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- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:20
廈深高鐵上路 漳台旅遊增溫
隨著廈深鐵路開通,mini storage源源不斷的遊客從廣東到福建,再由福建赴寶島台灣觀光,進一步拓展了環海峽旅遊圈半徑。中新社報導,福建漳州市旅遊局局長翁福2日在新聞發布會上表示,2014年要推動漳台旅遊協會互設辦事處,爭取漳州列為對台客運直航和大陸居民赴台個人遊試點城市。目前福建省外遊客一般是先到廈門,再通過小三通到台灣遊玩。廈深鐵路開通後,漳州成為重要樞紐。漳州寶中旅行社有關負責人表示,「應爭取對台客運直航,進一步激活海峽旅遊市場。」廈深鐵路還未開通時,已引起閩台旅遊業界廣泛關注。2013年9月,福建漳州、廈門、泉州與台灣金門等地的旅遊業界,一道赴迷你倉東廣州、深圳舉辦多場旅遊推介。這次深圳百家旅行社負責人組成180人團隊,將於本月4日到漳州考察踩線,為「百家萬人遊漳州」活動探路。翁福表示,漳州將借廈深高鐵開通的東風,通過舉辦海峽兩岸(福建•東山)關帝文化旅遊節、海峽兩岸(平和)三平祖師文化旅遊節、雲霄開漳聖王文化旅遊節等旅遊節慶活動;同時藉助台北國際觀光博覽會、海峽兩岸台北旅展等展會,促進漳台旅遊產品、旅遊線路對接。2014年漳州力爭實現旅遊接待人數突破1600萬,旅遊總收入達160億人民幣。今年漳州共安排50多場旅遊活動,每月確定一個主題,一個主題組織3至5場活動,迎接海內外遊客。文件倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:15
Staying safe in brutal cold
Source: American News, Aberdeen, S.迷你倉D.Jan. 05--As the temperatures become brutal and Aberdonians endure another chilling winter, safety for people and animals alike can be crucial."We're always aware of dealing with people who have had frostbite or hypothermia especially during these colder months," said Lt. Trent Anderson with Aberdeen Fire and Rescue.Anderson noted that sometimes frostbite can occur faster than one may think."It's really important to make sure you're well covered up, because it can happen so fast especially in this kind of weather" Anderson said, noting that even the tips of the ear lobes are important, so make sure they are protected. "Sometimes you can get that false security that you're all covered up, but when the temperatures are this cold, you might not even feel it before it's froze."Anderson also noted, that if you get stuck in a vehicle in the winter weather it's always safer to stay in the vehicle and wait for help rather than trying to go find it."If you go out, it's only a matter of time before you'll get some really bad frostbite," he said.Anderson also said that one of the important safety tips to note is that if a limb has been frozen, it is important to keep the limb frozen until it can be thawed properly, if the limb is frozen then thawed then frozen again, it can cause more damage than if it were to just stay frozen.Carna Atherton-Pray, nursing director of emergency and critical care services at Avera St. Luke's Hospital said once the tips of the nose, ears or face have gotten really cold, it can become easier for them to be damaged in the future, so it is crucial that people wear appropriate gear before going outside.Atherton-Pray noted some of the symptoms to look out for if a person may have been in the cold for too long."When you're dealing with people who have been exposed to the cold weather for too long, some of the signs you would see would be slurred speech, sleepi自存倉ess, shivering, lack of coordination, adults will seem confused and children will have very low energy and bright red cheeks," Atherton-Pray said."It's important to seek medical treatment if someone has any concerns," she said.Another danger to watch out for during the freezing temperatures is alcohol intake. "Alcohol gives you a false sense of staying warm," she said. "And it impairs your judgement of how warm you are."Not only are humans at risk in these dangerously low temperatures, but their pets are as well, as they can be subjected to hypothermia and frostbite just like their owners."People should be able to tell by how long they want to be in this cold, as to how long their pets would want to be in this cold," Dr. Tim Sahli said with Tim's Veterinary Service in Aberdeen said."House pets aren't like livestock," he said. "They're used to being in your living room, bedrooms and kitchens."Sahli said pets can get hypothermia, as well as frostbite, on the pads of their feet from being outdoors for too long."I've see it before where they can get frostbite or blisters on the bottom of their feet," he said. "It's like a first degree burn, but from the cold."As for cattle and horses that stay outdoors, Sahli said it was important to make sure the animals are extra fed and have plenty of water and protection from the wind."Some horses have it good," Sahli said. "I could probably take you to a horse barn that's 60 degrees."Sahli noted that cattle will grow a proper coat of hair for the winter months and usually be fine."Nutrition and water is crucial, you have to feed them heavy. It's also important to provide some type of bedding so they can have an insulation at night between them and the frozen ground," he said.Follow @AnnieKing_AAN on Twitter.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) Visit the American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) at .aberdeennews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:07
self storage 中銀集團人壽公布,由即日起至2014年3月31日,凡成功投保中銀集團人壽承保的個人人壽保險計劃(投資相連壽險計劃除外)並達到以下首年保費金額的客戶,有機會獲贈24K包金金馬擺設乙份,寓意「馬到功成,財源滾滾」。禮品數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。首年保費金額120,000至599,999港元、100,000至499,999人民幣、15,000至74,999美元,禮品24K包金金馬擺設;600,000港元或以上、500,000人民幣或以上、75,000或以上美元,可得24K包金雙馬擺設。迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:00
中國遊客歐洲游為何成“糟糕游” ——法國華人旅遊協會副會長汪海棣剖析其中原因編者按一年一度的春節即將來臨。在紐約,儲存在東京,在巴黎……跨出國門、領略異域風情,出境游成為越來越多中國人歡度春節的一種方式。中國旅遊研究院日前發佈的《中國旅遊經濟藍皮書》指出,去年中國出境旅遊繼續保持高速增長態勢,出境旅遊人數多達9800萬人次,同比增長18%;出境旅遊花費1200億美元,同比增長20%。2014年旅遊經濟發展相對樂觀,將延續平穩較快增長態勢。而伴隨著濃濃的中國“年味”溢出國門,同胞們也有遭遇“洋尷尬”的可能:地鐵罷工時,如何選擇性價比高的當地出行方式?航班取消,如何有效維權?遭遇購買推銷時,如何避免上當受騙?大袋小袋購物的時候,如何防止竊賊下手得逞?……為此,本報編輯部特地約請駐外記者 ,為同胞們提供駐站地的旅遊資訊,給出一份“愛心路線圖”。特別採訪一些資深旅遊人士,列出一些必須要提醒的旅遊細節,讓中國遊客們玩得舒心、住得安全、游得愉快!春節長假即將來臨,國內很多家庭已經早早安排好了出境旅遊的計劃。春節期間是歐洲民航業務淡季,赴歐旅遊成為很多人的理想選擇。然而近年來,中國遊客在歐洲地區被搶、被偷的治安案件不斷發生。為什麼中國遊客歐洲旅遊業“貢獻”多多,卻不能享受相應的良好旅遊體驗呢?法國華人旅遊協會副會長汪海棣接受本報記者採訪,深入解析其中原因。酒店“選星不選地” 遊客“羔羊入虎口”近些年來,由於歐洲地區經濟情況惡化,盜搶等治安案件的比率確有上升。但是,中國遊客在歐洲遭偷搶的治安案件概率遠高于當地平均犯案率。這到底是為什麼呢?汪海棣副會長介紹說,以法國為例,巴黎的整體治安是不錯的,但靠近市區東北部機場的18區、19區、20區以及外圍的93省治安較差。那裡居住的大多數是貧困移民,很多人沒有固定工作,以從事違法犯罪活動為生。而近年來中國赴巴黎旅遊的散拼旅行團,大多將遊客的旅館安排在這些區域,因為這裡的旅館要比其他區域同等條件的便宜。國內開團時,往往只規定住宿旅館的星級和條件,並沒有對居住區域進行具體規定。國內旅行社出于降低成本考慮,將旅館訂在了以上這些治安條件較差的區域,將風險轉嫁給了遊客。記者從旅遊協會的資深導遊瞭解得知,日本遊客和韓國遊客都下榻在市區南部的14區、15區或者毗鄰的92省區域的旅館。那裡治安較好,而且是巴黎迷你倉貌保存較好的商業區,有很多獨具特色的小店,店主多為世代居住在法國的本地人。這些地方的雙人標間每晚僅僅比北部高50歐元左右,約合400元人民幣。為什麼我們能夠掏得起近萬元的機票費用,卻不捨得掏幾百元獲得安全和保障呢?據瞭解,國內旅行社在巴黎訂酒店時並沒有參考過巴黎當地中國旅行社或者巴黎旅遊部門的建議,而是哪便宜就選哪。與國內城市不同,歐洲特大城市不同區域治安條件差別很大,一群群提著大包小包奢侈品入住貧民窟的中國遊客對於當地不法分子來說簡直是“羊入虎口”,而被偷被搶的中國遊客則敗興而歸,以為歐洲就是如此。汪海棣介紹,國內由於無序競爭,將團費壓得很低,新旅遊法出台後,雖然零團費、負團費現象得到遏制,但是訂低價酒店的現象還在繼續,很多旅行社只強調星級,不談周邊環境,很多遊客早早結束行程回到酒店,想出去轉轉,感受一下巴黎風情,結果被不法分子盯上。國內領隊語言不通 不配地接麻煩多多汪海棣向記者介紹說,國內旅遊一般都會配備領隊和當地導遊,俗稱“地接”,因為當地導遊更瞭解本地的風俗人情,也有一定的社會關係,在出現突發事件時處理的也更有經驗。而歐洲游,由於遊客會處於完全不同的社會環境和法制環境,語言又不通,更需要一名歐洲當地導遊來保障遊客的旅遊質量並更好地處理突發事件。然而遺憾的是,為了降低成本,國內很多旅行社將歐洲地接也省了,直接由一名國內領隊率領數十人的散拼團來到歐洲。而這些領隊大多數只會不太嫻熟的英語,根本不懂法語或者其他旅遊目的地語言,因此來歐洲不足以應對當地環境。一名法國當地的中國導遊告訴記者,法國的警察局和醫院都不講英語,或者英文水平並不足以和同樣以英語為外語的中國國內領隊溝通。他曾經多次聽說過這樣的情況,中國領隊發現團隊護照被偷,去警察局報案卻無法與警察溝通,更無法填寫報案證明。還有的老年遊客由於旅途勞累,突發狀況需要送醫,國內領隊無法與醫生溝通,耽誤了治療。這名在法國生活多年的中國導遊告訴記者,地接一天的費用大概是100歐元左右,可以為40人的旅行團服務,平攤到每名遊客身上不足3歐元,而地接瞭解當地法律和醫療體系,能夠為來到歐洲的中國遊客提供更好的服務和保障,避免中國領隊與遊客在突發事件發生時束手無策。本報駐巴黎首席記者 李斌(本報巴黎1月5日專電)去年12月25日,一輛人力旅遊自行車經過法國巴黎協和廣場。 新華社發儲存倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:55
Local women pair to open Evans bar and grill
Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.儲存倉Jan. 05--It took two years for Deb Nelson and Barb Solivais to come up with a Lit'l Bit more than the typical bar on the street corner.While Solivais spent her last two of her eight years managing Shorty's Bar and Grill in leased space in Evans, the pair came up with a business plan for another concept.Together, they came up with Lit'l Bit Bar & Grill, which they could own together at 3620 35th Ave. in Evans."The whole thing about being successful is moving that customer base," Nelson said of why Shorty's stayed open so long. "People are creatures of habit. If you're closed for too long, they'll go someplace else."They bought three units in the strip center at 35th Avenue and 37th Street in Evans to house their restaurant, fully stocked bar, dance floor and game room, in the area that was previously Giuseppe's Ristorante Italiano and Coraggio's before that.The women have been best friends for several years. Nelson, 54, worked at Hewlett-Packard for 27 years and was laid off; Solivais, 51, spent 10 years prior to Shorty's as the main dental hygienist for the late Dr. Angel Gomez.They developed a business plan that became several inches thick -- their bible -- and they got a Small Business Administration loan -- landing their space in June. It took until October to open the doors, just four days after Solivais closed Shorty's.That way, they could take her customer base with them, to lure not only the lunch, after-dinner and weekend sporting crowds, but some pool and dart leagues."It was a lot of hard work," Solivais said.From friends and family pitching in to knock down walls and build and refurbish the units, a lot of people helped."What we keep saying is, 'It took a village,'" Nelson said.Their name was the best part. Hashing it out, they realized how often they say, "little bit" every 迷你倉最平ay, and it just fell from there.And they think they've got a good hook to get people in the door -- the limo. The 1985 Lincoln Town Car limousine runs from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. on weekends only, taking people home (locally) for free."Unfortunately, people don't go out as much anymore because of taking the risk of getting a DUI," Nelson said. "We thought this would help people come out without the risk. ... It's just a little added bonus so they don't have to worry about having two beers and getting behind the wheel."Their driver is a volunteer and a 20-year-old college student, so he's guaranteed to be sober, the pair added.They also are proud to have repurposed the old bleachers from Greeley West High School into their bar.The pair has doubled their employees from nine at Shorty's to 18 now. Most of the employees from Shorty's, Solivais said, reapplied to Lit'l Bit.The women pride themselves on offering not only a great gaming experience for their league players and a good Broncos Sunday or a charbroiled burger lunch for their regulars, but an easy-going place in which women feel comfortable coming at night."The ladies that are coming in have said this is a place they feel comfortable coming by themselves," Nelson said.They plan to offer activities for women at the bar, as well, such as jewelry sales nights and the like. Eventually, they hope to branch into bartender training.They recently were asked to open their concept in Windsor, Solivais said."Since we are only three months old, we asked them to hold on and let us get everything in order to take care of here," Solivais said. "We're still tweaking. We need a little more time before can move on."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:46
全國版) - (安聯財險攜手淘寶推“喜陽陽”春節計劃
春節來襲,儲存倉三亞又成了旅遊度假的好去處。然春節去三亞度假最怕的就是陰雨天氣,倘若遇上了下雨,心情一定大打折扣。如果真的發生了,該怎麼彌補呢?最近有保險公司也操起了這份心,要為三亞遊客“保太陽”。所謂的“保太陽”就是,1月31日至2月6日期間,投保人在三亞旅遊途中如果連續三天遭遇下雨,就能獲賠688元的“春節陽光津貼”。這是安聯保險公司在繼“賞月險”之後,再度與淘寶合作推出的一款天氣類保險。事實上,這款名為“安聯喜陽陽”的產品其實與之前推出的賞月險如出一轍,主險只是一款旅遊意外險。南方日報見習記者 郭家軒“保太陽”究竟怎麼保?據介紹,安聯“春節喜陽陽”計劃設有兩款產品,分別針對春節的兩大旅遊熱門目的地—三亞和哈爾濱,每款價格為88元。“2014年1月31日—2014年2月6日期間,在哈爾濱連續遭遇3天大雪,安聯給您全面的履行保障”,而三亞版本則是“連續遭遇3天下雨,安聯給您全面的履行保障”,保障金額為688元的春節陽光津貼。被保險人申請春節陽光津貼時,需要提交期間連續三天在上述目的地的旅遊證明。而確認春節期間三亞或哈爾濱的天氣狀況以中國天氣網正月初八(2月7日)後公佈的春節期間三亞和哈爾濱的天氣狀況監測證明報告為準。這些報告將于2月7日起公佈于中國天氣網、安聯財險官方網站以及安聯財險淘寶官方旗艦店。鑒於有15天天氣預報,這款保險在1月15日之前及當天是可以全額退保的,之後不允許退保,因此其銷售期限至1月15日。其實,這款產品的主險是旅遊意外險,7日內保障哈爾濱和三亞兩地的境內游。其中,意外身故、殘疾及燒傷的保障金額為10萬元,意外醫療為1萬元,緊急醫療運送為10萬元,身故遺體運返為2萬元,共計保額23萬元。與“喜陽陽”計劃相似,去年8月,安聯財險還推出了國內首個賞月險。所謂的“賞月險”全稱是“賞月不便險”,被保險人所在的城市如果中秋看不到月亮就可獲賠。安聯稱“賞月險”是安聯財險通過分析國內多個城市近20多年的氣象數據,建立風險模型後所推出的保險產品。這款創新產品推出後,很快在淘寶網上銷售一空。“賞月險”投保分成兩檔:一檔投保價格為20元,若被保險人在賞月城市(上海、廣州或深圳)由於天氣原因看不到月亮,可獲保險理賠50元;第二檔投保價格為99元,賞月城市從3個增加迷你倉最平41個。如果被保險人所在城市由於天氣原因看不到月亮,即可獲保險理賠188元。相應賠付金額會匯至被保險人的支付寶賬戶內。是互聯網保險營銷創新還是噱頭?在業內人士看來,兩款天氣類保險產品體現的是安聯強大的氣象數據分析能力,也體現了安聯堅持產品創新與對細分市場需求的主動挖掘,從而使保險產品更好地服務于實際的細分需求。但這與天氣掛�的保險,到底是保險需求的金融創新,還是話題營銷的噱頭炒作?對此質疑的專業人士表示,此類保險突破了《保險法》原則,是變相賭博,無論是保月亮還是保太陽,同樣只是一個噱頭,說到底它就是一款旅遊意外險。以賞月險為例,其實,這個產品的主險是中秋當天保額10萬元的人身意外險,賞月不便只是附加險。不過,也就是附加的賞月險,為安聯財險贏得足夠的關注度。事實上,根據業內人士估算,“賞月不便險”中的人身意外險產品,價值僅幾毛錢,但卻賣出了20元或99元一份的“高價”,售價遠遠超過了市場上同類型產品。據資料顯示,賞月險杭州版在8月25日晚上線之後,僅一天時間,杭州版賞月險共售出43份。而有統計數據顯示,全國一共賣出了5000多份單價為99元的賞月險。以此計算,僅99元的保費保險公司的賞月險銷售收入達到了50萬左右,而20元一份的銷售數據尚未計算在內。那麼究竟一度備受關注的“商業險”理賠情況如何呢?有數據顯示,“賞月險”的實際獲賠占比僅為9%。中秋節後,安聯保險公司在官方網店公佈了理賠情況:在全國可以購買賞月險的41個城市中,只有溫州、西寧、西安、海口等9個城市購買賞月險的市民將獲得理賠款。隨後,據有關媒體報道,上述具有獲賠資格的9個城市,賞月險曾被嚴格控制了銷售數量,每個城市普遍不超過100份,其數量的控制或許就是為了規避風險做出的決定。由於賞月險首次亮相國內,噱頭十足,當時還有不少網友表示,願意選擇便宜檔次的賞月險“玩一玩”,碰碰運氣。對此,安聯財險內部人士在接受記者採訪時表示,這些看似創新的保險產品,其實早就在國際上出現過,如英國的下雪保險、西班牙的陽光保險、美國的觀光保險、日本的櫻花保險及酷暑保險等等。“互聯網金融處於起步階段,很多消費者還不太瞭解上網買保險。這樣有話題的保險能讓更多人邁出接觸互聯網金融的一步,也有助于保險公司開發更多新險種。”上述人士表示。迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:39
互聯網時代,文件倉行業巨頭一家壟斷的局面時常出現,搜索行業也不例外,國內的搜索市場長期由百度壟斷。但從2012年8月16日開始,360搜索的誕生打破了百度一家獨大的局面,上線5天就獲得8%的市場份額,超過搜搜、搜狗、有道等,一舉成為搜索市場的第二名,在互聯網引起了不小的轟動。近期,在360搜索更通過推出識圖功能、“潘多拉魔盒”、放心機票全賠服務等創新功能,實現了在產品、技術、服務三方面的全面升級。這是360搜索近一年來不斷創新的縮影,也引發了搜索行業的全新變革。根植用戶體驗產品創新不斷 2012年8月之前互聯網業內普遍認為,搜索市場氣氛比較沉悶,搜搜、搜狗都沒有形成對百度的威脅,而百度則把更多的精力放在了如何讓財務數字更加出色而非改善用戶體驗。在此背景下, 360搜索于2012年8月16日正式上線,進入搜索行業,打破了這一局面。此後,360搜索根據用戶的搜索體驗,施展出一系列凌厲的動作,不斷推出新產品,轉瞬之間,搜索圈風起雲涌,廝殺激烈。 針對網友普遍關心的醫療、藥品搜索問題,360于2013年4月上線良醫搜索,集醫療、醫藥、健康信息搜索為一體,旨在為網民提供準確權威的醫藥信息,打造安全放心的醫療搜索引擎。“良醫搜索”目前已收錄藥監局批准正規藥店29家,囊括藥品近11787種。隨著智能手機的流行,網民對手機軟件資源的需求越來越大。借此,360搜索于2013年7月發佈雷電手機搜索,涵蓋了軟件、遊戲、電子書、音樂、鈴聲、主題、壁紙七大類Android手機資源,主要有四大功能特色:涵蓋互聯網上最全的手機資源、方便快捷的一鍵安裝、模糊搜索功能和專業的手機攻略搜索。 一直以來,網民對各大網站的服務評價只能在論壇、微博等社交平台中表達,用戶的意願往往被忽略,被評價的機構往往也聽不到用戶的聲音,無法完善自身服務。針對這一情況,在360搜索上線一周年之際,重磅出擊,推出了擁有網民評價體系的第三代搜索技術“網站點評”,融入用戶意願,網民第一次可以利用自己的力量來改變搜索結果,把自己對網站的評價分享給更多的網民。目前“網站點評”已覆蓋10萬多個網站,共有上千萬條點評數據。 2013年“雙11”期間,“網站點評”的價值得到極大發揮,成功吸引到4500萬用戶參與點評,用戶點評數達到了500萬條,為網民評價電商網站服務質量提供了一個重要渠道。而在12月,“網站點評”又推出“曝光回複”功能,網站的站長可入駐360搜索“網站點評”與用戶溝通,進一步拉近了網站與用戶的距離。 在一周年之際,360搜索還重磅推出了“Ctrl兩下”搜索,用戶只需雙擊Ctrl鍵即可�動360搜索框,整個過程不到0.3秒。之後用戶可在彈出的搜索框內輸入關鍵詞進行搜索,360搜索可智能判斷搜索詞,並將結果推送給用戶。此後360搜索為培養用戶使用習慣,推出了“連續簽到30天分搶100萬現金活動”,吸引到超400萬用戶參與簽到。又聯合知名鍵鼠廠商新貴推出了雙“Ctrl”搜索定制版鍵盤。在2013年11月29日,由《南方都市報》主辦的“2013年度中國十大營銷盛典”上,360“Ctrl兩下”搜索憑借一系列新穎獨特的互動存倉銷方式,被評選為2013營銷盛典中國年度十大營銷事件。智能潘多拉顛覆傳統搜索 在智能互聯網時代,網民在使用搜索引擎時,由於各種原因無法找到自己滿意的搜索結果。針對這一情況,360搜索在2013年12月上線新功能“潘多拉”,通過智能搜索,將最核心的信息直接展現給用戶。 此前,傳統搜索引擎大都採用“關鍵詞搜索”模式,通過抓取文本與鏈接信息進行基礎整合,但搜索結果往往過於雜亂,用戶很難一目瞭然地看到自己最想要的內容。針對這一情況,360搜索從2013年年中開始著手部署“潘多拉”智能搜索,通過建立強大的知識庫,給網友提供更多、更精准的搜索結果,實現了傳統搜索的自我顛覆。 據瞭解,“潘多拉”已經陸續完善各個品類的數據,已覆蓋良醫類、詩文類、遊戲類、影視類、節日類、地理類等幾十種品類。目前,360搜索部署的範圍和種類已經是目前國內搜索引擎中覆蓋率第一,“潘多拉”將會助力360搜索更加智能化和人性化,更加符合網民的需求。推廣欺詐全賠用戶放心搜索 360一直致力于建設乾淨、安全、可信任的安全搜索引擎,從上線開始就全方位拒絕醫療廣告,並努力為廣大網民提供負責任的搜索結果與推廣鏈接。然而網民平時在上網過程中還會遭遇虛假、釣魚網站的欺詐,最後導致經濟上的損失。針對推廣鏈接,360搜索承諾:對網站經營者通過360搜索推廣服務發佈惡意欺詐信息和釣魚網站所導致的消費者直接財產損失承擔先行賠付責任。30天內只要用戶符合賠付條件,配合奇虎360進行調查取證,且證據充分的,360將對用戶一次性被騙過程所導致的直接財產損失進行全額賠付。在全球範圍內,360是第一家願意為自己的推廣鏈接承擔全額賠付責任的公司。 2013年年底,為幫助網友在春運期間順利購買車票,放心回家過年,360搜索上線放心機票全賠,為65家購票網站標示安全認證,而且凡在具備標示的網站購買機票遭遇“釣魚”“上當”等情況,360搜索將會進行全額賠付,放心機票全賠是360搜索推廣欺詐全賠服務的一次重要升級,充分利用“網站名片”已為2.3萬家網站發放“網站身份證”的優勢,並提供欺詐全賠的保障,讓用戶放心搜索。 360搜索在上線一年多的時間內,通過產品、技術、服務三方面的全面升級,不僅受到了用戶的不斷好評,其市場份額也穩步增長。上線之初就迅速獲得8%市場份額,一周年之際,拿下近20%市場份額,而據國內權威流量統計機構CNZZ發佈的最新統計數據顯示,360搜索在2013年11月的市場佔有率達到22.14%,增長勢頭強勁,預計2014年將達到30%市場份額。 在整個2013年,360公司董事長周鴻禕不斷在傳播他的創新觀,本質上與熊彼特提出的“破壞性創新”一脈相通,即通過改變遊戲規則來獲得自己的競爭優勢。哈佛商學院教授克萊頓-克里斯坦森以兩本巨著《創新者的窘境》和《創新者的解決方案》進一步詮釋了“破壞性創新”。周鴻禕將之進一步翻譯成“顛覆式創新”,他提出中小創業公司是創新的動力,是推動社會進步的力量,因為這些創業公司比大企業更加關注客戶需求,並以比大企業更有效率的方式去滿足用戶需求,開拓新的市場,在此過程中不自覺地完成了對大企業的顛覆。儲存
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:34
南都訊 記者嚴亮 今日起,mini storage通過互聯網和電話可以預訂1月25日的車票;而在春運臨客方面,通過互聯網和電話可以預訂1月30日的車票。也就是說,節前春運最高峰期的車票,都已經面向旅客進行提前預售。節前湘鄂川渝方向客流大今年春運比2013年提前10天,學生客流與務工返鄉客流高度重疊。廣鐵預計,1月22日(年廿二)將迎來春運客流出行高峰,1月27日(年廿七)將達到客流最高峰,預計27日發送旅客將超過110萬人。據廣鐵消息,從目前的預售情況看,節前廣東往湖南、湖北、四川、重慶方向的車票需求量最大。代售點取票買票者都不多1月4日下午2時,南都記者在市區多個火車票代售點走訪時發self storage,售票點取票、買票的旅客很少,毫無春運的氣氛,顯得有些冷清。而與此不同的是,中午12點登錄12306網站,卻發現速度極慢,要麼驗證碼顯示不出,要麼登錄之後買不了票。廣州火車站12點開賣的車票,幾乎在一兩分鐘之內就被一搶而光。同時,12306官網為防範搶票軟件,對驗證碼再次升級。此前,12306網站的登錄驗證碼,起初由靜態字符變成彩色動態驗證碼,被網民嘲諷,稱“像畢加索的抽象畫”。現在,驗證碼回歸靜態,相比最初的靜態字符,新版靜態驗證碼是彩色字符上增加了底紋,降低了旅客的識別難度,也保持了對自動識別軟件的防控。這也提醒廣大旅客慎用搶票瀏覽器和搶票插件,以免耽誤出行。迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:27
【香港商報訊】雲南省麗江市旅遊局昨日通報,迷你倉該局當日對網上曝出的導遊辱罵遊客「不買東西比賣淫可恥」涉事旅行社和導遊等相關單位和人員作出處理。其中,對麗江森龍旅行社依法作出罰款30萬元,對辱罵遊客的無證人員劉俊傑依法作出罰款1萬元、並不得在麗江參加導遊資格培訓考試的行政處罰。同時,規定以上罰款自做出處理決定後15日內上繳國庫。 麗江市長和良輝表示,對一切損害麗江旅遊迷你倉將軍澳象的事件和行為必須採取「零」容忍的態度,堅決予以嚴肅查處和嚴厲打擊,絕不姑息遷就,對涉事旅遊企業以及人員堅決依法一查到底,從嚴、從重處罰。 據悉,1月3日,網上曝出一段3分鐘視頻。視頻中,有一男子口暴污穢之語:「一路下來,一分錢沒有消費的話,比賣淫更可恥。」並稱,「麗江歡迎你,雲南歡迎你,歡迎你來幹嘛?是歡迎你來消費!」隨後,有女性人員上車推銷螺旋藻,要遊客購買。倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:20
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:12
Feeding the homeless, as he faces losing his home
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerJan.迷你倉 05--SOUDERTON -- A frigid snowstorm was looming, but instead of preparing for the hit, Cranford Coulter was busy chopping carrots, peppers, and fennel inside his Montgomery County home.For the last 25 years, Coulter has been cooking up a massive batch of soup and taking it in Igloo coolers to feed the homeless in Center City. Snow, rain, or heat waves haven't stopped Coulter from giving hot, home-cooked meals to the hungry each week.The city tried to stop him in 2012, but he won that battle."If I stop doing this, I'll die," Coulter said, his voice breaking. "This is the one constant I know."Now, a new fight is threatening his ministry. His Souderton home, which on Thursday was filled with the aroma of a fresh roasted turkey and vegetables simmering in stock, is being foreclosed on and listed for a February sheriff's sale.Coulter attributes the foreclosure to missed mortgage payments and the snowball effect of not being able to pay the accumulated amount owed.His troubles started in October 2010 when doctors discovered he had an infection on his neck that had spread to his spine. He eventually lost his online business selling Orthodox Christian icons. Then, in July 2012, his wife lost her job as a bank teller.Coulter has since launched a $15,000 fund-raising campaign to help him keep his house. So far, he has raised more than $8,000 from family and friends.Even as he is threatened with the loss of his own home, Coulter has continued to make soup for more than 100 homeless people who show up each Thursday on the Parkway, across from the Family Courthouse."It could be a monsoon, and he would be here," Anthony McNeal said, as he shifted on his feet to keep warm Thursday evening.When Coulter arrived last week, nearly an hour late because of the snow, he and his friend and fellow volunteer Deacon Herman Acker, of St. Philip Orthodox Church in Souderton, unpacked the ministry car and started handing out cups of soup and the pureed vegetables.Raves for the soup"Hey, Tony, you've got to try this," Coulter told one of the two to three dozen guests who showed up mid-snowstorm to get a warm meal. "It's pumpkin mashies."The men weren't crazy about the pumpkin, turnip and yucca mash. But everybody raved about the turkey vegetable soup.Volunteers from the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Elkins Park, who have been helping Coulter's ministry for the last two years, brought oranges, hard-boiled eggs, peanuts, and an Eastern European traditional New Year's sweet bread.Some of the men are regulars at the Thursday night scene across from the courthouse. Greg Olsen has been having Coulter's soups for 14 years "on and off.""I didn't think it would last this long," he said Thursday evening after grabbing a cup of soup and making his way back to his makeshift home under a bridge.Coulter's mission in Philadelphia, a place he ha儲存倉 never called home, came by way of Minneapolis, where he grew up and attended Bible college.The one constantWhile in college, he met his wife, Bethann, a Harleysville native, and moved east in 1977 to be close to her family. He says he has held about 40 jobs since then, but the one constant he has had is helping those in need: first as a chaplain at Graterford State Prison and, starting in 1989, as a meal provider to the poor on the Parkway.He called his ministry the King's Jubilee and started by taking food to LOVE Park. He later moved to Sister Cities Park, and for the last decade, he has been in front of the Family Courthouse at 18th and Vine.Coulter has regular food donations, from area farmers and church friends who contribute weekly to his ministry.For the McGraws, who met the Coulters at St. Philip's, making spaghetti for the ministry "became part of our family tradition," Phillip McGraw said.Like many of those who volunteer with Coulter, the McGraws wish they could do more to help him save his house and ministry."We ourselves are stretched financially," said McGraw, who has nine children. "If not, we would try to help. I really hope enough people come through."Since his infection was discovered in 2010, Coulter has had serious complications, including kidney failure and several strokes, which he said led to the downfall of his business.In July 2012, Coulter's wife was let go from her job as a teller at Univest Bank in Souderton and lost her health insurance.That was around the time that Coulter and a few other homeless advocates sued Mayor Nutter when the city tried to place a ban on feeding the homeless outdoors. Coulter and his codefendants won, and the city has since moved on from trying to ban outdoor feeding. It is instead working to build a new central indoor venue that various meal providers could use.His wife's unemployment checks weren't enough to pay for their $1,100 monthly health insurance premium, plus their $1,500 mortgage payment.After three missed payments, PHH Mortgage Corp. started the foreclosure process, he said. Coulter said he has been trying to work out a payment plan with the bank, but has been frustrated by what he describes as a lack of cooperation.PHH Mortgage spokesman Dico Akseraylian couldn't speak specifically to the Coulters' situation, but he said the bank had tried to work with borrowers so they didn't lose their homes.HopingOn Friday, the Coulters' home was still listed on the sheriff's sale roster.Coulter hopes that the bank will work with him to save his house and, in turn, his ministry of feeding the poor."I just know that this is what makes me happy," Coulter said, holding back tears. "I'm not anything special."cvargas@phillynews.com215-854-5520@InqCVargasCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:05
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- Jan 06 Mon 2014 09:00
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/製圖/司婉靖 效應 大策劃帶動大傳播,迷你倉大“航母”帶動大發展。 如今,華西都市報(華西傳媒集群WMG)已成長為集報紙、網絡、移動新媒體、華西傳媒呼叫中心、社區傳媒等為一體的立體傳媒集群。 這樣的傳媒“航母”集群,讓華西傳媒集群躋身世界媒體500強。2013年12月25日,由世界媒體實驗室(World Media Lab)獨家編制的2013年度(第一屆)《世界媒體500強》排行榜在美國發佈。其中華西都市報(華西傳媒集群WMG)榮登世界媒體500強第394位,成為中國西部唯一上榜媒體。 這個由世界媒體實驗室(World Media Lab)發佈的榜單,研究對象覆蓋全球50多個國家和地區的3000家媒體公司,評判依據是媒體公司2012年的銷售收入,涉及電視、廣播、電影、報刊、圖書、衛星通信及媒體服務等所有傳統媒體行業。本版採寫華西都市報記者陳黎 這一年,跨越五大洲,行程10萬余公里,華西傳媒集群(WMG)記者的足跡遍佈全球。這一年,創新策動,萬眾矚目,華西傳媒集群(WMG)連續三屆全國獨家發佈中國作家富豪榜,榜列“2013年十大文化事件”第一。這一年,一次採集、N級發佈,一個鏈條、N次銷售……“整合傳播+整合營銷”的堅定步伐,讓華西傳媒集群(WMG)躋身世界媒體500強!探訪全球聚焦財富華西視野起底世界500強 華西傳媒集群于2013年4月1日起重磅推出大手筆製作??《財富全球行?探訪500強》大型跨國採訪報道。 30多位記者奔赴歐洲、北美洲、亞洲,實地探訪世界500強總部,面對面與CEO促膝長談,感受從上至下的公司個性、張力、氛圍、理念、壓力、競爭……為讀者揭開一個個產業帝國的神秘面紗。 《財富》全球論壇在蓉召開期間,華西傳媒集群又特別推出中 英 雙 語 特 刊《CAN DO CHENGDU!》、“中國新未來世界看成都”特刊、96111外語呼叫服務、格萊美巨星音樂會、“把四川名片遞給世界500強”等系列大型策劃報道和活動。華商大會探尋“華商投資首選地” 2013年9月9日-9月24日,華西傳媒集群�動“華商百人志”、“全球華商投資首選地”、“2013中華商mini storage成都高端對話”等大型報道和採訪活動,為在成都召開的第十二屆世界華商大會營造良好輿論氛圍。為了探訪華商領袖、中華商會所推薦的“全球華商投資首選地”,華西傳媒集群派出十路記者奔赴全川,探訪被推薦的區(市)縣與各開發區、工業園區、重大項目、城市綜合體、商貿城,揭開他們深受全球華商喜愛,成為投資首先地的秘訣。貢獻本地C21城市圓桌對話搭建市州長企業家橋樑 在成功舉辦三屆C21城市圓桌對話的基礎上,去年8月17日,省內相關部門領導、各市州黨政領導、北京專家學者、在川知名企業家代表近500人齊聚對話現場,圍繞“加快推進新型城鎮化”等熱點主題,進行觀點分享與思想碰撞,共商四川新型城鎮化的創新之路,熱議四川城市發展和經濟發展戰略。 與會嘉賓盛讚,由華西傳媒集群主辦的“C21城市圓桌對話”活動,為四川經濟社會發展作出了積極貢獻。獨家策劃作家富豪榜“2013年十大文化事件”第一 從2011年第六屆作家富豪榜開始,華西都市報連續三屆全國獨家發佈榜單。 2013第八屆中國作家富豪榜文化盛典,易中天、吳思、鄭淵潔、石鐘山、江南、饒雪漫、于正、劉同等作家,以及著名演員蔣雯麗、陳坤悉數到場。 華西傳媒集群記者緊抓內容創新,統籌集群各平台內容資源和渠道資源,再次將作家富豪榜打造成一個全球矚目的文化現象,對於“作家富豪榜”所產生的文化效應、市場效應,相關文化部門、文化界人士和廣大讀者都給予了充分肯定。“2013年十大文化事件”中,中國作家富豪榜列第一。榜樣中國整合營銷讓“1+1>2” 由華西傳媒集群(WMG)聯合全國40余家主流媒體,發起主辦的“2013榜樣中國傳媒大獎”大型公益評選活動,涵蓋房產、汽車、3C、時尚、家居、教育、金融、醫療、旅遊、餐飲等10多個行業。由40余家媒體、行業領袖、專家學者組成的強大評審團將分行業進行評選,為2013榜樣中國傳媒大獎帶來更加專業、權威的評價,力求打造一份完美的消費指南。 華西傳媒集群創新了整合營銷手法,探索出一個鏈條、N次銷售的營銷模式,以大整合確立大傳播、大營銷優勢,取得1+1>2的效果,幫助客戶實現最大的傳播效果,取得最大的營銷價值。通過報紙、網站、微博、電台、手機閱讀媒體等多種媒體形式,華西傳媒集群“航母”正在發力。self storage
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:56
Montgomery Advertiser, Ala., Duane Rankin column
Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.儲存Jan. 05---- Jameis Winston was five days from being born, and Nick Marshall was a toddler when Charlie Ward and Tommie Frazier faced each other with a national title on the line.Twenty years ago, Ward led top-ranked Florida State against Frazier's No. 2 Nebraska Cornhuskers in the 1994 Orange Bowl. The Seminoles won a classic, 18-16, but what Frazier and Ward did that night was inspire the next generation of black quarterbacks to believe they too could play for and win a ring.Since that 1994 title game, Tee Martin, Michael Vick, Vince Young, Troy Smith, Chris Leak, Cam Newton, Jordan Jefferson and Everett Golson have started in national title games.Frazier won back-to-back championships after falling to Ward and Seminoles. Martin (1998 Tennessee), Young (2005 Texas), Leak (2006 Florida) and Newton (2011 Auburn) won it all, too. Leak, who shared time with Tim Tebow, led the Gators past Smith and the Ohio State Buckeyes in the 2007 title game.Monday will make the fourth straight year a black quarterback has started in the BCS title game. Jefferson (LSU 2012) and Golson (2013 Notre Dame) followed Newton and both lost to Alabama."It's amazing to see where the country has come in putting the best players behind the center," Florida State passing game coordinator Lawrence Dawsey said. "Look at them as players and not the color of their skin."There were black college quarterbacks decades before, but when you see someone who looks like you doing something you want to do, it makes you believe you can do it, too.It's not racial. It's reality. It's no different than Tom Brady wanting to be like Joe Montana.So when the likes of Young, Vick and Newton were making it happen on the biggest stage in college football, Winston and Marshall were watching.Young, who put on the one of the greatest shows in college football history in leading Texas over USC in the Rose Bowl, made Winston want to play for the Longhorns. Young rushed for 200 yards and three touchdowns, threw for 267 yards and scored the game-winning touchdown with 19 seconds left."Texas was my favorite team," Winston said.Marshall looked up to Vick, who ironically lost to Florida State in the 2000 Sugar Bowl. Vick was a one-man show for Virginia Tech as he passed for 237 yards and two touchdowns and ran for 97 yards as a redshirt freshman."I don't remember too much about that game because I was kind of young, but I watched him," Marshall said. "When he came out of Virginia Tech and went to the Atlanta Falcons, the way he handled himself on the field? The things that he did, I tried to put that in my game. We're similar. He's just left handed. I'm right handed. We basically do the same things that I do."Those success stories made coaches realize it could sign a black quarterback build their offense around his strengths whether he's a passer like Winston or a runner with throwing ability like Marshall.Auburn's top three quarterbacks -- Marshall, Jeremy Johnson and Jonathan Wallace -- are black.The irony of Winston and Marshall being in Monday night's game is they were both recruited by a former black quarterback -- Auburn wide receivers coach Dameyune Craig.Craig pl迷你倉yed at Auburn where he set a single-season school record for passing yards with 3,277 in 1997."Those guys have done a great job of leading their teams," Craig said. "Nick was the first quarterback I recruited when I was at Florida State. I recruited Jameis to Florida State."It may be hard for our young generation to believe there was a time people thought African-Americans couldn't play quarterback. Blacks weren't considered smart enough.They couldn't handle pressure and weren't leaders, people said. They had poor throwing mechanics and were better off playing wide receiver, cornerback or running back.Those days are over. Now a player like Winston can have a wobble in his throw and not have that be a reason a coach determine he should play another position."All I know is that he throws the ball where he wants it to go," Florida State quarterback coach Randy Sanders said. "You watch Peyton (Manning), Peyton doesn't throw many spirals, either."Sometimes all of that is overrated. I always tell people there is a difference between being a thrower and a passer. A thrower always throws spirals and it looks pretty. A passer gets completions."The numerous quarterback camps with the 7-on-7 drills change things for the better for the black quarterbacks because they're getting more reps to get better and playing the position year round.Coaches have a great desire to find that special athlete who has the intangibles and skill set to play the position. They're looking for the dual-threat quarterback like Marshall who can take it to the house from 50 yards, scramble and complete passes under pressure, has a cannon arm and can execute the offense.Beyond all of that, black quarterbacks have competed and won championships. Winning precedes everything. When told about the historical ties of him and Marshall to when Ward and Frazier met in Miami, Winston said, "At the end of the day, whoever had the best football team won that game."When looking back at Ward and Frazier, they are eerily similar to Winston and Marshall.Ward came into that 1994 game as the Heisman Trophy winner. He was the thrower with an ability to pick up first downs with his feet. Frazier was considered the running quarterback who executed the option with precision and poise. He wasn't the best passer, but could make tough throws.Winston won the Heisman for Florida State this season. He can make all the throws, but is mobile enough to escape pressure and pick up yards on the ground. Marshall runs the read-option better than anyone in the country and can change the game in a hiccup with arm or legs.Above everything else, the two were winners. Winston and Marshall have proven they are winners, which will motivate the next generation of black quarterbacks to hoist that crystal ball one day.Marshall or Winston will do just that Monday night.(Reach Duane Rankin, an Advertiser sports writer and columnist at dmrankin@gannett.com" alt="" title=""> dmrankin@gannett.com or follow him on Twitter @DuaneRankin).Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at .montgomeryadvertiser.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:45
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 08:40
【特訊】特區政府聲稱建立長效機制,迷你倉但在養老保障角度,政府除了從二零一三年開始四年內向社保基金額外注資三百七十億外,其實看不到有任何可保其持續運作的長效功能。為此立法議員區錦新向行政當局提出書面質詢,質疑其擁有資金的投資保值策略和能力、會否調整社保的供款制度及會否以基金用於興建經濟房屋,讓社保既有高利潤的保證,亦確保經屋有足夠數量的持續供應。質詢內容如下: 『政府從二零一三年乃至二零一四年的施政方針,都聲稱要為本澳社會保障制度訂定長效機制,可是翻來覆去能夠看到的只是自今年起,四年內為社會保障基金額外注資三百七十億。以現時入不敷支的社會保障基金,此種注資方式只是杯水車薪,社保基金還是難免枯竭,完全談不上長效。 記得幾年前,本人曾向當局建議大手撥款入社保基金明確專款專用,並以此大額款項有效營運以扭轉入不敷支的局面。當時社保主席葉炳權在回應時稱,「注資將會動用大量盈餘和儲備,然而政府於基建、醫療、教育、社會服務等各個領域亦需大量資源來支撐,倘若對社保基金作出大額注資,把資源偏重某一方的使用,將不利於社會長期可持續發展。」其實將大額資金注資於某些令澳門可持續發展的項目上,正是本人之意見。眾所週知,當政府收入好,儲備雄厚,官員就會盡力多花錢,建輕軌由幾十億變成百多兩百億,建澳大橫琴校區由六十五億一躍而為一百零一億、起北安碼頭由原來的五億幾變成三十幾億,其實這種瘋狂超支都是情理之外,但意料之中。瘋狂追加當然離譜,但反正公家有的是錢,唔洗就老襯,而且對官員來說,花錢愈多愈顯示其部門的存在價值,況且,錢使mini storage愈多,愈有�數,這樣的事在澳門係人都知。所以將巨額儲備撥出部份指定專款專用,(如撥入社保充實其財政基礎、撥入高等教育基金去協助年青人接受高等教育等等) 減少儲備數目,是對各政府部門大手大腳花錢的一個制約。對此,官僚確有理由反對。但在極度抗拒下,最終還是須分四年較大額(夠不夠大額當然也值商榷)地撥款入社保。問題是社保有否能力好好運用這筆款項來增值,讓它生生不息。又或者有沒有一個較根本性的方式長遠解決問題,以體現真正的長效機制。為此,本人向行政當局提出書面質詢:1.「家有二千,每日二錢,全無生計,用得幾年?」這是老一輩人孩提時代琅琅上口的童謠,時代須久遠,但仍有現實意義。社保基金近年是坐吃山崩,僅靠政府不斷注資以維持。從今年起連續四年,政府計劃額外注資三百七十億於社保基金,行政當局有否計劃如何善用這三百七十億及社保原有儲備以作增值?2.凡投資,都是高利潤自然要冒高風險,所以,投資搏增值也許並不容易。但本澳目前有一行生意是必賺的,就是投資於興建經濟房屋。自從經屋法修訂以後,樓價以所謂申請家團的負擔經濟能力來計算樓價,以如此標準來定樓價,肯定是利錢豐厚。而經濟房屋買家不缺,只要有樓定必貨如輪轉。所以,行政當局有否考慮將社保基金投資於興建經濟房屋,以確保社保有高利潤回報同時,經屋的供應亦可源源不絕,相得益彰?3.從長效機制角度來看,靠額外注資以維持終不是辦法,多年來官民之間亦不斷討論如何整體改革供款制度,例如將現時的低定額供款改而為按收入一定比例來供款,以拉近供與取之間的差距,令社保制度長遠有效?』self storage
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 16:16
Long break is over for Lobos
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉旺角M.Jan. 04--The University of New Mexico men's basketball team in October donned T-shirts proclaiming this a season of #unfinishedbusiness. Today, as the Lobos open up Mountain West Conference play hosting the Colorado State Rams at 4 p.m. in the Pit after a 12-day hiatus since their final non-conference game, they have another simple message."It's back to business," Williams said. "It's time to go."The Lobos the past two years have been in the business of winning league titles -- both in the regular season and at the MWC tournament. Today, UNM (9-3) begins defense of its league title against the team that was the biggest challenger to the crown a year ago, Larry Eustachy's Rams (9-5, 0-1 MWC).The problem facing the Rams today, however, is the team that finished in second place a season ago isn't the one taking the floor today. CSU lost all five starters from last year's team that finished the regular season in second place and advanced to the round of 32 in the NCAA Tournament."They probably know more about me than I know about them," said Williams, who scored 46 points and hit 10 3-pointers in Fort Collins in the last meeting between the two teams. "That's something we have to be prepared for."But while the faces opposing the Lobos will be new, UNM isn't expecting much of a change in how the Rams play under second-year coach Larry Eustachy, who landed the CSU job two years ago when UNM's first year coach Craig Neal was a finalist for it."They're going to play hard and they're going to be tough physically," Neal said. "... There's a reason why he's been successful for his career."UNM senior forward Cameron Bairstow said he recalls February's game in Fort Collins, a 91-82 Lobos win thanks to Williams 46 points, as being "the most physical game of the year."He expects more of the same today from post players such as Navy transfer J.J. Avila (6-foot-7, 246 pounds), Gerson Santo (6-9, 238) and Marcus Holt (6-10, 200)."They're still a very physical team. They just have a different set of personnel, really," said Bairstow, UNM's leading scorer at 20.1 points per game. "They're a really skilled basketball team this year. ... Seem to be running a lot more motion (offense) this year and cutting and scremini storagening the four man, which they did a bit for (former Ram Pierce) Hornung, but not as much this year."Avila has been the key for the Rams, leading the team in scoring (19.2 points per game) and assists (2.6). He injured his back at a practice Monday, but played in Wednesday's home loss to No. 21 San Diego State."He's a different dimension they haven't had," Neal said. "He's pretty good. I think he's been outstanding."Junior Daniel Bejarano, who is the top rebounding guard in the league at 9.5 per game despite being just 6-4, is the other key for the Rams after earning Sixth-man-of-the-Year honors in the league a season ago.The return from a wrist injury of UNM point guard Hugh Greenwood, also one of the league's top rebounding guards, could be a factor in trying to keep Bejarano from doing damage on the offensive glass, though junior Deshawn Delaney will likely have the defensive matchup more than will the ailing Aussie. Greenwood missed the past three games for the Lobos and played in two prior to that with the injury suffered Dec. 4 against New Mexico State.RAM TOUGH: CSU isn't exactly feeling sorry for the Lobos as they work their way through the Greenwood wrist injury situation.CSU likely will play without reserve guard Dwight Smith today, a 6-4 junior who hurt a knee in Wednesday's loss to No. 21 San Diego State after missing 10 games earlier this season with a broken hand.While Avila played Wednesday with that sprained back, he's still not 100 percent.And remember, this is a Rams team that in October lost starting point guard Jesse Carr to a torn ACL after he missed all of last season with a torn ACL.TOUGH TICKET: As of Friday afternoon, the lower bowl of the Pit was sold out for today's game and only 11 club-level tickets remained, which can be purchased at the UNM ticket office prior to tip-off. Should those 11 tickets be sold, UNM will extend to four its conference home sellout streak dating to the final three league games of the 2012-13 season. TodayColorado State at UNM, 4:05 p.m., ESPNU, 770 AMInsideHow the Rams and Lobos match up D5Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:51
新華社北京1月4日電春運火車票開始售賣以來,迷你倉出租12306購票網站持續受到社會關注。有旅客反映網站不穩定、網站購票驗證碼看不清、“黃牛”用假身份證囤票等。記者為此採訪了12306網站。針對有部分網民和媒體反映的12306網站購票驗證碼問題,12306技術人員表示,2014年鐵路春運售票工作開始後,個別互聯網公司以搶票瀏覽器、搶票插件等形式,對12306網站的驗證碼進行自動識別,進而達到插隊購票的目的。這種行為嚴 重擾亂了互聯網購票秩序,影響了購票的公平和12306網站的安全。近日,根據部分網民和旅客的建議,12306網站對驗證碼方案進行了調整優化,將動態驗證碼更換為增加了底紋或干擾線的新版靜態驗證碼,既降低了旅客的識別難度,同時也保持了對自動識別軟件的有效防控。12306網站指出,即便如此,相對於最初的驗證碼,新版靜態驗證碼對旅客的購票體驗仍有一定影響。這是12306網站為了維護廣大旅迷你倉購票的公正性不得已而採取的措施,希望廣大旅客給予理解。針對近日有媒體報道,部分黃牛用虛假身份證號直接購票囤票,找到買家後退票回購轉賣的現象,12306網站負責人指出,12306網站實行購票實名制,旅客購票應填寫有效的乘車人身份信息,如使用假身份證號購買車票,在車站窗口、鐵路客票代售點、自動售取票機等均不能辦理換票、退票手續;對通過12306網站退回的車票,12306網站均採取計算機隨機處理的方式進行處理,系統會根據距離車票開車時間的遠近,在確保每一張車票都有充足時間再次售出的前提下,自動隨機地將退回的車票再次放出,供旅客購買。鐵路部門提醒廣大旅客,旅客購票應使用本人有效身份證件,通過正規渠道和到正規售票場所購票,特別注意不向他人泄露身份信息,不從票販手中購票,以免上當受騙,對各種形式的倒票行為,可向鐵路警方舉報,對實名舉報並經查證屬實立案的,鐵路警方將給予舉報人100至500元的獎勵。mini storage
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:42
Antique Row among Top 10 tourist shopping draws
Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.24小時迷你倉Jan. 04--There it was, just behind New York City for Broadway and Chicago for Michigan Avenue: West Palm Beach's Antique Row netted the area No. 4 on Conde Nast's list of Best Cities for Shopping in the U.S.To be accurate, Palm Beach was the tony location that made the list. And Worth Avenue was clearly the top draw for the 80,000 people who voted in the survey. But Conde Nast's Traveler website explained that West Palm Beach's Antique Row Art and Design District helped bring in those on a budget and those ready to splurge."Simply put, there is 'something for everyone,' " the article touts.The top cities were New York City, Chicago and San Francisco, with Newport Beach, Calif., Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Charleston, S.C., Honolulu and Boston rounding out the Top 10.Discover Palm Beach County, the county's tourism marketing agency that spends about $9 million in bed tax dollars each year to lure more visitors, knows shopping is a draw.The agency put out a shopping visitor's guide recently, an accordion-style brochure that maps the shopping opportunities throughout the county.Discover CEO and President Jorge Pesquera says retail tourism is growing in South Florida, and the county wants to capitalize. If you've been to Sawgrass Mills and seen the international tourists buying luggage sets to haul home all their loot, you understand why Palm Beach County wants a piece of that business.What's not on the shopping guide map, but seems sure to help the cause: Palm Beach Outlets on Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard in West Palm Beach.It opens Feb. 14 with about 100 outlet stores, and the remaining power strip will open in the fall. Ultimately planned for close to 1.5 million square feet, the shopping center will be half the size of Sawgrass. But it will help the area in its retail tourism efforts. City leaders already have mentioned a shuttle service from the convention center to the outlet mall.Front-row seatsWhile the convention center hotel construction won't get under way until February, according to tourism leaders, it reportedly is getting plenty of attention in the industry.And those industry people will get a first-hand look at the location this month, as the Florida Huddle meets at the convention center Jan. 14-16.This is the second of three major events for travel planners and tourism leaders being held in Palm Beach County over a 10-month stretch. Each also includes official Visit Florida meetings, extending the exposure of the county.Last month, about 100 event planners attended Florida Encounter at the PGA National Resort & Spa. They met with representatives of the state's destinations, convention centers and attractions to determine where they will book group travel.Huddle will be held at the convention center with at least 200 attendees. It's a chance to sell the new convention center and hotel combo by pointing out the area's offerings first-hand.And in September, influential tourism leaders will gather for the Governor's Conference on Tourism at the Boca Resort.Discover Palm Beach County has plans to start aggressive marketing of the convention center and adjoining hotel this year, but is waiting on approval of specia迷你倉旺角 stimulus funds.The Tourist Development Council held out $2 million scraped from a capital projects fund -- receipts have been coming in so strong there's extra money -- and asked for project submissions.Those projects likely would have been approved in January and passed along to the county commission, but the TDC board canceled that meeting due to a conflict. The money will be further delayed. Discover has asked for $350,000 this year in stimulus funds for that effort, but likely will get $250,000.Tourist diversionsMaybe you didn't make it to the Boca Raton Resort this year for the pink ice skating rink, or see the Delray Beach Marriott's Sanda Claus sculpture. But thousands of tourists did.In fact, KAYAK.com reported in mid-December that West Palm Beach was the second highest trending destination for both Christmas and New Year's Eve. One in five people checking out New Year's travel plans looked into West Palm Beach. Needless to say, the airlines have hiked fares 15 percent from last year, KAYAK.com stated.Our hotels have been ready for them.Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort rolled out all the stops for visitors far from home, offering special Christmas packages of a completely decorated tree and stockings. General Manager Roger Amidon said the hotel delivered candy canes on Christmas Eve and ferried in Santa via banana boat on Christmas morning.At Delray Beach Marriott, the 10,000-pound Sanda Claus will stay up until Jan. 6. The sand sculpture was created by Treasure Island's Sanding Ovations and shows Santa and his sleigh pulled by sea turtles.And Boca Raton Resort unveiled a pink-ice skating rink that was slated to be open through New Year's Day for guests. The 85-by-40-foot rink of real ice is a salute to the classic pink landmark.Of course those who want to better enjoy the 80-degree temps we've had can try out the new Surf School.Arrivals and DeparturesOver the next six months, Palm Beach International Airport should be up 3.5 percent in numbers of seats, Finance Director Mike Simmons said.But the airport had been running slightly behind 2011 because Southwest Airlines discontinued its Tampa and Tallahassee service earlier in 2012. Silver Airways replaced the service, but its planes fly 38 people, versus Southwest's at 150 each flight.New service to L.A., Orlando and two Bahamas destinations will help.And Simmons said the airport expects Southwest to add seasonal service to Providence, R.I., and Pittsburgh again this year.Planes have been loaded for months -- 85 percent for the 12 months ending in October. That should inspire airlines to add flights, Simmons said.PBIA artist receptionEver wondered about the artwork displayed at PBIA?The exhibit on the Level 2 of the Main Terminal changes on a regular basis, and the current slate of 20 artists was selected from 90 applications and represents the county from north to south.Find out how they came up with their ideas at a reception from 5:30-7 p.m., Jan. 15. No surprise, the works are for sale.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jan 05 Sun 2014 15:34
Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Ken Walston column
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Jan. 04--OVER ITS LIFETIME -- it was introduced in 2007 -- the Jeep Patriot has endured putdowns and pummelings from automotive media that would have sent most vehicles into early retirement.Spawned from the late, unlamented Dodge Caliber compact, the Patriot was seen as a pseudo-Jeep, more of a poseur than a true descendant of an iconic line of off-road warriors.But Chrysler, it seems, has persevered, still seeing value in having it in its Jeep lineup. Not only that, but through continuous improvements the Patriot, in its final year in this form, has morphed into a much better vehicle than when it began life.For 2014, the biggest news is the availability of a modern, six-speed automatic transmission which largely replaces the droning, unresponsive continuously variable automatic transmission that was the source of so many negative comments in previous years.It's a decently smooth transmission, which markedly improves the little Jeep's acceleration and over-the-road performance. The new autobox makes the most of the up-level 2.4-liter four-cylinder's 172 horsepower.An upgraded CVT is the only tranny offered with the optional Freedom-Drive II Group, a must for serious off-road types with its more hard-core, low-range four-wheel-drive system, hill descent control, butch all-terrain tires (and a full-size spare), additional tow hooks, and skid plateself storage to protect the drivetrain's more exposed parts.Our tester came with the Freedom Drive I all-time, all-wheel-drive system. Biased more toward street/highway use and light trail work, it features a locking center coupling to increase grip in low-traction conditions such as deep snow.The Patriot's narrow cabin is Jeep-simple, will well-placed controls. Cloth-swathed front buckets are a bit shy on bolstering, but comfortable enough. Interior materials are still on the plasticky side, but definitely a step or two above earlier versions.The little SUV handles quite nicely, with direct steering and a well-damped highway ride. Brakes are firm and linear.The overall impression of the Patriot is one of solidity and ruggedness. If iconic Jeep style and all-wheel capability are on your must-have list, check out the Patriot.2014 Jeep Patriot Latitude 4x4VEHICLE TYPE: Four-door, five-passenger compact SUVBASE PRICE: $23,395 PRICE AS TESTED: $26,450 (incl. delivery fees) DRIVETRAIN: 2.4-liter, DOHC, four-cylinder; 172 horsepower; 165 lb.-ft. torque; six-speed automatic transmission; all-wheel drive WHEELBASE/ LENGTH: 103.7"/173.8" CURB WEIGHT: 3,331 pounds EPA FUEL RATING: 21 mpg city/27 highway (regular grade)Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉