德國媒體報道,迷你倉美國國家安全局能夠侵入所有主流智能手機,獲取用戶數據,只是還沒有廣泛應用這一手段。全“淪陷”德國《明鏡》周刊網站8日報道,美國國家安全局能夠接入蘋果手機和黑莓手機的操作系統以及穀歌公司安卓系統。報道說,美國國家安全局針對不同手機系統設立專門小組,分頭“突破”各類型手機操作系統的保護措施,以秘密訪問手機數據。美國國安局可以獲取這些手機的大部分敏感數據,包括通訊錄、通話記錄、短信息、備忘錄和用戶位置信息。報道以美國國家安全局和英國情報機構政府通信總部的內部資料為依據。美國《紐約時報》、英國《衛報》等多家媒體幾天前報道,英美這兩家情報機構在破解加密技術方面密切合作。有針對《明鏡》周刊依據所獲得的文件推斷,美國國家安全局沒有大規模監視智能手機用戶,而是在某些情形下監視特定目標,而且智能手機製造商並不知情。這一德國主流媒體沒有提及獲取情報機構文件的方式,而報道署名作者之一是美國電影制片人勞拉·波伊特拉斯。波伊特拉斯與“棱鏡門”泄密者美國中儲存倉情報局前僱員愛德華·斯諾登接觸密切,先前曾以斯諾登提供的資料為依據披露美國政府情報監視活動。根據斯諾登不久前提供的信息,美國國家安全局利用超級計算機、技術標準、法庭命令和幕後勸說等多種手段,已經秘密攻破或能夠繞開現有常用互聯網加密技術,獲取用戶私密信息。 新華社特稿案例A:入侵與蘋果手機同步數據的電腦按照英美情報機構的內部文件,情報人員聲稱,美國國家安全局成功入侵蘋果手機用戶用來同步數據的電腦,可以入侵蘋果手機至少38項功能。這些機密資料清晰顯示,美國情報人員曾成功入侵黑莓手機。多份文件顯示,國家安全局2009年一度無法入侵黑莓系統,但2010年3月重新“攻陷”黑莓手機。以黑莓系統為目標的情報部門宣佈這一“進展”時,大呼“開香檳吧”以示慶祝。B:攻陷“無法入侵”的黑莓郵件系統美國國家安全局還曾成功侵入外界普遍認為非常安全的黑莓郵件系統。《明鏡》周刊認定,這對於黑莓公司而言可能算是不小的挫敗,這家企業先前一直聲稱自己的郵件系統“無法入侵”。 新華社迷你倉價錢
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 14:38
全國版) - (美國安局能“竊聽”智能手機 德國媒體推斷這一監視手段尚未廣泛應用
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 14:11
聚責盡力 積極作為
青島地稅局李滄分局努力實現地稅各項工作新跨越作者: ■本報記者路敦海今年以來,self storage山東省青島市地方稅務局李滄分局認真貫徹十八大精神,扎實推進黨的群�路線教育實踐活動,緊緊圍繞組織收入為中心,大力強化稅收預警和分析,不斷提升納稅服務與徵管水平。上半年,地稅完成各項收入22.5億元,增收5億元,同比增長28.8%,各項收入增幅位列全市第一位。其中,稅收收入完成20.8億元,增收4.9億元,同比增長30.8%;地方公共預算收入完成19.9億元,增收4.6億元,同比增長30%。營業稅、契稅和城建稅是李滄分局本期稅收收入前三大稅種,上半年分別完成9.3億元、3億元和2.2億元,增幅分別為25.3%、328.9%和23.3%。三大稅種合計完成14.4億元,增收3.5億元,增長32.6%;占地稅收入總量、增量的比重分別為64.3%和70.7%。其中營業稅增收貢獻率最高,為38.3%,拉動稅收增長11.8%。房地產業、建築業和製造業是地方稅收前三大行業,上半年房地產業和建築業收入保持了較快增長,製造業與去年同期保持持平。其中,建築業完成3.1億元,同比增收1.1億元,同比增長57.6%;房地產完成11.6億元,增收2.9億元,同比增長24.9%。三大行業合計完成18.5億元,占地稅收入總量的82.3%。國繞中心抓管理確保收入總量平穩增長加強數據質量管理,發揮智能數據效能。做好基礎數據高質量採集,確保稅務登記、納稅人信息、財務報表和發票稅控報數的真實性和完整性。通過稅務登記信息橫向比對,核對稅務登記信息中的不匹配項目;通過稅務登記信息的縱向比對,為稅源管理提供高價值信息,提升稅務登記源頭監控效能。利用市局應用軟件中的數據差異過錯查詢系統,查找稅務登記各環節、各部分的嫌疑數據,及時進行修訂完善,提升數據質量。上半年,分局數據質量考核全市第一名。加強分析預測,科學調度收入。加強稅源調研和收入預測分析,圍繞區域開發、重大項目投資、重點企業行業生產等方面的變化,注重把握稅源總量、質量及結構,增強組織收入工作的前瞻性。針對當前複雜的經濟形勢,加強組織收入的引導和調度,加大對收入預測情況的考核力度。上半年分局上報市局的預測準確率達到99.2%,比市局的平均預測準確率高1.6個百分點,此項考核指標連續多年獲得滿分。強化預警機制,建立考核指標體系。今年,分局將提高收入質量和以稅控稅平台相結合,在全市率先制定納稅鑒定註冊登記類型和預算級次匹配表,每季度定期對所有的有效納稅鑒定進行嫌疑數據篩選。在季度中層例會和每月的業務會議上,對收入質量考核指標進行專門的分解和說明。對科室收入質量情況進行按季考核,每季度出台考核通報。自去年三季度以來,在市局的收入質量考核中,分局考核指標連續獲得滿分。加強土地增值稅清算,提高清算質量。有效利用執法手段,先後對5個應清算項目下達限期改正通知書,對2個項目下達了處罰決定告知書;根據《青島市涉稅財物價格認定辦法》,對清算項目關聯交易中銷售價格明顯偏低的,委托李滄區價格認證中心進行市場價格認證,作為土地增值稅清算中核定收入的依據。對符合清算條件的17個項目�動了清算程序,目前已完成9個,清算應繳土地增值稅6963萬元,應補稅款3406萬元,清算進度達53%,清算稅款比去年增長241%。突出重點抓稅源確保收入結構更加優化確保重點企業稅收貢獻。分局對納入市局監控的85戶重點企業和納入分局監控的163戶重點企業,加強跟蹤管理。上半年,重點企業監控實現收入11.4億元,同比增長15.4%,占全局收入的62.3%,其中重點企業中房地產為主的企業120戶,實現稅收收入6.9億元,占重點企業收入的60.5%。確保重點行業稅收貢獻。分局把房產、建築行業作為重點行業進行全方位控管,並做好項目動態跟蹤管理。通過對房產項目的開發、銷售、後續等“三階段”管理,採取“分階段,回頭看”的方式,實施“日常台賬式管理、跟蹤式管理、檔案式管理”。上半年,房地產行業實現稅收收入11.6億元,增收2.9億元,增長33.15%,占全部稅收收入的41.32%;建築業實現稅收收入3.7億元,同比增長57.6%。確保重大項目稅收貢獻。對重大項目“立項、建設、銷售、清算”四個環節,實施全程監控。上半年,納入控管的1000萬元以上的83個重大項目,實現稅收9.8億元,同比增長61%。多管齊下抓徵收確迷你倉收入質量不斷提高多方聯動做好綜合治稅工作。加強與區綜合治稅辦公室、工商、國稅、公安等部門的聯動和涉稅信息傳遞,開展信息比對、稅款查補和發票查處工作。目前,“城中村”改造已監控拆遷戶數8494戶,安置面積135萬平方米,徵收入庫稅款和滯納金2.12億元,其中僅下王埠、畢家上流、南嶺安置房實現營業稅及附加4865萬元。股權轉讓實施稅收前置,落實“先完稅後變更”制度,共受理650筆股權轉讓信息,徵收稅款1336萬元。同時以《李滄分局稅源信息監控管理函》的形式,向其他分局共傳遞土地轉讓、房產過戶、股權變更等信息材料10份,監控稅款976萬元。與國稅局實施信息交換,比對信息220條,應補繳稅款980萬元,已補繳稅款90萬元。做好重點項目稅源防控。李滄區“兩點一線”工程正在加緊實施。兩點即青島北客站和世園會項目,一線則是指金水路改造項目。“兩點一線”工程,是李滄目前乃至以後,區域經濟發展的重要增長極。目前,北客站主體結構及高架層安裝完成95%,主體已經封頂。抓住這一點,預計將會給李滄帶來3年至5年的稅收增長。北客站承建公司中標價格30.78億元,上半年已監控稅款3438.28萬元,其中營業稅3023.98萬元,計稅營業額10.08億元。世園會工程已完成80%。根據工程進度,積極協調世園會管委會,成立領導小組、課題小組、服務小組、聯繫專員制度。做到徵管機制、政策宣傳、專項服務“三個到位”。目前,世園會園區基礎設施建設,實現稅款1765萬元,外圍配套工程,實現稅款837萬元。金水路有青島第二條香港路之稱,預計投資27.2億元,全線改造,將帶動兩邊房地產、商業極大繁榮。目前,分局正積極協調有關方面,加大對金水路兩側拆遷安置項目進行重點監控,確保組織收入及時入庫。加大清理欠稅力度。目前,李滄陳欠稅款為3億元。為防止稅款流失,根據分局掌控的信息,積極向區政府呈報老企業欠稅有關情況,及時與區政府有關部門配合,跟進企業搬遷、合併與清算等動向,對小企業及時清欠,對大企業,通過政府協調,從拆遷補償款中代扣應清理的稅款。上半年共清理欠稅2786萬元。創新模式抓宣傳確保納稅服務持續提升為更好地為納稅人辦實事,提高納稅服務水平。分局與區委宣傳部聯合,在李滄電視台開播《地稅講堂》電視欄目。利用電視欄目覆蓋面廣的特點,加大稅法宣傳和稅收知識普及。堅持每周兩次,每次1個小時,進行納稅服務講座,解析最新稅收政策及納稅人關心的難點、熱點問題,讓納稅人足不出戶,瞭解稅收相關知識和業務。《地稅講堂》電視欄目,目前已成為李滄電視台為納稅服務的一個固定欄目,覆蓋全區所有納稅人和機關單位。目前已播8期,受到區委、區政府的充分肯定和納稅人的認可,山東電視台也對《地稅講堂》節目進行了宣傳報道。為做好稅收宣傳月工作,分局班子成員分工協作,積極協調區委宣傳部、街道、學校、世園會等有關部門和單位,充分利用《地稅講堂》電視欄目、李滄黨校地稅幹部培訓基地、“青蓮苑”廉政教育基地、內外網站、社區公益大型活動等宣傳陣地,通過課堂講座、電視直播、發放宣傳冊、懸掛條幅、設立咨詢台等形式,及時跟進稅法宣傳相關內容。今年,共組織參加宣傳活動12次,印發宣傳資料2萬多份,普及機關幹部,軍人、學生、社區群�2萬多人次。多措並舉抓隊伍確保工作責任不斷增強分局黨委始終把加強培訓、提高素質、挖掘潛力,作為一項重要工作超前謀劃,常抓不懈。一是建基地。先後建立了“青蓮苑”廉政教育基地、黨校地稅幹部培訓基地。今年,利用區委黨校地稅幹部培訓基地,克服工學矛盾,分三批對幹部進行分級輪訓,每期脫產5天,分局幹部94人全部輪訓一遍。二是搭平台。建立了廉政風險防控平台等廉政建設防控機制。充分利用防控平台,查找風險預警信息38條,核查無問題27條,輕微提醒信息11條。對存在的風險苗頭,及時反饋到各個科室和相關責任人,進行有針對性預防、警示、監督,不斷增強政治責任意識。4月份,分局被評為“全省地稅系統廉政文化‘四進’先進單位”。三是抓教育。開展形式多樣的教育實踐活動。今年,開展了走進社區、走進機關、走進軍營“三走進”教育實踐活動。組織幹部職工到海軍部隊,參觀部隊內務秩序、艦炮操練,共同舉行籃球比賽,圍繞“遵守紀律,幹好工作”的主題,分享對“責任重于能力”的理解。省局黨組成員、紀檢組長王莉莉到分局檢查指導工作時,對“三走進”教育實踐活動給予充分肯定。文件倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:54
《最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院關於辦理利用信息網絡實施誹謗等刑事案件適用法律若干問題的解釋》9日公佈。這個總共10條的司法解釋,mini storage通過厘清信息網絡發表言論的法律邊界,為懲治利用網絡實施誹謗等犯罪提供了明確的法律標尺,從而規範網絡秩序、保護人民群�合法權益。司法解釋將于2013年9月10日起施行。司法解釋對利用信息網絡“捏造事實誹謗他人”及實施誹謗行為“情節嚴重”的認定,利用信息網絡實施誹謗犯罪適用公訴程序的條件,利用信息網絡實施尋釁滋事、敲詐勒索、非法經營等犯罪的認定,嚴厲打擊信息網絡共同犯罪等8個方面的問題進行了明確規定。焦點一:誹謗信息被轉發500次可判刑我國刑法規定,以暴力或者其他方法公然侮辱他人或者捏造事實誹謗他人,情節嚴重的,構成侮辱罪或誹謗罪。此次出台的司法解釋對利用信息網絡誹謗他人構成誹謗罪的兩個要件“捏造事實誹謗他人”“情節嚴重”分別予以了明確。根據解釋,“捏造損害他人名譽的事實”或“將信息網絡上涉及他人的原始信息內容篡改為損害他人名譽的事實”,在信息網絡上散佈,或者組織、指使人員在信息網絡上散佈的,即可認定為“捏造事實誹謗他人”。同時規定:“明知是捏造的損害他人名譽的事實,在信息網絡上散佈,情節惡劣的,以‘捏造事實誹謗他人’論。”解釋規定,具有下列情形之一的,應當認定“情節嚴重”:(一)同一誹謗信息實際被點擊、瀏覽次數達到5000次以上,或者被轉發次數達到500次以上的;(二)造成被害人或者其近親屬精神失常、自殘、自殺等嚴重後果的;(三)二年內曾因誹謗受過行政處罰,又誹謗他人的;(四)其他情節嚴重的情形。■解讀中國人民大學刑事法律科學研究中心副主任謝望原指出,我國刑法規定的誹謗罪一個顯著特點是,只有“情節嚴重”的誹謗行為才構成誹謗罪,而一般的誹謗行為只能作為民事侵權或行政違法行為處理。長期以來,何謂“情節嚴重”一直是誹謗罪認定中的一大難題。“現在,司法解釋予以了明確。這就意味著凡是利用信息網絡惡意發表誹謗他人信息,達到上述四項標準之一的,行為人必須承擔相應刑事責任。”謝望原說。最高人民法院新聞發言人孫軍工表示,若行為人不明知是他人捏造的虛假事實而在信息網絡上發佈、轉發的,即使對被害人的名譽造成了一定的損害,也不構成誹謗罪。孫軍工說,當前,“網絡反腐”、“微博反腐”對於反腐倡廉工作發揮了積極的作用,“即使檢舉、揭發的部分內容失實,只要不是故意捏造事實誹謗他人的,就不應以誹謗罪追究刑事責任”。焦點二:網絡誹謗七種情形可公訴按照刑法規定,誹謗罪除“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益”的情形外,屬於“告訴才處理”的案件,即自訴案件。被害人如果沒有自行向人民法院提起訴訟,要求追究行為人的刑事責任的,人民法院不能對實施誹謗的行為人處以刑罰,但“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益的”除外。為了準確界定“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益”的情形,正確適用公訴程序,解釋列舉了七種情形:(一)引發群體性事件的;(二)引發公共秩序混亂的;(三)引發民族、宗教衝突的;(四)誹謗多人,造成惡劣社會影響的;(五)損害國家形象,嚴重危害國家利益的;(六)造成惡劣國際影響的;(七)其他嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益的情形。■解讀中國青年政治學院副院長林維說:“考慮到網絡誹謗行為的匿名性、智能性和高度危害性,如果對於誹謗案件的公訴範圍仍然過度限制,勢必使得公民個人舉證不能,因而無法充分保障自身權益,也self storage法實現社會秩序的良性維持。”林維認為,一方面要尊重公民自己提起訴訟的權利,另一方面也必須考慮到對於嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益的誹謗行為,合理適度地擴張公訴範圍。焦點三:散佈謠言起哄鬧事可追究尋釁滋事罪根據我國刑法規定,在公共場所起哄鬧事,造成公共場所秩序嚴重混亂的,構成尋釁滋事罪。解釋結合信息網絡的“工具屬性”和“公共屬性”,規定了利用信息網絡實施尋釁滋事犯罪的兩種基本行為方式。一是利用信息網絡辱罵、恐嚇他人,情節惡劣,破壞社會秩序的,依照刑法規定,以尋釁滋事罪定罪處罰。二是編造虛假信息,或者明知是編造的虛假信息,在信息網絡上散佈,或者組織、指使人員在信息網絡上散佈,起哄鬧事,造成公共秩序嚴重混亂的,依照刑法規定,以尋釁滋事罪定罪處罰。■解讀中國政法大學刑事司法學院院長曲新久認為,互聯網各類網站、主頁、留言板等網絡空間具有“公共場所”屬性。曲新久指出,盡管在信息網絡公共空間“起哄鬧事”行為,沒有造成網絡上“公共場所秩序”的混亂,但是造成現實社會秩序嚴重混亂危害更大,完全符合刑法規定的“破壞社會秩序”的要求。解釋將編造虛假信息在信息網絡上散佈等行為以尋釁滋事罪定罪處罰,兼顧了保障人權與保護社會。焦點四:發帖勒索他人可定敲詐勒索罪針對在網絡上通過“發帖”或者“刪帖”的形式,威脅要挾他人索取財物的,解釋規定,以在信息網絡上發佈、刪除等方式處理網絡信息為由,威脅、要挾他人,索取公私財物,數額較大,或者多次實施上述行為的,依照刑法規定,以敲詐勒索罪定罪處罰。■解讀孫軍工表示,不管是“發帖型”還是“刪帖型”,這兩種手段,實質上都是借助信息網絡,主動對被害人實施要挾、威脅行為,進而索取公私財物,完全符合刑法規定的敲詐勒索罪的構成要件,應以敲詐勒索罪追究刑事責任。此外,他還強調,這條規定使用了“信息”而非“虛假信息”的表述。因此,行為人威脅將要在信息網絡上發佈涉及被害人、被害單位的負面信息即使是真實的,但只要行為人出于非法佔有的目的,以發佈、刪除該負面信息為由勒索公私財物的,仍然構成敲詐勒索罪。焦點五:違規有償“刪帖”可認定非法經營罪提到“網絡水軍”,大家並不陌生。他們由網絡公關公司僱傭,以獲取利益為目的,在互聯網上集體炒作某個話題或人物,以宣傳、推銷或攻擊某些人或產品。對此,解釋規定:違反國家規定,以營利為目的,通過信息網絡有償提供刪除信息服務,或者明知是虛假信息,通過信息網絡有償提供發佈信息等服務,擾亂市場秩序,具有下列情形之一的,屬於非法經營行為“情節嚴重”,依照刑法規定,以非法經營罪定罪處罰:(一)個人非法經營數額在五萬元以上,或者違法所得數額在二萬元以上的;(二)單位非法經營數額在十五萬元以上,或者違法所得數額在五萬元以上的。■解讀北京師範大學教授王志祥認為,依據《互聯網信息服務管理辦法》的規定,國家對經營性互聯網信息服務實行許可制度;對非經營性互聯網信息服務實行備案制度;未取得許可或者未履行備案手續的,不得從事互聯網信息服務。由此可以看出,“網絡水軍”、網絡公關公司的行為就可能對合法的互聯網信息服務市場秩序造成危害。孫軍工強調,這條規定必須以行為人明知所發佈的信息是虛假信息為前提。“如果行為人不明知所發佈的信息為虛假信息,即使收取了一定的費用,也不應認定為非法經營罪。”但對於通過信息網絡向他人有償提供刪除信息服務的,司法解釋不要求行為人明知所刪除的信息為虛假信息。迷你倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:17
Nervous US and China-Russia ties
Russia and China should work more closely to prevent international relations from returning to the era of power poli- tics when the countries’sovereignty was violated with impunity by the US.迷你倉價錢The White House seems to be have become a little nervous in recent years. It looks like some “minor annoyances”,such as the setbacks of anti-govern- ment forces in Syria, former National Security Agency operative Edward Snowden’s revelations, and some domestic problems, have pushed US President Barack Obama to take sharp steps and issue strong statements.Perhaps the developments have also prompted Obama to declare the Unit- ed States’ commitment to power poli- tics, although he has used democracy and justice to justify such expressions.h e expos� of Washington’s surveil- lance program by Snowden didn’tforce the US to turn cold toward Rus- sia. It was something more than that.Russia, like China, does not share the White House’s conviction that only Washington has the right to decide the fate of the world, and refuses to follow the US’ dictates in international rela- tions. h e US is set to launch attacks on Syria, and in the process it would like once again to discredit its two main policy opponents, Russia and China, in the eyes of the American public and people across the rest of the world. h e US aims to use the Snowden case — that Russia has granted him asylum — and the base- less accusation against China as an “Internet spy” to discredit them.h e fact is that all developed coun- tries have Internet spying networks.But ordinary people have come to real- ize the seriousness of the problem only at er Snowden’s revelations.h e US has the most potent Inter- net spying network in the world, and it uses its connections with telecom giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo, YouTube and Skype to snoop into people’s lives. h e hype created by the US over Russian and Chinese Internet espionage networks is also an attempt to divert attention from its own activi- ties. h e technique of accusing others to divert attention from one’s own wrongdoings is as old as the times.h e US uses its powerful propaganda machine to divert attention from its own dirty work.Despite all this, Russia-US relations are not likely to deteriorate to a point of no return, even though their bilat- eral ties are incomplete and diversii ed.It’s true that the Russia-US trade vol- ume in 2012 was just more than $28 billion, one-third of that between Rus- sia and China. And the US is not even among the top 10 foreign investors in Russia, with the volume of accumu- lat迷你倉最平d American investment in the Rus- sia dropping over the past i ve years by about $500 million. But despite the relative economic weakness of Russia and the unimpressive Russia-US eco- nomic ties, Washington cannot ignore Moscow, especially because of the pos- sibility of joint Russia-China actions in the international arena.In contrast to Russia-US ties, eco- nomic relations are central to Sino-US ties, though economic interdepen- dence is not the only criterion for a peaceful long-term relationship. h ere is more to bilateral relations than trade. For example, China and the US follow dif erent ideologies and have dif erent social systems, and some people even say they have a trust dei - cit. But still they are each other’s major trade partners. Which means genuine trust is impossible without mutual understanding between countries.For Russia and China both, social and political stability at home is most crucial, and they earnestly believe that domestic problems have to be solved domestically. h is has been the driv- ing factor in the relationship. h e US being a global power has become used to solving its domestic problems at the expense of other countries, shit ing the focus of its citizens to external threats to US interests, regardless of whether they are real or construed.h e US’ recent policy moves should force Russia to think seriously about the its policy toward China. h e US, which is known to defend its own interests in international relations, is now reluctant to talk with Russia on equal terms. So Russia and China should work more closely to coordi- nate their actions on the global stage to prevent international relations from returning to the era of power politics when the countries’ sovereignty was violated with impunity by the US.In today’s world, Russia-China strate- gic partnership acts like a political union for advancement of peace and prosperity in the world. Although this union is not dei ned by special agreement and doesn’thave a “military” prei x attached to it, the two countries do face some common political threats because of the deteriorat- ing international order.I am convinced that the use of mili- tary force worsens existing situations.So Russian-Chinese military exercises should not be more than an examina- tion of their respective potentials. h is is what any independent state should do to restore the international order.h e author is director of Institute of His- tory, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences.迷你倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:59
Winnebago Industries Launches Exciting New Products at Hershey RV Show
FOREST CITY, Iowa, Sept.文件倉 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Winnebago Industries, Inc. , a leading U.S. manufacturer of recreation vehicles, is debuting several new and exciting products at America's Largest RV Show in Hershey, PA.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130909/CG76222)Winnebago Industries is the first to build a Class C motorhome on the new Ram ProMaster chassis with the world renown V6 Pentastar gas engine and 9,350 lb. GVWR, six air bags in the cab for added safety, and best in class cab ergonomics and visibility. The nicely affordable new Winnebago Trend delivers peppy, fuel-efficiency and comfortable living space for up to six people. Both 24' floorplans feature a powered StudioLoft((TM)) bed that lifts tight to the ceiling to conserve space during the day. Other features include energy-saving LED lighting and available soft, easy-to-clean Ultraleather((TM)) furniture. The Trend features industry-leading three-point seat belts in the dinette. The 23B offers front swivel cab seats, a sofa/bed and dinette, a large, full-featured mid-coach galley and rear bath. Two large sleeping spaces provide comfortable sleeping for four adults with the Queen size front loft bed and a King size Flex Bed System. The 23L also features swivel cab seats expanding the living area of the motor home, as well as a forward-facing dinette on the driver's side and a side-facing dinette bench seat on the curb side of the unit. Together these comfortable seating spaces convert into one convenient sleeping space. Additional sleeping space is available with the rear corner bed and front Studio Loft bed. A mid-coach L-shaped galley is full featured and has a forward facing sink.The all-new Travato is the latest Class B motorhome to join the Winnebago Touring Coach lineup. The Travato is also built on the Ram ProMaster chassis. At just under 21' long, the Travato is unbelievably agile while still offering a full-feature RV experience that is perfect for the adventurous explorer. Travato also provides value-conscious enthusiasts amazing fuel efficiency. With swivel cab seats, LED ceiling lights, standard touch-screen navigation, a split dinette, and an abundance of features, the Travato delivers a whole lot of fun. The Travato is the only product in its industry segment to provide a 3-point seat belt harness for passengers in the dinette. The innovative 59G floorplan features a rear double bed that is desi存倉ned to flip up out of the way to allow for large items like bicycles to be stored securely inside and making them easily accessible through the large double doors at the rear of the coach. The Flex Bed system allows for additional sleeping in the front of the unit as well.The new Winnebago Forza 38R floorplan will also be on display for the first time. Providing a luxury Class A diesel at an affordable price, the Forza is built on the Freightliner((R)) XCS straight-rail chassis which provides a solid foundation with a Cummins 340-hp diesel engine and Allison six-speed transmission delivering the power. Diesel pushers are known for storage and the Forza ups the ante with its Smart Storage((TM)) design that pushes capacity even further. Inside, you will appreciate fine amenities such as polished Corian galley countertops, coffee-glazed cabinetry, upscale entertainment features, and LED lighting. The 38R features two slideout rooms with an exceptional bath-and-a-half floorplan. A rear master suite provides a private rear bathroom and a queen-size bed with large wardrobe and a 28" HDTV that flips down from the ceiling for easy viewing. The 38R also includes a Flex Bed system that provides bunk beds, storage, or converts into a dinette, whichever you choose. Also standard in the 38R is a half bath, Comfort Sofa Sleeper, BenchMark dinette with Dream Dinette((TM)) table, full-featured galley with pantry and residential refrigerator, and large 50" LED HDTV above the optional fireplace.Winnebago Industries will also have the full complement of 2014 Winnebago, Itasca, Winnebago Touring Coach and SunnyBrook products on display.About Winnebago Industries, Inc. - "The Most Recognized Name In Motor Homes((R))", is a leading U.S. manufacturer of recreation vehicles, which are used primarily in leisure travel and outdoor recreation activities. The Company and its subsidiary build quality motor homes, travel trailers, fifth wheel products, and transit buses under the Winnebago, Itasca, Winnebago Touring Coach, SunnyBrook and Metro brand names. Winnebago Industries has received the Quality Circle Award from the Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association every year since the award's inception in 1996.Contact: Sheila Davis - 641-585-6803 - sdavis@winnebagoind.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130909/CG76222PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comWinnebago Industries, Inc.Web site: .winnebagoind.com/迷你倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:46
Fewer wind turbines left idle, wasted
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:45
Moussa leading constitutional reform
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:35
Goldcorp Declares Ninth Monthly Dividend Payment for 2013
TSX: G NYSE: GG(All Amounts in $US unless stated otherwise)VANCOUVER, Sept.迷你倉出租 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - GOLDCORP INC. is pleased to declare its ninth monthly dividend payment for 2013 of $0.05 per share. Shareholders of record at the close of business on Thursday, September 19, 2013 will be entitled to receive payment of this dividend on Friday, September 27, 2013.Goldcorp has paid a monthly dividend to its shareholders since 2003. Canadian resident individuals who receive dividends from Goldcorp after 2005 are entitled to an enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit on such dividends.Pursuant to tax legislation enacted in 2007, Canadian resident individuals who receive "eligible dividends" in 2006 and subsequent years will be entitled to an enhanced gross-up and dividend tax credit on such dividends. All dividends paid in 2006 and subsequent years by Goldcorp Inc. are "eligible dividends" for this purpose.Goldcorp is one of the world's fastest growing senior gold producers. Its low-cost gold production is located in safe jurisdictions in the Americas and remains 100% unhedged.Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking StatementsThis press release contains "forward-looking statements", within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business, operations and financial performance and condition of Goldcorp Inc. ("Goldcorp"). Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future price of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc, the estimation of mineral reserves and resources, the realization of mineral reserve estimates, the timing and amount of estimated future production, costs of production, capital expenditures, costs and timing of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, permitting time lines, hedging practices, currency exchange rate fluctuations, requirements for additional capital, government regulation of mining operations, environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, timing and possible outcome of pending litigation, title disputes or claims and limitations on insurance coverage. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "believes" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof.Forward-looking statements are made based upon certain assumptions and other important factors that, if untrue, could cause the actual results, performances or achievements of Goldcorp to be materially different from future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Such statements and information are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the environment in which Goldcorp will operate in the future, including the price of gold, anticipated costs and ability to achieve goals. Certain important factors that could cause actual results, performances or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, among others, gold price volatility, discrepancies between actual and estimated production, mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical recoveries, mining operational and developm迷你倉nt risks, litigation risks, regulatory restrictions (including environmental regulatory restrictions and liability), activities by governmental authorities (including changes in taxation), currency fluctuations, the speculative nature of gold exploration, the global economic climate, dilution, share price volatility, competition, loss of key employees, additional funding requirements and defective title to mineral claims or property. Although Goldcorp has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended.Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Goldcorp to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: risks related to the integration of acquisitions; risks related to international operations, including economic and political instability in foreign jurisdictions in which Goldcorp operates; risks related to current global financial conditions; risks related to joint venture operations; actual results of current exploration activities; environmental risks; future prices of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc; possible variations in ore reserves, grade or recovery rates; mine development and operating risks; accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities; risks related to indebtedness and the service of such indebtedness, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Description of the Business - Risk Factors" in Goldcorp's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2012 available at .sedar.com. Although Goldcorp has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and accordingly are subject to change after such date. Except as otherwise indicated by Goldcorp, these statements do not reflect the potential impact of any non-recurring or other special items or of any dispositions, monetizations, mergers, acquisitions, other business combinations or other transactions that may be announced or that may occur after the date hereof. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of our operating environment. Goldcorp does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that are included in this document, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.Goldcorp Inc.CONTACT: Jeff WilhoitVice President, Investor RelationsGoldcorp Inc.Telephone: (604) 696-3074Fax: (604) 696-3001E-mail: info@goldcorp.comwebsite: .goldcorp.com儲存倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:12
BRIEF: Maine lottery selects any-deer permit winners
Source: Portland Press Herald, MaineSept.迷你倉最平 09--Maine any-deer permits were awarded to hunters Monday through the lottery held by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.A Maine hunting license allows a hunter to take one buck, but the lottery-issued any-deer permits allow the tagging of a doe or a buck with antlers less than 3 inches in length. Any-deer permits are assigned to specific wildlife management districts around the state.A total of 46,710 any-deer permits were issued in 16 wildlife management districts. The deer hunt i迷你倉 bucks-only in the other hunting districts.Firearm season for deer hunting begins with Youth Deer Day on Oct. 26. Maine Resident Only Day is Nov. 2, and the firearm season for all hunters runs Nov. 4-30.Monday's any-deer winners were selected by a random computerized drawing from applications submitted this summer.To see the winners, go to .mefishwildlife.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) Visit the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) at .pressherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 11:49
San Antonio now a big player in booze
Source: San Antonio Express-NewsSept.迷你倉新蒲崗 07--On Wednesday, 12 people paid $1,500 each for probably a once-in-a-lifetime chance to taste a dram from one the rarest bottles of whisky on the planet: The Glenfiddich 50 Year Old Scotch Whisky, worth $25,000. It was one of only six bottles available in the U.S. this year.And that wasn't the only unique bottle at the dinner. The extraordinary tasting event at Bar 1919 in Southtown also featured dinner pairings by Feast executive chef Stefan Bowers to an all-star lineup of six single-malt whiskies; the youngest bottle was 15 years old.Even two years ago, a tasting of this caliber more likely would have been in Austin or Houston instead of here.Long known more for margaritas, beer and Tex-Mex than a cocktail culture, San Antonio bars were accustomed to playing second-fiddle to other Texas cities.Previously, when national liquor representatives visited Texas, they tended to schedule appointments in Houston or Dallas and lumped San Antonio into a Central Texas region based in Austin.But that has changed as the city's exposure has increased with events such as the San Antonio Cocktail Conference, which attracts bartenders from all over the country.Also, the city has attracted national and international media attention: the Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition featured The Granary 'Cue & Brew in its Food & Drink section; Esquire magazine's blog also gave The Granary some love and listed The Esquire Tavern in its list of America's Best Bars; Southern Living sang the praises of Southtown and its restaurants in a feature devote to the neighborhood; the U.K.'s The Guardian featured a top 10 list of San Antonio cafes and restaurants; Imbibe magazine, dubbed "the ultimate guide to liquid culture," featured several San Antonio bars in its first all-Texas issue this spring; and Bravo's "Top Chef: Texas" season shined a big spotlight on the city, too.And locally, there are more people appreciating the cocktail revolution and supporting the 10 craft bars that have opened in the past four years -- keeping pace with the booming culinary scene here.San Antonio now is a serious booze market, so serious that WB Liquors and Woodford Reserve are using it to test a new way to sell whiskey, which could become a model for the rest of the country. (Scotch whiskies are spelled "whisky" and all others are "whiskey.")"I think it really puts us on the map," Bar 1919 owner Don Marsh said of the dinner. "We're going to get recognition that San Antonio is a player in this (whisky) market as well."Brent Taylor, VP of marketing WB Liquors, couldn't agree more."I just think that (San Antonio is) a growing market. I think you're starting to see clearly set itself apart from Austin."The growing cocktail culture in San Antonio doesn't mean the city has forgotten its old friend, tequila, but it is appreciating better quality agave spirits.Juan Pablo De Loera is the Texas ambassador for Mexico-based Milagro Tequila, which won the two highest awards at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition -- a Double Gold medal and Best in Show across all white spirits. When De Loera was hired nearly two years ago, he was given the option to live anywhere in the state."One of the reasons I chose San Antonio was naturally, the relationship it has with Mexico both culturally and geographically. And, it's like a gateway between Mexico to Texas. It's just a natural market for tequila and whiskey because whiskey is very big in Mexico as well," he said.De Loera sees San Antonio maturing as families move here from Mexico and California and other states, attracted by a healthier Texas economy."I think this influx of people who are coming from areas where they have 'a more developed scene in food and beverage' (brings) a more discerning co迷你倉出租sumer. ... Even the local San Antonio consumer is understanding quality spirits better and quality foods and pairings."So San Antonio is seeing higher-profile liquor events.In fact, it was during a recent Woodford Reserve dinner at Bohanan's Steakhouse -- which hosts the San Antonio Cocktail Conference -- that Woodford master distiller Chris Morris divulged that San Antonio is its test market for a different approach to selling whiskey.Whereas most liquor stores organize brown spirits by categories such as Canadian whiskey, bourbon and Irish-blended whiskey, the test concept introduced in the past month at the WB Liquors at The Colonnade focuses on flavor profile instead. Brown-Forman Corp., which owns Woodford, approached Texas-based WB Liquors with the concept several months ago after researching customer patterns and determining that flavor profile is No. 1 in the decision-making process; brand is No. 4.WB Liquors' Taylor said he chose The Colonnade store for the test because its whiskey market still is growing. The whiskeys now are organized by flavored, light and gentle, flavorful and spicy, and full-bodied and robust.The system resembles a restaurant wine list, which is familiar for people; and most importantly, it's familiar to women, who increasingly are appreciating more whiskey."We're the only retailer (doing this) in the whole U.S.," Taylor said. Next, the company will test the concept at one of its stores in El Paso.Morris will be watching with interest."This is a great, great market, a growing market, Texas in general," he said.David Allardice, the Glenfiddich ambassador for the region including Texas, agrees.He found what he considers a hidden gem on his first visit to Bar 1919 at the Blue Star Arts Complex, which is what helped convince him to hold the Glenfiddich dinner in San Antonio."I thought, 'Wow, this is a proper, serious whisky drinkers' bar, a Scotch drinkers' bar.' And I got to talking to Don (Marsh, owner) and the guy's pretty passionate."Allardice thinks Bar 1919's brown spirits selection, which includes more than 100 single-malts from every region, could stand up against bars in any major city.In 2009, Scotland-based Glenfiddich picked two 50-year-old casks and bottled them together. From that, 50 bottles were to be released each year for the next 10 years. Six of those come to the United States each year, but most are purchased by private collectors.Allardice said he knows of only one other bar in his region with a bottle: Gigi's Asian Bistro in Houston's Galleria."They charge $1,500 for a dram," he said.Wednesday's event, a mix of paying guests and industry people, included not only a dram of the 50, but also samplings of Glenfiddich 21 Year Old, 30 Year Old, 1974 Vintage that's no longer available in the market, Cask of Dreams and a mystery bottle -- a 15 Year Old cask strength.The 12 paying guests were all men. Among them was a gentleman's club owner, a bank owner from Austin, and a former liquor store chain owner. At least three of the diners were from the far North Side and had no idea a bar with such an extensive whisky selection existed here.Mark Franklin, the former liquor store owner, and the only diner who offered his name for this article, drove in from Austin with his bank owner friend to attend the event."There are no tastings like this that I've been invited to in Austin," he said after the dinner.In case you're wondering, there's still some of the 50 Year Old whisky available at Bar 1919. A 1 \-ounce pour costs $1,500, and the bottle is being kept locked away in a very safe place.jmcinnis@express-news.netTwitter: @JenMcInnisCopyright: ___ (c)2013 San Antonio Express-News Visit the San Antonio Express-News at .mysanantonio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉