在戰略性新興產業及文化傳媒、消費服務、現代農業等領域進行重點投資,投資了200家行業龍頭企業,其中:30家已在國內外資本市場上市,被譽為“創業板的最大贏家”,2012年全國創投機構綜合排名第一。創業寄語:創富是價值體現,但不是終極追求。朱獻文1999年從暨南大學M BA畢業,成功地從一個工程技術人員轉型成高級經理人,並成功地運用了從M B A學到的商業管理知識,用十年時間,打造了一個十億級的全國知名文具行業領頭品牌———真彩文具。公司主要業績:“真彩”品牌是中國文具行業具有世界影響力的領導品牌之一。真彩集團是真彩文具股份有限公司的控股公司,它創立于1991年,創始人為現任董事長黃小喜先生,經過20年迷你倉尖沙咀發展,真彩已經成長為集研發、生產、營銷、品牌為一體,中國規模最大、綜合實力最強的大型專業文具企業集團之一。在江蘇昆山、上海青浦、上海奉賢和廣東清遠設有4個生產基地,在日本、上海和廣州設有技術開發中心,廠房面積達10萬平方米,集團年產值近20億元。創業寄語:做好了受煎熬的準備,你就幹!別人的評論和建議可以參考,但只要堅持,就有機會。建議創業者看一下《剖開這顆蘋果核》這本書,瞭解一下喬布斯的創業創新創造的方式方法,少走彎路,少交學費。黎小兵畢業于中南大學,北京大學EM BA。1996年開始入職廣東龍虎豹酒業有限公司、先後擔任辦公室主任、採購部經理、副總經理等職位。2001年擔任廣東龍虎豹酒業有限公司總經理一職,經過兩年的快速發展,2003年龍虎豹銷售額達到1.3億。2004年與陳生創辦廣東天地食品有限公司,現為廣東壹號食品股份有限公司。黎小兵還擔任廣東省養豬行業協會第六屆理事會常務理事。公司主要業績:2007年起正式運營豬肉銷售業務,公司自主創立“壹號土豬”品牌,歷經7年的迅猛發展,壹號土豬2013年土豬出欄量達31萬頭,營業收入超7億元。目前壹號土豬是全國最大的土豬養殖企業和土豬肉連鎖銷售企業,是土豬細分市場老大。創業寄語:中國市場前景寬廣,需要更多的創業者投入到創業的隊伍中,將更多的知識化為市場財富。高翔對互聯網、無線服務等IT領域有很深的研究,並參與和主導了多個互聯網和無線業務等領域的投資,曾工作于中經開信托投資公司等金融機構,負責證券方面的研究工作。高翔畢業于華中科技大學,獲得經濟學學士及碩士學位。公司主要業績:高榕資本成立于2013年,是一家新興的風險投資機構,目前管理著2億美元的基金,專注于T M T行業,覆蓋種子期和成長期投資。高榕資本的出資人既有諸多成功的企業家,也有一系列國際知名的母基金,其中包括騰訊、阿里巴巴、分�傳媒等數十家知名企業的創始人。他們將為投資公司提供寶貴的行業資源、創業經驗和國際化的視野。高榕資本管理團隊在中國高科技行業有超過10年的投資經驗,曾主導投資了多家優秀公司,包括小米科技、91、3G門戶、土豆、D ealeX trem e(8086.hk)、IO Bit(8100 .hk)、雷蛇、暴風影音、吉比特、動網、蘑菇街、萬興軟件等。我們期望與投資公司共同成長,和創業者一起改變世界,為社會創造價值。創業寄語:創業需要激情,但同樣需要量力而行,充分瞭解自己才是創業的第一步,也是最後一步。楊剛盛成公司董事長,曾從事快銷品行業十餘年,威萊集團創始人之一,成就消毒品第一品牌威露士。2006年天使投資媽媽網,2011年擔任盛成董事長。公司主要業績:廣州盛成網絡科技有限公司(媽媽網)2006年成立。2011年6月引入騰訊融資,是騰訊投資最大的女性社區網站。目前以廣州媽媽網為核心的各城市媽網己經迖到32個,是中國最有影響力的親子網站群,用戶量超過2000萬。旗下A PP媽媽圈,是最大的女性移動社區。創業寄語:創業是一件讓人愉快的事,刺激、冒險、奔放、歡快、憤怒、驕傲,有著七彩顏色。創業一次等於多過一次人生。享受創業過程,享受美妙。邵希娟華南理工大學風投研究中心副主任,華南理工大學工商管理學院教授,自2000年1月至2012年12月,主持了15項科研項目,作為核心成員參加18個科研項目;發表學術論文50多篇;合作出版專著和教材4本(《公司資本投資決策方法與應用》;《基於行為的公司資本投資決策方法研究》;《企業風險與微觀經濟杠杆研究》;《現代財務管理》),曾被評為:華南理工大學的“優秀教師”、“優秀M B A任課教師”、“工程碩士研究生優秀導師”。公司主要業績:華南理工大學風險投資研究中心,2003年6月由華南理工大學與廣東省風險投資集團、廣州市科技風險投資公司、廣州市風險投資促進會共同發起成立,總部設立在中國-廣州-華南理工大學校內,是華南高校第一家在風險投資領域成立的大型學術科研機構,在華南風險投資領域理論前沿的研究、創業企業資本運營整體解決方案等方面取得了豐碩的研究成果,成為華南區企業財務診斷、贏利模式設計、資本運營整體解決方案的提供者,也是中小企業與金融機構、風險投資、資本市場鏈接的“橋樑”和“紐帶”。創業寄語:年輕的創業者有激情、有知識,但缺乏經驗,你們需要向成功的創業者取經。統籌:謝豔霞採寫:南都記者 陳穎mini storage