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- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:42
Wearable cameras are gaining popularity among athletes and holiday-makersOn a skiing trip in Niseko, Japan, last month, Mr Wong Tien Hua wore a waterproof jacket and pants, goggles, a beanie and a new accessory - a tiny camera, measuring 1.迷你倉7cm by 1.5cm by 2.2cm, mounted on his helmet.He had bought the 73g GoPro wearable video and still camera for $400 in October last year for the trip to the Japanese winter resort with his anaesthesiologist wife, 44, and their two children, nine and 13.Says Mr Wong, 44, a doctor: "I usually take videos when we go on family trips but it is hard to do so when we are skiing. A hands-free camera is great."He shot three hours of footage, which he edited down to a five-minute video.His verdict? "The video quality is very good, although it cannot beat a DSLR. What is interesting is that there are so many different ways to mount it."Wearable cameras - small, compact digital devices which can be mounted on helmets and handlebars or strapped to wrists - have been in the news lately.Last week, investigators examined footage from a camera attached to Michael Schumacher's ski helmet to find out what happened in the minutes before the 45-year-old German race car legend's skiing accident in France last month.At last week's annual international Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, wearable gadgets such as cameras, smart watches and fitness trackers were all the rage. Electronics giant Panasonic revealed then that it would launch a new wearable camcorder later this year.The devices are gaining popularity in Singapore.A police spokesman told SundayLife! in an e-mail that the police force had been exploring the usefulness of body-worn cameras and had received positive feedback from trials done last year. It is currently evaluating using such cameras in day-to-day operations.Chinese newspaper Shin Min Daily reported on Dec22 that a local motorcyclist had recorded footage of several recalcitrant drivers through a camera on his helmet.Companies which offer wearable cameras here include American digital imaging company GoPro, Japanese electronics company Sony, consumer electronic specialist Ion Worldwide and German camera manufacturer Rollei.Units cost between about $100 and $600. Accessories, from mounts to underwater cases, cost from about $15 to more than $100.StreamCast Asia, the sole authorised distributor in South-east Asia for GoPro, says demand for GoPro wearable cameras has doubled every year since 2010. It started selling them here in 2007.GoPro introduced its first wearable camera, a bulky 35mm film version housed in a polycarbonate case, about 6cm by 8cm, in 2004.Newer models are about one-third the size and cost between $329 and $580. GoPro Hero3 and Hero3+ are sold at more than 50 stores, including electronics chain Harvey Norman. This is up from 10 stores in 2011.Mr Melvin Pang, 37, head of field marketing for Sony South East Asia, says sales of the Sony Action Cam, which was launched last January, have gone up but declines to give figures.The current model, the Sony Action Cam HDR- AS30V, costs $449.Retailers have noticed a spike in demand for wearable cameras. Outdoor Travel Sports in Alexandra Retail Centre currently sells about 30 to 50 GoPro cameras every month, up from just two to five units a month in 2012.Song Brothers, a digital product retailer with outlets in Funan and Sim Lim Square, sells five brands of wearable cameras, including those by Rollei and electronics brand JVC. They range in price from $99 to $600.Its operations manager Connie Chong, 30, says demand for wearable cameras is booming. "We sell 80 to 100 units every month. Stocks move very fast."One reason for the increased demand could be that more Singaporeans are into extreme sports these days, says Mr Jon Chia, 34, owner of photography company Red Dot Photo. The company, which has outlets in Funan and Geylang Road, sells AEE and GoPro wearable cameras (between $399 and $580) and has seen demand double year on year.He adds: "People use them when they go on holiday, snorkelling or even a walk in the park."Some people even use wearable儲存倉cameras for road surveillance.Since last June, property agent Alvin Lim, 37, has attached a Sony Action Cam onto his helmet whenever he goes cycling once or twice a week.He bought the camera after he was involved in an accident with a taxi while cycling in February last year.The driver claimed that it was Mr Lim's fault, while he thought otherwise. "It is easier to solve disputes with evidence. I use an in-car camera, so it made sense to get one for cycling too," says Mr Lim.Mr Rajesh Sreenivasan, 44, a partner at law firm Rajah & Tann, says: "Recordings taken with in-car cameras are often used as evidence in insurance claims. The video clip may not be definitive and still has to be examined. The same applies to clips taken with wearable cameras."People have to be careful about what they do with the photos and videos taken with wearable cameras. Recordings can contain personal data such as identifiable faces and while there is no overarching privacy act in Singapore, we do have a personal data protection act which could pose legal concerns if recordings are used in a certain way."But wearable cameras are most commonly used to document exhilarating moments.Retiree George Wong, 58, uses one to capture footage of the scenery on trips abroad.On a 14-day cycling tour in Tibet last year, he fixed his GoPro Hero2 to the bicycle handlebars. He edited several hours of footage into a holiday video.He says: "I captured different stretches of roads. There are basically three colours in Tibet - brown, blue and green. There is the pristine sky, the pastures and the mountainous land."cherylw@sph.com.sgNo one noticed my camera-suspendersWearable camera manufacturers provide numerous methods to attach their devices to your body. But all the options leave me in a fix.Having borrowed a GoPro Hero3+ camera and chest mount from GoPro distributor StreamCast Asia, I tried to decide how best to wear it while jogging.The black chest mount looked like a pair of trouser suspenders with the camera in the middle ofit.I looped my arms through the straps and adjusted it until I was comfortable. But wait, do I perch the camera above, on or below my bosom? I decided to position it inches above my stomach.Next: read the instruction manual for a crash course on how to operate the gadget. I did sprints around the living room to experiment how to use it.My hands kept appearing in the frame as I swung them up and down. I made a mental note to minimise arm movements.I took the camera out for a jog around Toa Payoh Central. Hoping to camouflage the camera and mount, I wore the contraption over a black singlet.I set the camera to take a video and pictures simultaneously, and started to jog.I expected to be greeted with raised eyebrows, but passers-by barely glanced at the gadget on me. I ran through the HDB Hub and passed rows of shops in Toa Payoh Central. Heartland aunties and uncles gave me the occasional curious look.Surprisingly, the 73g camera did not feel heavy or cumbersome at all.On my way home, I weaved through a crowd of parents and children near a kindergarten. Their presence reminded me of the privacy issues that have been raised about wearable cameras.What would people say if they knew I was secretly capturing images of them? Luckily, no irate parent stopped me to demand that I delete my clips or to rip off my chest cam.After the jog, I reviewed the recorded video clip and images. Due to the jogging movement, the video rocked from side to side, as though it had been attached to a rickety sampan in a storm.To make things worse, the pavement filled up 80per cent of the frames as I had unconsciously leaned forward while jogging, angling the camera downwards.The fabric of the singlet constantly brushed against the camera, leading to an annoying rustling sound that grated on the ears while the video played. Viewing the 15-minute unedited sequence, I felt queasy.Still, I am not writing off such cameras yet. An uneventful jog was probably not the best way to capture interesting footage, but just think what I could do with such a camera on travels abroad.Cheryl Faith Wee迷你倉最平
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:32
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:22
台灣紅茶故鄉 循著茶香探幽去
南投縣魚池鄉面積約121平方公里,迷你倉最平海拔在600至700公尺間,氣候宜人,境內有遠近馳名的國際觀光景點─日月潭、老少咸宜的旅遊熱點九族文化村,這裡更是台灣紅茶的故鄉,每年農曆春節期間都吸引大批遊客湧入。住鄉間民宿 遠離人潮車陣馬年新春遊日月潭,如果不想捲進人潮車陣,魚池鄉長陳錦倫建議可住鄉間民宿,隔天清晨到金龍山迎曙光、賞雲海;每年紅茶文化季在日月潭舉辦,結合山水風光和文化內涵的日月茶會,是許多愛茶者最期待的慶典,走訪茶區喝紅茶、買伴手禮,也是日月潭新春之旅必遊去處。看了超美的雲海與曙光後,在新年的氛圍中,造訪大雁社區、鹿篙香茶巷、中明等茶區、由茶農經營的茶莊,品杯優質迷你倉日月潭紅茶,或順道遊大林品嘗世界級咖啡,可別忘了帶份紅茶或香菇做伴手禮!茶業改良場 優質私房景點日治時代在貓山栽種阿薩姆紅茶而成立的茶業改良場和實驗茶園,是鮮為人知的優質私房景點,循步道探訪歷史建物─—錫蘭式製茶廠,穿越杉木林與茶園到日月潭氣象站,藝文洗禮中享受芬多精。沿台21線到頭社活盆地,體驗會律動的盆地之妙,可再經環湖公路到伊達邵,感受獨特的邵族文化,搭乘正夯的日月潭纜車,俯瞰明潭湖光山色。時間若充足,可到東光社區的蘭園,帶盆含苞待放的虎頭蘭回家當擺飾,增添年節喜氣,或到生態多樣化的五城社區住民宿、露營迎接新年。▇遊程可洽魚池鄉公所觀光文化課049-289-5371mini storage
- Jan 12 Sun 2014 18:14
青年賣iPhone 被揭拾遺不報
【本報訊】iPhone防盜訊息踢爆,24小時迷你倉戇賊賣機斷正就擒!一名「八十後」青年,聲稱前日拾獲一部iPhone 5手機,惟他沒有選擇即時報警或即場尋找物主,一時貪念下自行「保管」,當晚更拿到尖沙咀一間手機舖放售圖利,店舖女店東根據手機顯示的報失訊息,質疑他並非機主,有人卻訛稱代友人放售。由於青年前言不對後語,更欲奪回手機離開,職員報警,警員調查後以涉嫌處理贓物把青年拘捕。警員在手機舖現場調查。(夏國威攝)開機彈出報失訊息涉案青年姓陳(廿九歲),前晚十時,他到尖沙咀科學館道十四號地下一間手機回收店舖,將一部iPhone 5手機交予姓吳(卅歲)女店東,要求放售,套現三千至三千五百元。不過,當吳開啟手機時,發現螢幕彈出一段訊息,指出有關手機已經報失及機主的聯絡方法,吳遂質疑陳並非真正機主,豈料有人卻「死迷你倉旺角」,改口聲稱替友人出售。失主利用程式追蹤吳見陳前言不對後語,更欲奪回手機離開,決定即場報警處理。惟有人疑不欲見財化水,明知店方報警,仍在現場苦候,直至警員趕至,並透過報失訊息與真正機主取得聯絡,陳始坦承較早前在乘搭小巴時,在車廂座位拾獲該部手機,因一時貪心自行「保管」再放售圖利,警方以涉嫌處理贓物將他拘捕。姓吳女店東事後表示,iPhone 5的用戶可透過Find My iPhone應用程式及iCloud服務追蹤手機去向,甚至顯示報失訊息,防止賊人轉手圖利。先達水貨手機店G World Mobile負責人劉志剛指出,智能手機用戶可透過安裝具防盜及追蹤功能的應用程式(App),增加手機尋回的機會,他又直言,現時iPhone的作業防盜功能強勁;如手機安裝iCloud而放售者不能提供密碼,都一律拒收。mini storage
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 12:32
Flu causes 37 Weld hospitalizations so far in 2014, kills second victim of season
Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.文件倉Jan. 10--Weld County health officials are encouraging residents to get a flu shot after two Weld residents died from complications related to the virus in just more than a month.The number of people who have been hospitalized with the flu in Weld since Jan. 1 has grown to 37. Flu season officially begins in October, and since then the county has seen 60 people hospitalized, county health department spokesman Eric Aakko said Thursday."This is typical to have increases (in diagnosed cases of the flu) this time of year," Aakko said. "The flu is highly unpredictable and some years can have several waves throughout the season."Aakko said the second flu death of the season happened within roughly the past week. He also said flu deaths aren't regularly tracked by the state so he couldn't say how that number compared to other areas.Last flu season, 126 people were hospitalized in Weld because of the flu. That number was a spike from the previous two flu seasons when 35 and 78 people were hospitalized in the 2011-12 and 2010-11 flu seasons, according to numbers from the health department. Since the beginning of this flu season, Larimer County had seen 34 hospitalizations as of Jan. 6.As of Jan. 4, a total of 748 hospitalizations for the flu had been reported statewide, predominantly from the H1N1 strain of the virus, which was responsible for the 2009 flu pandemic, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.The current flu vaccine contains antibodies to protect against the H1N1 strain, as well as two other strains of the disease.Aakko said the ongoing outbreak of pertussis -- commonly known as whooping cough -- throughout the county, state and nation, is making things more complicated."People might have a bad cough and a high fever, and it could be pertussis or the flu," Aakko said. "That's why we're telling pe存倉ple to get the flu vaccine. It's not too late. People certainly should get the pertussis vaccine, too. The two separate vaccines can help with the two diseases."He said vaccinations are available at the county health department, most pharmacies and through primary care physicians."There are no shortages we're aware of. Everyone seems to have enough (of the vaccine)," he said. "We want to stress that people stay home if they are sick, cover their cough, wash their hands, get adequate sleep and exercise and eat healthy."North Colorado Medical Center spokesman Gene Haffner said the hospital has seen an increase of emergency room visits with flu-like symptoms or respiratory-type illnesses so far in January. He said the hospital has 10 people admitted as inpatients who have tested positive for the flu.The state health department has mandated that all healthcare entities licensed by the department have their employees vaccinated against the flu, but it provides exemptions for employees who opt out on health or religious grounds.In anticipation of the flu season, Greeley-Evans School District 6 has done trainings with building managers to remind them of cleaning protocol during the cold and flu season and are reminding students and staff about covering their mouths when they cough and washing their hands often.If parents notice symptoms of sickness in their children, the district urges the parents to keep the children out of school and take them to a doctor, district spokeswoman Theresa Myers said."Sending them to school sick raises the risk of passing the illness on to other students or staff members," Myers said. "If (the illness) is caught early, doctors can alleviate the symptoms quicker."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 12:00
Girl Scout Cookie Sales Even Sweeter With Technology
GREENVILLE, S.文件倉C., Jan. 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Girls Scouts in South Carolina will see mobile technology weaved throughout this year's cookie sales program more than ever. The new technology promises to help girls manage sales volume, inventory and provide excellent customer service.Both the Girl Scouts of South Carolina - Mountains to Midlands council, which serves girls in the central and western parts of the state, and the Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina council, which serves girls in the eastern half of the state, are encouraging girls to download the COCOMobile App. The free app tracks each girl's sales, progress toward goals, orders and delivery status and informs girls when they near a sales incentive.Both organizations recently began incorporating more technology into their daily operations, outfitting staff with Verizon smartphones and mobile hotspots to manage their large service areas. The cookie sale is one way in which the Girl Scouts will put the technology to great use, as communication and training can now be done from almost anywhere over the Verizon network."The young people in this program are learning valuable skills that will shape their future, including mobile commerce," said Jerry Fountain, president Verizon Wireless, Carolinas/Tennessee Region. "Girls will be able to boost sales by using a Square or Intuit card reader on a smartphone over Verizon's network to offer customers the ease of buying cookies without cash.""The Girl Scout Cookie Program has always been about girls learning financial literacy skills, which include setting goals and practicing effective people skills. These are lifelong invaluable attributes that will serve them well now and into the future," said Kim Hutzell, President/CEO, Girl Scouts of South Carolina - Mountains to Midlands."Mobile technology enables girls to use connected devices they otherwise associate with gaming and social media to increase the success o存倉 their personal cookie sale," said Loretta Graham, President/CEO, Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina.Door-to-door sales begin Jan. 10 and extend through March 21. Direct sales at local retail stores like Bi-Lo and WalMart will be on weekends from Feb. 21 until March 17. At that time, for customers looking to satisfy a sweet tooth, they can use a mobile app called Girl Scout Cookie Finder. Customers enter their zip code and the app will give them the closest location cookies are sold."The introduction of Verizon technology into our Girl Scout Cookie Program is a logical next step as we continue to take advantage of technologies that help us build efficiencies and provide a better program experience for our members," said Sharon Hewitt, Director, Product Sales, Girl Scouts of South Carolina - Mountains to Midlands.About Verizon WirelessVerizon Wireless operates the nation's largest and most reliable 4G LTE and 3G networks. The company serves 101.2 million retail customers, including 95.2 million retail postpaid customers. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, N.J., with nearly 72,000 employees nationwide, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone . For more information, visit .verizonwireless.com. For the latest news and updates about Verizon Wireless, visit our News Center at news.verizonwireless.com or follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/VZWNews.About Girl ScoutsFor 102 years, Girl Scouting has helped girls develop positive values and become active, responsible leaders in their communities. With emphasis on personal growth and leadership development through service to others, Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. For additional information please log onto .gssccookies.org or call 1-800-849-4475.Verizon WirelessCONTACT: Karen Schulz | Verizon Wireless | 864.987.2006 |karen.schulz@vzw.comWeb site: .verizonwireless.com//儲存
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:48
【明報專訊】繼上周有疑似內地旅客步行進入紅磡海底隧道後,24小時迷你倉前日有內地自由行遊客踩單車闖入獅子山隧道。隧道管理公司發言人稱,前日下午一名內地遊客從九龍闖入獅隧往沙田,隧道職員在沙田收費亭外將之截停,並按《行車隧道(政府)條例》抄下其個人資料交運輸署跟進。職員截停抄證件運署跟進運輸署發言人稱,包括獅隧在內的6 條隧道均受《規例》監管,嚴禁在「隧道管制區域」內踩單車,違者最高可被罰款5000 元及監禁6個月,運輸署檢控組收到個案資料後將跟進。根據網上短片,一名單車客於隧道內沿左線貼近隧道行駛,其間有迷你倉旺角少貨櫃車等大型車輛擦身而過,險象環生。負責管理獅隧的越運亨(香港)有限公司發言人稱,前日一名內地自由行遊客從九龍闖入隧道往沙田,職員透過監察系統發現,即截停九龍入口車輛,並派員到隧道管內,惟不見該單車客蹤影。發言人續稱,後來一輛旅遊巴於沙田收費亭附近讓單車客下車,相信是旅遊巴司機於管道內將他接走。職員隨即上前截停他,並抄下其旅遊證件資料,按法例將資料轉交運輸署跟進。今次是公司自2012年接管隧道以來第二宗同類事件,上一次發生於去年4 月,一名外籍人士從九龍高速衝過獅隧往沙田,職員企圖攔截不果。mini storage
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:40
Seats sold out for all three Sapulpa-OKC train trips
Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉出租Jan. 10--Next month's three train trips from the Tulsa area to Oklahoma City are a hot ticket; too hot, in fact, for anyone who waited."We are thrilled to announce that all three Eastern Flyer trips are sold out," said Charlotte Park, a representative for Iowa Pacific, the company sponsoring the train trips.The Eastern Flyer is the name given to three tourist train trips in February from Sapulpa to Oklahoma City. The rides are some of the first passenger train excursions offered on the stretch in 47 years.But for those who didn't get a ticket, the opportunity is gone. Iowa Pacific has managed to sell all 900 tickets in three weeks.Initially, the rail company expected to sell only about 300 tickets for the three trips, said Angela Arias, Iowa Pacific's vice president of marketing.Iowa Pacific is bringing its three retro style cars to Oklahoma for the trips, and the cars will be pulled by a Stillwater Central engine.Tickets on the Eastern Flyer ranged between $64 for a standard child's ticket up to $249 for dining service in the luxury, glass-dome roof car.The Eastern Flyer trips have become a rallying point for passenger rail advocates who want to see regular train service between Oklahoma City and Tulsa revived.The trains leave from downtown Sapulpa and arrive about three hours later in downtown Oklahoma City, using the state-owned Sooner Subdivision line. The 迷你倉rack is leased by Stillwater Central Railroad, another partner of the Eastern Flyer.But any future trips might be compromised by a proposal from the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to sell the 97.5-mile Sooner Sub line.The winding and crooked line needs major work to host higher-speed trains, and traffic is now limited to 30 to 40 mph over the length of the track.Iowa Pacific President Ed Ellis said his company is interested in regular service between Oklahoma City and Tulsa and has made an offer to the state of Oklahoma, but he said its requests have not been answered."Future trips depend on whether ODOT succeeds in extinguishing the right to run passenger trains," Ellis said.ODOT representatives say they have included provisions in the "request for proposal" that would allow passenger service on the Sooner Sub line in the event that it is sold.The Transportation Department is also in the midst of a study to determine demand for passenger rail service and what kind of upgrades would be needed to make the track feasible.Kyle Arnold 918-581-8380kyle.arnold@tulsaworld.comEastern FlyerWho: Operated by Iowa Pacific and Stillwater Central RailroadWhen: Feb. 9, 15, 23Where: Sapulpa-Oklahoma CityTickets: Sold outFor more: easternflyer.comCopyright: ___ (c)2014 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:30
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:22
Beijing punishes Sinopec bosses over pipeline blast
迷你倉旺角 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/news/china/article/1402704/beijing-punishes-sinopec-management-over-qingdao-blastmini storage
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:14
Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Joline Gutierrez Krueger column
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Jan. 10--Quiet has descended again upon the case involving the mysterious death of prominent civil rights attorney Mary Han, which is likely the way those who have never spoken up about their roles in the controversial investigation into her death three years ago prefer it.It could get even quieter.In the clerk's minutes of a hearing held Jan. 2 on the civil lawsuit brought by Han's family against the city and Albuquerque Police Department personnel, attorneys for both sides agreed to a settlement conference Jan. 24 in Las Cruces before U.S. Magistrate Judge Gregory Wormuth.A settlement would effectively close down the best chance the public has to learn further details into how Han died, how her case was handled and who should be held accountable.The potential of a settlement comes with a warning from the city's attorneys that their clients are likely unwilling to offer much money but would be open to discussing "non-monetary relief," the minutes state.What might that be? An apology for how it mishandled the investigation into Han's Nov. 18, 2010, death, as the Han family claims? A bouquet of roses to say sorry for the audacious and disrespectful way the family says high-ranking members of APD and City Hall traipsed through Han's North Valley townhome? A gift certificate to a jewelry store to help pay a fraction of the cost of replacing Han's two diamond rings -- family heirlooms valued at $100,000 -- her relatives say disappeared that day?We can only speculate. Attorneys for both sides are mum on the matter.Even more mum than usual.The clerk's minutes also indicate that Stephen French, one of the attorneys representing the city folk, told the judge he was having a dispute with Han family attorney Rosario Vega Lynn over her chatting with the media on the possible settlement of the case.French is apparently referring to a comment Vega Lynn made to KOB-TV in a Dec. 20 news story in which she voiced concern over the lengthy litigious battle and how it may be time to settle so the focus returns to how Han lived, not how she died."Do a Google search on Mary Han, and the first thing that's going to come up, unfortunately, is this litigation," Vega Lynn said in the interview. "It's not going to be her cases; it isn't going to be the causes she brought forth when she was here and engaged in her work."The KOB story also included this response from City Attorney David Tourek, which Tourek's office confirmed this week to the Journal: "The ci迷你倉將軍澳y of Albuquerque is always willing to try and resolve cases that have merit, reasonably. The Han case is a frivolous lawsuit. We do not settle frivolous lawsuits."The clerk's minutes, however, make no mention of Tourek's comment but only of how French was apparently vexed with Vega Lynn's words.The judge, however, was not. According to the clerk's minutes, Wormuth said he didn't think Vega Lynn's comments were an issue but that French was free to submit a motion for sanctions against her.French did not return my calls and emails. Neither did Vega Lynn.It has always been thus in the Han case, this deafening silence.When Han was found oddly crumpled in the driver's seat of her BMW 330i parked in her garage, the numerous high-ranking officials with APD and City Hall who shuffled through her death scene were largely mum about what they were doing there and why so many of them had any business in the home of a woman who had sued the city, particularly the police force, for millions.Nine months later came a statement from the city's legal department saying that "public information personnel and police administrators were present to address questions from the local media."But few questions and fewer answers were given that day or any day since. That's due in part to Han's longtime law partner, Paul Kennedy, who minutes after finding Han's body had declared to a 911 operator that her death was an "accidental suicide."But Han's relatives pushed forward, saying they wanted the truth about what happened to Han, who at 53 was healthy and feisty and not someone they believe would kill herself with an extraordinarily high level of carbon monoxide.Based on the relatives' comments to the TV station, however, it appears they have reconsidered just how far they are willing to push. That, of course, is their prerogative. It is their civil lawsuit, and they owe the general public nothing more.But a public airing, should this lawsuit continue onward to trial, appears to be the best way to give her a modicum of justice, a clearer understanding, perhaps, of what went so horribly wrong.UpFront is a daily front-page news and opinion column. Comment directly to Joline at 823-3603, jkrueger@abqjournal.com or follow her on Twitter @jolinegkg. Go to .abqjournal.com/letters/new to submit a letter to the editor.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services倉
- Jan 11 Sat 2014 11:00
實威年營收創高 今年更旺 資料管理軟體銷售佳,3D列印進軍中國大陸市場
3D軟體代理暨系統服務商實威國際(8416)2013年終繳交出漂亮的成績單,儲存自結12月營收為7,820萬元,年增3.99%。第四季營收約2.15億元,季增36.07%,累計全年營收為6.90億元,年增24.24%。實威在今年舉辦多項多產品線研討會,如資料檔案管理軟體、CAE工程分析軟體、電氣設計軟體和技術文件編寫軟體等。並於9月份發表SOLIDWORKS 2014新版本,上述產品線均達成2013年度預定目標套數,其中資料檔案管理軟體更大幅成長,顯示龐大的資料檔案管理便利性與資料重用開始受到重視。實威國際總經理許泰源表示,隨著3D列印技術的話題愈來愈火熱,實威國際也重新檢視自身產品線的完整性,除了持續強化3D設計與驗證分析兩大類產品線上的創新與服務,也將對3D列印與3D掃描產品線做更全面的評估及引進。實威在2013年營收創新高,更在12月達到巔峰,迷你倉司樂觀並期待今年銷售業績,並希望藉由軟、硬體產品線的完備,可提供製造業全方位的解決方案,更能縮短研發時間及成本花費。此外,實威國際積極參與各項行業展覽,展出適合各產業使用的3D設計、分析、加工軟體及3D列印機器,目的是期望各產業設計業者能逐漸向大趨勢的3D設計轉換,擺脫2D設計局限性,並透過模擬分析及新的3D列印技術,協助模具設計、產品打樣的快速開發。今年將更積極提供教育單位易用的軟硬體產品並輔導認證考試,讓學生畢業後能具備更多專業能力,投入企業界發揮所長。包括全球產業趨勢及實威公司本身,都看好未來3D列印市場成長,因此,實威增加不少人力投入研發,中國大陸及台灣2013年投入的人力已由去年7位增加至20多位,目前研發費用占比也拉高至25%。同時,藉由過去大陸的軟體布局,陸續將3D列印介紹至華南及華東,2014年則計畫在華北設立據點,持續開拓大陸市場。self storage
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:45
工信部與全國工商聯聯動推進中小企業發展四川經濟日報訊 為深入貫徹落實黨的十八屆三中全會精神、促進非公有制經濟和中小企業健康發展,迷你倉近日,工業和信息化部與全國工商聯建立了部際合作機制,進一步增進兩部門的工作聯繫,形成相互支持、通力合作、重點推進、共促發展的良好格局,共同促進非公有制經濟健康發展和非公有制經濟人士健康成長。工業和信息化部作為中小企業發展的宏觀指導部門,負責會同有關部門擬訂促進中小企業發展和非國有經濟發展的相關政策和措施,協調解決有關重大問題。全國工商聯作為黨領導的面向工商界、以非公有制企業和非公有制經濟人士為主體的人民團體和商會組織,是黨和政府聯繫非公有制經濟人士的橋樑紐帶、政府管理和服務非公有制經濟的助手。近年來,兩部門圍繞促進中小企業和非公有制經濟發展開展了多項合作,取得了積極成效。這次兩部門在以往合作的基礎上,建立部際合作機制,從建立多層級的聯繫制度、聯合召開座談會、聯合開展調研、促進軍民融合、加強信息交流與溝通等方面加強合作,是兩部門貫徹落實黨的十八屆三中全會精神、促進中小企業和self storage公有制經濟健康發展的重要舉措,也標誌著兩部門合作進一步深化和加強。(鐘和)跨境電商讓中小企業再迎“新東風”四川經濟日報訊 隨著科技的進步,電子商務已經成為�多企業發展的關鍵。近日,國內跨境電子商務平台敦煌網與全球支付公司萬事達卡國際組織簽訂協議,計劃在品牌、技術和營銷等方面展開全面合作,以幫亞太地區各經濟體實現順暢的跨境網上支付,共同推動電子商務在企業,特別是中小企業間的應用。萬事達卡亞太、中東及非洲區收單及商戶拓展高級副總裁NageshDevata表示,希望借助敦煌網成熟的跨境交易平台體系及100萬中小企業客戶,應用萬事達的技術和服務,提高中國企業及產品在全球市場的採購便利性,幫助全球客戶順暢使用萬事達卡採購中國製造商品。APEC(亞太經濟合作組織)工商咨詢理事會中國代表王樹彤表示,2014年APEC將在中國舉辦,希望雙方能抓住這個機會,針對APEC經濟體中小企業組織開展跨境電商培訓,通過培訓把中國跨境電子商務的最佳實踐推廣到APEC經濟體中小企業中,推動中小企業跨境電子商務的創新應用。(舒文)迷利倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:40
實際上,儲存南極游最近幾年已在國內逐漸流行,當下正好是南極旅遊的最佳季節。 國內運營南極旅遊的德邁國際旅行社負責人林建勳介紹,每年全球約有3萬多人登上南極洲旅行,來自中國的遊客占到2000多人。據介紹,去南極遊客年齡跨度很大,最年長的有70多歲,主要以年輕的較富有人群為主。“到南極旅遊,在具體操作上並不復雜。”德邁上海負責人陶永亮表示,前往南極洲旅遊基本上都是要先抵達阿根廷,從阿根廷南部的烏斯懷亞港口坐船出發,穿越德雷克海峽後到達南極洲,航行時間在40多個小時。 陶永亮說,在烏斯懷亞與南極洲之間運營相關航線的大都是歐美的小型極地探險公司,他們會安排船期,船隻都比較小,有一定破冰能力,容量在一兩百人左右。“俄羅斯船被困的地點位於南極東側海域,離澳大利亞和新西蘭更近,而常規旅遊線路是靠近阿根廷的西南極。”陶永亮說,與東南極相比,西南極相對較暖,遭遇像“紹卡利斯基院士”號被困冰川迷你倉風險比較小。 不過,微博網友“北角山妖”卻指出,今年南極的夏天,氣溫有點低。他去年底去南極也遇到過前所未有的海上冰封。“按船長的話說,是‘百年一遇’。我們及時回頭,避開了冰封,因此也錯過了洛克港(南極唯一的郵局)。” 那麼,去南極洲旅遊,遊客們究竟能看到些什麼?業內人士介紹,針對不同人群的需求,南極游主要有奢華觀光和刺激探險兩種安排。大部分線路,遊客坐船會在南極洲附近海域停留6天時間。船隻每天會停留2次,遊客轉乘衝鋒舟登陸南極洲,在陸地上的活動以參觀不同種類企鵝的聚集點、探訪科考站,以及觀賞各式冰山為主,而後再返回船隻。南極洲有多個這樣的觀光點,在各個點之間的交通還是靠船,並非徒步行走,睡眠也是在船上。遊客在單個點參觀時,行走的距離最多能達到十幾公里。 據介紹,南極游都會附帶阿根廷,以及周邊的巴西、秘魯等國家的旅遊,行程全程在十七八天左右,從國內出發,費用每人10萬元出頭。儲存倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:35
註冊微軟 國別竟無台灣 ●台北市 吳先生 學校、政府機關購買微軟軟體的大量授權版,迷你倉將軍澳須先註冊後取得網路下載點下載。吳先生在大專院校擔任IT人員,近日替服務單位購買Windows Server 2012,註冊時須選擇國別選項,但他發現,選項裡有「中國」跟「香港」,卻沒有「中華民國」,甚至也沒有「台灣」或「台北」,認為業者欺人太甚。 ●台灣微軟回應 這是工程師的疏忽,原本的確有「台灣」選項,但在維護網站時不小心刪除了,會盡快加回去。 系統連線出包害點數失效 ●台北市 施先生上月31日晚間,施先生想倉用即將到期的HAPPYGO點數70多點,在台北市天母地區的全家便利商店兌換商品,卻無法登入系統。由於HAPPYGO點數只要隔一年度就失效,沒辦法登入系統使用,害他所有的點數等於都浪費掉了。●鼎鼎聯合行銷回應因累積點數隔年會歸零,上年度最後一天(即上月31日)確實湧入較多兌換量,但未接獲大規模斷線回報,研判施先生的狀況可能是個別據點連線問題造成。建議民眾可向客服洽詢,客服人員會協助以個案處理,延長點數使用期限。 民眾對消費過程有不滿,均可來信alife@appledaily.com.tw,並請留聯絡電話、附照片。24小時迷你倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:25
理財創富:潮玩短片Apps 錢途新睇驗
內地落實發4G牌照,儲存網速提升令社交網絡平台的競爭加劇,影片分享Apps成大熱。外國Twitter(美股TWTR)旗下的極速短片分享App Vine,其下載量更超越facebook(美股fb),熱潮席捲社交網絡。本港金融界一於試玩,「睇」驗網股新錢途。吳家順試用微視,推廣自己的投資班。Vine用戶突破4000萬Vine是最先的短片社交分享平台,在二○一二年成立,其後被Twitter收購,市傳涉資3,000萬美元。一般短片拍攝功能只可連續捕捉畫面,再作後期剪接,但Vine讓用戶可間斷地拍攝短片,令它一炮而紅,目前用戶量已超過四千萬,但未有資料顯示Vine為Twitter創造多少盈利。Instagram功能花款多被facebook收購的Instagram一直被視為fb主攻年輕用戶的強力武器,其濾鏡拍攝功能為最大賣點。去年十二月中,Instagram亦新增15秒短片錄影功能,並加入十多種濾鏡選擇,比較主要對手Vine,Instagram可以讓用戶刪除短片內某些片段部分,亦可為短片揀選「封面」,功能上更勝一籌。截至一三年末,Instagram全球每月活躍用戶量達1.5億人,用戶數量上亦勝Vine。秒拍�本吸引達人由新浪推出的「秒拍」以配合微博為最大賣點,用戶可用手機拍攝10秒短片快速分享至新浪微博,同時亦有不少名人入駐。為豐富秒拍平台的內容,新浪更以「銀彈攻勢」,投入一千萬人民幣鼓勵原創秒拍短片,「秒拍達人」簽約後可獲創意基金支持,鼓勵拍片。微視引入「追星」噱頭騰訊(00700)去年底全面推出短片分享社交應用的新App「微視」,為今年主打力谷的新手機應用程式,用戶透過手機拍攝片長只有8秒短片,再分享至微視平台上,朋友之間可以互相「關注」追蹤、留言及分享等等。微視最大賣點,是騰訊透過本身騰訊微博與中港兩地的藝人合作,引入大量「星級」用戶,以明星、美女作招徠,用戶可以隨時看到藝人楊冪、Angelababy等「女神」的自拍短片。金融界試玩評商機崔雯雅:4G時代熱得起「師奶影相就可以、但忽然要她們拍片,相信不會有多少個會。」信達國際研究部分析員崔雯雅認為,拍片比拍照複雜,快速迷你倉片分享的社交必然是年輕人的平台,進入4G時代網速提高後,相信會令此熱潮更盛行。另外,雖然短片分享平台只涉短短幾秒,但利用創意吸引觀眾,可形成新一種廣告模式。時裝名牌Burberry就曾將一段15分鐘長的時裝表演,濃縮至只有6秒的Vine短片;國際名酒品牌Bacardi亦曾製作多條6秒的短片放在Vine上作調酒示範。但崔雯雅指出,快速短片的廣告模式難度在於如何度身訂造所針對的個別消費者,「創意成本」將會大增,未必有太多廣告商願意投放資源製作,短期內比較難挑戰Youtube的地位。Twitter移動市場贏晒她表示,移動互聯網是大趨勢,智能手機是盈利爆發的增長點,而Twitter有近七成收入來自移動設備,具有先入優勢;但對fb,移動市場的廣告收入仍屬少數,其去年第二季業績顯示,流動廣告佔整體收入四成。由於Twitter目前未有盈利,以PSR(股價營收比)計算大約為35倍,她預計今年收入增長可達七成,Twitter目前主要用戶都集中在美國,認為可看好公司跳出美國市場後帶來的增長,目前估值上未算太貴。吳家順:「自拍」宣傳有實效中國銀盛資產管理董事吳家順不時在Youtube「自拍」講股,更參與短片拍攝,親身上陣變身「一代宗師」為自己的投資講座宣傳。他表示,社交網絡的趨勢由以往文字、圖片進一步推展至極速短片分享,反映人的耐性愈來愈低,就算Youtube上一段幾分鐘的短片都會太長,因此他特意將投資宣傳片減至三十秒長。騰訊「染啡」估見700他笑稱,曾試過微視拍攝宣傳短片,但片長只限8秒,「我連投資講座係邊都未講得切就要Cut,最多只可以叫人留意我的短片,只能作配合之用。」他稱。他認同網速提升,短片分享會成為朋友間新興溝通方式,但對騰訊及新浪來說,極速短片分享只是「人做佢又做」的布局。「而且影片就比圖片或文字要佔更多數據,單是儲存影片就需要大量伺服器,營運成本一定不低。」他稱。騰訊股價近期突破500元大關。他認為科網股今年繼續熱炒,即使騰訊去年升近一倍,都不代表成為泡沫,他指阿里上市前,騰訊仍是其最大影子股,適逢今年巴西世界盃能為其帶來巨大廣告收入,料騰訊今年可攀升至700元大關。儲存倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:19
○記者黃夢佳報道陳程程攝影新報訊今天是1月10日,mini storage距春運正式開始還有6天,網絡購票、電話訂票發售1月29日即小年夜圖定列車車票。記者昨天通過查詢發現,28日前雲貴川、東北、西北、西南等熱門方向基本已經全部售罄。春運售票最高峰在今明兩天進入尾聲,為了“最後一搏”本報支招搶票最後攻略。開售4 5 分鐘後可搶回庫票根據預售期,今天起可開售除夕(30日)圖定列車車票。如果旅客再買不到返鄉火車票,回家吃年夜飯就懸了,可以說今明兩日是春運購票的最關鍵時期。“尤其是短途購票高峰即將�動,因為今年大年夜是工作日,短途大年夜早點出發,還是能趕上年夜飯的。”鐵路上海站相關人士表示,預計周六過後,火車票售票高峰將就此結束。“網絡購票有45分鐘的支付時限,建議可以嘗試在發售車票45分鐘後繼續搶購 未支付票款而重新回庫的車票。”業內人士建議,同時春運期間總有人退票,電話訂票成功而未取的車票也將回到票箱重新發售。今年,12306網站增加“搶票”功能,只要把購票需求填寫完整,選擇“自動提交”功能,網站可5秒鐘刷新一次,自動為旅客找票,有退票出現就有可能“刷”到票。旅客不妨在空閑的時候,掛在12306網站上利用此功能“刷票”。多管齊下:網絡+ 電話+ 手機“我登一台電腦,然後我的老鄉登在另外一台,還有一個老鄉則打電話。15時 一到一起行動!”老家同在西安的小吳和兩個工友就是self storage過這種“多管齊下”的方法在最後時刻搶到了票。由於今年春運網絡、電話途徑優先發售春運車票,使得網絡、電話成為搶票主戰場。而從2013年春運售票數據來看,超過80%的旅客通過上述兩種方式購買到春運火車票。“有時看到別人二三天都秒不到一張票,我也是這樣建議他們的。”一鐵路工作人員表示,搶票可以多管齊下,電腦、手機、電話同步搶票,總有一種辦法可以搶到車票。另外,2014年春運期間,臨客列車的預售期比普通列車提前5天發售,較好買。“旅客買票時遇到非常緊張的時間段,可嘗試先提前買一張臨客車票備用。”該工作人員稱。“打短兒”或“越限”曲線回家實在買不到票,怎麼辦?鐵路建議中轉“曲線”回家。“目前,上海虹橋至長春G1214次、至哈爾濱西G1204次車票已基本售完,但是1月21日之前上海虹橋至沈陽多趟高鐵均有餘票,東北哈大高鐵余票較多,因此,春運要回長春、哈爾濱的旅客可到沈陽中轉回家。”鐵路相關人士表示,往長沙等熱門方向的,也可選擇武漢中轉。記者查詢發現,上海至湖南長沙方向車票已基本售完,但上海至武漢每日開行高鐵動車達到25對,1月20日之前上海至武漢高鐵動車還有較多剩餘車票,武廣高鐵也有較多餘票,因此,春運要回長沙的旅客可到武漢中轉回家,全程“動車+高鐵”換乘。也有網友建議,買長途車的短途票(“打短兒”),上車之後再補票。或者買到更遠的站提前下車(“越限”)。迷你倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:12
(柔佛 新山9日訊)新加坡伍星旅遊突然結束營業,迷你倉設於居鑾及永平的伍星旅遊辦事處今日仍如常營業,往返各地的快車服務也如常發車。居鑾和永平伍星旅遊快車的職員今日在受詢時表示,他們與新加坡伍星分屬不同公司,所以運作不受新加坡伍星結束營業影響。永平伍星旅遊的職員在受詢時指出,他們只售賣由永平到新加坡的快車車票,沒有代售從新加坡回永平的快車車票,目前由永平到新加坡的快車服務完全不受影響,已經購買車票的乘客大可放心。居鑾伍星旅遊的職員則向星洲日報記者指出,她和同事及其他人一樣,昨日傍晚才接獲新加坡伍星結束營業的消息,她們對此非常驚訝,目前對一些情況仍不是很清楚。安排巴士到新加坡義務載送這名職員聲稱,雖然老闆不同,但為了將影響降到最低,他們將安排巴士到新加坡的相關地點,義務載送乘客回到居鑾,客戶只須憑票上車,且在車上將票交給司機。至於這項義務性質的服務將維持多久,她表示不清楚,並且透露該公司的老闆正在努力瞭解情況中。根據觀察,今日在居鑾巴士總站仍有數輛伍星旅遊的巴士停放在車站內,前往吉隆坡、雲頂等地的儲存倉士服務一切如常,而位於巴士總站樓上的售票柜台也如常營運。面對上門詢問行程是否會受到影響的乘客,有關職員皆聲稱,居鑾往新加坡的巴士服務不受影響,而新加坡回居鑾的乘客只要已買票,都可根據車票上的時間和地點上車回居鑾。疑業務不理想峇株及麻伍星去年結業另一方面,相信是因業務不夠理想,位於峇株巴轄巴士總站附近和麻坡海墘街的伍星旅遊,已先後於去年8月至10月間結束營業。峇株巴轄巴士總站附近的商家透露,當地的伍星旅遊去年10月剛結束營業時,長巴還是在每個週末,如往常般接載早已購票的乘客往返馬新,至今也還不時有人上門想要購買車票,但卻發現他們已經結束營業。據瞭解,峇株巴轄伍星旅遊是在大約一兩年前開設,隨著業者結束營業,有關店鋪最近剛剛易手。目前,有關店鋪正在進行裝修中。於2012年1月份開設的麻坡伍星旅遊,同樣是在設立不及兩年內就結束營業,而據當地旅遊業者指出,早在去年7月便有傳麻坡伍星旅遊即將結束營業。他們指出,自新加坡開設賭場後,佔了兩間店面的麻坡伍星旅遊便於隔年開設,主要是載送麻坡遊客到新加坡賭場。;迷你倉最平
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 09:05
港無立例規範標準 防煙面罩 安全成疑
北角五洲大廈三級火,迷你倉旺角多名外國遊客吸入濃煙命危,有醫生指火場內的濃煙及燃燒雜物的毒氣,都是火場最大殺手;現時坊間出售多款防煙面具,聲稱可以抵擋濃煙,吸引市民購置「看門口」,但防火業界指面罩無一定標準,故安全性仍然成疑。 五洲大廈三級火,火勢不大,濃煙卻令七名住在低層賓館的遊客性命垂危,市民再度關注萬一遇上火警,如何在濃煙密佈下逃生。「過往不少火警,罹難者都是缺氧焗死。」急症室專科醫生彭繼茂亦指,密閉火場由於不斷燃燒氧氣,數分鐘內便會令人缺氧,燒�的雜物也會產生有毒氣體,故很多時在火場發現的死者,都是缺氧或吸入過量一氧化碳致命。 在火場逃生,戴防煙面具可能是一種選擇,跑馬地日前一宗火警,便有外籍青年戴�防毒面具逃出。現場坊間防毒面具五花八門,既有覆蓋全臉部的工業用面罩,亦有火災逃生的防煙防毒面具,價值由數十元至數千元,不過真正配有過濾器的軍用防毒面具,在本港屬受管制物品。 內地多個網站出售防煙防毒面具,最便宜的一款「火災逃生面具」只需人民幣十九元八角,mini storage有面罩標榜火警後,能提供二十至四十分鐘安全時間,防止吸入現場產生的毒氣。內地一些酒店,也在客人房間提供此類面罩,根據盒面說明,面罩能保護呼吸器官、眼睛和面部,免受一氧化碳、氫氰酸、氯化氫等有毒氣體傷害;也有防火面罩連頭部也能保護,該款頭罩採用阻燃棉布製造,表面塗有鋁箔膜,防止高溫輻射,對逃生者頭部傷害減至最低,而大部份面罩聲言僅一次性使用。 購置軍用面罩受管制 旺角一間消防用品公司負責人陳先生表示,防火面罩主要分兩大類,即「過濾」和「供氣」,前者僅須數百元,但要接駁氣樽的面罩最少四、五千元,目前本港沒有防火面罩標準,故市面出售的面罩說不上合格或不合格。他又稱,每逢特大火警後,都會有較多人查詢,但整體銷情不算太好。 ○八年釀四死五十五傷的旺角嘉禾大廈五級火,多名居民被困濃煙密佈的大廈梯間,兩位英勇消防員將自己氧氣面罩分予居民使用,自己不幸殉職。為減低消防員借氧氣面罩給逃生者,自困險境,消防處前年購入六十套「被救者呼吸輔助器」,可為逃生者提供二十三分鐘氧氣。迷你倉
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 08:58
The Miami Herald Rene Rodriguez column
Source: The Miami HeraldJan.迷你倉 09--When you first hear the premise of Spike Jonze's Her -- a lonely man falls in love with his computer operating system -- the natural assumption is that the filmmaker was inspired by using Siri, the voice-activated application on iPhones that carries out requests in a friendly female voice.But Jonze says the initial nugget for the film came more than a decade ago, when he was playing around with an artificial-intelligence program that you could talk to on your computer. Although the program was primitive, with a limited vocabulary that essentially parroted whatever you asked, Jonze came away wondering what would happen if such a device could become sentient, develop feelings and emotions, and learn and grow -- everything that would make it human, except it wouldn't have a body.The resulting film examines that concept. Set in a near-future Los Angeles, the movie stars Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly, a lonely introvert who makes a living writing eloquent letters for strangers -- birthday wishes, love notes -- but has trouble talking to real people or even making eye contact. Theodore has been deeply wounded by his impending divorce to his bitter wife (Rooney Mara), and he doesn't understand how the relationship curdled or why she accuses him of pulling away.Jonze, who wrote and directed the movie, says he understands both sides of that dilemma."I've been in both sides of that conversation," he says. "I've done the thing where I stop being communicative, and I've been on the other side where the other person isn't communicating, and I become frustrated."The ... um ... I don't know...," Jonze says, looking away as he searches for the right words. "I think there is something about ... unless you come from a really evolved family that allowed you to talk about your feelings and felt like a safe environment, then you aren't really prepared to do that when you grow up. The strengths and failings of a relationship depend entirely on your ability to talk about your feelings. So yeah, it can be challenging for some people."In Her, the alienated Theodore forms an unusually tight relationship with an operating system named Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), who has been custom-made for him. But unlikmini storage today's artificial intelligence, Samantha has the ability to develop intuition and desires. The more complicated she becomes, the harder it is for her and Theodore to speak honestly. Suddenly, without intention, she starts reminding him of all the mistakes he made in his marriage."By the time you reach a certain age, everyone has been affected by past relationships in good and bad ways," Phoenix says. "You start realizing that both the positive and negative things that happened are part of your growth as a person. That's an idea everyone can identify with. One of Spike's amazing, beautiful talents is that he takes these big intellectual ideas that seem strange and foreign to us -- a guy falls in love with his computer -- and breaks them down to a place we can all identify with."Jonze says Phoenix was his first choice for the role of Theodore, and he met with the actor a week after he finished the script. "So much of the movie has to rest on his face, and he has to represent two characters," the director says. "As soon as I met him, I realized he was so open and genuine and doesn't take himself seriously at all. There's nothing pretentious about Joaquin, even though a lot of people think that. I realized there was this side to him I hadn't seen on screen that much."Samantha Morton was originally cast as the voice of Samantha, but after shooting was completed, Jonze realized during the editing process that the chemistry he needed his two lead characters to share wasn't there, so he recast her with Johansson. Her role was recorded in a studio on weekends during four months, with Phoenix there to give her someone to play off.The result is one of the most moving romances in years, as well as another of Jonze's imaginatively detailed head-trip fantasies. One outspoken critic who is definitely not a fan: Siri. iPhone users have taken to asking her what she thought of the movie. Her responses have varied from "In my opinion, she gives artificial intelligence a bad name" to "Her portrayal of an intelligent agent is beyond artificial."Fortunately for the makers of Her, Siri doesn't go out to the movies much.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage