
南都訊 記者陳堅盈 中法兩國明年1月將舉行兩國建交50周年活動及盛會,為推動中法兩國民間交流,近日法國政府透露,之前中國遊客赴法簽証手續辦理時間較長,法國將採取措施,計劃2014年把中國公民到法國旅遊簽証辦理時間縮短為兩天。迷你倉

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  號稱全球容量第9大的海洋公園水族館「海洋奇觀」,儲存發生開館以來最大宗動物死亡事故,6條鎚頭鯊疑感染病發率及死亡率奇高的疾病,昨日先後離奇死亡。  園方強調館內其他海洋生物未受影響,已即時加強過濾,並已向漁護署�報事件。專家指鎚頭鯊集體死亡情況罕見,估計原因或與水質、食物有關。  離奇死亡的6條雌性鎚頭鯊,年齡介乎約4至5歲,體重介乎45至60公斤。園方正進行解剖及水質檢測,以確定鯊魚死因。  昨晨9時多,水族館工作人員發現其中一條鎚頭鯊持續「側游」、泳姿異常,立即將牠遷往後勤設施觀察及治療,豈料尚未查出原因,鎚頭鯊已不幸死亡,過程僅個多小時。疑染死亡率奇高疾病  正當工作人員滿腹疑團之際,昨午陸續再有鎚頭鯊相繼病發並陸續死亡,至傍晚6時的9個小時內,已有6條鯊魚先後死亡。園方懷疑牠們遭受一種病發率及死亡率奇高的疾病影響,正替死去的鎚頭鯊進行解剖,並同時檢驗館內水質,以確定死因。  「海洋奇觀」水族館內共有14條鎚頭鯊,現時仍有8條存活,海洋公園首席獸醫馬百樂表示,雖然未發現有異狀,但情況令人擔憂,正由獸醫及護理人員密切監察,如有需要即時進行隔離及醫迷你倉。他重申,館內其他海洋生物未受影響,館方亦已即時加強過濾。  海洋公園發言人稱,不幸離世的6條鎚頭鯊,於前晚閉館檢測時並無出現異樣,亦無任何表面傷痕,故對昨天痛失6條鯊魚感震驚及難過,並已即時向漁農處�報。發言人補充,由於鎚頭鯊較為脆弱敏感容易受驚,園方暫時未有計劃把餘下8條鎚頭鯊搬離水族館及作隔離,但已加派護理人員24小時監察。專家:或與水質食物有關  世界自然基金會香港分會高級項目主任(鯊魚)曾翠芝指出,鎚頭鯊集體死亡的情況較罕見:「以往未聽過會集體死亡。」估計原因或與館內水質及食物有關,但具體情況需待園方進一步確認。  曾補充,鎚頭鯊並非坊間所想般「易養」,又指現時在大西洋區域出沒的野生鎚頭鯊數目,於30年間下降9成:「野生鎚頭鯊的生育及存活率低,本身已『難養』;由野生環境轉為人工飼養,水族館在水質及食物安排上,更需要格外小心。」  海洋公園於2010年底,從日本引入15條鎚頭鯊,當中14條的重量,至今已增長一倍;只有1條於2011年1月搬進「海洋奇觀」時,因未能適應新環境而死亡。  漁護署發言人表示,已收到海洋公園通知,會與園方跟進以了解事件。儲存倉

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.mini storageM.Nov. 03--Twelve thousand miles in and Rhonda is going strong. Rhonda doesn't need much -- some gas and the occasional tune-up and wash and she's ready to go.Rhonda is a 1997 Gulf Stream Conquest and she is the mode of transportation that allows Vanessa CdeBaca and Brett Isaacson to travel across North America and capture people's stories on camera.After nearly four months on the road, the duo has traveled to various places to help local communities and discover the stories that make this country great.From working to organize youth basketball events -- called the "Hoops and Hope" tour -- to helping document the successes of small businesses, the duo has visited more than one dozen cities."It's a way of bringing people together," CdeBaca says. "When you think about it, almost everyone has played or seen basketball. It's a common bond that helps us begin our conversation."CdeBaca -- a Santa Fe native and New Mexico State University alumna -- left her job in Washington, D.C., to go on this adventure.Together with her fiance, the pair have shot hours of footage for a documentary."As we started to see more places and meet more people, we were captivated by their stories," she says. "We started the process of getting a documentary put together. We've been editing our footage while we're on the road."As far as the "Hoops and Hope" tour, CdeBaca says Isaacson's employer -- One on One Basketball Inc. -- has been a big supporter.CdeBaca says they have traveled to Camden, N.J.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Stoughton, Wis.; and Moore, Okla., to name a few places."We handpicked some communities that were experiencing some turmoil," she says. "The one-day basketball sessions have been a hit with the kids. What I've learned so far is that the kids are all the same. They may be from different economic backgrounds, but they have similar stories."While traveling through Flint, 儲存ich., the pair met Luke Lloyd, who had an inspirational story and they captured him on film.Lloyd is a former basketball standout from Flint Southwestern and he created a device called the "Dribble Stick." The item is used in basketball training across the country."When you hear of Flint, you think of all the economic turmoil that the city is in," she says. "Then we met Luke and he's one who is relying on his hopes and dreams. He invented this product and is trying to get it all produced in his hometown. He's working at creating jobs for the area and that's an amazing story."CdeBaca says the trip is one about hope."I was working in D.C. and I forgot how beautiful the country is," she says. "There's so much to it and when we're stuck in the daily grind, we often forget that there's a bigger picture."The couple started their journey on July 5 and later this month will arrive in Park City, Utah, and stay put for a while."This will give us a chance to bring the tour to Albuquerque," she says. "We want to get back to the area and maybe hold an event on one of the reservations."As far as the documentary is concerned, CdeBaca hopes that it will be out within the year."We might look at Kickstarter to help with funding it," she says. "But there are so many other stories to tell. It's been an adventure and I'd like to make this tour an annual thing and bring it to more places across the country. Hopefully we can get the backing that we need to keep the project going strong."SEND ME YOUR TIPS: If you know of a movie filming in the state, or are curious about one, email film@ ABQjournal.com. Follow me on Twitter @agomezART.OnlineTo follow Vanessa CdeBaca and Brett Isaacson's journey, visit travelingrhonda.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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英特爾除了推出BAY TRAIL處理器平台搶進行動裝置市場,儲存近日亦同步發表首款4G LTE數據機晶片INTEL XMM 7160 LTE,並已被採用在三星新款平板GALAXY TAB 3當中,且在亞洲及歐洲上市。據了解,英特爾明年將推出可直接應用在智慧型手機中的4G手機基頻晶片,要與高通及聯發科一較高下。同時,英特爾為了擴展其4G LTE連網解決方案的陣容,針對4G連網的平板電腦、ULTRABOOK、二合一裝置等推出PCIE(PCI EXPRESS)M.2模組,另外還推出一款整合式射頻收發器模組SMARTI M4G,這些新產品讓裝置製造商獲得簡易、高效率、具成本效益的方案,為其產品設計加入高效能的無線連結功能。英特爾副總裁暨行動及通訊事業群總經理HERMANN EUL表示,由於LTE網路以極快的速度成長,4G連網勢必將成為手機、平板電腦、以及筆電等裝置的必備功能。英特爾為客戶提供眾多方案,不僅具備快速可靠的LTE連網功能,還為行動產品產業體系提供具競爭力的選項與設計彈性。英特爾的XMM 7160解決方案現已上市,並通過亞洲mini storage歐洲、以及北美等地各大基礎架構廠商與一線電信業者的互通性測試。該方案能在2G、3G、4G LTE網路上無縫通訊,能同時支援15種頻段,並具備VOLTE(VOICE-OVER LTE)語音通訊功能。除了具備高度可調整的射頻架構,能執行各種即時演算法,以利執行波封訊號追蹤以及天線調校,它還支援具成本效益的多頻段組態,進而延長電池續航力,並能以同一型號產品支援全球LTE漫遊。英特爾推出PCIE M.2 LTE模組,這些微型化且符合成本效益的嵌入式模組採用標準化規格,能為各種類型的裝置加入多模數據連結功能。英特爾的M.2模組支援尖峰下載速度在LTE網路中可達每秒100MB。此系列模組支援多達15種LTE頻段,讓產品能進行全球漫遊。除了新的M.2模組外,英特爾還推出一款新的高度整合的無線電收發器模組SMARTI M4G。搭配INTEL X-GOLD 716頻段,製造商即可因應服務供應商各種認證要求,並提供最短的設計週期,以及容易配置的薄型解決方案。利用SMARTI M4G模組,可減少使用40多個零件,所需的印刷電路板面積則減少20%。self storage

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漫畫莞漫畫老餅關鍵詞:孫子道滘一名95歲高齡的陳老太狀告孫子小武,迷你倉稱對方沒盡到贍養義務,要求法院判令小武每個月支付600元的贍養費。作為被告的孫子庭上叫冤,稱自己的兩個叔叔健在,且奶奶共有17個內外孫,“為什麼奶奶只告我一人?”關鍵詞:學霸近日,有網友發佈微博稱,東莞理工學院日前推出新政策,把學生的上網流量跟成績掛�。在保證每月基self storage上網需求的基礎上,學分績點越高,可繳費申請的上網流量就越多。校方稱,此舉是為了鼓勵學生搞好學習,“學習上去了,就會有更多流量上網了”。關鍵詞:屠夫活生生驢子被繩子倒掛在人行道的兩棵綠化樹中間當街宰殺。這一幕發生在10月28日上午的東城�基湖市場公交站旁,有路過的女市民嚇得捂著臉匆忙“逃離”。據殺驢酒樓的老闆承諾,會想辦法解決這個事情。迷利倉

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Source: The Bakersfield CalifornianNov.儲存倉 03--Celebrity attorney Mark Geragos has represented the likes of Michael Jackson, Chris Brown and Winona Ryder.So why is he coming to Bakersfield to represent the family of the late Jorge Ramirez?"We have, probably, one of the most vigorous police practices around, meaning we take cases when we think there is some kind of police misconduct," Geragos told The Californian this past week.He talked about his long career as a high-profile civil and criminal attorney, his willingness to go to trial and the local case -- involving a police informant who was shot and killed by officers he may have been trying to assist."This case cried out for (scrutiny). Something about it just didn't quite make sense," Geragos said. "Once we got into the investigation, it looks like that initial suspicion has so far been confirmed. That's what attracted me to it."The well-known Los Angeles lawyer who regularly appears as a legal analyst on CNN, the "Today" show, "Good Morning America," "Dateline NBC" and elsewhere was retained last month by the family of Ramirez, a 34-year-old man who was working with the Bakersfield Police Department when he was shot multiple times by officers Sept. 16 outside the Four Points Sheraton Hotel. Ramirez was unarmed.The fugitive Ramirez was with, Justin Bryan Harger, 32, was also killed after officers confronted them.According to police, Harger first began firing at officers, with one bullet grazing the head of Officer Daniel Brewer, who was hospitalized but released a few hours later.Initially, the BPD said nothing about Ramirez's relationship with police. But when Ramirez's father later told reporters his son had been working with law enforcement, Bakersfield Police Chief Greg Williamson acknowledged that Ramirez had indeed been acting as an informant.The way the chief characterized Ramirez's relationship with police did not sit well with Geragos, who felt the police informant was being blamed for his own death.Ramirez, Williamson said, was an "untested" informant who provided too few details to police as he led officers to Harger. He failed to correctly describe Harger's vehicle, and neglected to tell officers Harger was armed and was wearing a wig. However, it was not clear that Ramirez could freely communicate with police as he rode beside Harger that day."When I saw the police chief's initial comments, that really made my blood boil," Geragos said Thursday. "Based on our investigation, either he's woefully misinformed or has deliberately set out to cover up what really happened."BIG-CITY LAWYER, SMALLER-TOWN CASEThose surprised to learn Geragos has taken on a local case shouldn't be. He's litigated in Bakersfield courtrooms before, he said, although it's been so many years he couldn't remember the details.One thing is sure. He's not afraid to try cases in different locales."Over 30 years, I've actually gone to trial in probably 15 different states across the country," said Geragos, who is 56 and whose mom was born in Fresno.Laurie Levenson, professor of law and the director of the Center for Legal Advocacy at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, says Geragos seems to find his comfort zone wherever he goes."It doesn't strike me as odd at all that Mark Geragos is going to Bakersfield," Levenson said. "He does these cases in L.A. all the time. He's a guy who can play all venues."But that doesn't mean he won't have to do his homework."There are plusses and minuses to being the big-city lawyer coming to a smaller town," Levenson said. "Each venue has its own traditions. Each venue has its own culture."Attorneys say it can be a disadvantage to be viewed as the city-slicker, the outsider. It may be best to leave the $150 neckties at home. Be deferential to local judges, observers say. And consult with a local attorney about the local culture."Going to trial on a big case in another city is like going on vacation in a country where you don't speak the language," said Bakersfield criminal defense attorney Fred Gagliardini. "You'd better have a guide with you who can help you navigate."Sometimes attorneys will go to great lengths to make that navigation easier.In 2005, after Michael Jackson hired attorney Thomas Mesereau to defend him against child molestation accusations, Mesereau imme迷你倉最平sed himself in the culture of Santa Maria, the Central Coast town where the trial would be held."He sat in different bars every night," Levenson said. "To see how people talk, to see how people think."But Geragos won't have to go to those lengths, she said."He just has to be a really good lawyer," Levenson said. "And it just so happens that he is a really good lawyer."Geragos already has broad experience in cities of all sizes and cultures. He's still immersed in a case in West Valley, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City, where police shot and killed a young woman they said was aggressively backing her car toward them."There was something about it that didn't look like it was proper," Geragos said of the Utah incident. "And sure enough, now in that case, not only has the police chief of West Valley retired, they've disbanded the narcotics (unit), the DA's now got a criminal investigation of the officers who did the shooting -- and we feel like we made a difference there."It looks to me that it's the kind of road map we've got in Bakersfield."TRIAL VS. SETTLEMENTGeragos brings something important to the table beyond his obvious resources and experience, said Daniel Rodriguez, a civil attorney in Bakersfield. The L.A. attorney boasts a resume, Rodriguez said, that shows he's not afraid to take cases to trial. And that's a great advantage to his clients."Most lawyers rarely take cases to trial," Rodriguez said. "It's expensive and it's a pressure cooker."Some law firms build their business plan around never going to trial. Attorneys refer to these firms, off the record, as "settlement mills."Insurance companies know which attorneys will go to the wall for their clients and which will almost always settle."It drives the value of the case," Rodriguez said."The insurance companies know, sooner or later, he's going to pop and take the money," Rodriguez said of so-called settlement mill attorneys.Geragos agrees."Trials are difficult for the parties and obviously time-consuming -- and it takes a little bit of your soul every time you try a case," he said."To my mind trials are about getting the community to understand and hold (people) accountable. They are a public service."Asked how many trials he's litigated, Geragos laughed."I stopped counting after 300 trials. I hit 300, I said, 'OK, that's it.' I used to keep a ledger and I don't do that anymore."I will tell you that in 2012, for instance, I tried five jury trials. Three of those were civil and two were criminal, and we won all five trials."The three civil, all of them produced seven- or eight-figure verdicts. And the two criminal trials, obviously the clients were found not guilty."And 2012 was a slow year."You see? I'm getting old," he said, laughing.WHO'S AT FAULT?Former Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, who served as L.A.'s top prosecutor from 2000 to 2012, has gone up against Geragos on many occasions."Steve and I have a very checkered relationship," Geragos said, chuckling."Mark Geragos has a lot of style," Cooley said. "He's tried a lot of high-profile cases in Los Angeles County."And he's lost some big ones, Cooley pointed out. Winona Ryder was sentenced in 2002 to three years probation and counseling after she was charged with felony grand theft and vandalism for shoplifting from Saks Fifth Avenue. And Scott Peterson, charged with murdering his pregnant wife, Laci, was found guilty and sentenced to death.Cooley made it clear he doesn't know enough about the Ramirez case to make sweeping statements. But he said he believes, should the case go to trial, the outcome will be mostly driven by the facts and by the laws of the state of California."He may very well consult with a local attorney, or bring in a jury consultant," Cooley said of Geragos.And then Cooley reached down to what may become a core argument of the defense, should the BPD and the city of Bakersfield face a wrongful death lawsuit.He blames Harger."It's tragic and unfortunate that the police informant was killed," Cooley said. "But the blame ultimately goes back to the guy who initiated the gunfight."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) Visit The Bakersfield Californian (Bakersfield, Calif.) at .bakersfield.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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【本報記者王一梅深圳十一月一日電】上海自貿區成立後,迷你倉引發外界對前海和香港將如何進行合作的數輪猜測。參與視察的全國、省、市部分人大代表建議,將前海周邊的大鏟灣港區和機場大空港區合併入前海,與香港一起聯手申請粵港澳自貿區,以實現與上海自貿區的錯位發展。全國人大代表、深圳華昱集團總裁麥慶泉認為,前海只有15平方公里,現在看還是太小了,可以把前海片區的雛形、前海合作區旁邊的「大鏟灣」港區和寶安機場的「大空港」納入前海一起規劃。他說,大鏟灣遲早是要併入前海的,規劃早動手比晚動手好,定位也可以由貨運逐漸轉客運,一起升級轉型。對儲存倉,前海管理局局長張備現場回應稱,目前前海管理局確有此考慮。「『快』是深圳的傳統,效率就是生命,時間就是金錢。但是快工也容易出粗活,我建議在規劃和設計的階段要盡量慢一點,想全想細一些,到了實施階段動作就要快了。」麥慶泉說。同時,他認為,儘管深圳要學習香港,但在規劃建設上不能完全照搬照套, 「前海要建百年老店,就要追求『錯落有致』,硬件要符合長久的軟件開發。前海的建設不能成為第二個香港,在規劃建設上追求智慧、綠色和深圳質量,而不是深圳速度」。麥慶泉還建議,在大鏟灣「落戶」前海前,應盡快將名字修改,貼上醒目的「前海標籤」。迷你倉最平

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 【特訊】配合澳門大學橫琴校區師生出入所需,儲存倉繼開通公共巴士往返市區和校區後,交通事務局將於十一月六日(周三)凌晨零時起,開放的士進入校區,且於校區南側的研究生宿舍對開車道設置臨時的士候客區。為讓的士業界瞭解校區環境,局方日前聯同的士業界代表到現場視察及介紹開放的士進出校區的相關安排。 澳門大學橫琴校區現階段只作局部開放,目前僅政府車輛、37U及MT3U兩條公共巴士路線、校方及相關工程車輛可經河底隧道進出校區。考慮到師生的出行需要,尤其深夜返回校區時需要一定的交通服務,經與澳門大學及的士業界溝通後,交通事務局將於十迷你倉最平月六日(周三)凌晨零時起開放本澳的士進入校區,考慮到現時校區的人流主要集中於校區南側研究生宿舍一帶,為方便乘客候車,且避免與校區內的臨時巴士站互相干擾,局方現時會先於研究生宿舍對開車道設置臨時的士候客區,待區內其他相關交通配套設施正式投入使用後再作調整。 為讓的士業界瞭解校區內的道路情況,交通事務局日前聯同的士業界代表到現場視察及介紹開放的士進出校區的相關安排。按照第三/二0一三號法律之相關規定,澳門大學橫琴校區視同位於�仔以內的地域,按照現行的士收費表,由澳門往�仔無須收取附加費,由�仔往路環則收取兩元附加費。◇迷你倉

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